snapchat // michael clifford...

By saintjimmysbutt

685K 19.7K 11.4K

"Is that your penis??" More

\ playlist /
one // is that ur penis?
two // cross my heart
three // kurt cobain wannabe
four // bollocks
five // classy, right?
six // forbidden
seven // why you outside?
eight // hung up
nine // roast chicken*
ten // (literally)
eleven // cookies.
twelve // okay mate
thirteen // crisis club
fourteen // great aunt florence
fifteen // grandma's in melbourne
sixteen // wake up sunshine
seventeen // good morning princess
eighteen // captain obvious
nineteen // i want you
twenty // hippos milk is pink
twenty one (pilots) // super messy
twenty two // bit eager
twenty three* // goodnight calcium
twenty four // bleeding and sobbing
twenty five* // dick-weed
twenty six // I don't want to be a queen
twenty seven // trampoline*
twenty eight* // ninja turtle boxers
twenty nine // BTW I'm moving in lol
thirty // how the hell
thirty two // extremely peed off losers
thirty three // I need to pee
thirty four // more than anything
thirty five // good charlotte
thirty six // listen here
thirty seven // definitely
thirty eight // pick a colour*
character ask????
thirty nine // constant hunger
character ask answers!!
forty // i love mommy more than daddy
the end.
epilogue part one
epilogue part two.
final character ask.
final character answers.
100k READS?????
!! IM SORRY !!

thirty one // home skillet

7K 249 77
By saintjimmysbutt

new iMessage from: that kid rory

that kid rory: irwin I need your help

ishton arwin: Rory I've said it once and I'll say it again, I am not lending you and Michael my bandanas

that kid rory: it's not that you dweeb, ((we just want to borrow two though Jesus Christ))

ishton arwin: ok then child, what do you need from me?

that kid rory: I need you to drive me somewhere and do something with me

ishton arwin: are you trying to hook up with me??? bc dude I have a girlfriend kinda thing and you have a boyfriend

that kid rory: no you idiot, just pick me up from Michael and Luke's at eleven on Saturday morning ok????

ishton arwin: okay sure, see u then home skillet

that kid rory: pls never say that again

ishton arwin: HOME SKILLET

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"does your mom know?" "no, but please don't tell her. i haven't decided what i'm going to do yet."