Cursed with Fate

بواسطة the_Disney_Girls

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~Book One of the Disney Girls Series Once Upon A Time in the magical land of Fiaba, a group of royalty and gr... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Four

49 5 8
بواسطة the_Disney_Girls

Belle was surprised to see Merida in third hour European History, usually when she skipped she was out the whole day. She could have just been out for an appointment or something, but because of the fact Merida didn't have her backpack, and by the expression on her face that probably wasn't the case.

The two girls only sat an aisle away from each other, making it more than easy for them to talk, so Belle leaned over casually and lowered her voice. "Where were you?"

Merida bit her lip, her only reply being, "After school."

Their final classes passed in a blur, everyone was anxious about tomorrow being an early release and having a slightly longer weekend. The friends met up in the cafeteria, all except for Wendy who was nowhere to be seen.

"Do you feel like going out for pizza?" Merida asked the group.

"That seems like fun. Let me text Wendy." Alice said, bringing out her phone and texting Wendy.

To: Believer
We're all going for pizza. Are you coming?

Wendy's reply was simple.

From: Believer

Alice frowned. Wendy was becoming so distant lately. She knew Wendy had to work and all, but what if something seemed wrong. Well, if something was wrong, she shouldn't push away her friends. She should come to them, they'd always stick by her.

Alice tucked her phone back in her pocket, "She's babysitting. Elsa, you drive Anna and Rapunzel if she's coming, and Belle will drive me and Mer?"

Elsa nodded, "She has plans with Flynn, so she's not. Sounds good to me. See you guys there." She left the cafeteria, followed by Anna.

"Wait! I left my Math book in my locker, I need to go get it." Anna turned and walked the other way. Elsa sighed, and walked after her.

Anna jogged to her locker and quickly did the combination on the lock. She grabbed her Trigonometry book and was putting it in her bag when her locker door slammed shut, startling her into falling backwards. She closed her eyes, bracing herself for another fall when two hands grabbed each of her forearms before she fell and pulled her up, then those hands snaked around her waist and pulled her close.

Anna opened her eyes, "Hans." She spat. "Let me go."

"I don't think I want to do that." He smiled evilly at her. "What do you say we go and have a little fun over at my house."

Her eyes widened in horror at his question, "Never, Hans. Now, let me go." Anna squirmed and wiggled against his tight grip, putting her hands on his chest and pushing on him to get away.

He shook his head, "Again, not going to do that. If you won't go, I'll just take you."

"No, you won't! Let her go!" A shout came from down the hall. Anna twisted her head to see who spoke. It was Elsa. Anna was elated, her sister came to help her. Elsa stomped over to Hans and Anna, rage painted on her face. "Let. My. Sister. Go. Now."

Hans dryly chuckled, "Why does everybody think they can tell me what to do? What do you think you can do to me?"

"Me alone? Not much. But with back-up? A lot." Elsa crossed her arms.

Hans' smug smile faded, but he decided to play it cool. "You and what army? Your puny friends? They can't hurt me."

"I think we can." Merida called, stepping out into the hallway accompanied by Belle, Alice, Kristoff, and Jack. The redhead held up her bow and nocked an arrow in Hans's direction (Merida was praising every deity in existence that there weren't any teachers around to see her--she could easily get kicked off the archery team because she was "threatening another student"). "Let her go."

Hans looked down at Anna squirming in his arms, and smirked at her. "Guess we'll have to do this some other time." He loosened his grip and Anna pushed him away immediately.

"Or never." Anna said to him, brushing off her clothes to try to get the sick smell of his cheap cologne off of her.

"Until we meet again." He smirked and bowed mockingly before turning around and walking away from them.

"Are you okay?" Elsa asked, practically smothering her younger sister.

Anna grinned, "Never better. Thanks." She winced as Elsa let go, and clearly Elsa noticed because she gave Anna an unbelieving look. "Alright, so he grabbed me a little too tight. I'm fine."

Elsa sighed. "Let's go to Tony's, I'm sure he'll let you steal some ice."

"Who needs ice for a bruise?" Merida rolled her eyes. "I'm hungry, let's eat!"

"I'm not objecting." Jack said.

"Me either," Anna added.

The group went to Tony's Restaurant, ordering their usual: one large sausage and one large pepperoni. Tony walked through the rows of empty checkered tables to get to them. The rush didn't usually come in until six. "How was school today? You started new semester, no?" the asked, his thick Italian accent barely getting the sentence out. "And where is Wendy?"

"Busy babysitting." Alice frowned.

"School is the same old boring sh--"

"Merida!" Belle scolded.

"What?" Merida glanced around as if she'd done nothing wrong. "It's the truth. All we ever do is the same stuff, and they expect us to know something different. It's ridiculous!"

Kristoff shook his head, "Merida..."

Most of the meal went by with everyone trash-talking Hans. Belle made a point to stay somewhat quiet so that she could find out where Merida was that morning. Out of nowhere, Anna and Jack started getting into it about Jack's pranking habits, and Belle took that as her cue to speak with the other redhead. Thankfully, she was sitting right next to her.

"Hey, what happened this morning?"

"Oh, um..." Should she tell Belle what really happened? This had gone on a few times before, the last time when Merida was only a couple months earlier. She would always sneak back to her house in the middle of the night though, never having the courage to truly leave. But this time was different. This time she had no intentions of ever going back home--no, she wouldn't even call that prison her 'home' ever again.

"I left home, for good this time."


Merida's eyes widened, hoping Belle's outburst hadn't drawn any attention. Only Alice who glanced their way before focusing back on the debate between Jack and Anna.


"Where are you staying?" Belle whispered. Merida was grateful she was attempting to be more discreet. "I'm sure you could stay at my place if you needed to. You know it's not that big or fancy, but I know you'd be welcome."

Shaking her head, Merida suppressed the grin over her friend's selflessness, "I actually have a place."

"With who?"

"... Henry..."

"There are a million Henrys in school!" As an afterthought she added, "Wait... you're staying with a guy? You hate men!"

"This guy isn't so bad. If I hated him, he would already have a black eye." She paused looking down at the crumbs of pizza on her plate. "I ran into him, and hurt my ankle, so he got me some ice at his place and offered for me to stay with him after I told him about running away."

Belle sighed, it was both knowing and out of exasperation, "Twenty says you fall in love with him."

"Twenty says I leave his house before the week is over. And why are you making a bet? Just because I think one guy is okay, doesn't mean I'm going to fall in love with him."

"Yes it does." Belle replied, matter-of-factly. She always spoke in that tone when she predicted something, and Merida was slightly worried... all of Belle's absurd guesses about life always ended up coming true. Always.

"Will you two just shut up already?" Elsa groaned. She was tired of listening to her sister and boyfriend argue about unimportant things. Kristoff was defending Anna's side--of course, he was as loyal and protective as a german shepard sometimes. Merida seemed to be zoning out. Belle was surprisingly siding with Jack after being silent for so long. Alice was also agreeing with Jack. Elsa was forcing herself to remain the unconquered Switzerland in this, she didn't want Jack or Anna resenting her just because of one of their habitual disagreements.

Of course neither the boy with bleached hair, nor the persistent ginger backed down.

It was going to be a long night.

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