Killing You (Ziall)

By heyhazza

106K 3.9K 1K

Niall Horan has done the impossible. He's fallen for a killer. Zayn Malik has one mission: to get rid of Nia... More

Killing You
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Important Note Regarding Restricted Chapters!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

4.1K 167 43
By heyhazza

Chapter 8

Niall's head was practically spinning in circles, his thoughts whirling around like a tornado. Just when he thought he was getting somewhere with Zayn, the boy had reverted back to his usual cold self. It was like he was two separate people. The first Zayn was the cold-hearted killer who thirsted for nothing more than blood trickling through the spaces through his fingers. This was the Zayn that showed itself more often; it was the more dominant side of him. The second Zayn, though, he was a good guy with a loving heart that had been badly battered during his "work" in the past few years of his life. Niall didn't know the full story of how he became a killer, but he assumed it wasn't by choice. The softer side of Zayn was the true Zayn, as far as Niall was concerned. Now he just had to figure out how to coax that side out of him and bury "assassin Zayn" deep within the confines of his body, someplace from where it could never be unearthed.

As much as his head screamed at him to stop, Niall's heart said full-speed ahead. He was falling hard for a killer.

He could only hope his killer would fall for him too.


Despite the extreme discomfort he found himself in and the immense number of thoughts swimming around in his head, Niall soon found himself nodding off to sleep. He willed himself to stay awake incase Zayn came back, but his body had different ideas, and soon enough, his head was slumped against his chest and he was sound asleep in his propped-up position.

One face occupied his dreams. The boy had eyes the color of honey, hair the color of the night sky. His skin was tan and muscular and his face was always lit with a brilliant smile. It looked like Zayn, but surely it couldn't be him. He had no hint of malice in his eyes, and his fingertips did nothing but caress Niall's pale skin lovingly.

It was the boy Niall knew was hidden somewhere within the killer's body.

It was the boy Niall was determined to bring from dreams to reality.


Meanwhile, Zayn was doing anything but sleeping. Before he could do anything, he had to take care of the painful "problem" Niall had caused the older boy to acquire.

Zayn lay in his comfy bed, his fresh clothes already discarded in a messy heap on the floor. The room was nearly pitch black, thin tendrils of moonlight snaking through the blinds the only source of illumination.

His clammy hands trailed crooked lines up and down his bare torso absentmindedly. He imagined his fingers were Niall's, caressing him with gentle touches, maybe even pressing a quick peck to his toned abs every once in awhile.

His hands running over his naked body did nothing to calm Zayn's problem. His rock-hard manhood was twitching with the intense need to be touched. The killer's hands slid slowly down to the aching part of his body and he ran his fingers from tip to base almost teasingly before he took it fully in hand and began squeezing and pulling more forcefully.

Zayn soon found his thoughts involuntarily turning back to a certain blonde lad who had only minutes before occupied the very bed in which Zayn was jerking off. The tan boy couldn't stop himself from envisioning the way Niall's pink lips stretched around his length, making him feel a kind of pleasure he hadn't experienced before. He closed his eyes and sighed in pleasure, images of Niall's golden locks bobbing up and down in between Zayn's legs flickering behind his eyelids.

A throaty moan left Zayn's lips and he sped up his actions, feeling himself coming undone quickly. The effect Niall had on him even when he wasn't in Zayn's presence was unbelievable. He wouldn't admit it, but the boy had a spell on him.

Zayn tried to imagine what Niall's moans would sound like. Probably higher-pitched than his own, but still rough and sexy. Zayn wanted more than anything to be the one to make Niall shout and writhe beneath him, panting the elder's name, but he knew he couldn't force Niall into something like that. He hated himself for it, but he actually felt guilty, yes GUILTY for nearly forcing Niall to have sex with him when the boy obviously would never want to be that intimate with Zayn in a million years.

Zayn's hands kept pumping his length as waves of pleasure ripped through his body. He was so close to his climax, and all serious thoughts he had just been entertaining were washed away. All he had room in his mind for at the moment was a hot image of Niall clenching and unclenching every muscle in his body as Zayn thrusted deep within him. Niall's blond hair was messy and stuck in strands to his sweat-coated forehead, his blue eyes masked by the lids shut tight over top as he neared his own climax. The younger boy fisted the sheets and whimpered Zayn's name over and over again in rhythm with the thrusts.

Zayn's hips began rocking sloppily against Niall's and he knew he couldn't last much longer, especially with an angel whispering his name sweetly. From the way his lover's thighs were trembling so violently, Zayn knew the younger boy was holding back from his high.

Zayn pressed his lips to Niall's lovingly for a quick peck. "Together?" he asked, his voice husky and rough.

Niall looked up at Zayn with shining blue eyes and bit his lip, nodding. He didn't trust his voice to do much more than moan his love's name, plus he knew it would drive the other boy mad.

Zayn moaned loudly as Niall spurted all over his chest, the sight and feel causing him to come undone. With one last sloppy thrust, he spilled his juices into the boy below him.

"NIALL!" he shouted as the most intense pleasure he had ever felt coursed through his veins.

After many minutes of nothing but the sound of his heavy breathing, Zayn woke from his trance and bolted upright in bed. Had he just wanked off to the thought of... Niall?!

The sticky residue on his fingers and chest and the images from his visions floating around his head confirmed what he had fervently hoped wasn't true. He had just dreamed about fucking Niall. But it wasn't even just a meaningless fuck. It had meant something. He had shown Niall the loving side of him, a side he thought had been destroyed completely when Big Boss came into his life. He and Niall had actually made love.

He didn't understand how, but in just a matter of days, Niall had managed to begin crumbling away at Zayn's walls. The walls he had worked so hard to build up.

Zayn wished he could just give in and show Niall he loved him, or at least he thought he did. But of course, it couldn't be that simple. Niall was a Task given to him by BB himself, not just one of the goons working for the powerful villain. This was an important kill, one that had to be executed perfectly, or it could be Zayn and his family's lives on the line. If it had just been the huge amount of money BB had offered him at risk, he would probably be acting out his fantasies at that moment, but with his mum, dad, and sisters at stake, he couldn't take chances.

Zayn knew he was probably getting too personal with this kill, but he couldn't help himself. Something about Niall was intoxicating to him. He was like poison in the killer's veins. Instead of Zayn killing him, it was the other way around. The Irish lad was killing the dark side of Zayn with every glance, with every gentle touch, with every word he uttered.

Things were getting out of hand.

Zayn had broken one of the rules he had made for himself from day one by letting Niall take his heart. His Task's name had left his lips. It might not seem like much to an average person, but it was slowly eating Zayn alive. He had let Niall infiltrate his heart, mind, and body, and he was scared.

The boy made up his mind then and there. He would finish the job that night. If Niall and the others were dead, Zayn wouldn't have to worry about the unnatural thoughts and urges he had been having lately. He would get his money and BB would be very pleased with him. It would prove that Zayn was strong and worth the boss's time. It was a win-win situation.

'No, it's not!' his mind screamed. 'You love Niall, you can't just forget about your feelings for him when his body is cold and unmoving.'

"I DON'T LOVE HIM!" Zayn shouted at the top of his lungs. "I DON'T LOVE ANYONE. I AM A MONSTER AND A KILLER AND I DON'T LOVE HIM!" He was trying to convince himself more than anything. Hot tears began rolling down his face. This is what happened when a killer fell in love with his target.

"I'm sorry, Niall, but I'm killing you," he whispered, the tears evident in his wavering voice.


After he was cleaned up and all evidence of his tears had been scrubbed away, Zayn was ready. He hated himself for how soft he had become, but he knew just how to fix it.

He had to kill again.

Not just one or two of the Tasks, either. No, after that night, Zayn would be left alone in his big house once more, but that was how he liked it. That was how it had to be.

After grabbing a few knives from the stash hidden underneath his bed, Zayn was ready. He was about to finish these Tasks and make BB proud.

With one last glance in the mirror hanging on the wall, Zayn set out to complete his mission. He stalked cat-like down the stairs so he wouldn't alert Niall of his whereabouts. He wanted his reappearance to be a surprise.

Once the boy was safely outside in the chilly night air, he took a deep breath to ready himself.

He could do this. He was Zayn Malik the killer.

An evil smile spread across his lips. The old him was back, and damn did it feel good.

Walking past his make-shift cemetery, Zayn chuckled to himself. He would need to make six new graves before the night was over, since he hasn't gotten to burying Joey yet.

As he neared the shed where four of his five remaining Tasks were, he heard quiet talking. Perfect, they didn't suspect a thing.

Zayn pulled the squeaky latch across the door painfully slow and immediately all chattering stopped. He stepped inside the dim room and stood there, a smile on his face.

"Did you miss me?"


it's been too long since I updated and I'm sooo sorry! Don't hate me :/

I know this chapter is short, but my parents are yelling at me to get off my phone plus I felt like it was a good place to stop. I hope you still like it...? No smut warning because I warned you aha ;D

Massive thank you for all the votes/ comments/ reads / fans this week! (That's a lot of /'s). It has been rated for horror since last week! Crazyyyy! Everything for KY is now red so THANK YOU! 1000+ reads IS THIS REAL LIFE??? I hope it's not a dream because I'd cry... But let's keep it up for this chapter, yeah?

Anyway, chapter is dedicated to.....drumroll please.... stasii__horan13 because her comment made me laugh so hard! Here it is: " Damn damn damn damn. DAMN DAMN DAMN.

THE FUCKERY. Damn you Zayn, damn you to hell.

You know you want Niall just accept it you twat, he's being so nice after you practically molested him. Da fuq???

Breathe girl breathe.

Woooo I'm calm, this is perfect. One of the best dark story I've ever read I tell yah...............

Anywhore update soon yeah " I loved that comment so dedi for you!

This week was probably the hardest EVER for choosing who got the dedication because so many of you commented sweet things (30ish comments!). So I'd just like to thank Chaero, CheshireAngelxx, lizzehhh25, XxKatieAlicexX, Lovelea00, AutumnKaylynn13, 1Dfanfiic, LovelyDinosaurs, and __Ocaen__ for all your lovely comments. You guys are great and make me want to keep writing this story! If you haven't gotten a real dedi yet, don't worry, you'll get or chance :) I love you, all of you <3

Ok one more thing then I'll shut up. It's question time! Show me you're an active reader by answering it, yeah? Question is: How did you discover my story? (Hint, if you answer the question along with your comment, you're more likely to get a dedi!)

Alright, well think about that and have a great week! I love you byeeee ]

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