mending the pieces ~ camren

By ohfxdge

93.1K 2.7K 746

two entirely different stories; two seperate families; one goal that is happiness. More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two

chapter fifteen

1.5K 50 23
By ohfxdge

Lauren's POV

After I'd got home, I hurried to the kitchen to greet my mom. I missed her even though it's only been a few hours.

"Hey, mom!" I said cheerfully and hugged her.

"Hi!" she hugged me back. "I missed you, sweetie."

"I missed you too, mommy." I whispered.

We pulled away and she smoothed my hair delicately. We smiled at each other gently.

"Okay, kiddo. Set the table, the food's almost ready."

As both of us were too occupied with food, I forgot to even ask mom about her day.

"So how are you? what'd you and Sinu do the whole day?"

"I'm really good!" she nodded. "We, uh, had to set something up."


"Set what up, mom?" I asked, smiling.

"Well, knowing you and Camila are getting along, I wouldn't want you telling her about it, so just let me keep it a secret from you as well." She explained.

"Oh, come on! My mouth is shut, Camila won't find out anything from me, I promise." I begged.

" Nope," she shook her head. "You'll find out from Camila herself sooner than you think, honey."

"Ugh, you two are too sneaky." I groaned. My answer was followed by mom's light chuckle.

"If you only knew." She added.


I was in bed, half asleep when I remembered today's afternoon and my thoughts. I wanted to contact Ally and Normani.

It was late, but not too late to call. Though I don't think I'm brave enough to hear their voices.

I decided I'd send them both simple texts.

"hey mani. i'm so sorry for being the shittiest friend in the world. i love you, ok? hope you're ok."

Okay. It's sent. Now one for Ally.

"hi allycat. how's your trip? i'm sorry for not speaking to you for so long. i'm getting better, you know? i'd love to hear how you and troy are doing. i love you."

Bleh. I guess it'll do for now.

I fell asleep feeling content with how things were slowly but surely working out.


It was Thursday morning, the following day and my mom and I were having the same conversation one more time.

"Are you sure you're okay going there by yourself?" Mom asked for the millionth time today.

"Mooom, yes. I'm sure." I repeated. "It's only receiving the therapist's phone number and address. It cannot be too hard, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. Alright. Have a safe trip then."


Finally. She finally let me leave. I'm pretty sure I'm already late for the appointment with my doctor thanks to her worries.

I got to the car, started the engine and turned on the radio. Beck's Loser was playing and I started singing along and swaying carefully.

Though after three songs I couldn't stop myself from thinking how much I preferred listening to Disney songs from Camila's playlist. Just like I couldn't stop myself from thinking how much I enjoyed her company and how much I already missed the girl.

The hospital came into view and I parked my car quite close to the entrance. I stayed in the car to send Camila a good morning text. Knowing how much she loved to sleep in, I expected her to still be asleep. It was only 10 o'clock after all.

Am I a morning person? I guess you could say that. There were times when I'd get up around 4 in the morning only to watch the sunrise, so that must explain a lot.

"rise and shine, cutie. how are you? i already miss you."

Damn, that sounds needy. I can't do anything about it, though. I've already sent it.

I took the key out of the ignition and left the car. After I'd locked it, I started walking towards the entrance.


Just like I assumed, the appointment wasn't anything too serious. The doctor asked me a couple of basic questions and I purposely dismissed the thing that happened with Camila yesterday. I thought I'd leave it for my first appointment with the new therapist.

He also told me the therapist was expecting my call today in the afternoon, which I couldn't forget to make.

I got to my car and unlocked it. I got in and closed the door. I took the phone out of the pocket in my jeans and checked if I had any new messages or missed calls.

Even though I've been at the hospital only twenty minutes, I had 5 new messages.

One was from Normani, two were from Camila and two were from Ally. Dreading the ones from my old friends, I decided to check the chat with Camila first.

camila the cutie: "Mormonng. Otoo damn sleepy." [10:03 AM]
camila the cutie: "I'm sorry, now you know what my typing looks like in the morning. I miss you too, Laur. Ps our moms are up to something." [10:11 AM]

I smiled at the typos she made and the nickname that appeared one more time. I started to love it. And she noticed too! I wonder what they are planning.

I decided against texting back, maybe I'll call her when I get home. Now came time for the messages from the other two ones.

allycat: "Lauren! Hi, it's so good to hear from you. I'm really happy to know you're doing better. I love you too!" [10:07 AM]
allycat: "Troy and I are good, the trip is amazing. I have so many pictures to show you and stories to tell you (: " [10:08 AM]

The tears were threatening to fall down as I reread the messages. I'm so grateful for that girl.

I wonder what college she decided on, hopefully one in Miami or at least close to the city, I don't want to lose any more moments with her, she is one of the most important people and I'd kill for hugging that tiny body of hers.

mani my diva: "you could never be the shittiest friend in the world, silly. i love you too. call me later or something."

That seemed suspiciously. Usually Normani was cheerful and positive in general. And here, she seemed so down. Something was up.

I'll call later, just like she suggested, and find out everything. But for now I focused on getting home safely.


Camila's POV

"You should go out with Lauren again." My mom said randomly while reading newspaper.

The news couldn't be interesting if she thought about me and Lauren, right? She was definitely up to something and I intended to find out what it was.

"Why, mom?"

"Well, uh.." she paused, struggling. "You had a good time yesterday and she's a great girl. Why not spend another day with her?" she tried explaining.

"Right.." I said mischievously.

I finished breakfast and went up to my room. I heard my phone vibrating over my desk. I didn't make it on time and ended up with a missed call from Lauren. I called back immediately and waited for the girl to answer.

"Hi, cutie!" I heard her greet me excitedly.

"Heeey there."

"What's up?" she wondered.

"I've just had breakfast and I'm even more positive my mom is up to something." I explained.

"Oh, so you noticed too."

"Oh yeah. She said we should hang out again. Or more like, 'go out'. I think she wants me out of the house."

"Well, let's do it then!" Lauren responded cheerfully.

"You want to? What are you doing?" I asked shyly.

"Of course I do. And I got home a few minutes ago, I was at the appointment with my doctor, you know, for the-"

"I know." I chuckled.

"Okay." She trailed and chuckled as well.

"How'd it go? The appointment." I asked.

"It went well, it wasn't anything serious." Lauren answered.

"Did you tell him about, uh, about what happened at the beach yesterday?"

"Nope." She responded. "I'll tell my therapist. I know what causes this, I'm pretty sure of it now and the doctor can't do anything about it. I need a psychologist to help me with this. At least that's what I think." She explained.

"I understand. Well, hope he helps you soon enough." I voiced my wants.

"Actually, it's a she. I'm excited to meet her." Lauren emphasized.

"That's great! Do you know when that will happen?" I wondered.

"No, not yet. I have to call her first. I'll know today." The girl responded.

"Okay. So do you have anything planned for us or should we be spontaneous?" I suggested.

"Spontaneous sounds exciting, let's do this." Lauren said confidently.

"Alright, I can drive today, just send me your address and I'll pick you up."

"Okay, see you soon, Camee." She mumbled.

"Camee?" I questioned.

"Well, uh, you call me 'Laur' pretty often, I thought I'd give you a nickname, you like it?" she asked shyly.

"I absolutely love it." I said fondly.

"Cool!" she trailed.

"Okay," I chuckled. "I'll see you soon, Laur."


I ended the call and started getting ready. I looked for something to wear in my wardrobe and eventually decided on a black mini skirt and a beige long sleeved crop top. I finished by putting on my black converse sneakers.

I put on some mascara and eyeliner, used a bit of lip gloss so my lips wouldn't look chapped and sprayed myself with my favorite perfumes.

I didn't do anything with my hair, because I knew it wouldn't look any better than now.

I reached for my phone and checked the address that Lauren had sent me. I ran downstairs and updated mom on my plans.

"I'm going out with Lauren and I'm taking the car, I don't know how long I'll be out, bye!" I said on one breath and reached for the door handle, but mom's abrupt voice stopped me.

"Camila, no!" she appeared from the living room.

"What now?" I asked puzzled.

"You can't take the car, I'll need it." She explained.

"What for?"

"Um, it's not important. Can Lauren pick you up?" she asked, avoiding answering my question.

"I've already told her I'd pick her up. Plus, we used her car yesterday." I excused myself.

"So.." mom started. "Lauren won't be taking their car today?"

"No? why would she, mom?" I asked ironically.

"Okay, go. Have fun."

"Aha.. thanks." I trailed. I cannot wait to find out what she's planning. She's so bad at hiding anything, wow. I started chuckling to myself as I walked down the driveway to the car.

"Camila?" I heard my mom call me again.


"Will you be out for at least.." she stopped and checked her watch "five hours?" so invisible and unnoticeable.. God, this woman. I just hope I'm not like her.

"Do you want me to?" I asked, trying to control the fits of laughter escape me. I just couldn't stop myself.

"Yes, please." She smiled proudly.

"Oh, my god. Mom," I burst out laughing.

"What?" she asked skeptically.

"No, nothing. Have a good day." Why would I ruin the whole fun for her? I'll let her enjoy it, I'll find out what's going on soon anyway.

"Thanks! I love you, honey." She emphasized.

"I love you too." I responded.

Oh, my fucking god. This should be good.

I plugged in my phone in the car, putting one of the playlists on shuffle. I don't even know which one I chose.

New Politics' Harlem blasted through the loudspeakers. So I chose my happy kind-of-indie playlist, okay. I started the engine and typed the Jauregui's address in my satnav. It wasn't that far, actually.

I drove carefully through the busy streets of Miami, eager to see Lauren as soon as possible. But I couldn't drive too fast, I was scared to do it, I got my driving license not so long ago, I've only had it for two months, and I wasn't entirely comfortable driving in such areas, especially unfamiliar ones.

I pulled in the driveway a few minutes later, and Two Door Cinema Club's Kids were playing.

I reached for my phone and text Lauren, telling her I was waiting outside. A few seconds later the front door opened and there she was.

Boy, she looked good. She was wearing black Martens, a pair of acid washed black jeans and a plaid black and red top. Her makeup was barely noticeable which made her face look fresh and natural. Her hair looked messy, just how I liked. All of it was put on her right shoulder.

The girl's face lit up the sight of my car in front of her house. She smiled and waved, and then started walking up to the car.

Smile made its way to my face at the sight of Lauren, I didn't realize I wanted to see her that much.

Lauren got in the passenger seat and reached for the seat belt.

"Hi," she greeted me.

"Hey you." I added simply.

"You're listening to Two Door Cinema Club!" she announced.

"No shit." I laughed. " You like them?"

"You ask me if I like them? I fucking love them. Pyramid and Undercover Martyn are my favorite ones."

"Cool, so we have something in common." I stated the obvious.

"What is it?" Lauren asked bluntly. Maybe not as obvious as I thought..

"We like the same band?"

"Oh, right!" she chuckled. I giggled and looked at her.

"You ready?" I made sure before starting the car.

"Definitely." Lauren said surely.

I turned the key in the ignition and heard the engine growl. I left the driveway and then Lauren's neighborhood. I didn't know what our destination was, so I decided to drive wherever I felt like driving.

"So what else do you listen to?" I asked, starting a conversation.

"Oh, lots of stuff. How about I don't tell you and you'll find out with time. We'll just discover our music tastes as we'll be getting to know each other." Lauren suggested.

"Good idea, I'm excited." I responded.

"I am, too." she smiled gently.

By now we were getting close to a crossing. I could turn left or right, or go ahead. Each way would mean leaving the city.

"Where to, ma'am?" I asked.

I directed my gaze at the girl and she seemed to consider each direction. She furrowed her eyebrows and bit her bottom lip.

"Go ahead."

And without another word, I did exactly that.

a/n there it is. i would've updated yesterday but my brother fucked up so i cried for hours becauee of him, then my girlfriend pissed me off which made me cry even longer, but today is a new day and i'm not going to let them get to me. you guys shouldn't let things affect you either, let's be strong together, yeah? c: 

i know the chapter is shorter, but it's all because of my mood, sorry. tomorrow i'm going camping for a few days, i'll be in the woods basically 4 days, but i'll have a lot of time for myself, so i hope i'll write some more. 

stay positive x


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