Chance of a Lifetime (Louis T...

By StephWrites98

375K 9.5K 1.9K

Danni Williams was just an average band nerd in high school, but now she gets the opportunity that will chang... More

Chance of a Lifetime (Louis Tomlinson)
Chapter 1: Gigs
Chapter 2: Morning and Makeup
Chapter 3: Greetings
Chapter 4: The Penthouse
Chapter 5: Team Kevin
Chapter 6: The Phonecall
Chapter 7: Walks on the Beach
Chapter 8: The Piano
Chapter 9: The BonFire
Chapter 10: In the Storm
Chapter 11: Mittens
Chapter 12: The Guest
Chapter 13: Sitting on the Beach
Chapter 14: Recording Booth
Chapter 15: The Ellen Show
Chapter 16: Pre-Photoshoot
Chapter 17: Movie Night
Chapter 18: The First Concert
Chapter 19: The After Party
Chapter 20: The Heartbreak
Chapter 21: The letter
Chapter 22: The Makeup
Chapter 23: When Lou Finds Out
Chapter 24: The Bench
Chapter 25 Moving to Doncaster
Chapter 26: The Jungle Gym
Chapter 27: The Visit
Chapter 28: She'll Pay the Price
Chapter 29: The Days After
Chapter 31: Emergency
Chapter 31: The Hospital
Chapter 32: Surprise
Chapter 33:The Phonecall
Chapter 34: Problems
Author's note

Chapter 30: Finding Danni

7.5K 219 35
By StephWrites98

Sorry guys apparently this chapter got like deleted or something because I have no idea what happened to it. Sowwy :)


~Louis's POV~

Nothing had changed. Weeks had gone by, yet, she was no where to be found. It's like she just vanished right out from under everyone's noses. It was the same kind of day it had always been the passed week. The rain outside pounded against the glass windows of my flat, yet I didn't hear them, I just watched the drops roll down the window. 

The boys were spread out around the room, doing what they usually did, watching me. From what I had gathered, they were all worried about me being by myself and none of them wanted me alone. Apparently they thought I was suicidal or something. I wasn't, mainly because Danni had always been against suicide. Whenever she heard about it on the news, she would always say "That's the most selfish thing you can do." under her breath. When  I would ask her why, she would always reply with "because your only thinking about a way out, not about how the people who love you will miss you." A small smile crept onto my face, but it was laced with sadness. Those memories of Danni would always do that to me.  

"Hey mate, wanna play a card game or something?" Harry said, slouching next to me on the window seat. 

"Uh, sure I guess." I didn't feel like doing anything but I knew that them seeing me play a game for the first time in a week would give them a new piece of hope to cling to. I however was about to be in a freefall. I knew that my last bit of hope would be shattered the next time the police would call and say they didn't have anything. I had done my research and knew that after one day of being kidnapped, your chances of survival feel dramatically. I felt like I was hanging off of a cliff by my pinky, and that pinky was giving out.

Zayn dealed out the cards and said that we were playing a simple game of blackjack. I walked to the table where they were all sitting, waiting for me. Chloe and Heather were stationed in the kitchen, cooking. They were pretty broken up to, but leaned on the boys for support. They flew in as soon as they had heard and had been a constant installment around my flat now. They were just as worried about me as the boys had been. Always asking if I needed anything or wanted to talk. I would say thanks but no thanks and they would sigh and go back to whatever it was that they were doing. 

The sky grew even darker as we played, hand after hand. The boys would laugh and make silly wagers with each other, but I would stay out of it. I didn't feel like I had anything to bargen with. Everything that meant something to me was gone, so what did it matter. 

Around eleven that night as we were about to finish up the game, the telephone rang. I sighed knowing exactly who it would be. There goes my hope. Everyone turned to me and gaped slightly, with a look of pity in their eyes. The girls looked at eachother and bit their lips. Liam stood up and walked slowly to the phone. We all knew that it would be the call that we all dreaded. The call that would ask us to identify a body. I heard Liam say mumbled words like "Yea" and "Are you sure?" A minute later he jogged back into the room a grin on his face.

"Louis," He said, his smile growing larger. "They've found her. She's alive Lou." I felt my jaw drop and my mind go into autopilot as I stood up from the table. "She's being taken to the hospital." That was all the information I needed. Before anyone could stop me, I was grabbing my keys and running out the door, feeling like I had pulled myself up from the cliff.

~Danni's POV~

 I felt so alone and so tired. My eyelids kept drooping and everytime they did, I would try my best to peel them back open, knowing that if I let them shut, they wouldn't open ever again.  Just as I was about to give up on myself and say my last goodbyes to Lou, there was a loud bang, and muffled yells from outside. Within minutes there was a knock at the door to the room that confined me. 

"Police! Open up!" was yelled through the door, I tried to scream, but my dry throat wouldn't allow that. The door splintered suddenly and the room was flooded with the lights from flashlights. An officer yelled "Clear!" and kneeled beside me. I looked up at him, using the last of my strength as the bounds around my ankles and wrists snapped. He bent down and put his arm under my back and lifted me from the ground. With last bit of my strength, I put my hand on the man's cheek, it was the only thank you I could manage. He smiled as he carried me into the night. 

The world seemed to move in slow motion to me, the blues and reds of the cars blurred together as the night air engulfed me. I finally let out a sigh of relief and let the dark engulf me. 

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