Worry About Me Later •Niam

By niamlovechildren

71.2K 2.7K 1K

Niall had his own problems while Liam did too.But one of the main ones is the small crush one had for the oth... More

Author's note


2.1K 89 44
By niamlovechildren

(not edited , i feel lazy)

They finally arrived at a small parking lot.There was quite of bit of people there but since it was kinda early, it wasn't a huge crowd.

Niall could see over the gates from where he was seated.Many multi-colored attractions were scattered around the place.

"You brought me to the carnival?"Niall smiled, ever since he was little, he never really got to go to amusement parks but as he went with Harry and his family to a amusement park, he fell in love with the rush of adrenaline he gets when he goes on a ride.

"Yeah, you like them right ?"Liam asked nervously.

Niall nodded before looking excitedly at all the rides he was able to see.Liam smiled fondly at the Niall who resembled a child as he was bouncing in his seat and excitement present in his eyes.

Liam rolled down their window as a man who was dressed in a yellow vest and hat stopped them.

"Parking entry is five pounds"He said nonchalantly.Liam nodded before pulling out his wallet from the compartment in between their seats.He shook his head as he saw Niall starting to reach for his own wallet.

"I got it "He whispered before handing the man the money.After grabbing the money, the man handed Liam a paper before telling him to place it in his dash so he won't get towed.

After parking, Liam made his way to Niall's side before grabbing his hand and helping him out of the car.Both walked alongside each other, Niall's shoulder occasionally brushing Liam's tricep.

"What ride do you wanna go on first?"Liam asked as they lined up to buy the wristbands that allowed them to enter any rides.

Niall contemplated it,"I like rollercoaster ."

"Really ?That's awesome, I do too"Liam smiled.

"I like the nervous feeling you get as it goes up slowly and the adrenaline you feel while and after the ride "Niall gushed, a grin on his lips as they looked around the place.There was a couple of rather small rollercoasters, nothing really big since it wasn't really safe to have one at a carnival.

"Then let's go to that one "Liam pointed at a purple coaster that had a fairly nice drop and lots of turns.

Niall nodded;excitedly."That one looks fun, is it a two seater?Because as much as I like rollercoasters, I hate riding alone ."

"I think it is"Liam laughed.He turned as he felt as small tap on his shoulder."Yes?"He asked as he was faced with an old lady who he recognized as one of his parents'  friend from  church.

"Liam"She said loudly, a grin on her face.She noticed Niall besides him."Hello ,I'm Katherine."She reached her hand out to shake it."I assume your his friend?"

Before Niall could answer,Liam quickly nodded."Yeah we thought we should go to the carnival since it looks like fun."

"Good, dear.I'll leave you guys to it"She said before turning back around to talk to her husband.

Niall only looked at him weirdly before they reached the front of the line.The woman that sat in the booth, pulled out two wrist band, each had a barcode.Then placed them on their wrist after Liam paid for them.

As they walked, not much talking happened besides Niall looking around."Why didn't you tell her we were on a date?"He asked after they lined up for the ride they previously spoke about.

"Um"Liam laughed awkwardly before reaching to scratch the back of his neck."My parents are really religious and she was a lady from my church so-"

"So basically you're not out "Niall said with a straight face.

"Technically yes"Liam attempted to laugh it off but awkwardly stopped as he noticed Niall's face that was filled with nervousness.

"The whole school knows you're gay but your parents? "Niall shook his head, he felt as if he should have known this information before.If they ever did want to continue the relationship, Niall would have to wait to actually show affection in public or be presented as if they were in a relationship.

Liam nodded nervously"I know it's dumb but I just dont have any back place to stay nor what to support myself because I know my parents will kick me out once they found out."

Niall's heart melted, nobody should have to live with their parents who don't accept them and live in constant fear of your parents finding out about their sexuality"Look, it's fine.I just feel like I should have know"He answered back truthfully,"But it's not my place to force you or make you feel uncomfortable with no being out."

"Thanks Niall"Liam grinned after he looked up from nervously frowing at the ground.

Once they looked up from smiling at each other , they noticed they were already infront of the line.Niall's stomach dropped, of course he liked rollercoasters but whenever he got on anything.Nervousness filled his stomach as he looked up at Liam who wore a nonchalant look on his face.

"Want to go to the front?"Liam asked once the lady told them they can board.Niall only nodded silently as he followed Liam.

Once they lap bar was locked infront of them.Liam looked to his right as he saw Niall looking nervous.

"Something wrong ?"He asked .

"No it's just I get kinda nervous before these things.But I'll be fine "He tried laughing it off.

"Are ya'll ready?"The man over the speaker asked before proceeding to count down.Slowly the car went up and little by little Niall's face filled with a mixture of happiness and fear while Liam looked content.

But before Niall couldn't scream, the car didn't drop it only went down a small hill before if turning sharply in a bunch of corners and then proceeding to arrive back to the station.

As they got off,Liam's hand slowly met his ways to Niall's before turning at laughing."What's so funny?"Niall blushed .

"You were so scared,you looked like this"Liam pulled out a scared expression by widening his eyes and frowing widely.

"Did not"Niall laugh before being tugged to a haunted house line.

"Let's go here if you aren't scared"Liam suggested, raising his eyebrows.

"No , I hate horror stuff"Niall whined but followed Liam who appeared to really want to ride."You have to protect me!"

"Of course , you're a little baby."Liam stuck his tongue out.Before they reached the front, where the lady asked to see their wristbands so she could scan them.

"Am not"Niall rebutted before he was being pulled again to be seated.

Both sat next to each other  in a small car while two teenagers sat infront of them.Soon the ride started and once they entered, darkness engulfed them before a creepy music started playing.Niall jumped as a light flickered on,revealing a little girl who was sat in the center of the room, blood covered her dress and face.Before she started screaming for help.

As the ride progressed, Niall inched closer and closer to Liam's warm body until Liam was forced to wrap a protective arm around the thin boy who quivered in his hold.

At the end , the cars were chased by a man wearing a ski mask and holding a chains saw as the same music played in the background.

When the light finally came back to them, Niall was practically a mess.A light sweat covering his skin as Liam could feel his heart pounding.Niall stared at him as if he was crazy since Liam looked as unfaced as he did in the rollercoaster.

"I hate you so much "Niall shook his head as they finally left the ride.

"Aw"Liam pouted which made Niall giggle."See you're not mad."

"Yes I am "Niall attempted to convince him."I got scared."

"But did you die though?"

The date continued with countless laughs and giggles until they were pratically forced out of the carnival.Niall walked alongside Liam, he wore Liam's jacket that was given to him after Liam noticed the blonde constantly shivering.

"Are you hungry?"Liam asked once he started the car.Three days grace played in the background.

"Isn't it like eleven , who would be open?"Niall asked .

"Denny's is twenty four -seven.But did your mom give you a time to be home?"Niall only shook his head.

"She said just to make it home"He laughed "But yeah let's go eat."


Once they arrived at the diner , both walked inside until a middle age lady led them to their table and left after handing them a menu.

"Did you have fun?"Liam asked as he looked up from his menu.

"Yeah , it was so much fun.Thank you for taking me."Niall blushed lightly before looking down at his menu; embarrassed.

"No problem, cutie "He flirted, addicted on seeing Niall's rosy cheeks flare up.

"Are you guys ready for drinks ?"The lady asked once she walked over to their table.

"I'll take mango lemonade"Liam answer.She nodded before writing it down and looking expectedly at Niall.

"Um a vanilla milkshake please"

"Ready to order or do you guys need more time?"She asked .

Liam looked at Niall who shook his head as in saying it was fine to order now."I'll take a avocado burger with fries ."

"I'll like the plain pancakes with eggs."


Their food came shortly, meanwhile Niall and Liam were the loudest ones at the diner.Not like there was much competion , there was only about five people here besides them.But they made sure not to be so irritating to the people around them who wanted to eat.

Liam instantly dug in while Niall slowly poured his maple syrup over his pancake and ketchup on his eggs.

"Did you finish the math homework ?"Liam asked after chewing .

"I finished it during class, it was easy."Niall said nonchalantly before taking a bite.

"Ugh you're irritating"Liam joked "I'm so bad at math while you're like the smartest one."

"I would help but I'm too irritating "Niall laughed .

"I'm sorry!"Liam pouted"Please help me with math."He sighed dramatically .

"Fine ,fine "Niall  rolled his eyes jokingly before they finished their meal.

Both enjoying each other's company whilst they ate.They left after paying Liam paid for their meal and leaving the waitress a tip.

"Thank you for a good time"Niall smiled up at Liam.

"I hope we can do it soon"Liam offered before biting the inside of his lip.

Both were standing on Niall's front porch."Of course"He said shyly, biting his lip.

It took everything in Liam not to kiss the boy he was so infatuated with, "I better get going it's almost one in the morning."Liam laughed "I'll see you hopefully soon?"

Niall only nodded before being wrapped in a hug by Liam.Which of course he did back, tucking his head to his chest as he smelt the nice cologne Liam was wearing.

"Goodnight Liam ."Niall said before opening the door to his house, with his key."Text me once you get home safely ."

"Bye Niall "Liam made sure Niall was secured in his house before walking to his car and driving off to his house.


As Niall opened the door, he was tackled to the floor.He squeaked in frights before turning his head to be faced with Greg staring at him with a mad expression.

"It's one in the morning what did he do to you.Did you guy have sex?Oh my god mom!"Greg yelled.Niall attempted to quiet him down but soon his mom came in wearing her pajamas."I think Niall has sex with that Liam kid ."

"Niall why did you get back so late?"She asked completely ignoring what Greg said .

"I got carried away, we left the carnival really late and he invited me to go out to eat."Niall said truthfully.

"I guess that's fine but make sure you came back earlier ."

Liam slowly made his way to his house but cursed as he saw the light turn on in his living room.He sighed as he opened the door, revealing a pissed looking father .

"Before you say anything, we went out to eat and it got carried away"Liam half lied .

He only sighed "At least you arent dead but now get your ass to your room and go to bed it late."

2085 words
It's literally 1:30 and I'm tired like I feel like such an old lady .

Anyways did you enjoy the Niam date ? please tell me if you did, it would be great !

I'll see yall ASAP !!


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