An other daughter

By smilegirly

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What if the NCIS- family gets a new addition? I own nothing but Jasmine. cover is from: http://images2.fnpop... More



5.9K 122 7
By smilegirly

Gibbs and the team resume their work and Jas has to sit in a chair next to Gibbs. While it was interesting in the beginning when they showed all the pictures on the screen or had a playful banter over who did the best, it is now so boring that the girl almost falls asleep.

" Gibbs... can I look around for a while?" He doesn't even look up from his work
" No."
" Why? It's not like I am needed here."
Again the same answer.
" Oh come on... pleeeeeaaaassseeee..."
At her whining he pauses and puts his pen down. " Have you already forgotten that you are grounded?"
" Are you really taking this serious?"
" Yes I am. We talked about it this morning I thought you understood what I said."
" But you already took my phone."
" I did and now you won't leave my side like I told you."
The teen huffs and slumps down in her seat. Gibbs shakes his head and then continues reading his papers. Jas glares at him but is a bit touched nonetheless that he cares about her safety. When he doesn't relent after several sighs and silent huffing she gives up and sits silently for a few minutes. She sees Tony and Ziva exchanging amused smiles. When Tony looks at her she sticks her tongue out at him. He grins and does the same.
" DiNozzo! Concentrate on your work or do you need my help with that..."
"I'm good. Thanks Boss."
" Thought so" Then Gibbs takes Jasmine's arm and leads her to the elevator.
"Where are we going?" He pushes the butten and stands next to her.
" To a coffee shop. You have to eat lunch."
" But I'm not hungry, Gibbs."
" Yeah? You will eat anyway you are to thin and I intend to change that."

There he is right with a high of 5'5 and 99 lbs Jasmine is a bit underweight. She always was thin but since her mom died it go worse. Again he looks after her needs like a parent would. She can't remember her  father, he left them and died when she was only a baby and now Jasmine wonders if this is how a father would act. But then again she doesn't know this man very good maybe he is just being nice and she interprets too much in it.

They reach the diner and Gibbs sends Jas to sit in one of the booths.
A few minutes later he joins her and puts down a salad and chicken sandwich for the kid and a burger for himself.

" Hey! Why don't I get to eat a burger."
" Because you have probably not eaten properly in a while and I don't want you to get sick."

Thats so nice of him. He really does care.

But the teen  isn't going to let him think it would be that easy for him to persuade her. So she looks at his burger, frowns, rolls her eyes and huffs before beginning to eat her food.
Gibbs just watches amused and starts eating aswell.

" After you have finished we will go back and I will bring you down to Abbys lab. Then you won't have to sit the rest of the day."

She smiles at him but inside she is nervous about meeting Abby and her reaction to Jasmine staying a while with Gibbs.

" Ok then lets get going."  She stands up and follows Gibbs back to NCIS. There he brings her directly down to Abby's lab. They are greeted with the goth's blaring music.

Gibbs walks through the lab in Abbys office and turns the music off. Abby whirls around and puts her hands on her hips.
" Hey! Gibbs, you know I need my music."
He rolls his eyes.
"You can turn it back in a minute. I just wanted to ask you something and didn't want to shout."
" Oh ok you can ask me everything you want. I am not sure I can answer it but you can always ask..."
"Abs, I get the picture."
"So what is it?"
"Could Jasmine stay down here for a while?"
" Oh? What is she doing here?" Abby doesn't sound to thrilled aboutJasmine's presence. 
"She will be living with me. Her foster parents aren't an option anylonger." "She is living with you, like all the time?" "Yes, Abby. Now can she stay here?" She looks at herscornfully before looking back to Gibbs. "Gibbs, you know how much work I have to do and its important that it is done fast... wouldn't it be better if she was upstairs with you and the others." 
" Abs, you know how boring it can be when the team is researching and has nothing but paperwork to complete." " But Giiiiiiiibbs...", she whines. "Abby, what is your problem with me? Ever since I came here you didn't like me. I want to know why, maybe I can change what makes you keep your distance."Jasmine speaks up for the first time. Abby turns to the teen and glares at her but before she can say anything Gibbs interrupts the staring match. 
" Jasmine, would you wait by the elevator for a moment?"The girl looks confused but obeys and walks out of the lab.

Gibbs closes the door behind her so he and Abby would have as much privacy as possible.

" Now you tell me what your problem is, Abby." "What problem..?" Abby asks innocently. Gibbs holds up his hand in a motion to stop her from babbling on. "Don't Abby. I know you very well and I know when something is bothering you." Abby looks at the ground before answering. "You are right, Gibbs. It's just.. you know... we are like a family and... and..." she stops mid sentence. " And you are afraid that Jasmine will intrude and take over you place as the baby of the family."
She doesn't answer but her body language tells him all he needs to know. He puts his arms around her and comforts her. " Abs we already went over this when Ziva joined the team and inevitable our family." Abby just shrugs and holds tighter on to Gibbs. " You weren't the youngest anymore back then but nobody changed their point of view of you being the baby. Ziva didn't mind instead of being the little sister she took over the role of a protective sister and you and her are the best of friends now..." " It ain't the same. Ziva was an adult and acted older than her age, Gibbs. That is a girl a real girl. Why would you need Ziva and me as daughters when you can have the real thing?" Abby asks accusingly. " Abigail, I don't want to hear you say something like this ever again. You will always be my baby girl. My love for you didn't change when Tony joined us, it didn't change when Kate came, it didn't change when Tim came or when Ziva came. Why should it be different now? My love isn't split! It grows with each of you! That girl is all alone, her mother was killed, she didn't know her father at all. So why don't you give her a chance? Show her what a big, happy family is like. Now it could be your turn at being a cool older sister, showing the little sister all the cool stuff this family brings with it."
Abby pushes away. Tears streaming down her face now that she realizes what Gibbs is saying.
" Thank you Gibbs. You are the best father figure we all could ever wish for. I am so sorry for acting like a spoiled brat." " It's okay to be afraid of things Abby but there is one thing you will never have to be afraid of and that is me stopping to love you or one of the others. We clear?" He looks her in the eyes. 
" Crystal!" Abby smiles and hugs Gibbs ones again. He pats her on the back before walking to the door to let Jasmine back inside.

I stand next to the elevator for a while before the door is opened again. " You can come back in now. Abby wants to tell you something."Jasmine steps back inside and Abby engulfsher in a big hug. The teen freezestotally shocked over her change in attitude. 
" I am sooooo sorry. Can you forgive me for acting like a spoilt brat towards you? I would be glad to call you another one of my sisters , so I really, really hope you will forgive me. I know now that you are alone and like all of us need a father in your life and now that you live with Gibbs and he is like a father to the team that makes you our sister and as your big sister I will personally show you all the great stuff you can do around here..."Jasmine wonders how she can talk so fast without even taking a breath ones in a while. Thenshe thinks about the words Abby was saying. A family? A father? Siblings? Why would they want to let me join in their family? I am a stranger to them. Jas looks over Abby's shoulder at Gibbs. Not sure what to do or say or even feel. 

"Abby let her go for a moment. I think she needs a bit of time to come to terms with all the information you threw at her." Abby letsher go and steps back. 
" She is right, Jasmine. The team is like my family, they are my kids in all but blood. I would love for you to become one of my daughters. You already said you would come to live with me so I don't think this is a big difference." Jasmine can't believe her luck. They really mean it. They want to be her family. Then the thought of her mother makes her stop in her tracks. What would she think of Jasmine becoming happy again so short after her death?

The girl comes to the conclusion that her mom would want her to be happy and enjoy her life with her new found family. Family... Siblings... a father... the girl smiles broadly. That what she secretly wished for her whole life.

  Jasmine jumps forward and hugs the two persons in front of her.   

" Thank you" Jas mumbles silently.

Then there is a ding behind them and the rest of team Gibbs leaves the elevator.

"Whats going on down here? Aren't we invited to the party?" DiNozzo asks. " It's not a party Tony. Its a family meeting." Abby says joyfully.
" Wow... how did you change your mind so fast Abby." He looks from her to Gibbs and no answer is needed.

" I guess you got yourself an other daughter, Boss." Tony smiles.

Gibbs smiles back at him and mentions for them to join the hug. Its a rare moment of complete joy and love.  Jasmine wonders what her future will hold.. but she now has a family that looks out for her and has her back.

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