FanBoy ♔ Malum.

By spcaesthetic

115K 2.9K 652

Love is a Fan Club with only two fans. copyright © 2015 Lizzy (wallflowermalum.) all rights reserved. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Seven

3.8K 243 45
By spcaesthetic

• Rewritten •

The day of the concert was only a day away at this point and Michael was literally bouncing off the walls. The adrenaline was pumping through his veins in a way he had never experienced before and it made him feel like he was on some kind of drug.

From across the small living room, Jaxon was glancing up from his homework every now and then to make sure that his older brother wasn't passed out from the excitement. He was happy that Michael was going away for the weekend. For an 11-year-old boy, he noticed too many small details; much like how Michael was getting thinner and how the dark circles under his green eyes were getting more noticeable with each day that passed. Those were sadly only some of the changes that Jaxon had noticed over the past seven days or so. Michael's happy and cheery mood was slowly fading away and was replaced with silence and frowns and as Jaxon felt obligated to make his brother happy he felt like he'd failed Michael somehow.

"When's Jayden picking you up?" Michael's train of thoughts crashed as Jaxon's sweet and light voice brought him back to reality. He flicked his right wrist towards him to bring his watch into sight to check what the current time was; 2:30 pm.

"She should be here any minute," he realized and quickly shot up from the sofa to gather his few things. A giggle comes from the small kitchen area, where Jaxon is seated with his math homework in front of him along with a few pieces of chocolate to keep him a tiny bit motivated.

As Michael puts the last thing in his bag and slips his phone along with some saved up money in the back pocket of his jeans, the broken high-pitched doorbell rings and Michael cannot help but squeal. Ripping the door open he was met by Jayden's piercing blue eyes and just as wide smile, the two squealed at the same time was threw their arms around each other.

A smile was glued onto Jaxon's face as he watched the, sadly, temporary happiness on his much older brother's face. Michael's green eyes were shimmering and his teeth were showing from the how wide he was smiling and it was hard not to smile in the presence on Michael's smile.

Michael let go of Jayden and quickly walked over to were Jaxon was watching them, "Red will be here in about ten minutes, you'll manage on your own until that right?" Jaxon smiled at how worried Michael was about him and nodded. Michael mumbled 'good' to himself as his green eyes met Jaxon's brown ones. "Okay, I'll be back on Sunday... There are some leftovers in the fridge but I'm pretty sure Red will take you somewhere and spoil you to death. And if an emergency comes up, call me! Okay? Use Red's phone so I know that it's a real emergency... Okay?" By the end of his rant, Michael was crouching in front of Jaxon with his hands on each side of his face, scared to let go. Michael hadn't left Jaxon alone since the night their parents died and he didn't want anything similar to happen while he was away over the weekend.

A loving laugh escaped Jaxons mouth, "I'll be fine, Mikey, now shoo, go and have fun. Be young and free."

This time it was Michael's time to laugh, "It sounds like you are my older brother and not the other way around." Michael ruffled Jaxon's short brown-blonde hair before giving him one last hug. "I'll miss you, please be safe." Micheal felt Jaxon nodding into his shoulder before they suddenly were ripped apart.

"Come on, papa bird, we need to get going." All the bags were on Jayden's shoulders as she dragged her best friend away from his brother. Michael smiled and waved to his little brother who waved back with a copied smile.


The day of the concert had finally arrived and the excitement was bubbling in both Michael's and Jayden's chest. On the way there Jayden had revealed that they didn't only have ordinary tickets but instead they had soundcheck tickets which only made Michael even more excited about the concert.

They were standing in the not-too-long queue, minutes away from getting into the arena. Michael was rubbing the sweat from his hands onto his jeans harder the closer they got to the entrance.

"Ticket and ID please." Michael handed the ticket and his ID to the young girl in front of him with a nervous smile. She looked down at his ID before looking up at him again and a smile appeared on her lips and quickly she scanned his ticket and moved on to the next person behind him.

With unexplainable emotions in his eyes, Michael looks over at his black haired friend and smiled widely but suddenly an unease feeling settled down deep in his stomach but he chose to ignore it. After all, he was seeing his favourite band in a few hours, what could possibly go wrong by now?


Calum scanned the not to small but not too big crowd in front of him as he and his two bandmates were seated at the edge of the stages while answering random questions. His eyes stopped on a familiar boy that was seated next to a black haired girl on his far left. 'That face', he thought, 'I know that face from somewhere.'

Before he could register where he knew that specific face from, a distressed look took over his happy and smiley face and Calum could sense that something was extremely off. Something he desperately wanted to find out so he could comfort the blonde haired boy but he knew he couldn't and a sad sigh left his mouth.

The buzzing of his phone brought Michael's attention from the three hot boys in front of him and down to the phone that he had between his crossed legs. Sneakily he checked the caller ID and he felt like his entire world was about to collapse. Red was calling him. With panic clawing at his throat, he nudged Jayden and showed her who was calling him and she nodded, understanding that he had to leave.

He quickly packed his things together, quietly, before he managed to get eye contact with on off the security guards. The buff guard guided him outside where he in inhuman speed answered the call.

"What's wrong?!" Michael's voice was higher than usual as he could her his friend crying on the other side.

"It h-h-happened so f-fast, I-I didn't have t-t-time to stop i-it..." A loud hiccup interrupted her stuttered sentence and Micheal felt sick to his stomach, Red was probably the strongest person he knew and he had never seen or heard her cry, not about anything, not even when her father had passed away.

"Red, please, just tell me what happened!" Water filled Michael's eyes as he continued to listen to Red's cries.

Michael's heart stopped when she started talking again, this time without stuttering, "we were on the way to get some KFC because I let him choose what to eat and we were on our way when out of nowhere this big ass van just slams into the side of my car... Jaxon's side and it all happened so fast and I'm sorry Michael, I didn't mean to, I am so so so sorry. We're at the hospital right now... I'm fine, well... I feel fine but they won't let me go. Jaxon is in a critical condition though... I am sincerely sorry Mikey..." Tears were streaming down Michael's pale face as he slid down the closest wall since his knees refused to support his body weight for any longer.

The phone dropped from his hands as loud and helpless sobs left his mouth without mercy, it was like the night his parents died, all over again.

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