YouTuber One-Shots

By Luucent

8.5K 333 58

This is a book of YouTuber stories. Some of which are very sad. Also I don't own any of these characters but... More

Forbidden Love (ZeRoyalChaos)
Tragic Couple (MiniCat)
Breakeven (SeaChaos)
Flares (SeaChaos)
Insanity (H20Vanoss)
If We Fall (MiniCat)
Coffee? (ZeRoyalChaos)
Welcome Home (Surprise)
Open Those Eye's (H20Vanoss)
Would You? (MiniCat)
Soldier (Surprise)
Boredom Leads To Great Things (Phan)
Cheese (ZeRoyalChaos)
Heart Problems (SeaChaos)
A Vist, Some Pasta, and a Knife (ChilledMexican)
Behind The Lake (Phan)
Star Gazing (H20Vanoss)
This Point Onwards
Our First Dance [MiniCat]
Truth in Lies [SeaMexican]
Angel's Light [Krinx]
Secrets Should be Said [MiniCat]
This is for Tags. Soo... Yeah
The Pattern Is Broken, But Someone Was Hurt [H20Vanoss]
Apple Hill [Surprise]
Letters To A Crime Committer [SeaMexican]
Photographs Are Not Worth 1,000 Words, More Like 3 [TehFawkes]
Flower Of Spring [SeaMexican]
Gaming Contest [Surprise]
Help + Sorry
Rich [Surprise]
I Want To See My World [Phan]
Noise {Phan}
Papa [Surprise]
End {Surprise}

Little Things (Krinx)

236 11 0
By Luucent

I look at my chest pocket to see Adam smiling his Cheshire Cat smile. Today me and him were going to meet one of my internet friends, her name was Krism. She was really funny, cute, intelligent, and I just can't get her out of my mind. The way her eyes brighten when you mention certain things, or when she smiles a dimple forms on her left cheek.

My thoughts were cut short when Adam started pulling my shirt. I looked to where his tiny hands were pointed. Across the park was a girl wandering down the light grey bricks. She had brown hair, and she was looking towards the ground. Aw, she was shy! I mean how can anything become more adorable than this?

I made my way towards her, looking at my feet like she did. I don't really know, why was I suddenly nervous? I mean maybe it was because I was about to talk to my crush in real life. That's just a theory. When I was finally there I noticed like me she had a tiny.

Tinys were miniature people. Scientist experimented on volunteers and one day it work. Soon they were given the name tiny or tinys. Of course soon we didn't need scientist because they were normal humans, the 'nasty' included.

My tiny is named Adam. I got him when I was 23, and he was around 29. He had a devious grin and a dolphin laugh, always keeping every happy with it, yet annoying them at the same time. His hair was short and a dirty blond color, he always wore a grey shirt and jeans.

Her tiny had black hair, a mustache and was either Mexican or had a very good tan. He wore a red shirt from what I could see and was staring at Adam who was laughing. The Mexican or whatever was in her Jean pock, soon I adverted my eyes from him and looked at her face. She was more beautiful in person! Her one red eye standing out going with her red shirt.

I saw a blush creeping up her cheeks when I finally got close enough. I smiled at her, which I never do.

"Hello, Krism. I must say you look way more beautiful in person. I mean absolutely stunning, breathe taking even." I told my girlfriend smiling. This was our first meet up and we decided to make it special. So I planned the whole thing.

I gestured towards a huge, ancient oak tree. On the ground in front of it was a black and red checkered blanket, played on top of it. In the very corner sat a beautifully woven picnic basket. The top of it slightly opening.

"Oh my, Michelle" Krism said. She only uses Michelle if I did something good or bad. I'm hoping for good. I looked back at her and I help out my hand.

"Let go Krism, I packed your favorite~" I told her in a singsong voice. She intertwined our hands and kissed my cheek, leading us towards the picnic. Slowly we sat across from each other as I grabbed the basket.

"What is today's special?" She asked, all giggly.

"You'll have to find out Krism" I told her, saying her name in our language I guess you could say.

Soon I opened the it and took out the first idem, lettuce. I reached across with the it in hand. It was a ball of lettuce.

"Hey, I thought maybe we could peel it off a freshly produced...thing" I told her. Krism then smiled shyly and put her hand on my guiding me. After we got 2 pieces done, I smiled. It was quickly erased when I felt my shirt tug forward, like something was pulling it.

I looked down to see Adam pulling my shirt and pointing towards the Mexican. I laughed and said "I think Adam wants to"

"Max, his name is Max. I kinda just got him but, we get along well." She told me. I smiled, her voice is so sweet and adorable. I could probably listen to it all day if I'm honest.

"Well then, let's let Max and Adam meet. I'm curious to see wether they'll get along or not."

"Let's hope so because I've seen Max pack a punch to this other tiny, but that is for another time. Right now it's just me and you without the tinys."
Sorry,I haven't been updating. Also would you like me to continue? Anyways 200+ READS. WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN? THANK YOU!!!!!!!! (Not edited, 768 words)

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