Love Isn't Simple - An MCR Fa...

By TheMadHouse

4.5K 106 49

When Maxine falls hard for the new kid Gerard, Frank becomes jelous. Ray gets offered a once in a lifetime ch... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

1K 22 7
By TheMadHouse

~~~This is a My Chemical Romance FanFiction that I decided I felt like writing. (Well, duh!) it's my first ever writing on Wattpad so please R&R! I would really appriciate it! Tell me if I should keep going, give me tips, critique me, please! Thanks, hope as enjoy it and hope to be writing more tomorrow!~~~

"Everyone, this is Gerard Way. He is new here and I expect you all to be very welcoming." at this announcement I glanced up from scribbly excuse for notes and looked at the figure in the front of the classroom.

His hair cascaded down his pale cheek bone like a dark curtain. Dark didn't even describe what color his hair resembled. It was darker then the night's sky when no stars shine. This made his skin look even paler than it really was. He was white, not pale, white. Dark circles were worn underneath his warm honey eyes partly because the eye-liner he wore was slightly smudged. His arms hung by his slim sides as he buried his fingers deeper into his black skinny-jeans pocket. His slim torso was cloaked in a faded 'Misfits' hoodie. He nibbled at his bottom lip nervously as he shifted his weight from foot to foot.

"Mr. Way, you can sit in front of Mr. Huchinson," then the teacher pointed at a chair on the opposite side of the room. I could feel my face drop slightly. I don't know I expected the new boy to be sent to sit next to me seeing as there were no open desks anywhere near me.

I heard something land with a soft thud on my desk. It was a note, and scrawled in the hand writing of my best friend read,

'Quit drooling over the new kid!' I blushed a little because I just noticed that I probably was staring at Gerard. I began to scribble my reply to Frank when the shrill voice of Mrs. Prickles filled my ears.

"Maxine Davis, can I please have that note," I'm a dead man! Why, God, why? What did I ever do to deserve a slow and painful death from embarrassment? Mrs. Prickles snatched the small paper from my grasp and cleared her throat.

"Quit drooling over the new kid!" She repeated in her shriek of a voice. The classroom exploded with laughter. I bet you anything my face was redder than the redest thing you have ever seen. I was mortified! I quickly glanced at Gerard to see his expression.

He didn't look embarrassed or angry. He looked sort or shocked. His lips were slightly parted and his eyes locked on me. My face went even redder if that was possible.

Sometimes I wish the ground would just swallow me up. I knew that couldn't happen so I laid my arms down on my desk and buried my face in them. The mocking laughs echoing in my ears.

Frank was sitting behind me and I felt his warm hands rubbing my back in a fruitless attempt me comfort me. I already took enough shit from the jerks at school, was the teasing ever going to end?

And now did I only dig MYSELF deeper in shit, I starting digging Gerard's hole. Poor Gerard, it was first period on Monday morning of his first day and I had already ruined it for him. Now I was mortified and guilty! Just a great way to start off the week.

"Now, now class. Let's get back to our lesson." for the first time in my life, I was thankful for Mrs. Prickles and her need to move quickly through lessons. Through out the whole period I was unable to concentrate. My eyes glided over the words in the textbook but never reading. My mind drifting off to happier things like a certain new student.

The bell that signaled the end of the period snapped me back to reality. My boring, uneventful, miserable, reality. The whole class stood in unison and drifted out into the hallway, leaving a confused Gerard alone in the empty classroom.

My eyes flickered over to where he stood staring at a sheet of paper with a look of concentration on his face. He was biting his lower lip again. Frank, my best friend, then walked up to the new boy.

Frank was a few inches shorter than Gerard. Well, Frank was shorter than almost everyone. He was 5, 4' and had bangs that hung in the corner of his eye. The sides of his head were buzzed and dyed a shade of blonde. I loved Frank like a brother. I found it adorable that he wore a dress shirt and tie everyday to school paired with an old pair of worn out jeans.

I guessed that Frank had offered to help Gerard figure out his schedule because they were both pointing at the sheet of paper and I heard the words, 'Chemistry', and 'Art', and 'English'.

As Gerard and Frank were talking, I saw from across the room that Gerard smiled. His smile gave me butterflies, it was such a beautiful smile I wished that I could take a picture in my mind. I also wished that I could stare at Gerard forever.

It was such a weird feeling. I had never had a crush before. I felt like one of those 12 year old girls in those chick flicks.

I decided it was better if I left the classroom before Frank and Gerard could catch up with me. I didn't want to embarrass myself further in front of Gerard by turning myself into a babbling idiot.

Then I realized that me and Frank had our next class, Chemistry, together. And Frank was walking with Gerard to his next class. OUR next class. This meant I would be spending another period red-faced and drooling. Oh, what fun?

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