Worry About Me Later •Niam

By niamlovechildren

70.7K 2.7K 1K

Niall had his own problems while Liam did too.But one of the main ones is the small crush one had for the oth... More

Author's note


1.8K 76 46
By niamlovechildren

(Not edited )
That Sunday night , Niall still hasn't gotten any text or phone call.He wasn't upset that Liam hasn't contacted him but his thoughts wandered to what if Liam didn't have the same feelings he showed before the date..

But as his phone rang, he waited a bit before rushing to answering it.Forgetting to look at the caller ID, he only answered with a hello.

"Hey it's Matt"Matt's voice projected from the speaker.

"Oh hey"Niall sighed, sure he was happy that his friend called him but disappointed was clear because he was really expecting a call from Liam.

"Well there's a burger place my friend told me about that was really cool.Do you think we can hang out there and eat tomorrow after school?"Colin asked nonchalantly.

"Um yeah, I think so."Niall replied, laying down on his bed.

"Great!I can drive us there"He said enthusiastic.

"You can drive?"

"Yeah, got my license."

"Oh great"Niall raised his eyebrows.

"Well I got to go, see you tomorrow.Bye Niall!"

"Bye Matt"Niall said happily before hanging up.


The next day,Niall walked besides Harry, telling his how the date went.

"Well yeah he took me home after that."Niall finished.

"How cute!"Harry squealed."Did he call you after the date ?"

"No"Niall sighed "He hasn't talk to me since."

"Wow , what an asshole "Harry scoffed."Do you know why he would be mad ?"

"No,  I don't think I did anything."Niall shrugged.Both headed inside the gate of the school.They instantly saw Zayn,Liam and Colin  standing close to the entrance.

"I'm going to go look for my friend."Niall whispered to Harry,who nodded.

"Who your cute friend?"Harry joked,waving to Zayn who smiled as he saw him.

"I guess you can say he's cute but yeah, I'll see you in math ."Niall said before walking off.

As Harry came up to Zayn and his friends, Zayn quickly gave him a hug.

"Hi babe."He whispered in his ear before placing a small kiss on his cheek.

Harry blushed"Hey Zee"He said shyly before turning to Zayn's friends.Feeling Zayn's arm wrap around Harry's waist.

"Where's Niall?"Liam asked after saying hello to Harry.

Harry looked at him with a tight lipped smile "He's looking for a friend."

"Oh"Liam said, nodding before turning to continue to talk to Colin.

Niall was walking down the hallway before being called over.He turned and saw a girl running towards him.She wasn't much taller than him, had pretty hazel eyes and dark complexion.Niall recognized her from his English class.

"Hey"She smiled.

"Hey? We have English together, huh?"He asked.She nodded, the same happy smile on her lips."I'm Niall"He introduced himself.

"Christina"She replied"I haven't made much friends here so you looked friendly."

"Then we're friends"Niall agreed before they continued to walk around,Niall forgetting about looking for Matt.

As lunch came around,Niall noticed Christina walking by herself to lunch.He silently left the group, before walking up to her.

After the bell rang in the morning,Niall hasn't seen Liam at all.So once math came around, he was slightly pissed so instead of talking to anyone.He listened to music with earphones.

"Hey"He said, tapping her on her shoulder.She looked up and instantly smiled.

"Hi"She replied.

"How did your day go?"Niall asked, making small talk as he noticed Harry turning to look for him.Before pointing to him and telling Zayn something along the lines of finding Niall, before turning around but Liam seemed to keep staring as he was beside Zayn.

"It was good but I hate being the shy kid."

"You don't seem shy."He said.

"I am when people seem mean."She said shyly.But looked as if she wanted to change the topic as soon as possible.

"Do you want to sit with my friends and I?"He asked.She nodded with a smile.

Both heading towards Harry and the rest."Hey guys, this is Christina."

Everyone said hello while she shyly said hello.

"Hey Niall"Liam said once they say down,Christina was on his left,talking to Colin while Harry was speaking to his boyfriend.

"Hey"He said curtly,looking down at his school lunch.

"Are you okay?"Liam asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know, you just look mad."

"What makes you think that? Because I'm not"

"Do you want to hang out after school?"Liam changed the subject quickly.

"I can't, me and Matt are going to a burger place."He said,Harry looked at Niall before mouthing at him that he's petty.Which Niall only smiled.

"Oh"Liam answered,biting the inside of his lips.Feeling a bit jealous but deciding the change the subject.

"I had lots of fun on Friday, we should go to another soon."He proposed.

"Yeah"Niall mentally said to himself that he would go if Liam called him back afterwards but kept quiet"I had fun too, you're really chill."

"Hey Niall, I need to go return this book.Ill see you later ?"Christina said.

"You want me to come with?"Niall asked.

"No, Colin is coming with me"Colin waved at him before the pair headed off.

Niall spent the rest of the day feeling a bit salty towards Liam but didn't show it.So now they were walking together to their next class.

"Um can I ask you something?"Niall said awkwardly.

"Of course"Liam turned to face Niall, shoving his hand into his jeans pocket.

"I um, why didn't you call me after the date.Did you not have fun?"

"What?"Liam asked "Of course I had fun it's just I know many people like to have space after spending time with someone.I'm sorry I mad you feel that way."

"It's okay, I just thought I did something."Niall laughed nervously, blushing as Liam chuckled at him.

Soon they entered the classroom and the rest of the day played out the same as others days.Sit in a classroom, listen to the teacher.

Except,Niall didn't look for Harry after school.Matt found him right away.

"Hey Niall you ready to go?"Matt said happily.

"Yeah "Niall smiled up at him.But frown as he saw Matt leaning for a huh but since he's hates being mean, he reciprocate it and gave him a side hug.Matt didn't really like it that much so he pulled Niall into a full hug.

"My car is just right here, you need help with your binder?"Colin asked as after they pulled apart and started walking together.

Niall only nodded,handing him his back pack and binder.Matt placed them in the trunk of his car.Before opening the door for Niall.

"Thanks"Niall said awkwardly as he hopped into Matt's black mustang.Matt nodded before heading around to get inside.

"How long have you been able to drive?"Niall asked.

"About a year I think, do you know how to?"

"No,I don't have anyone to teach me "Niall replied,embarrassed.

"I'll teach you whenever"Matt smiled, showing off his dimple in his right cheek.

"Really?That sound so cool."Niall said with enthusiasm.They spent the rest of the ride with small talk until they reached a small building with red and grey tiles scattered around the outside.With a name Niall couldn't remember .

"Let's go"Matt said once he grabbed his wallet and phone from the glove compartment.

They walked alongside each other and were soon seated by a waitress.The place reminded Niall of his date with Liam, it was exactly like Denny's but just a different color scheme.

"So you and Liam going out?"Matt asked after they sat in silence while looking at their menus.

"No technically I guess "Niall shrugged.

"What does that mean?"Matt interrogated.

"We went on a date on Friday but he didn't call me  for like two days afterwards.But he told me he thought I wanted space.And we're not officially a couple"Niall explained, realizing he sounded stupid by how he explained it.

"Well I wouldn't do that "Matt whispered.

"What?"Niall tried making sure he heard him right, his face turning red from the speculation he had.

"Nothing"Matt said quickly as the waitress neared them.

"What would yall like to drink?"She asked as she had a notepad in her hand.

"I'll take a peach ice tea"Niall smiled while Matt only asked for water.

Niall felt someone staring at him, so he slowly turned but didn't see anyone looking at his general direction.


As they got their food, Niall ordered a plain cheeseburger while Matt ordered a avocado bacon burger.

"Are you planning on joining any clubs?"Matt asked after finishing his first bite.

"No"Niall answered"Probably gonna join something next year.You?"

"I already tried out for the football team, coach said I'm number twenty seven.So look for me if you go see a game "Matt winked.

Niall only laughed awkwardly "I'll go support you, buddy."

"Yeah our first game is home and I think it starts at seven."

"Yeah I'll try,promise."Niall giggled, stopping after feeling the same rush of being started at.He quickly turned but saw someone duck quickly and Zayn trying to look away.He squinted his eyes before turning back around.

"Aren't they you're friends?"Matt asked.

"I don't know why they're here actually"Niall said "But if they wanna say hi they can but I'm eating"

Matt laughed loudly before nodding his head.Eating his last bite of my the burger.But as Matt looked up, he rolled his eyes.Niall didn't notice but Liam did.

Liam was staring at them for a while now,  Liam,Zayn and Colin  decided to have a guy night after school but as they went inside the building he saw Niall seated with Matt.

He praised himself for going unnoticed but now Matt caught sight of him and didn't look quite happy about it.

"Just act like we're having a conversation."Liam whispered, feeling like Matt's dramatic ass would come up to Liam.

But Matt didn't come, Liam finally turned when he heard Niall's infamous giggle.

Matt smirked up at Liam before winking at Niall who only shook his head.Niall was starting to get irritated by Matt's flirtatious moves but didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"No I'll pay "Matt said loudly, causing Liam and his friends to turn.Nobody really paid much attention.

Niall only shushed him before laughing softly.Then shaking his head "No, I'll pay for my half, we are just hanging out."

"Oh"Matt said disappointed, he felt as if it was a date but obviously he didn't specify as it so he couldn't really be mad."But I want to pay, next time you'll pay."

Niall smiled before nodding, agreeing to the terms.After moments of waiting for the waitress to collect the tab and give them change.

As Niall stood up, he saw Liam seated there.Staring at both him and Matt, Niall waved as he smiled at Liam before being told jokingly by Matt to hurry up.


1829 words

Kinda a filler but next chapter it'll have more Niam promise!!


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