Inazuma Eleven Is My Life...

By firetornados

6.6K 228 189

Isabelle is just an Inazuma Eleven-obsessed geek until one day her life changes forever and now, not only is... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

619 21 6
By firetornados


"Jude, move over, you're taking all the room!" I tell him as we peer through a crack in the door at Isabelle and Mark.

"Oh, well I'm sorry!" Jude tells me, annoyed.

"Jude, I can't see either." Axel says, backing me up. Or maybe he just wants to make sure nothing happens between Mark and Isabelle, just like I do.

"Here, I'll move." Shawn tells us.

We all peer through the crack just in time to see Isabelle lean over and kiss Mark on the cheek.

She says something, and closes the door.

As soon as her door closes, Mark falls to the floor, shocked and we fall through the crack in the door, everyone landing on top of Jude.

"Get off of me!" Jude exclaims.

"Karma's a bitch, right Jude?" I ask him, referring to him hogging the whole crack in the door.

"Oh shut up!" He tells me, but he's laughing.

"Oh, hi guys!" Mark smiles dreamily at us. "Normally I would ask you why you were in my room spying on Isabelle and I, but I'm too happy to right now."

"Oh, come in lover boy." Jude smiles and we all pile into Mark's room.

"I can't believe you asked her out before me or Axel could!" I snap. I know that Axel was planning on asking her out earlier today.

"I'll be a good friend and try not to steal her from you, but as soon as you break up, she's mine." Axel tells Mark.

"Not if I get to her first." I say.

"Fine by me, I think she really likes me!" Mark tells us. "I mean, she did kiss me." He adds.

"Yeah, but on the cheek. Hasn't Victoria kissed you on the cheek?" Axel asks. He's jealous, but so am I.

Mark blushes.

"Whatever guys, let's get down to business." Jude says.

"What business?" Axel asks.

"Where did Coach Travis send you and Austin today? And why did Austin seem so angry until you guys got back?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, I was wondering that too." Shawn tells Axel.

"Me too." Mark nods.

If I am not mistaken, Axel's blushing. Very faintly, but yes, he's blushing.

"Oh, it's a long story." Axel says.

"Come on! You can tell us!" Nathan says, his head popping into the room.

"Nathan! You're finally here! What were you doing?" Shawn asks.

"Running laps, of course! What else?" he tells us.

"Oh, yeah, your nightly jogs." Jude says.

Nathan nods. "Anyways, Axel, spill!" He tells Axel, taking a seat next to Mark.

"It's not my secret to tell, though! It's Austin's!" He tells us. "All I can tell you is that Austin was really pissed with me and now he's not. If I say any more, I'll be telling Austin's secret." He says.

"It's okay, I wouldn't want to invade Austin's personal life." Mark says. We all nod, even though, secretly I just want to know.

"Oh, I forgot to say, I brought the magazines you asked me for, Nathan." Shawn tells Nathan, pulling out a bunch of magazines with girls in bikinis on the cover.

We all look at Nathan.

"Really, Nathan?" Jude asks, rolling his eyes.

He has spoken for everyone.

"What magazines?" Nathan asks Shawn, innocently.

"You know, the ones that you asked me for on Sunday? It took a lot of searching, but I finally found a few in Caleb's room!" Shawn answers.

Nathan laughs nervously.

"Where did Caleb get magazines like this?!" Mark asks as he flips through one, a smile plastered across his face. "I mean, look at this picture!" He says. We all cover our eyes.

"Mark! Stop that!" Axel and I exclaim together.

"Hey, Nathan, if you don't want them, I'll take them!" Mark says.

"Mark!" Jude gives Mark a look.

"What?" Mark asks innocently.

"Hand those over." Jude tells him, a serious look on his face.


"No buts." Jude tells him.

"Fine." Mark pounts. He hands Jude the magazine.

We all expect Jude to get up and throw them away, but instead he starts flipping through one.

He smiles. Mark leans over and so does Nathan.

"Guys!" Axel exclaims.

Jude flips to the next page. The three of them giggle. I roll my eyes.

"How mature." I tell them sarcastically.

"Shawn, why did you take these?" Axel asks.

"What's wrong with them?"

"We are surrounded by idiots." I tell Axel.

He nods and we smile at each other. Then we lean over to take a look at the magazines along with the others.

The next morning, I awaken in Mark's room. Jude, Shawn, Nathan, Mark, and Axel are here, too. I didn't realize that we had all fallen asleep in here.

"Austin, I'm sorry!" Axel murmurs in his sleep. That's funny, I didn't think that Axel was the type of guy who sleep talked. Maybe he feels guilty about something he did to Austin? Could it have anything to do with them leaving yesterday?

Axel arises.

"Morning." I tell him.

He nods, "Morning."

"Should we wake them up?" I ask.

Axel nods. "I think that we might already be late for breakfast, poor Austin's probably sitting all alone." He tells me.

I look at the clock, it's 8:49. Breakfast started nineteen minutes ago.

We shake Jude, Nathan, and Shawn awake, but Mark won't budge.

"Mark, if you dare call me mom again, I swear that I will dump scalding hot water onto your face!" Jude exclaims.

Mark rises "You should learn to be a better mother!" Mark scolds him, smiling.

He gets up and runs into the bathroom before Jude can strangle him.

I laugh, "You guys are so interesting."

"Much more interesting than your alien friends, right?" Jude smiles at me as he tries to wrench to bathroom door open.

When we all change, we head down to breakfast to find that Austin isn't at the table, or in the cafeteria.

"Maybe he finished early?" Shawn suggests.

We nod and eat fast, because training starts in five minutes.

We're about to head out to the field- most of the others are already there- when Coach Travis walks in.

"It has been announced that you guys will be playing Qatar for your next game." Coach Travis announces.

"We're going to be playing the Desert Lions, cool." Mark says.

"Yes, so today's training is just a strategy meeting, then you are free for the day." Coach Travis tells us.

We nod. The rest of the team appears in the doorway and walks in.

I look at Axel. We're both looking for Isabelle.

She walks in with... Austin!? Since when does Austin like Isabelle? Yesterday he could barely even be in the same room as her, let alone talk to her.

I look at Axel, he looks shocked and confused too.

Austin probably isn't crushing on her, but still. What is she ends up asking him out after she and Mark break up?

I lean over to Axel "I'm going to talk to Austin about this later." I whisper. Axel nods.

The whole team takes their seats. Austin walks over and sits with us.

"Hi guys!" He chirps shyly. Yup, he's back to his usual self.

Isabelle, along with the managers and the coaches make their way to the front of the room.

"I just want to start out by telling you guys that the Desert Lions will try to trick you." Isabelle tells us.

Trick us? How?

"They will play easy on you in the first round, but in the second round, they will reveal their true power. That means that you must try and score as many goals as you can in the first round." She continues.

We nod.

"Shawn, Jordan, Hurley, and Xavier. Drink lots of water because you guys will be the most affected by exhaustion." She tells the four of us.

We nod.

"And Austin, don't be afraid to score on them." She adds, looking Austin in the eye. "It is completely fine to score many goals, everyone here is just as good as you are. This isn't your elementary school team." She says.

Austin looks shocked, like Isabelle knows something about his personal life that the rest of us don't. He then smiles and nods.

"She's right, Austin. You shouldn't pass the ball to me when you have the perfect chance. I noticed that you did that in the last game." Axel tells him.

"I'm sorry, I'll try not to do it again. It's a bad habit of mine." Austin answers, not daring to look Axel in the eye.

Axel nods, but I don't think he believes Austin.


After the team meeting, Coach Travis tells us that we have the rest of the day off.

I stand up and am immediately cornered by Xavier.

"We have to talk." He tells me.

What could this be about? Xavier's tone of voice is serious and sort of... jealous?!

I nod.

We wait for everyone to leave the room and then he starts. "What's going on between you and Isabelle?" He asks me.

So that's what this is about.

"Nothing, don't worry. We're just friends, not more." I assure him.

His body posture becomes a little more relaxed. "I hope you're telling the truth." He tells me, smiling.

I nod. I know that this might sound weird, but I'm a little scared of Xavier after the whole Alius academy thing, or from what I could tell on TV.

"I speak the truth." I wink. Then we head out of the room.

I open the door to my room to find Axel. "Okay, Austin. You're still mad at me aren't you?" He asks.

"What, no?!" I say, confused. Why would he think that?

"Then why are you hanging around with Isabelle all of a sudden? You detest her! You're trying to use her to make me jealous and when you break her heart, you'll hurt her too, right?" He asks.

I'm shocked. I thought that we were over this. "No way! We're just friends and she's actually pretty nice. I shouldn't have judged her or gotten mad at you and I'm sorry." I tell him.

He lets out a sigh of relief. "So, you're not still mad?" He asks.

"No, of course not." I tell him.

He nods. "I'm sorry for accusing you of such a horrible thing." He tells me.

"It's fine." I tell him.

He walks out of the room.

No one knows how much it hurts to be just friends with Axel. I'm not over him, not yet.

I sigh. It's lunch time.

I look out the window and see most of the team heading out. That's when I notice Mark and Isabelle holding hands. "They're cute together." I think to myself.

Maybe the therapist was right, maybe Isabelle and I could turn out to become really good friends.

I walk down to the cafeteria. Almost everyone has left to go out.

The people whose parents are staying on Liocott Island to watch the tournament have left to visit their parents, some have gone to train, Hurley has definitely gone surfing, some- like Isabelle and Mark- have gone out for lunch, and the other girls have gone shopping.

I'm the only one in the cafeteria. I take a tray of food and sit down.

The door to the cafeteria opens. I guess I'm not the only one who hasn't left the dorm. Darren walks in.

"Hi Austin!" Darren says cheerfully.

I smile. "Hey, Darren!"

I have never really talked to Darren.

I sit down at a table and motion for Darren to sit besides me. He grabs a tray and does so.

"You know, I've noticed something in the last few days." He tells me. Uh oh, is he going to start talking about Isabelle too. Yes, she's my friend, but I'm kind of tired of everyone gushing over her.

"Yeah, what did you notice?" I ask.

"Me and you are really similar." He tells me. "I mean, you look up to Axel like I look up to Mark." He tells me.

I nod, "Sometimes I feel like I'm in a dream. I mean, I'm surrounded by the world's best players!" I agree with him.

He nods "It's like I'm Mark's apprentice and you're Axel's." He smiles. "Mark is my idol! I can't believe that I'm on a team with him!"

"I know, same here with Axel!" I agree.

I never knew that Darren and I had so much in common. You know, I have made a lot of new friends today.

We chat for a while and then he asks me if I would like to train with him. I say yes and we head out to train.

He blocks a small percentage of my shots.

"Wow! Austin, you're great! You should try and score more often!" He exclaims.

When we finish practicing, I realize that I have had a lot of fun with Darren.

"We should do this more often!" I tell him as we head in.

"Yeah, we really should." He agrees.


"I really don't see why we're spying on Mark." Jude tells us.

"Because, we are. If you want to leave you can." Xavier snaps at him.

Jude has been complaining for the past ten minutes.

I peer over my menu at the table across from us. Mark and Isabelle sit there chatting.

"Dude, they're dating. There's nothing we can do about it!" Nathan tells us. "Hey, where's Shawn?" He adds.

We look at Shawn's seat to find him gone.

"There he is." I nod to the table behind us.

Shawn is surrounded by girls.

"He doesn't even realize that he's flirting." Nathan says as we roll our eyes.

Jude stands up and walks over to Shawn (and the girls.)

"What's he up to this time?" Xavier says, laughing.

"Yeah, if I were Shawn, I'd run." I add, smiling.

"Oh, you guys know what he's gonna do. He does it every time." Nathan tells us.

We laugh and then try to hear Jude.

"Hello, ladies." He smiles. "Shawn." He says.

"Hi..." One of the girls says.

"I just wanted to inform you that Shawn has mononucleosis." He tells them.

"What's that?" Another girl asks.

"It's also known as the kissing disease." He tells them. "If he kisses you, you'll turn into a frog!" He tells them.

They all gasp and scurry away.

We burst out laughing.

Jude grabs Shawn by the ear and drags him over.

"Dude, mono does not turn you into a frog." I sigh between laughs.

"They didn't have to know that." Jude smiles evilly.

"Can you let go of my ear?" Shawn asks.

"Dude, stop wondering off with a ton of girls." Nathan tells him as Jude lets go of his ear.

"Okay, fine." He nods.

"That's what you always say." Xavier tells him.

We all nod in agreement and return to spying on Mark.

I hope nothing much happens between him and Isabelle.


"I have to go now." Mark tells me. "I have to go to some dinner with the captains of all of the participating teams in the Soccer Frontier International." Mark tells me.

I nod and hug him goodbye. "Have fun!" I tell him. He winks and heads off.

I swear, literally as soon as Mark has disappeared, Xavier and Axel appear at my table.

"Hi Isabelle, fancy seeing you here." Xavier winks.

I blush.

"Have you already eaten?" Axel asks.

"No, I was just gonna head back to the dorm for dinner." I tell them.

"I'll pay for you." Axel offers.

"Oh, Axel! That's so sweet of you! But I can't let you do that." I tell him.

Axel is so kind. And irresistible...

Out of the corner of my eye I see Xavier glare at Axel.

"Of course you can." Axel tells me.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll split the money with Axel, if that makes you feel better." Xavier says.

Aww! They are so hot! And fighting over who gets to buy me dinner... Could they like me?

Nope it's not possible. Why would the Axel Blaze and the Xavier Foster like me. I mean, yeah, in my dreams...

"Okay, fine. But I owe you both a favor." I tell them.

They smile.

"I'm gonna hold you to that." Axel tells me.

I have dinner with them and we talk. They are both really nice.

"Hey, um, Isabelle. What happened between Axel and Austin yesterday?" Xavier asks me, looking at Axel who looks a little bit uncomfortable.

"I don't know, actually. I just sat in the waiting room of a therapist's office for two hours." I tell him.

I decide not to ask Axel about it. He doesn't look like he's ready to talk about yesterday yet.

All I know is that it felt like Austin might have hated me and now we are becoming friends. Just like I've always hoped for in the real world.

As we walk back we talk some more. It kind of feels like Xavier and Axel are trying to make Mark look bad.

When we get back to the dorm, I head to my room and shower.

I change into my pajamas and then realize that something is missing, but I can't figure out what.

I look down at my wrist. The bracelet! It's gone!

Uh oh! What if I don't find it! I'll never be able to return home! Not that that's really a bad thing, maybe I should just stay here. But my family! What happens after the Soccer Frontier? After Mark and the others graduate? Where will I go? I need to find this bracelet, now!

I turn my room inside out looking for it. I check the bathroom and my clothes but I can't find the bracelet!

I'm doomed.


What happened to the bracelet!?

Scotty: I don't know, you write the story, not me!

Scotty, *sigh* you sound kinda guilty...

Scotty: Get off my back, lady!

I'm basically your age...

Anyways! Austin and Isabelle are becoming friends!

But do you think that Austin will ever come clean about what he said to the therapist? Or will Isabelle find out on her own?

Scotty: Again, you write the story, not me! God, Isa-

HUSH! No spoilers!

Scotty: Fine... >:3

I just want to let you guys know that school started yesterday for me, so I will be a little busy from now on, but Wattpad and Inazuma Eleven are my life so I will try to write as often as I can!

I love you all my Inazumans! (That's the official name that I made up for fans of Inazuma Eleven.)

Please read, vote, comment, like, follow, etc. and NEVER GIVE UP UNTIL THE FINAL WHISTLE! <3

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