Started Out As Neighbors

By hillehs2010

16K 231 41

Camille moved out to California when she was 7 years old. Her new neighbor and new best friend Zack stays by... More

Started Out As Neighbors
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 2
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 4
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 5
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 6
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 7
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 8
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 9
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 10
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 11
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 12
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 13
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 14
Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 15

Started Out As Neighbors Ch. 3

1.2K 16 0
By hillehs2010

*July 24, 2001*

Today was the big day.  Avenged Sevenfold's first album "Sounding the Seventh Trumpet" is being released.  Everyone here at Matt's house was nervous.  I could only imagine what was going through everyone's mind.  

"Guys, instead of waiting and panicking about the record, why don't we go out for some good ole go cart racing? My treat!"  Well that seemed to perk everyone up.  We all piled into cars and headed over to the Kart Ranch and raced go carts, played about 4 rounds of mini golf (which we all sucked at equally) and headed to the arcade for pizza and video games.

It was weird how the early hours of the day we were stressing about if the record would sell to relaxing and enjoying the moment of being friends over being a band.  

"Alright well it seems like the place is about to close." Brian told us.  And then it hit us that we were the only ones still there and the crew was starting to clean up tables and lock the doors.

"Cami that was the best way to get our minds off that f-ing album.  Thanks!" Jimmy told me before pulling me into a giant bear hug.  Then everyone decided to join in and I was stuck in the middle of an Avenged Sevenfold sandwich.

"Guys.. can't.. breathe!!"  They immediately let go of their hold on me and air rushed back into my lungs.  I love these guys and I have no idea what I would do without them.

Since it was getting dark we decided to go back to my house and watch movies until we all pass out.

"So we've got a hell of a lot of movies to choose from. Someone pick one while I run upstairs to change real quick."  I ran up to my room, changed out of my greasy, grimy clothes and headed back downstairs only to see that they had chosen Weird Science as the first movie of the night.

"Hmm seems like it's 80s night tonight.  And Brian move your fat ass out the way."  I joked with them and plopped myself down in between Zack and Brian, getting death glares from Brian since I called him fat I guess.

"Thanks Camille, now I'm gonna go throw up and slit my wrists since you called me fat."  I just stared at him with my mouth hanging wide open.  I feel so guilty now.  I never want any of the guys to hurt themselves in any way.  Great what have I done.

"Geez Cami I'm kidding! Please don't feel upset.  Look at me I won't do anything I promise."  I turned to look at Brian my formed tears drying up in my eyes.

I punched him in the arm, "Brian Haner don't you ever pull that shit with me again!"

He rubbed his arm laughing all the while.  "Yeah yeah I know."

We watched movies all night until my parents came out their room forcing everyone to go home.  Total buzz kill.  I walked everyone to the door and Zack to his fence.  

"Thanks for today Cam, I don't know what we would have done if we were stuck at Matt's all day.  Thanks again."

"No problem Zack.  I don't want you guys to even be more stressed then how y'all are now." I gave him a hug and wished him goodnight.  I slowly made my way inside when all of a sudden I hear my mom call my name.

"CAMILLE ELISE BABINEAUX (bab - in - know ) GET IN THE HOUSE!!"  Uh oh this was never good when mom used my full name.  

"Yes mom?" Please don't be mad, or bad. Oh god please don't let there be something wrong.

"I got a call today from the bank.  Apparently there is no more funds in your savings account.  Where the hell has all of your savings gone?!"  Oh shit, my mom didn't know that I had spent my every last cent helping the guys out with their album.  Well hello night of no sleep.

"I used it." Woops wrong answer to tell her. "I mean you guys told me that I could use the money however I wanted, and I did.  I used the money to help the guys out with their new album."

Needless to say she wasn't the happiest camper in the world.  Well actually she told me to leave the house for the night because I pissed her off so bad and to come back tomorrow afternoon after she had spoke to my dad about what I did.

So I went to the only place I knew that I was surely welcome no matter what time it was.  Zack's.  I walked next door and knocked on Zack's window.  He looked shocked to see me with a booksack and at his window at what was probably 1 AM. 

"Hey can I come in?"  

"Well yeah, it's getting kinda cold." I climbed through the window and landed with a thump on Zack's floor.  His parents didn't mind when I stayed over and usually didn't care when I popped up in their house in the morning. "Why are you here anyway at what.. 1:30 in the morning?"

"Well my mom kinda told me to get out the house tonight since I pissed her off apparently."  He looked at me kinda puzzled as to how I pissed her off.  "She found out that I had used most, well mainly all, of my saving to help you guys with the album."

"You used it all?! Camille we didn't need all of it, hell we didn't even want you to help with the money issue."  Zack looked like he was getting angry so picked up my bag off the floor and headed back to the window.  It seemed like he didn't even want me to stay over.  Hmm maybe Matt would let me spend the night.

"Cami where are you going?  I'm sorry if I upset you, I didn't mean it honestly.  Look don't go, your room is free, since my parents always keep it up for you." He came over and hugged me before I started yawning like crazy.

"Thanks Zacky, I don't know what I'd do without you."  I picked up my bag and headed to my room that was down the hall from his.  The room was simple.  Pale green walls that they had painted when I was 10 because I was always over, twin bead with a polka dot bedspread, and white furniture everywhere.  It was a complete opposite of how my room was back home.  I put my bag down on one of the chairs, changed into my pjs, and went straight to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to the sweet smell of fresh brewed coffee.  I got out of bed, checked my sugar levels, and headed in the direction of the that sweet succulent smell.  I got to the kitchen to be met by Zack's mom pouring me a glass.  

"I heard you come in early this morning and thought you might need this.  Good morning by the way Camille." She was so sweet, I could see where Zack got it from.

"Thanks Mrs. Maria and good morning to you too.  Is Zack up yet?"

"Uhm I don't think so, if he is then he probably is out back helping his dad with the pool.  That thing needs to be cleaned out."  

"Oh ok.  Well I think I'll go check, and thank you again for the coffee this morning."  

"Anytime Camille."  I like his mom a lot she's so welcoming no matter who you are, well granted I have known Zack since we were 7, but still.

I walked to their backyard only to see his dad skimming algae out of the pool.  I waved at him and headed back inside seeing that he wasn't out there.  I checked the hall clock and it was almost 11 AM and that boy was still not up.  So I did what any loyal friend would do.  I ran into his bathroom, grabbed his shaving cream, and made my way to his room.  Time for a little wake up call.

I quietly opened his door and saw that Zack was sprawled out on his bed wearing only his boxers and snoring soundly asleep.  Ha ha perfect set up for his "wake up call".  I shook the can and got to work.  I sprayed a little down the back of his boxers, gave him a new hairdo, and did the usual of putting some in his hand then tickled his nose with a feather.  

As he slapped at his cream filled hand, he just so happened to roll over on his back, and messed up his hair do.  Man it took me forever to get that hair the way I wanted it to.  As soon as his butt hit the mattress he shot up out of bed and screaming cusses into the air.  By that point I couldn't keep my laughs in and ended up on the floor laughing so hard.

I guess he saw me cause the next thing I know I see an evil grin spread on his face.  I scramble up to my feet and make a break to the door.  

"Zack don't you come near me like that!" I said over my shoulder as we were running around his house.  His mom busted out in laughter at what I had done to him.  

"Oh you're gonna get it missy.  Come here!"  He said laughing.  We chased each other around the house for about five minutes until he finally caught me and taking the left over shaving cream from his butt and smearing it all over my face.

"Gross Zack! I don't know where your butt has been!" I said laughing making my way to the nearest bathroom.  

"Oh no you don't! You're not getting off that easy!"  The next thing I know I'm picked up bridal style and rushed outside. Outside, where the pool was!

"Zack.. Zacky.. Zachary Baker don't you ---" I couldn't finish my sentence because the next thing I know I was thrown into the algae, bug infested pool.

"You're a dirty girl. And looked like you needed a bath.  Well now that you're in there, you really need a bath." He said laughing as I made my way out of the pool.

"But you look like you need a hug Zack.  Come give me a hug."  He started backing away but I was quicker and grasped him in a hug smearing all the algae and grossness all over him.  And I almost forgot that we were both still in our sleepwear!

We laughed all the way inside where we both headed for the much needed bathroom.  I took my shower, got dressed, then headed back to Zacky's room where he was messing on one of his guitars.  I took another one off a rack and started strumming along with him.  We ended up playing the riffs from Lips of Deceit off of there album.  It was nice playing guitar with him.  He played rhythm while I was much better at lead.  We complemented each other.

After our little jam session, I decided it was time for me to go cool the flames with my mom back home.  I'm sure my dad wasn't too too mad, but my mom got mad pretty easy and stayed that way until my dad cooled her down.  They were perfect for each other and hell they were married for over 25 years, so something must be going right.

I headed home expecting the worse, but surprisingly, it was like nothing had ever happened.  I saw my mom in the kitchen making lunch and decided to ask her if all was forgiven.

"Mom is everything ok?" 

"Oh Cami I'm so sorry for what I did last night! I felt terrible after what I told you.  I know you were helping out the guys and in all honesty I probably would have done the same thing if I were you." 

"Oh ok.  So you're not mad? I'm forgiven?"  This was a shocker.  I was expected to be grounded for a month and not have been able to speak to the guys during that time.

"Oh heaven's no! I could never stay mad at you or your brothers.  No matter what you guys do both me and your dad will be behind y'all 100%.  Well maybe not a felony, I mean unless you didn't do it, but otherwise we'll be there for you."  She gave me a huge hug and let me go on my way.

Hmm, maybe she wouldn't mind if I told her that I was leaving to go on tour with the guys in a few weeks.

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