Finding Her

By LadyPeaches01

55.7K 1.6K 239

Everyone says finding your mate is the best thing that can happen to you. You find your other half, the one t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

4.1K 127 28
By LadyPeaches01

We decided to go to the movies to watch some action flick we both really wanted to see. Cody was really excited when I suggested it since he hardly ever gets to go to the movies with all his Alpha duties and training.

If you asked me what it was about, I couldn't tell you. My mind has been on my mate and my parents ever since I dropped him off.

Strangely, he wasn't nervous to meet them. I guess he doesn't have to be since he's really my parents only chance at grandchildren.

When we walked into the kitchen where my parents were, you could say they were surprised. They know how I don't really want a mate, so me introducing them to a strange man was slightly shocking.

My mother was ecstatic. I kid you not, as soon as the word mate left my mouth, she burst into tears. My dad didn't seem as happy with his narrowed eyes and crossed arms. I was always a daddy's girl.

My mom started rambling on, on how she never thought this day was coming, how she knew I would change my mind, and then there was something about being lobsters.

It was a lot easier to leave the house than I was expecting, since my mom practically threw me out. She claimed it was so she could get to really know her son-in-law. My mate grinned at that, my father did not.

He actually pulled me aside while my mom was fawning over Jaxon like a fangirl. "Want me to get rid of this tool for you? He asked jabbing his thumb at Jaxon.

"TOM! You will NOT do anything to this poor boy. Do you know how long I've waited for this day? When Gracie said she didn't want a mate, I just about died. I thought she would become an old maid yelling at kids to get off her lawn. I wouldn't have any grandchildren running around to spoil. You will NOT ruin this for me." My dad stayed silent after that not wanting to upset her anymore.

That's when she told me to leave and come back in a few hours. Fine by me.

I was broken out of my thoughts by the sound of applause. I never got why people clap at the end of a movie. The people who made it can't hear you.

"Wasn't it a great movie? And that car chase!" Cody was such a five year old at times. We waited in our seats for everyone else to leave before getting up.

"Wanna get some ice cream?" He asked throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"Race you there!" I took off before I finished my sentence, yelling behind me. I ran past people and weaved around the ones that refused to move. I touched the door to the parlor two seconds before Cody did.

"Yes! Ha, take that loser." I gloated in his face.

"You only won because you got a head start." He pouted.

"Technicalities." I replied going through the door. We each ordered a hot fudge sundae and reminisced while occasionally flinging ice cream at each other.

"What time is it?" I asked wiping fudge off my forehead.

"It's almost ten." We looked outside to verify that it was indeed getting dark out.

"Shi-rt." I quickly caught myself before the little boy at the next table heard me.

"What?" Cody's eyes flickered to where the boy was sitting.

"I have to pack yet. I don't know what time we're leaving but, I have a feeling it'll be at the as-k crack of dawn." Shit, I almost did again. The boy's parents gave me dirty looks. Lighten up, I didn't actually say the damn words.

"Well then let's go."

The ride back was silent, each of us in our own little world. Actually, it better just be me. Cody was driving and I don't want to die because of some distracted driving.

"Grace!" My head snapped up at the sound of my name.

"What?" It came out snappier than I intended.

"We're back." I looked out the window and sure enough, we were parked in front of my house.

"Oh, yeah." I sighed. I heard the door open and watched Cody come around and open mine for me.

"You know, this is practically a date." I draped his arm across my shoulders.

I raised my eyebrow in question. "How so?" I know this isn't a date and so does Cody. We view each other as siblings and that would be gross. And then there's the fact I found my mate.

"Well, we went to the movies, got food afterwards, I paid for everything, opened your door for you, and am now walking you to the door." He ticked off on his fingers.

"You're right. It practically is a date." We reached the front door at this point and I could see the living room light on.

"So, do I get a goodnight kiss?" His eyes gleamed with mischief.

"I suppose so." I reached up on my tip toes and kissed him. On the cheek.

And that is when the door opened to reveal Jaxon. Let me say, he did not look happy.

Before I knew what was happening, I was roughly pulled away and Jaxon had his fist connected to Cody's face.

"Jaxon, stop!" I ran between them before he could throw another punch. Jaxon tried to pull me behind him. "No. Let me explain." I placed my hands on both sides of his face and forced him to look at me.

"We went to see some action movie at the theater, and then got ice cream. Cody was joking around saying we were on a date, but we never have and never will. It was an innocent kiss on the cheek, like one you give your mother or father." He looked at me, looking for something to tell him I was lying.

"Just because I believe you, doesn't mean I like it." His hand gently gripped my chin, and he ran his thumb softly under my bottom lip, staring at it. "These belong to me and me only. No one else gets to touch them." I could feel the sparks where he touched me. It almost made me shiver, but I resisted the urge.

His hand dropped from my face and he turned back to look at Cody, who had now gotten up and sported a forming black bruise on his right cheek.

"Just because you're her best friend doesn't mean I have to like you." He growled out.

"I think I'll just go." Call me if he let's you. He mind-linked me. Yeah, if he said that out loud, he would have gotten another punch. I just nodded my head and waved goodbye.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." I turned around to go back inside.

"Actually, you mom invited me to stay here tonight." Of course she would do that. I lead the way back inside, needing to pack yet.

My parents were in the living room watching reruns of some old show when we entered.

"Gracie, I hope you don't mind, but I invited Jaxon to stay over tonight." Her outward appearance was all sweet and innocent, but I knew she really meant for me not to give her any shit about it.

"Of course not." I gave her a fake smile and she nodded her head in approval.

"Show him to the guest room." She waved her hand and went back to the couch dismissing us.

He trailed behind me up the steps and in front of two doors.

"Well," I clasped my hands in front of me. "This is the guest room." I gestured to the door to my left. "And this is my room." I pointed to the one to my right. "Now if you need anything, let me know, but try not to because I have to pack yet." I let out a yawn.

"No." I don't have time for his shit.

"Fine, let my mom get it. I'm sure she would be more than happy to." I turned to go in my room.

"That's not what I meant." The amusement was evident in his voice, and I turned back around to look at him. "I meant that you're not packing, go to bed instead."

"You want me to walk around naked in front of other people." I said in disbelief.

"NO." Jaxon growled out. "The only one who gets to see you naked is me."

"Ah, no. No one is going to see me naked because I'm going to pack." I turned to leave again when he blocked my way.

"What I meant, was don't bother with packing. I'll just buy you new stuff." He said it like it was no big deal.

"Do you know how expensive being a girl is? You got your tank tops, t-shirts, shorts, pants, skirts, dresses and other things in between. Then add in jewelry, shoes, purses, and make up. It adds up quick. And don't get me started on bras. That's a lot of stuff if you ask me and I haven't even covered half of it." I started counting on my fingers and quickly ran out of fingers, so I flailed my arms around to make my point.

"But you need your sleep and it'll be easier just to buy it."

"Yes it would be easier, but that's not the point. The point is you are not going to buy me new things, when I already have the things I need. It would be wasting your money." I huff in annoyance.

"Money spent on you is always well spent, if it makes you happy." He smiled at me.

"Buying me a shit ton of new clothes would not make me happy." I crossed my arms.

"Why not?" His eyebrows scrunched together, and the corners of his lips turned down. I know most girls would take the offer and run with it, but not me.

"Seriously? There are how many other people who need new clothes than I do. Have you not seen those commercials where they show some starving kid with only one worn down shoe? That child doesn't even have a full pair of shoes or a hot meal everyday and you're going to buy me a second wardrobe? I already have more than I need, I don't need more." When I was done ranting, he was looking at me with admiration.

"What?" I crossed my arms.

"You're going to make a great Luna." I held up a hand.

"Woah buddy. We have a looong ways to go before we get there." He seems so sure he's going to win me over.

"Yeah, don't you have to pack?" Good. He's given up on buying me new clothes.

"Yeah I do." I turned to my room.

"I'll help." Before he could enter, I closed the door in his face.

"No, you'll just look for my bras and you're not going to see them anytime soon." I shouted through the door.

"That's what you think" I heard him mutter. For good measure I locked the door and started packing. Actually, it was more of throwing things in my suitcase. It didn't take long, since I mostly wear shorts and a t-shirt. I threw in a few shirts and dresses my mom bought me, since I knew she would rip me a new one if I didn't.

I didn't bother changing and threw my body on my bed, falling asleep within minutes, and dreaming of being a Power Ranger and kicking ass.

Hello readers!

So my friend didn't win the contest. He was winning till the person in second came in with a shit ton of likes. Thanks for every one who did like his picture.

Nothing much going on with me, except I go back to college in less than a week!!

As usual, let me know your honest opinion. It can be on sugar cookies, cats, Snow White and the Huntsman, or this chapter. Preferably this chapter, but I'm not picky.

Out of curiosity, for those of you who write, when you write, do you plan out the story line then write, or do you just write it chapter by chapter and see where it takes you?

Au revoir

LadyPeaches01 🍑

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