She's Mine

By letsgo1direction

1.6K 54 2

How would you feel if you had to move? Leave all your best friends behind to a different country. Starting fr... More

She's Mine
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 19

44 1 0
By letsgo1direction

*Following morning*

Rae’s POV

Gross, mornings. I was never and never will be a morning person, I hated the fact of getting up and actually getting ready. I remember once, it took Jake 20 minutes to get me out of bed. Yeah great way to start a fresh new day, by thinking about Jake. With great strength and will power, I forced myself to get up. At least it was Saturday. I went straight on to brush my teeth and painfully comb my knotted hair, tying it up in a big messy bun afterwards. It was Saturday morning, I was not going to put any effort on looking attractive at all, the only people seeing me anyway was Erick (who probably looked more awful), and maybe my parents. “And sleeping beauty is up!” Erick greeted as I was taking my last step downstairs. “Gah, your voice. It’s annoying.” I growled at him, stealing one of his already syrupy waffles. “Aren’t you just a bundle of joy.” I ignored his insensitive remark and went on eating my breakfast.

“So how was your date with pretty boy?” I did not want him to ask me that, I actually completely forgot it till now. “It was fun. We ran into the other guys later that night and we ate dinner.” I made sure to leave off the detail where he kissed me, because I didn’t want my idiot of a brother causing unnecessary chaos. “Hmm, that’s interesting. Hey, at least you made friends… even if they are all guys.” Yeah, but they were different kinds of friends. Different from the ones I’ve experienced. “They think I’m good.” I blurted randomly. “Good at what, may I ask?” He looked puzzled not knowing what the heck I was talking about. “Music. You know my guitar and singing. They tell I’m ‘amazing’.” “That’s because you are. Why would mom or dad lie to you? Why would I lie to you about that?” Well I guess, they have been telling me about my so-called-talent for so long. “I thought you guys did that because you know.. you’re family.” I shrugged, I mean families don’t go discouraging each other. “No, if you were horrible I would be owning a pair of ear plugs, and so would dad.” I guess he had a point, but still. “Your old friends were just jealous, heck they weren’t even friends at all. I hate to say this, but I like your new friends… even pretty boy. But just as friends, and nothing else.” A sudden burst of laughter came from my mouth, my brother is so protective sometimes.

Ding, dong. My deep conversation with my oh-so-cool-brother did not last long as the doorbell rang. Completely forgetting that I was no were near appealing, I walked up to the front door. Mumbling could be heard behind the wooden door and as I opened it, five-very attractive-boys were standing before me. Oh how I hate mornings.

Niall’s POV

“Uh…” Wow, she looked adorable. Messy bun, no make up, green pajamas… plus she smelled like syrup. “Sorry, I know it’s too early… but Harry told us to come see if you’re awake so we did… obviously.” Why was I rambling, stop rambling idiot. “Yeah, just blame me. You’re the one who suggested we take her out to breakfast.” Well that backfired, but I did suggest that. “I just ate-” “Pancakes? Waffles?” You idiot don’t interrupt her, goodness Niall no wonder you’re still single… wait why am I talking to myself, or in this case thinking to myself. “The second one.” She giggled, oh thank goodness, she doesn’t think I’m weird. “Who’s at the…” Erick stood there for a moment, examining all of us. I bet he knew that we were all into his sister. “It’s early in the morning. My sister just-obviously-woke up. Can’t you guys live a few hours without seeing her?” He didn’t sound piss, actually, more like amused with a mixture of irritation (does that make sense?). “Technically, we spent more than 12 hours without her around.” Liam and his statistics, such a smart aleck. “Don’t get smart with me, british kid.” He glared at all of us and stormed off, leaving us all awkwardly standing there. “So, um… what are you guys doing here again?” Well the breakfast thing was all I got. “Do you want to hang out today?” Louis quickly replied. “Hmm, yeah sure. Just let me get ready and stuff. You can wait inside if you want.” She let us in, before locking the door and scurrying up to her room.

We gathered around her living in silence, this was more uncomfortable than I thought. “Hmm, I wonder which one of you she will choose?” Erick walk in, talking a seat in a empty armchair. “What do you mean?” I was trying to make us look like we weren’t interested, but it didn’t look like he would fall for it. “I’m not idiot, I’ve pulled these tricks before. Plus you guys are so overly attached.” Well our cover was blow, though we didn’t really do a good job at hiding it. “You guys do understand that Rae probably won’t pick any of you, right?” Wait what, why would she not pick any of us. We remained silent, not really knowing what to respond. “My sister just got out of a relationship, that she thought would last forever. Never really liked that kid anyway, but my point is, it’s gonna take her awhile to recover. Plus, she wouldn’t want to ruin you guys friendship. I mean you guys were probably all cool with each other, till she came along.” We did start fighting more, but it was more like a friendly competition. “We are planning to wait, we’re not just going to make her be in relationship right after what she’s been through. Besides we’ve all talked it over, whoever wins her heart, we would be happy for them and still stay close friends.” Zayn explained, Erick just nodded his head. “I know I seem like a big asshole to you guys, but that’s because she’s my sister, I’m sure you understand that. I don’t want to see her hurt again, she’s been through a lot.” There was a long pause after Erick spoke, I definitely understood what he was saying. “I just want to you thank you guys. She’s finally realizing her talents ever since you guys came along, and my family and I have been trying to convince her for a long time.” I never would have guess that Erick could be like this, but I get him, even though I don’t have a sister. “She is amazing, we weren’t lying. I have her in my guitar class and everyone loves her.” He looked up at me, he almost looked like he was smiling.

“Erick, are you harassing them?” Her voice made him shuffle away from us, acting like we never were in a deep talk. “No, I’m not harassing your little boy group.” He took one last glance at us, a look we all understood. He wanted us to keep up what were doing, encourage her with her music, help her gain more self-confidence in what she does… and most importantly don’t hurt her.

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