BTS One Shots {Closed}

By stabiiboo

317K 9.3K 1.1K

Hello! Please read introduction! I hope you enjoy the scenarios! More

Please Read! Introduction:
7:00 pm | J-Hope
Basketball Accident | Suga
That Cold Rainy Day | Jungkook
Falling Badly | V
Curiously | Rap Monster
Don't Break Me | Jimin
Ripe | Jin
Wait I-I | J-Hope
Late Night Sleep | Suga
Little Secret | Jimin
You're the One for Me | V
My Model | Jin
Balcony Chat | Jungkook
Steal the K.I.S.S. | V
Pretty Nails | Suga
Jar of Lies | Jungkook
Promise? | V
Teddy Bear love | J-Hope
Prom | V
What a Bother | J-Hope
Practice Break | Jimin
Just Another Day | Rap Monster
Stranger to Friend | Jungkook
Why, Hello | Jungkook
Confidence | Jimin
Yes or No? | J-Hope
Two Beginnings | Jungkook
Found Him | Jungkook
Good Meets Bad | Jungkook
(Not a Scenario) 25 Things About Me
Turning Life Around | V
Author's Note!
Secret Santa | Jungkook
Back Again | Namjoon
Mistakes and Decisions | Jungkook
A Broken Dream | Suga
Late Pity Party | Rap Monster
Lucky Best Friend | V
At This Night | Jimin
Sentiments Pt.1 | Jin

Protector | V

6.8K 197 19
By stabiiboo

Requested by: Tae-hyun

Did I wake him? I hope I didn't. I bit my lips as I silently walked to school. "Hey Taehyun!" I heard my friend, Hearie, yelled. I looked ahead of me and saw smiled little, before waving at her. She smiled widely and ran towards me.

"Did you eat yet? We could get something before going to school!" She asked.

I nodded, "No, I'm fine. I already ate."

She frowned and kept insisting, "Yah, just eating bread is not a breakfast. Come on, please?! I just want to eat with my best friend!"

"O-Okay," I said.

She stopped pouting and smiled with satisfactory. "Alright then! Let's go!" She said hooking her arm with mine.

We got to the coffee shop and ordered some food and some coffee. "U-Unnie, I can pay for my own," I said as we walked out of the coffee shop.

"It's okay, I dragged you here anyways," she said. I smiled a little before taking a bite out of the meat bun.


Once we finished our food and got to class, both me and Hearie sat at our assigned seats.

"Today class, we have a new student joining us," The teacher said. Everyone averted their eyes to the door and saw a boy, who had a rectangular smile on already. "Hello! My name is Kim Taehyung! Please take care of me!" He said and bowed happily.

My cheeks turned pink a little, when I noticed he had the same name as me. Some students were looking at me and back at him. I guess they also noticed.

"You may sit over there, Taehyung," The teacher said pointing over at the seat which was across from where I sat.

The teacher went on with the lecture and decided that we should partner up with the person sitting around you. It's a good thing Hearie sits next to me. She's the only person I can talk to. It's not like students doesn't try to talk to me. In fact, my classmates like my quietness, they said it was cute. At least that's what Hearie told me. Plus no one really bullies anyone here, they're really nice here.

"I find it cute that we have two Taehyungs in class. Especially, when one them is a boy and the other one is a girl," Minjie said.

"Really? I find that annoying," Senhae said. "I bet the teacher would also get annoyed," he then said.

Minjie and Senhae. They sit ahead of me and Hearie. Which means we always get grouped when it comes to big projects, like this one. They mostly bicker a lot too.

"But isn't he cute, Taehyun?" Hearie asked me, making me take a peek at him.

He was smiling and laughing with the group he was in. How can a new student make friends that fast? When I moved here a year ago, I was scared to talk to anyone.

I didn't notice that I was staring at him as I thought, in till he looked right back at me. Embarrassed, I looked away.

"Looks like someone has a crush. Look at you, you're blushing," Hearie suddenly said with a teasing tone.

"I-I," I choked on my own words, trying to deny it.

"It's okay, I was just teasing you," she giggled, along with Minjie and Senhae.


"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Hearie asked, as we walked down the street, ready to part.

I nodded, making her sigh. "Just be careful, okay?" I smiled and quickly hugged her before waving her goodbye.

Slowly, I walked back home. Hoping that my father wasn't back home yet.

I peeked through the front door and listened for any noises in the house. So far, I didn't hear anything. Walking into the house, I carefully looked around for any signs that he might be here.

"Ah!" I squeaked as I fell down and felt pain streaming through my leg.

Stupid. I didn't even notice the glass on the floor. Well, I might as well take a shower and bandage my leg after.

I kept grunting as I slowly stood up. Limping to the bathroom, I took a shower and sprayed disinfectant on my leg. Then, I cleaned up the house and soon started to do my homework.

"Taehyun?" I suddenly heard, making me jump and look behind me.


He looked at me suspiciously, " What happened to your leg?"

I looked at my bandaged leg and back at him. "U-Um, There were broken beer bottles on the floor and I..." I trailed off.

"But your other leg seems fine," he said.

"E-Eh?" I looked at him confusingly, but yet with fear.

"It wouldn't be fair right?"

I stayed silent when I saw a knife on one of his hands.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine."


I woke up with dried tears on my cheeks. I winced in pain as I slowly sat up, while looking at both of my bandaged feet.

I have to go get ready for school. I can't afford to miss a day of it.

I dragged my feet to the floor and started to get ready. There were multiple times where I almost fell. Luckily, I was surrounded by walls that I can lean on.

Once I finished changing, I walked through the door, trying to hide the pain expression I had. I don't want Hearie to worry and maybe, hopefully, she doesn't notice my bandaged legs.

"What's wrong with your leg?" A voice said behind me.

My heart jumped and I quickly turned around out of fear.

The new student, Taehyung.

"Sorry if I scared you, but your legs..." he trailed off, looking at my feet.

I raised both my hands and shook them, along with nodding my head. Trying to tell him there was nothing wrong.

He looked at me worried for a few seconds, in till he smiled and stook out his hand. "My name's Taehyung. What's yours?" He asked.

"Erm, um, Taehyun," I mumbled and shook his hand.

"Really?! Wow, that's going to be confusing," he smiled at me.

Somehow he has tagged along with me, even if I wasn't really talking to him. Hearie soon tagged along to, but she kept asking if he was bothering each time he wasn't paying attention.

"Wah," Minjie sanged, "So Taehyun and Taehyung became friends."

"Don't say it like that please. It's confusing," Senhae groaned making Hearie and Minjie giggle.

"Yeah I guess both Taehyungs became friends," Hearie said.

"We should give you a nickname. I'm getting of you two already," Senhae said.

"How about Yunnie? Cause of the 'Yun' at the end?" Hearie suggested.

"That's cute," Minjie said.

I looked over at Taehyung and there he was. Smiling with his friends again. And again, he caught me looking at him again. This time he smiled even wider and gave me a wave. I didn't want to be rude and ignored him, so I waved back.

"It's official, your new name is Yunnie! If it's okay with you?" Hearie said looking at me.



"Yunnie," Taehyung sanged out loud with a lollipop in his mouth. "Mmm, sounds cute," he said and hummed.

Hearie was already heading back home which was the opposite of where I live. While Taehyung said he has to cross this neighborhood to get to his house.

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks, making me bump into his back. "Can I... Carry you?" He said turning around so he could face me.

"Your legs seems to be in pain," he said.

True, but I don't want to exhaust you.

Suddenly, he scooped me into his arms, causing me to squeak a little. "Just tell me when to stop," he said softly, making my heart throb.

As he carried me, I constantly looked at him, since our face was so close to each others. Hearie was right, he is cute.

Once, I saw my house from the far distance, I told him to stop here. "Is this your house?" He asked. I nodded and bowed at him, once I was on my feet.

He smiled a little, "Just don't get injured again. That... worries me." Then, he left with a wave.

This was a first.

~~~~A Month Later~~~~

"Yunnie! Taehyung!" Hearie waved at both of us, as we walked closer and closer towards her. She hugged the both of us, making pain shoot through my wounded arm. I backed away and gently rubbed it.

"What's wrong with your arm Yunnie?" Hearie asked worriedly.

"Um, nothing. It's just a little sore today," I said with a weak smile.

She looked at me and smiled fakely, like she knows I'm lying. "Okay," she said patting my head lightly.

"Anways we should get to class," Hearie said.

As me and Taehyung walked behind Hearie to class, Taehyung whispered to me, "You sure you're okay?" I nodded and smiled at him.

He frowned at me and suddenly held my hand, squeezing it. "You don't need to lie." My eyes widen, and before I could say anything we already entered class, taking our seats.

He always gave me a frown when I lied about my wounds, it's like he knows what's happening. But, he would smile when he was teasing me, because according to him, he finds it cute when I get embarrassed. The only time he doesn't smile was when I lie.

After school, Taehyung was walking me home. "Do you want to come by to my house?" He asked suddenly.

"Um, no, sorry," I said.

"Why not?" He asked and pouted at me.

"Homework," I automatically said.

"We can do it together," he said.

"I s-still can't," I said, hoping that he will drop this.

He clasped both his hands on my hands. "Please?" He pleaded in a near whisper.

I bit my bottom lips. My heart told me to go, but the fear that was growing inside me was telling me no. But that doesn't mean it could beat my heart. Right?

"Only for a little while. O-Okay?" I said quietly. A smiled formed on his lips, as he gently grabbed my hand and started to lead me to his house.

Ever since he moved here, I always felt like there was something about him that made me feel more secure. Even his eyes gave off warmth. Hearie did the same too, but I think he has something more, but I just can't comprehend what was.

When we got there, he asked if I was hungry. I declined, I didn't want to spend too much time here. I didn't want him to know I was gone.

"Aren't you coming?" I heard Taehyung asked, while waiting by the stairs. I nodded and hummed, following him to his room.

He opened his bedroom door and sighed happily, before quickly jumping into his bed, laying on it. "Tired!" He yelled and hugged his pillow, while burying his face into it.

I stared at him for a bit before walking into his room and closing the door. Slowly, I head towards his desk and sat on his desk chair.

He lifted his head and peeked at me. "Do you want to lay down with me?" He asked. I widen my eyes and nodded, refusing his offer. "It's okay, I know you're tired. I don't mind. It's not like we're gonna cuddle or something," he said.

I got up and hesitantly walked over to his bed. I was panicking in the inside so much. I don't even know why I'm doing this. It's like, something has took over my body and forced me to do this.

I sat on his bed before slowly laying down. His face was just a few inches away from mine. A small smile was pasted on his face, "You're so much cuter when you're up front."

Blushing, I faced my back towards him. He chuckled at my action and tapped on my shoulder, wanting me to turn back around. When I finally did, he pinched my right cheek and laughed some more.

I smiled at him, before it slowly faded away when pain started to raise on my injured arm. I quickly sat up and held it. I felt Taehyung's body moved, wanting to know what was happening.

He seemed to know what had happened and told me to off my uniform jacket. Then, he got up from bed headed out, as I did what was told.

He then came back with some disinfectant and a new bandage. "Roll up your sleeve," he told me in a serious tone. When I did, he unwrapped the old bandages and saw the cuts that was causing all this pain.

"Why does he do this to you?"

I looked up at his face that was full of sorrow and pity. I didn't know how to reapond, as all I kept thinking how he knows my dad was doing all of this to me.

"Yunnie... the whole school knows," he said quietly.

I stared at him, before my lips formed a painful smile. "I guess, I sort of knew that," I said.

"Hearie told me everything. How you would come to school with all these injuries and even tried to act like everything was alright. It took her a while to figure out why, but she saw through you. She even tried to get you help, but no one believed her," he explained.

I got anxious and started to feel tears forming on the corners of my eyes. I wanted to say something, but I choked up the words and the only that came out of my mouth were stutters.

Soon tears streamed down my cheek uncontrollably. I felt Taehyung wrapped his arms around me. "He's the only family I have left!" I cried out.

I didn't realise, he had finished bandaging my arm. I didn't even felt the pain of the disinfectant spray. I guess I got used to it.

We were laying on his bed, with his arms wrapped around me. As I just cried about the tortures two years I had with my father.

"Can you tell me why he does this?" Taehyung asked, after I calmed down.

"My mom died two years ago from a car accident and it infected him. He started to slack off and get beer for himself. And when he's drunk he becomes very abusive and I was the only at home. Then, a year later, we moved cause teachers kept asking where I got all this cuts and injuries from," I said, still sniffling a little bit.

"Why do you care?" I asked him as I felt his hand stroking my head and hair.

"Because I like you," he said. "And when I like someone, I don't ever want to see them hurt," he whispered.

I noticed that my hands were on his chest, in fists, feeling his chest rising and lowering. I could even hear his heart beating as I was that close to him.

I became very embarrassed at the position we were in. Our legs were against each other and his arms resting around my body.

"Can we stay like this for a while?" He asked, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

"I-I can't. I need to go. I've been here for too long," I said, as I sat up.

"But Yunnie... He's only going to hurt you. And your arm is still wounded too," He said worriedly. He also sat up and hugged me from behind. "My parents won't be home today and tomorrow, so you can stay over night, if you want," he murmured.

"I c-can't," I said looking down at the floor.

I got off the bed and grabbed my stuff. "Let me walk you home," He offered. I nodded, "It's okay. I'll be fine."

I walked down the stairs and out the door. I waved at Taehyung as I walked and he waved back.

When I reached my house I slowly opened it and noticed beer bottles on the floor. He must be here.

I walked to the living room and saw him in the kitchen, drinking.

"Where have you been?" My father asked.

"I'm sorry, I-I was at a friends house," I said in a quiet, shaky tone.

"You know I don't like it when you're visiting other people," he said.

I gulped, "Sorry, it won't happen again."

He smirked and put down the bottle. "I think you need to be punished." He opened the kitchen drawers and grabbed a knife. I widened my eyes and was about run, but he already grabbed one of my wrists.

He swiftly rolled up my sleeve, exposing the bandaged arm. I struggled and struggled, trying to escape his grasp, but he wouldn't let go. I even screamed, but it was too late. He removed the new bandages and deepened the cuts that were already there.

Blood was quickly draining out of my body and I started to feel lightheaded. My eyes closed, giving me blackness.


My eyes slowly opened, squinted at the unfamiliar bright room I was now in. I heard beeping noises and felt something stuck to my arm. Then, I realised, I was in the hospital.

I felt something on my lap, making me sit up and looked what it was.

It was Hearie.

I must have startled her, as she also slowly woke up.

"Y-You're awake!" She said amazed. She then quickly hugged me. "I thought I lost you!" she cried. Then I felt drops of tears landing on my shoulder.

I smiled weakly and hugged her back. "It's okay," I said in a quiet tone.

She broke the hug and turned around. "Yah, idiot she's awake!" She yelled and cried.

I didn't notice someone else was here too. But it didn't surprise me who it was.

"Don't call me an i-"

Taehyung paused and saw me, before quickly walking up to me and gave me a hug.

"We told the police what happened. We told them everything," he said.

"I'm going to inform the doctors okay?" Hearie said before getting up to leave the two is us alone.

"What... happened?" I asked Taehyung.

"Well... I followed you home, but I just really wanted to know that you got there safely. That's in till I saw through your windows. You, falling to the ground and him standing there, doing nothing," he said with anger rising in his voice. "I called the ambulance and broke your guys window so I could back him away from your body. By then, your were already unconscious. It actually took you two days to wake up."

"But you don't need to worry about him anymore, I told the police everything. They said they'll talk to you soon after you wake up," he said happily at the end.

He then hugged me and kissed my forehead. I felt my cheeks heating up, as I hugged him back.

"Thank you," I said.

"You don't need to thank me. All you have to do is stay safe for me," he said.

~~~~Three Weeks Later~~~~

It was my last day here, as I was accepted to become someone's foster kid. And that someone was a nice lady who had two other foster kids.

"I can't believe you're leaving, I wished we spent more time together!" Minjie said as she pouted.

"At least she would be safe from that bastard," Senhae mumbled causing Minjie to hit his shoulder.

"I-It's okay, I'll miss you guys too," I said.

"Please don't say your goodbyes yet, I don't want to cry during class," Hearie whispered to us when we saw the teacher walking in.

Taehyung didn't come to school today, which upset me. I wanted to spend the rest of the day with him and Hearie. Like how we did from these couple of weeks.

After school was finished, I waved Minjie and Senhae a goodbye. Then as I walked home with Hearie, she couldn't stop crying on how she was going to miss me. But I reassured her that we could visit each other.

As I got back to my house, I saw someone on the porch steps.

"T-Taehyung?" I said unsure if he heard me.

His head was hung low, but was lifted when he heard my voice. He had a small painful smile on. And I knew what was wrong.

I invited him inside, even though everything was packed and ready to go, we could just hang out at my room.

We sat on the floor against the wall. Suddenly, he started chuckling, making me confused. "It's funny. I'm glad you're leaving, but at the same time, I'm not," he said in a happy, but yet sad tone.

"I only live thirty minutes away, we could visit each other sometimes," I said.

"Yeah, but you won't be at school. You were the only thing I looked up to when it comes to school," he said.

"What about Hearie?" I asked.

"Eh, she annoys me on purpose because she knows that I love you."

I looked at him and froze.

He chuckled at my reaction, and cupped my cheeks, before squishing making me giggle. Soon he stopped and just stared right through my eyes. I stared right back and saw that his eyes trailed down to my lips then back to my eyes.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered. That's when I felt his lips on mine. I wasn't sure how to kiss back, but I tried.

After a few kisses, he started to deepen them and it became harder to breathe. His hand was wrapped around me while mine were around his neck.

That's when we heard someone knocking on my door, causing us to stop. I was panting like crazy and so was he.

"I guess that's them," He said with his hand stroking my left cheek.

"This isn't goodbye, right?" He said.

I nodded and smiled, "No."

He smiled and hugged me. "That means you're mine, then."


Author's Note:

I'm finally done with this request! This had 3,500+ words and took some time to think about how I wanted to go and also there were times where I wasn't able to write due to some scheduling.

I hope this is what you wanted! And maybe I didn't disappoint you?

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