Frerard Oneshots

By AnotherStrangerxxx

14.5K 570 377

Basically just random stuff that my brain kinda just creates when I'm not concentrating... More

Bigger kids scare the living shit out of Frank
The problem with good books
If you look in the mirror
I don't have a clue what to call this not gonna lie
First kisses
Soul mates
You know what they do to guys like us in prison
Your betrayal

Thnks fr th mmrs

1.4K 47 76
By AnotherStrangerxxx

A/N this is so completely different to the first one it shows just how random my brain is.

'Gee please can I go out for a bit?' Gee's younger brother Mikey pleaded. It had been nearly 2 weeks since he had last been allowed out. It wasn't as if he wasn't trusted it was just because Gee needed Mikey by her side. Running a fairy kingdom was not easy, and dealing with the added stress of knowing a demon from hell was lurking in the shadows of their beautiful happy Disenchancia, just waiting to devour their cheerful souls, did not help. They just couldn't find him anywhere. He seemed to blend into the shadows, he hadn't hurt anyone yet probably as to just not blow his cover, or he was waiting for a big killing at the end or something. Gee didn't understand, she didn't understand how the demonic mind worked and she had no desire to.

'Mikey please, it's dangerous... And I need you here your help is most useful' Gee stressed whilst looking over a map of her beloved Disenchancia.

'Gee nothing's happened in agessss and come on you know what Rayfro is like he will not let me ride him for ages if I don't see him soon.' Mikey asked making the cutest face he could manage. It's not easy for people, well elves, with a permanent poker face.

'Fine. But stay away from strangers and you're only allowed out for half an hour, if you're not back by then, I will send a search party.' Gee finally gave in, her eyes still glued to the map trying to figure out exactly where this demon could be, maybe he was in the elfboy division on the outskirts of the kingdom.

'Thank you Gee! I love you!' Mikey squealed jumping up and planting a small kiss on his sister's forehead before skipping away.

'Sure love me when I'm letting you have your way.' Gee muttered returning to her map she was so confused and her head hurt so much. The only places she hadn't checked properly yet were the Elfboy division and Battery city, which was the capital city of Disenchancia and exactly where Gee was sat right now. You may think it's a strange name for a magical town run by fairies and elves but the city was there before they settled to where they now call home. It was in ruins, just sand and dust everywhere any forms of life long gone. It was there they decided to build their first fairy house, and as more and more people moved across it soon became a kingdom. With Gee and Mikey's grandparents the king and queen, as they had been the first people to strike up camp there.

The city held many legends but whether or not they were true or not was an entirely different matter. The likelyhood of a team of incredibly hot superheros, of sorts, who called their fans killjoys or something and tried to defeat some evil robot thing sounds highly unrealistic.


'Gee come out here quick.' Mikey shouted from just outside the window. Gee opened it to see Mikey sat proudly upon Rayfro the unicorn (it's a unicorn with a rainbow afro what else could they call it?) And grabbed Gee by the hand pulling her up in the air forcing her to use her beautiful black velvety wings that looked a little like they were dipped in blood.

'What the hell Mikey! Where are we going?!' Gee shouted over the wind.

'To the elfboy division. I saw it Gee, I saw the demon. It's there I know it is.' Mikey said excitedly, his eyes filled with fear and excitement all rolled into one.

'I knew we should have checked there!'

'Don't worry Gee you weren't to know and we've got him now, so it's all OK.' Mikey smiled at her. 'I must warn you though he's a bit weird. He looks different to most other demons. He... I don't know... Its just... Well you'll see. We're here now!' Mikey shouted pointing down to a forest in the far left corner of the Elfboy division. Gee bolted down as soon as she saw a flash of red. She launched herself fall speed into the unexpecting stranger. He let out a squeak as he was knocked down and pinned to the floor. She glared into the demons eyes but her stare instantly softened. She knew those eyes. She knew them well, but she'd never met a demon in her life before. She'd hadn't even been up close enough to look one in the eye.

'Who are you!?' She spat. Unable to force herself to break eye contact.

'I'm F-Frank. P-please dont hurt me.' The pathetic demon whimpered and Gee couldn't help but feel a tiny bit sorry for the poor quivering mess.

'I'm Gee and you're a demon in Disenchancia, surely you must know how bad the punishments are gonna be for you?'

'I know, but I couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare your kingdom. It's just there's so much hate there and everyone is so heartless and horrible. It's a place that's made simply to cause pain and suffering surely you can understand why I'd want to get away?' Frank sighed a fire flashing in his eyes briefly as he reminisced his old life in hell.

'Surely you know that you are there because you are being punished for leading a bad human life?' Gee asked wondering if this demon was just stupid or hadn't eaten in a long time and had no idea what's going on.

'I never was a human.' Frank said quietly, almost as if he was embarrassed. 'I am... Oh I can't say it... I'm Satan's son.' Frank hung his head in shame and Gee let out a gasp. So that's why Mikey said he looked different, he was a superior demon. He was royalty. He had wings the same as Gee's but the colours reversed and wore all dark red, but unlike a normal demon his face was white, bright paper white. His eyes rimmed red with big X's on.

Gee stared into Frank's eyes once more and frank stared back.

'Do I know you?' Gee asked.

'I was about to ask the same question. But we couldn't of ever met before.' Frank looked puzzled.

'No. Oh well, if your not planning on killing anyone any time soon dyou wanna come back to the palace for a bit?' Gee asked nervously, standing up and holding out her hand to help Frank up.

'Thank you that would be amazing!' Frank nodded enthusiastically. Gee took off and Frank just stood there staring at her. His mouth open. From being so close up a minute ago he hadn't been able to gauge just how beautiful this fairy was. She had black hair down to her shoulders and a sparkly black and red tiara on her head with a G written in Gold in the middle. Her tiara matched the rest of her get up perfectly. In fact she wasn't dressed too differently to himself. She wore a short black dress that was jet black and sort of poofy, at the middle it split open to reveal red material underneath. She had over the knee white socks with black bow's on and high heeled black converse. Not to mention her wings were stunning and unlike any fairy wings he had ever seen before.

'You coming?' Gee turned around when she realized she wasn't being followed.

'Yeah I just... Um.. Didn't know quite how pretty fairies were. I've only seen a few before and none of them are anywhere near as beautiful as you.' Gee blushed and Frank internally awwed at how cute she was.

'You're not that bad yourself.' She smirked and with a cheeky wink she started to fly off again, this time with Frank behind her.


As they got nearer to the palace Frank got more and more nervous.

'On second thoughts maybe this wasn't a good idea. I'll just go...' Frank said sadly.

'No! Don't leave! Tell you what I'll run in, get some food because I know you're probably starving and then we'll have a picnic out somewhere okay?' Gee asked scanning her brain for a good picnic place.

'Awh thank you so much that would be perfect!' Frank clapped his hands in excitement.

Gee flew in quickly and went to the kitchen, grabbing a basket and shoving it full of food as quickly as she could before rushing out again and flying up behind Frank. He turned around to see Gee's face right in front of him and let out a small scream.

'Oh my god you're face!' Gee laughed, tears forming in her eyes. Frank just scowled at her.

'Awh don't pout Frankie.' Gee smiled and Frank couldn't help but smile too. She was infectious.
Gee suddenly grabbed Frank's hand and started flying off in what seemed to Frank like a random direction.

'Where are you taking me?' Frank asked holding Gee's hand tighter in fear he would let go and by the time he had got up again she would already be there she flew so fast.

'Somewhere.' Gee smirked and Frank rolled his eyes.

They soon reached their destination. It was waste land, nothing there whatsoever. Just sand and dust.

'Um Gee, where are we?'

'We, my friend are in the few last remains of the original battery city.

'Wow. That's incredible, what's that?' Frank asked pointing to a mysterious metal object not far from them.

'I think it's a postbox. But its weird... It's not meant for letters I know that much... It's got some other meaning... I just can't remember what. I feel like I should know this.' Gee squeezed her eyes closed tight desperate to grab hold of the information that just wasn't quite there.

'Don't worry Gee you probably just saw it so long ago you can't remember it very well.' Frank said, not letting on that it was bugging him just as much, he just couldn't remember.

'Oh well it'll come to me later, do you want something to eat?' Gee asked shaking her head. Frank nodded quickly, he was starving.

'Help yourself.' Gee motioned to the basket. To which Frank practically pounced on.

They sat there for a while, in silence, enjoying each others company as the sun started to go down.

'It's so pretty.' Gee sighed staring at the beautiful sky.

Frank nodded. 'Yeah it is. But I can see something prettier.'

'And what's that?' Gee smirked.

'You.' Frank laughed and Gee blushed, her cheeks nearly the same colour as Franks wings.

'Awh Frank you idiot.' She hit him on the arm playfully.

'Owww Geeeee you hurt meeeee.' Frank whined. Gee smiled until she noticed Frank shiver and go pale. Paler than he was before, and Gee didn't even think that was possible.

'Hey you alright Frank?' Gee asked her eyes full of concern as she placed her hand gently on his shoulder and he began to shake more.

'I-I'm so c-c-cold. In hell there is a-always fire ev-everywhere.' He pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around himself.

'Well let's make a fire then!' Gee jumped up looking around for something to make a fire with.

'I c-can if I w-want to but I can't draw attention to u-us.' Frank sighed hugging himself tighter and Gee walked over and wrapped her arms around him, he was freezing cold.

'Light one, if someone comes I'll just pretend I'm by myself out looking for "the demon" and you can hide in the flames k?' Gee smiled encouragingly. 'I don't want you to get hurt Frankie.'

'Fine okay.' Frank gave in pointing a finger to the floor where a spark flew out and a magnificent fire appeared. He instantly relaxed as the heat returned to his body. Gee didn't move though.

'Ahh that's so much better. Thank you Gee.'

'That's okay. What am I going to do with you?' Gee sighed, dreading the moment the night would end. She would still have to come up with a demon and he would be killed if he was captured. She couldn't kill Frank, she sorta kinda maybe loved him a little bit more than a fairy should love a demon.

'You have to turn me in Gee, you can't get into trouble it would ruin your reputation.'

'Fuck my reputation I will never kill you Frank. Never!' Gee cried. Her eyes brimming with tears as she launched herself at Frank and engulfed him in a hug.

'Gee?' A voice said from above, she instantly let go of Frank and jumped back. The voice belonged to Mikey who was on Rayfro and had oh so cleverly brought along the pixie police with him.

'AHHH THE DEMON IS TRYING TO KILL OUR PRINCESS! GET HIM!' A pixie yelled and they all ran towards Frank who yelped in fear.

'No!' Gee screamed. 'Don't take my Frankie away from me!'

'Oh no he's already corrupted her brain, we must make him stop!'

Gee clung tightly to Frank for as long as she could until eventually they tore them apart. They dragged Frank away who had tears dripping down his face, just like Gee.

'Goodbye Party.' Frank whispered.

'Goodbye ghoul.' Gee whispered back. They then realized what they said as memories from their past lives came flooding back. They remembered.

A/N What did I do?!?! I have no idea. Oh well. This took so long to write omg! And thanks Charlotte for helping me think of all those stupid names!

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