Started Out As Neighbors

By hillehs2010

16K 231 41

Camille moved out to California when she was 7 years old. Her new neighbor and new best friend Zack stays by... More

Started Out As Neighbors
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 2
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 3
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 5
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 6
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 7
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 8
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 9
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 10
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 11
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 12
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 13
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 14
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 15

Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 4

1K 15 0
By hillehs2010

*A couple of days later*

Everything was set.  We were leaving to play for Van's Warped Tour.  My parents weren't exactly happy with the way I told them that I was leaving to help Val with selling merch and virtually help out in any way and that I wouldn't be home for a few weeks.  But they wished me a safe trip and the guys good luck.  

We loaded up the trailer with duffel bags, cases, and boxes, said our goodbyes and headed off in our van.  Yeah I said van.  10 people in a small ass van was not the best thing in the world, but hey that's all we had and it would have to work.  

"Alright who f-ing farted?!" Jimmy screamed from the passenger seat.  Oh man whoever did it was surely gonna get their ass beat when we stopped to pee or something.  

"My bad guys, I shouldn't of had that burrito at that Exxon station."  Johnny started smirking.  Ha with Johnny being the official youngest and newest member he was gonna shit from the guys when we stop.

The next thing I see in the rear view mirror was everyone dog piling Johnny and beating the crap out of him.  When they were done with their little torment session, I saw that all the damage was was a busted lip.  I turned up the radio drowning out the bickering that was still going on.  Granted we were a lot of people in such a small enclosure, but man these guys were totally unpredictable.

We pulled over at a truck stop to fill up and take showers a few hours later.  We still had a four hour drive to the next show which meant it was someone else's turn to drive the van.  It really tires you out after a while.  

I grabbed my bag and ran for the showers.  Taking a shower had never felt so good in my life, even if it was at a truck stop.  I finished up, grabbed me something to eat when I realized that I hadn't checked my sugar levels in almost a week! 

So I ran back to the van, scoured around for my purse and found what I was looking for…my meter.  I pricked my finger and five seconds seemed to drag on.  Finally it showed that my sugar levels were rising to over 250!  Oh man oh man.  I looked around for a shot in my bag and was relieved when I found the stupid thing.  But the odd thing was, I couldn't give myself a shot.  I was too shaken up about the numbers and didn't have a steady hand to do it right.

"Zacky! Can you give me a hand real quick?!"  Zacky rushed over and gave me a concerned look when he saw the needle in my hand and the panicked look on my face.

"Oh my god Cami! How bad were the numbers?"  I couldn't find words just started crying.  I felt the slight sting of the needle and a sense of relief wash over me.

"It..It was almost over 250.  I hadn't checked it in almost a week! How can I be so careless Zacky?!  I always remember!"  I felt myself crying into his chest as he pulled me into a hug.

"Hey Zacky whatcha doing…Oh man what happened with Camille? Is everything ok?"  I started chuckling when I heard Jimmy's concern about me.  He always looked out for me the most, even when it came to dating.


It was time for the Sadie Hawkins dance at school.  I had asked this really cute guy out, Josh Oakley, and he said yes!  We started talking almost every night after that. 

I couldn't believe that he thought I was cute.  I had super, naturally curly (almost poodle like) hair, big green doe eyes, and I was 5'1".  Plus I was the school's biggest nerd since I was 15 and a junior in high school - I mean he was a junior too, but almost 17.  

I was upstairs finishing up my wardrobe when I hear heated questioning coming from downstairs.  

"And what are you planning on doing after the dance?  She's not gonna have sex with you, so get that out of your mind right now mister."  I couldn't believe at what I was hearing Jimmy asking him.

"I…we…huh…I was going to take her to get something to eat afterwards and bring her straight home."  Jimmy may be the same age as Josh, but hell when he was concerned about something important to him, he could get pretty threatening.

"Jimmy! Stop interrogating him! Ben and Jeremy already did that earlier.  So please don't worry about me."  I went up to Jimmy, gave him a big hug, and told him to go pick up his date for the dance.  I couldn't stop blushing and saying sorry to Josh at what had happened between the two of them.

The dance and dinner were both great.  And Josh started dating after that, much to the dismay of all the guys.

After dating for three months, Josh and I were still going strong.  Or at least that's what I thought.  For the past two weeks, as a matter of fact, Josh and I had rarely talked or seen each other.  

So I went over to Zack's to see if he had wanted to hang out.  But when I went over he turned me down because he was taking Gena, his girlfriend, out on a date for their six month anniversary.

"I'm sorry Cami, it's just that tonight's a special night." He told me with puppy dog eyes showing off his dazzling blue-green eyes.

"Haha it's ok Zack. I completely understand.  Have fun and I'll talk to you tomorrow at school."

An hour later Zack stormed into the backyard and started pacing around.  I dropped what I was doing and went to see what was wrong.  I mean he was supposed to be on his date, and most of the guys were supposed to be coming over in a few minutes to have a game night.

I went outside only to be face with a very pissed looking Zack.  "Zack are you ok?"  I tried to reach out to him put retracted my arm when he looked like he was going to kill.

"She fucking cheated on me! How the fuck can she do that to me?!"  I saw that he was on the verge of either crying or hitting something, so I led him over to our punching bag that my brother Jeremy had set up and let him go to town.

He kept hitting the bag for must have been at least 20 minutes.  When he was tired, I walked over and embraced him in a hug where I felt my shirt start to moisten with his tears.  I didn't let go until I heard my mom say that Josh was at the door for me.  Hmm that's weird, I wasn't expecting Josh at all.

"Camille, can we talk please?"  Uh oh this couldn't be good.  Someone made a noise behind me and I turned and saw Zack ready to kill.

"Zack are you ok?"

"No.  He's the one who Gena fucking cheated on me with!"  I stopped Zack in his tracks and cocked my head back to Josh.

"Josh, is he right?"

"That's what I wanted to -- -" He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence because I punched him in his face.  And as if right on cue, all the guys barged right on in.  And once they saw Josh getting off the floor, I had three confused faces looking at me.

"What the hell is going on?"  They all chimed in at the same time.

"Josh fucking cheated on me with Gena! No offense Zack."  I looked down to Josh and was about to kick him where the sun don't shine when he was pulled off the ground by Matt.  Jimmy needless to say started beating the crap out of him.

"She…didn't… do.. a… thing… to… you!" He ranted while throwing punches to his stomach.  I couldn't help but smile when Jimmy started standing up for me.  Now let's just hope that---

And before I could finish my thought my brothers walked into the house followed by my dad to see three guys each taking turns beating Josh.  My dad pulled the guys off of him while me and Zack just watched from the sidelines.

"Camille Elise do you want to explain why Matt, Brian and Jimmy were allowed to beat up your boyfriend?" He looked at me sternly wanting a direct answer.

"Well first off he's my EX-boyfriend, and it's because he was found cheating on me with Gena, and vice versa.  So me and Zacky just let them have their fun.  And don't worry I got my punch in."  My dad nodded at me and turned back to Josh.

"I suggest you get your ass of out my house before I get my turn with you Josh."  And with that Josh ran out my house and out of all our lives.  And from then on I haven't dated anyone that my "six" brothers approved of, which needless to say has been no one and I don't mind one bit.

***end of flashback**

"I'm fine Jimmy.  Just had a bit of a scare with my sugars.  Everything is ok now.  Zacky here was just giving me a hug so I could calm down."  I broke away from Zack and punched Jimmy in the arm.

"Hey that hurt!" He said laughing while rubbing his arm up and down.

"Oh no it didn't you big baby.  Now hey y'all go gather up the rest of the gang so we can get to the show on time!"  With that order they ran off and got everybody back into the van.

Johnny got stuck with driving, and I'm guessing something else happened while were gone because Johnny seemed to have a black eye forming around him right eye.  Poor Johnny always getting picked on or causing trouble.  

We all piled in and got comfortable for the long drive ahead of us.  Soon after taking off we were all starting to yawn and grow sleepy.  We laid all the seats down and readjusted ourselves.  My head ended up on Zack's chest and my feet were tangled with who I think were Brian's arms.  It was hard to tell who was who and what was what.  

The morning the sun shone through the van telling us we were at the venue and the day was about to begin.  We all untangled ourselves and headed out to set up since the guys were one of the band scheduled to play early in the morning.  

They got their gear and tags and headed over to the stage that was designated for them and started doing a quick soundcheck and finished setting up for whatever they had to do.  All the while me and Val started setting up our merch tent and got ready to greet whatever fans would come on over.  

The day went pretty well.  Val kept reminding me throughout the day to keep checking my sugars because she didn't want me to have to go to the hospital for not checking them.  The guys finished around 1 PM and we ended up staying until about 6. 

We packed up the trailer and van back up and headed off for the next show where we got to do this again and again and again for the few weeks.  The things we do for the people we love.

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