
By onehellofaidiot_

5.2K 295 57

she was just a girl passing through. a girl with a deep dark secret. her and her nightfury eva were looking f... More

stay the night
talks in he sleep
Nightmare or memory?
show me whats in here
not looking back
not letting go
is she gonna be okay?
the strangest thing
chapter 14
This is where I belong
No escape
hell never know
love will thaw
they might stay like that forever
A good dream
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
A huge mistake
don't tell me she doesnt love me
chapter 28
Finding happiness

do I love you?

204 14 0
By onehellofaidiot_

Hiccups POV

I watch the ice fly out of her hands. I just stare shocked. Thats why she thinks shes dangerous. Thats why shes running. Shes the ice queen. Shes the ice queen of arendelle! I just stare shocked. When I look back elsa is gone. I reach for the pillow but see it sinking into the ocean. Crap. I have no idea which way she went and toothless lost her scent. Maybe I should head back. I sigh feeling defeated. What do I do now?

Elsas POV

I look behind me to see no hiccup. Thankgod for that. Allthogh I am a little sad that he didnt come after me. If I could read his mind I bet he would be thinking 'monster' just like everybody else. I just burst into tears. Why must I have this curse! I hate it! Whenevr I think of hiccup my stomach sort of flutters. I loved to be around him. He just made me feel wanted and accepted. And now hes gone. Just like everything else. I miss anna. I want so badly to find her and make a bond again. Apoligize at least. But I can never even go near arendelle. They would cage me and kill me. I burst into tears. Everytime I have a bond with someone it gets destroyed! Eva makes a noise noticing my distress. I wipe my tears off my cheek

"Im sorry eva. We cant go back. I dont wanna hear hiccup calling me a monster or a freak or whatever else he thinks of me right now" she makes another noise. If I were to translate it would probably be
'Maybe he thinks differently'

"He does eva. Everybody else does" I wish he didnt. Ther was something about hiccup. I dnt know what but whenever I was around him I was happy I felt loved and comftarble. I couldnt be inlove with hiccup could I?

Hiccups POV

I dont know what it is but all I can think about is elsa. Just the meer sight of her fills me with joy. And now shes gone. Gone forever maybe. I dont care if she has ice powers. They are beautiful. I couldnt be inlove wih elsa could I?

(Im sorry its short. Now I have to go spend an hour trying to get the pen off my entire forearm and hand. I cant help it I like to doodle on things! Its bad enough that my fiends ship me with three super annoying guys they keep threatening to take away my pens. Maybe I should let them.....nah! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did please comment, vote etc)

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