mending the pieces ~ camren

By ohfxdge

93.2K 2.7K 746

two entirely different stories; two seperate families; one goal that is happiness. More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two

chapter twelve

1.9K 51 7
By ohfxdge

Lauren's POV

Camila and I sat on the bench outside, watching the sunset as we waited for my mom, since she was talking to my doctor about all of the details of my recovery and treatment.

I didn't think getting lunch with her and Camila would mean having as much fun as we had. I never thought getting lunch could be actually hilarious. Obviously, in a world with Camila, it could be. The number of glares and pointed looks the three of us have got at the café, is enormous. Other patients and visitors definitely didn't approve of our obnoxious laughter and loud conversations.

A thing I found out about Camila, is that she is a food lover. She doesn't eat much, but she surely appreciates every form of food. I was rooted to the ground when I saw how precise her choice of what she'd have for lunch was, and then how she made sure to enjoy everything she consumed. I made a mental note to remember this, maybe one day I could surprise her by visiting her with something fancy, I'm sure she'll be over the moon when I do that.

After lunch came time for the conversation with my doctor. Unfortunately, Camila was forced to wait outside the office since she wasn't a relative of any kind. Only my mom and I were allowed there.

Talking to him came with more ease than I expected. It definitely wasn't that difficult. Mom made sure to let me know she was there for me when I'd stumble over my words or let out a shaky breath. The absence of Camila wasn't as difficult to me as I thought it'd be, because talking to my mom about the issue with the girl by my side came much easier, but I guess I should just be glad.

I was diagnosed with PTSD, which wasn't a big surprise to me. I've been suspecting it for a while myself. Mom, on the other hand, went through a slight shock. She had a small breakdown and the reason behind it, was the fact that I had to deal with my little brother's death by myself for a year. She kept apologizing and promising she'd do a better job from now on.

After I'd told him about my sleepless nights caused by not only nightmares but also normal, beautiful dreams where my brother appears, the flashbacks I sometimes get which follow to fainting or dazing, like the previous night, secluding such as rejecting my friends or family members, and the outbursts of anger, he was certain I'm the victim of the anxiety disorder.

The treatment he suggested consisted of, of course, medication and psychotherapy. After I'd seen what all the kinds of medication my mom used to take during the first months after the accident, did to her, I refused to all of them, but mom talked me out of it, and I agreed to one kind of pills. They were some weaker kind of antidepressants and I'd only have to take one pill every second day. The doctor saw how adverse I am about medication, and I'm thankful I don't have to take that much of it. He also said they'd start working after a couple of weeks and that a therapist, that he'll look for, for me, will discuss the rest with me on my first therapy session. I'm supposed to pay the doctor one more visit in three days to get all the information I need about soon to be my new therapist. As hard as it is to admit, I'm sort of excited about the whole thing. I'll actually get a chance to get better, and not by myself. It's a huge relief.

Currently I'm enjoying the last moments I'll get with Camila for the day, because my mom is about to take her home, and then go home herself, the second she leaves the office. Sinu started to get worried, because it's actually got a bit late. I'm not too miserable about the fact I'll be alone for too long, because it's almost certain I'll get out tomorrow morning. This fact alone calms me down, I'll be back home with my mom, able to call Camila to hang out if she's up to it.

A comfortable silence lingered between us as we silently watched the sun go lower with each second passing. We learned from each other that both of us really appreciate those kind of moments, because we should cherish even the simplest things, such as sunsets or sunrises.

And then I felt a sudden need to ask the girl a random question.

"Hey, Camila?"

She hummed in response.

"Let's say you could do anything, be with anyone and anywhere at the moment. Who is the person and what's the place?" I can't wait to get a peek of at least a piece of her mind that seems oh so interesting to me.

"Um, I'm not going to answer that, sorry." Camila responded quietly.

I looked at her face, her whole demeanor changed. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes just seemed sadder, the characteristic spark that lingered in them most of the time, faded away.

"Okay, sure. But am I allowed to know the reason?" I asked, intrigued.

"Well, I know it's never going to happen anyway, so why would I naively imagine that and just make myself feel shitty? It's pointless."

"Who said it's never going to happen? You never kno-" I was cut suddenly.

"Lauren," the girl said sternly.

"What?" I asked bluntly.

"I'd be in my hometown with my dad." Oh, she did answer. "OH! I forgot to mention my dad is dead. Too bad, huh?" she added sarcastically.

"Fuck." I said without realizing what was slipping away from my mouth. But fuck, indeed. I fucked up.

"Camila, I'm so sorry, I had no idea, but I wouldn't have done that if you had told me to stop, I'm sorry."

"Of course you had no idea, how could you?" by now tears were threatening to fall out of the girl's eyes and I kneeled in front of her immediately to wipe them off before they did stream down her cheeks.

A quite sob escaped her mouth as I touched her soft skin.

"Come here, cutie." I said as I put my arms around her neck and brought her closer to me. Camila leaned in without hesitation and hugged me back.

I heard the entrance door open and close after a few seconds, I peeked from behind the girl's in my arms shoulder and saw my mom, smiling gently at the sight of us. Camila must have heard her as well, because she pulled away.

"Hi," she said shyly as she wiped of the last few tears remaining on her cheeks.

"Hey girls." I figured she didn't acknowledge the fact that Camila had been crying. "Every time I see you, you two are hugging." Camila and I locked eyes and smiled gently at one another.

"You're right." I replied and laughed lightly. "So is everything ready? And am I allowed to leave tomorrow?"

"Yes, I got all the details, I'll fill you in tomorrow morning when I pick you up to go home." Mom answered with a smirk. It meant I was leaving the hospital, oh god, finally.

"YAAAAAAAS!!!!" I let myself excitement take control over my actions, I jumped with my arms raised and squealed loud enough for other patients outside the hospital to hear. They eyed me curiously and I murmured a 'sorry' in their direction. They only smiled, so I was lucky.

I looked at Camila and mom who looked incredibly amused by my reaction.

"What? I miss my bed, okay."

"Of course you do." Mom answered jokingly. "Okay Camila, we should get going now, your mom's getting impatient."

"Oh, right."

"Mom, wait. Can you give us a second?"

"Sure, I'll be waiting in the car." She said to Camila and came up to me to give me a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow, baby. Be ready by 10 o'clock, I want you back at our place as soon as possible."

"Okay." I smiled gently at her as we pulled away from our embrace. I waited until my mom couldn't hear what I was about to say to Camila and then faced the girl again.

"Hi." I said dumbly and grinned.

She laughed and murmured a small 'hey'.

"About earlier.." I started cautiously.

"We don't have to talk about it, Lauren." Camila replied defensively. She was putting up her wall again...

"I just wanted you to know I'm here, okay? Anytime you need me, I'm here. Just text me or something, and I'll be there. Whether you want to talk, cry or just be with someone, I highly recommend myself."

"Okay, thank you. You've no idea how much that means to me. I might use that offer more than you think." She smirked suggestively.

"Oh, I'd expect you to." I laughed lightly. Camila, on the other, only smiled gently.

"You know, same goes to you. If you need company, I'm waiting for your call."

"I'll remember."

I looked at her appreciatively and leaned in to give her one last hug for today.

"Do you think you'll be up for doing something tomorrow?" I asked with my arms around her.

"What do you have in mind?" the girl looked quite puzzled. We pulled away and continued our conversation.

"Uh," I tried to think of something as I struggled with my answer. "anything you'll feel like doing, movies, a walk, shopping?"

"Oh, as in hanging out together?"

"Yes?" what even? lol

"Sure, let me know when you're ready, I'll be waiting." Camila looked at me in a way that I couldn't describe. "As always." She added.

Oh, she meant our conversation from just a minute ago.

"Great, expect an early call then, cutie." I liked calling her that, it was becoming a habit.

"Yes, ma'am." That was the second time she referred to me as that, I found it pretty funny.

"Ok, go now or my mom will leave without you and you'll be forced to stay with me the whole night." I said and pushed her lightly in the direction of the parking lot.

"I wouldn't mind nor complain." Camila answered as she walked backwards, giving me her full attention even while walking. Jeez, that girl.

"Yeah, right. We'll see one day."

"Can't wait!"

We kept smiling at each other until she reached my mom's car. She waved shyly and got in the car. I waited until they left the hospital area and looked around. I wasn't up for sitting in that boring room by myself again, so I decided against going back just yet. I spotted a small park and started walking, a few more minutes outside would be nice and good for me.


Camila's POV

Lauren 🙊: "hey cutie, still up for seeing me today?"

It was noon, and honestly, I wasn't expecting hearing from Lauren so soon. She really wasn't kidding when she told me to expect an early call. Technically, it wasn't a call, but a text, but still, I got to hear from her at freaking twelve after all.

Actually, the sound of receiving a text was what woke me up, I stayed up way too late last night writing in my diary about my day in the hospital and how I opened up to Lauren about my dad so easily.

I surprised myself, to be honest. I didn't plan on telling her anything about him for at least a bit longer, because I don't want pity from her. I don't want her to feel sorry for me, and maybe feel obligated to be my friend. That's the last thing I need. But I did tell her and she proved my suppositions wrong. She did feel sorry for me, yes, but all I felt was sincerity radiating from her, so I don't regret telling her.

This friendship is moving quite fast, definitely faster than I assumed it'd be moving, but I'm not complaining. Sharing my secrets with her comes with such ease and I see nothing wrong about it.

Back in her hospital room during the conversation with her mother, she didn't seem like she minded me finding out so many things about her family. I obviously had to guess what they meant most of the time, because it was a conversation between Lauren and the woman, but neither of them hesitated to speak freely about specific and touchy things, like Lauren's little brother's death or the issue with her father. I'm grateful I could be a part of this.

The notification coming from my phone got me out of the daze I got into and I saw I'd got another message from the girl.

Lauren 🙊: "i was thinking about the beach and ice cream? i know a nice place with some original flavors, i think you'd like that"

Awwww, she thought of a place with original ice cream flavors!!!!! Because she thought I'd like it!!! Like I wouldn't enjoy the basic flavors, like chocolate or strawberry. I obviously would, ice cream is ice cream; food is food.

What a thoughtful friend she's being.

Since I've just woken up, I didn't feel like typing on my phone, so I dialed the girl's number and waited for her to answer.

I had hardly heard one ring and Lauren answered the call.

"Hey, you!" She greeted me cheerfully.

I laughed wholeheartedly at her enthusiasm and said hi back.

"My guess is you were too lazy to type a message and decided to call, am I right? Wait, you don't need to answer that, I already know the truth." The girl joked, sounding super arrogantly. She'd be good at acting.

"Hm, I guess you could say that. You're the one who woke me up and I'm still half asleep, so I decided I'd save both me and you from texting. I'm pretty sure I'd make too many typos for you to make out what I actually meant."

"Jeez, Camila. it's past noon, live a little and wake up earlier tomorrow, huh? I'm glad you're up then, I already got bored of sitting in my room even though I thought it'd missed it oh so much."

"Wait, you wanna go out right now? I have to shower, and eat, and clean my room. And probably do many other things.." I answered guiltily.

"Woah there, lady. Don't you worry, I can help you. Don't forget I know where you live. I could come over, help you with your housework or whatever it is that you have to do, and then we'll figure out what we're doing. How does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect." Should I say what I had in mind? "But it's mostly because it's you who said it, I love your voice." I said coyly.

"Aawww, cutie! Thanks, I think I like my voice, too." I heard her say and then giggle lightly.

"But about our plans, what you put in your messages, I really liked the idea, we should do that."

"Yay! Okay, well, I'll leave you to all the things you need to do, I'll be there in 15 minutes or so, is that alright?"

"Sure, but I might be in the shower then, Sofi's home though, so I'll tell her to let you in when you get there."

"I'll finally meet the famous Sofia? And I'll spend the whole day with you? It's gonna be an amazing day, I can feel it."

"You're way too cute. Anyway, see ya in a bit, Laur."

"See ya!"

You could really tell she was glad she was out of the hospital just by the way she talked, she sounded so excited and just full of life and happiness.

It's gonna be an amazing day, indeed.

a/n hi guys

once again a shorter chapter but i think longer than the last one, i'm not sure. and i'm posting it a bit earlier too so i'm making progress lol 

anyway, hope you like it and that each one of you is doing greaaaat.

stay positive x


ps i wrote it with purity ring playing in the background and it made writing so much easier, idk why but i'm not going question it anymore, i'll just roll with it lol

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