Manage Me I'm A Mess (All Tim...

By katiebarakarth

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Alex and Jules have been best friends for years. They know everything thing about each other... except that J... More

Manage Me I'm A Mess (All Time Low Fanfic)
Picture Day
Picking Up The Pieces
What Are You Trying To Prove?
They're Called All Time Low
Project Runway
Any Other Girl
Going Too Far
Just One Kiss...
Man Up, Gaskarth
Who Said Anything About Love?
I'm Tired
I've Got A Plan
Take It Off
What's Up, Gaskarth?
The End [Part 1]
New Beginnings
Ride Home
Disrupting My Sleep
Happy Birthday
Some Best Friends They Are
How Many
The End [Part 2]

My Jules

4.6K 120 54
By katiebarakarth

"I know what you're doing and stay away," I growled.

He smirked, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stay the hell away from Jules. She didn't do shit to you or your sister. I may not be able to convince her to stay away from you, but you better back the fuck off," I stepped closer to him agressively, "I'll kick your ass. I let you give me a black eye before because I fucked your sister," he flinched and I saw his fists ball up. "But I will take you down this time you hurt a hair on Jules' head. Got that? If you have to, take it out on me."

Jules' POV


Rudd picked me up for the concert on Saturday. I told the guys I'd meet them there.

"Hi," I smiled after sliding into his front seat.

"Hey," he grinned back, "You look beautiful."

I blushed. I hadn't gotten to wear the dress Alex had helped me pick out. It didn't make much sense for a concert. Whether Rudd and I were hanging out backstage or  not.Instead I wore jean and an All Time Low shirt. I had to support my guys.

I had still neglacted to tell Rudd that Alex was in All Time Low and now that the day was here I was nervous how the two would react to each. I knew they didn't like each other and it was fairly obvious why, but I thought they'd be able to get over it for my sake.

"Thanks, you look nice too," I admitted bashfully because he did. He was wearing a collared shirt and jeans. I was beginnning to wonder if he's even gone to a concert before.

We made idle chit chat until we were at the venue. He took my hand in his and we walked in. Alex was talking to some fans in the crowd before any bands had come on to play. The boys were getting a fairly big following for Seniors in high school. I should know, I'm their photographer.

Alex saw me and smiled. He excused himself from the fans and walked over to me.

"Got your camera?" he asked.

"I'm off duty," I reminded him with a laugh.

"Am I missing something?" Rudd asked.

I dug through my bag and pulled out a professional camera. I smiled up at him proudly. "I'm All Time Low's photographer."

"Really?" he asked surprised, "Can I see some pictures?"

I shook my head and stuck the camera back in the bag. "Like I said I'm not working. I'm here with you."

Alex rolled his eyes and butted in, "You could stay with him for the first bands and shoot All Time Low when they come on." He crossed his arms.

I glanced at Rudd. "Would you mind?"

He shrugged, "It's your job. I can't keep you all to myself, unfortunately." He smirked.

"Blah!" Alex barfed, "Are you shooting us or not?"

"Us?" Rudd asked.

"Presenting the lead singer and rythm guitar of All Time Low," I grinned at Alex.

He visibly twitched. I frowned. "You're the singer?" he asked.

Alex smirked, "Heard you're a big fan, always nice to hear." Then Alex turned to look at me, "Find me before we go on okay? You're my good luck charm."

I laughed, "I'll make sure to get there."

Alex left to go back stage before Rudd and I got into the crowd. I threw my hair up and got ready for the show. This was going to be a long night by the look on Rudd's face after he found out about Alex being the singer.

The lights dimmed and the crowd screamed. I cheered along. Tim for the first band.

Alex's POV

I bit my lip nervously. Where was she? Did she ditch me for Rudd? I wasn't kidding before. Jules was my good luck charm.

I felt someone jump onto me in a hug. I pulled back to see Jules. I smiled, "You made it."

"Of course. I promised I would," she scattered me away with her hands, "Go. Play."

I got on stage with the guys and the crowd cheered. I know that this is what I'm meant to be doing. What we're meant to be doing. And Jules is meant to be at my side while I'm doing it. Not with Rudd. I forced a smile and tried not to choke at the thought.

Jack started strumming and I knew it was time to play. Our first two songs were The Girl's A Straight Up Hustler and Poppin' Champagne. We stopped playing to talk.

"Hey, guys." He crowd cheered and I smiled. "So our next song is new," I found Rudd in the crowd and we locked eyes, "It's about a one night stand."

"Was she good in bed?" someone from the crowd screamed.

"What do you mean she?" Jack laughed and the crowd roared again.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. Rian started drumming the beat to The Party Song and we were off. We could only play four songs that night and the last two were Remembering Sunday and Dear Maria.

"Guys we're going to slow it down for a little bit," I told them.

"Hey, Alex!" Jack called. I turned to face him, "Can we bring Jules out for Remembering Sunday."

I grinned, "Hell yeah! Jules get out here!"

"No!" she yelled.

"Jules! Jules! Jules!" I started chanting and the crowd followed.

"Fine!" she sighed.

I grinned and starting singing Remembering Sunday. When it got to the girl part she ran out on stage. She'd grabbed an extra mic.

"I'm not coming back, I've done something so terrible, I'm terrified to speak but you'd expect that from me, I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt, now the rain is just washing you out of my hair and out of my mind, keeping an eye on the world, from so many thousands of feet off the ground, I'm over you now I'm at home in the clouds, and towering over your head." She was staring right into my eyes with a big silly grin. It was the cutest thing.

I finished it off and the music stopped. The crowd cheered again. Jules had the biggest smile on her face. She side hugged me and tucked her head in my side. I wrapped an arm around her and kissed her forehead.

Then she walked backstage again after waving a goodbye to the crowd. The guys and I finished our set and left. They were all talking back stage so I stuck out to confront Rudd.

"I know what you're doing and stay away," I growled not even bothering with a hello.

He smirked, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stay the hell away from Jules. She didn't do shit to you or your sister. I may not be able to convince her to stay away from you, but you better back the fuck off," I stepped closer to him agressively, "I'll kick your ass. I let you give me a black eye before because I fucked your sister," he flinched and I saw his fists ball up. "But I will take you down this time you hurt a hair on Jules' head. Got that? If you have to, take it out on me."

His fists were still balled, but I knew he wouldn't take a swing. If he did he could kiss any chance with Jules goodbye and he knew it. That's why I wanted him to hit me. That would end this without having Jules hurt.

"Oh, but that's exactly what I'm doing. Taking it out on you through Jules. I could beat you and despite what you might think I could take you down. You don't stand a chance, but that wouldn't hurt you as much as me screwing around with Jules, would it?"

A hot flash on anger took over. I tensed, my fists balled. I had to restrain myself from taking a swing and knocking him off his cocky feet because the same rules applied for me. If I hit him first Jules will take his side and get even closer to him.

"I fucked your sister," I spat. I needed to piss him off, "and she liked it. There's nothing you can do about it. I fucked her and didn't call back and never will because that's it she's a cheap one night stand, but Jules isn't."

Rudd took another step toward me and I saw him about to grab me by the collar when Jules walked up.

"Hey what's up guys?" She asked cheerfully.

Rudd dropped his fist.

"Nothing," we both snapped at her.

She gave as a weird look before laughing. She grabbed Rudd's hand and looked up at him, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," he replied still looking at me, "I thought we'd go get ice cream."

"Sounds good," she beamed. He was making her happy and that hurt. One, because I should be the one making her happy and two because he was going to crush that happiness. Jules' heart wasn't that strong. She was delicate like a baby and I didn't know if she could really handle that.

They started walk away making idle chit chat. I blinked at the space they used to occupy in front of me. I hadn't even realized they'd left and I feared that was a metaphor for mine and Jules current position. Rudd was taking her away and there's nothing I can do about it.

He's taking away my Jules.

My Jules.

My Jules.

My heart hurt. This wasn't fair. I loved her and he was just using her.

Did I just say I loved Jules?

Well obviously I love her, she's my best friend. But that's my problem. You can't love your best friend in that way because then everything changes and it all fallls apart. Especially if I'm in the relationship.

I sighed. My Jules.

A/N: so as always comment, vote, and fan!

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