She's Mine

By letsgo1direction

1.6K 54 2

How would you feel if you had to move? Leave all your best friends behind to a different country. Starting fr... More

She's Mine
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 16

51 1 0
By letsgo1direction

Rae’s POV

This is so awkward, and too quiet. Should I start up a conversation, or should I wait? Maybe I should ask how he does his hair so nicely. “So, you liking London so far?” Oh thank goodness, he stopped me from asking such a stupid question. “It’s alright. Everyone has an accent.” Well no duh everyone has an accent, your in London Rae, think! “Well, technically you’re on our turf, so you’re the one who has the accent.” We both started laughing, he had a good point. “So where are you taking me?” I wasn’t really familiar with London that much yet, so the road we were taking was completely new to me. “Erm… hmm, how about Kings Cross Station?” Why does that ring a bell so much? “OH MY GOSH! You mean Platform 9 3/4?!?!?! That exist???? OH MY GOSH, YES! OF COURSE!” I may have overreacted a little, but Harry Potter was may favorite movie and book. He chuckled at my excitement, “Yeah, it exist. I’m guessing you like Harry Potter?” ‘Like’, was a understatement, I adored Harry Potter. “Yeah you can say that.” I didn’t want him to think I was weird or something though. “Well, Platform 9 3/4 it is!” I tried my best to act cool, but inside I was bursting with joy. 

Zayn parked near the train station, and I could hardly breathe. I mean Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint actually step foot on this floor. We both silently walked towards the station, I didn’t really know what to say to him. “Soo…” Zayn attempted to start a conversation, but I was too in shock to continue it. “OH MY GOSH, THERE IT IS. OH MY GOSH!” I started jumping up and down like a little kid at Disney World. “So you are a big fan.” I heard his deep chuckle follow me as I touched the half inserted trolley connected to the platform. “It’s so… so…” “Magical?” He cracked up at his joke, that I found incredibly stupid, but I laughed anyway. “Harry Potter is my childhood okay. Don’t judge.” I let my hand slide on the handle, I still couldn’t believe that I was actually here. “You know, it’s just a prop right? You won’t get anywhere if you run into it.” I turn to him, glaring. “Alright, alright. I’m done. It’s just that you’re reaction is entertaining.” I angrily went up to him, and without even thinking, I ruffled his hair. “HEY! It took me forever to make it this way!’ He hastily tried to get it back to how it originally was, but failed. 

After a few minutes of me fan girling at a platform, Zayn suggested we go somewhere else before I died at King’s Cross Station. “Where to next, babe?” Did he just call me babe? Gosh, I couldn’t help but get all tingly by that. “Erm, we could go to that eye place… I don’t know what’s it called, but it’s has eye in it.” I kept concentrating on the name, it was on the tip of my tongue but I just couldn’t figure it out. “Are you talking about the London Eye?” That’s it! The London Eye, well that was easier than I thought. “Yeah! That’s it.” I nodded my head happily, my brain satisfied at the fact that I just figure out the landmark. “You do know it’s not really an eye, right?” He looked at me all serious. Well that was a let down, I actually did think it was. “Psh, of course. I’m not stupid!” I retorted, I can be such an airhead sometimes. “You’re too cute, ya know that?” He chuckled to himself, leaving me flustered with reddish cheeks. 

The drive to the eye was quite interesting. We just talked about ourselves, his likes, how he meet the other guys. “What about you? How’d you meet Jake?” Why were they so interested in my ex? He wasn’t that fascinating, he was just a boy that I happened to fall in love with. “Jake and I grew up together. He saved me from falling off the monkey bars.” I spared him the details, whenever I told that story, I could be quite dramatic about it. “I can totally imagine you falling out the monkey bars, that’s just priceless.” His laugh gave me a nice feeling inside, even though we were talking about Jake. That’s when it actually struck me, I was actually having a good time, and Jake or my old friends had nothing to do with it.

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