Bite Me Kitten | ✔️

By byebyesasha

6.1M 188K 123K

"Don't underestimate me, Hunter." I gulp, trying to sound unaffected by our close proximity. His lips are in... More

Author's Note
Chapter one- Nut Loving Arse Clown
Chapter 2 - I am a Badass.
Chapter 3 - Is she Trying to Seduce me?
Chapter 4 - Naughty Scarlet;)
Chapter 5 - Fucklets and Grassholes.
Chapter 6 - Cupcake Killer.
Chapter 7 - Rage
Chapter 9 - Buisness Trips In Hell
Chapter 10 - A Game
Chapter 11- Long Story
chapter 12 - Taming the Beast.
Chapter 13 - Mother.
Chapter 14 - Scarlet (Hunters P.O.V )
Chapter 15 - Saving Scarlet (Hunters p.o.v)
Chapter 16 - Together in the Womb, Together in the Hospital Room.
Chapter 17 - Naked Butts.
Chapter 18 - Goddamn Farm.
Chapter 19 - Strangers In bed and Deep talks.
Chapter 20 - Guys...I Think I'm in Love.
Chapter 21- Hunter Snow Brown
Chapter 22 - That's One Way of Shutting Me Up.
Chapter 23 - The Tradition Doesn't Control Me
Chapter 24 - Honey... Im not your girlfriend.
Chapter 23/24 - Hunters POV
Chapter 25 - "Shelby What??!"
Chapter 26- Even Prince Charming Needs a Bathroom Break
Chapter 27- Only him.
Chapter 28 - You're Doing Great Sweetie (The End)

Chapter 8 - Definitely a Werewolf.

272K 9.2K 10.6K
By byebyesasha

GOAL - 200 views on the chapter, 20 votes, 2.5k on the book, 15 comments.

That little mother trucker, flipping, poop on a stick psychopath actually just accused me of having sexual intercourse with my own brother. Even if instead of Xavier I would come with my none existent boyfriend it shouldn't concern him but no...he decided to scare the shlitz out of me.

I thought he was about to hit me, he came into the girls bathroom to just scream at me. He was radiating anger, it was almost inhuman how even the air around him was terrifying.

Yep definitely a werewolf.

Or a vampire.

Or a hybrid for pits sake.

He had no reason to do that, unless there is something wrong with his brain. And even though his grip didn't hurt as much, I can tell that it will most likely leave a bruise, I was just too busy paying attention to angry Hunter instead of my wrists.

That dude has muscle.

Maybe I should take some defense classes just in case he decides to assault me again. I mean, it would be pretty awesome to know how to kick some ass properly instead of just going with the flow at dangerous situations. That's what I usually do.

Because of his little freak out over my brother giving me a ride, I still have eyes with tears. I feel like a baby for crying over this but come on! Wouldn't you freak out if the scariest person in the school almost killed you for associating with your own brother?

I stand in front of the mirror on my locker trying to make myself look decent, my hair is messed up because of Hunter and my eyes are red. Thank god I don't wear makeup or else it would look like a raccoon at the moment.

Defiantly taking defense classes.

Or I'll just kick his balls if he does it again. For his own good, he won't.

I step back into the lunch room and head towards Nicole and Adam. I'm sure I look at least decent now, but I know Adam will notice something is wrong, he is just too nice and cute not to see that I'm upset. Seriously, I wish he wasn't gay...he would have been a perfect boyfriend.

Why is it always the cute guys?

I sit at the table that has the twins and a few other people.

Apparently, we are the cool people. The ones that usually nobody touches but the popular who are always saying we are 'unti-social'. Kind of weird since everybody else loves up but Shelby and her trolls.

Sometimes I just want to make a butter sock and whoop her ass.

Wait no, that sounded sexual.

Sometimes I want to take a knife and stab her a few times.

Okay, that's sounded psychotic.

I'm just going to describe my disgust for her in a different way.

She might be smart for all I know, just putting in the bitchy mask to escape something. Some people do that. Of course, it's not alright to deal with your problems by bringing other people down but I would still give her a chance once she realizes that if she tries she can get real friends instead of plastic Barbies.

Or she might actually be a narcissist, hateful, judgmental, and extremely dumb. I bet I read to many books so I think that every bad person has some story to what made them that way, when in reality, there is actually bad people.

Hunter for example.

Just thinking about that psychopath is making me cringe.

"You alright there?" I hear Adams concerned voice bringing me back from my bought a about how to murder Hunter.

"Just peachy. " I answer. Not meaning to be harsh but it's in my nature sometimes.

"You guys! On Friday we should go shopping! Nick is coming back and it will be a great way to introduce all of you. And I'll make sure Scar won't try anything on him. " Nikki grins at me. Damn...she will never let the manager incident go, will she?

Speaking of the manager, he still didn't call me. Not that I'm complaining.

Okay yes, I'm complaining, he was pretty cute. 

Me and Adam look at each other, shrug and agree with Nicole.

Finally, I'll meet her boyfriend. Nikki and Nick, sitting on a tree. F-U-C-K-I-N-G.

Oh got a crack myself up...

"By the way, how is his grandma in Russia?" Adam asks Nicole.

"She is doing pretty well, but her triskaidekaphobia is getting super annoying."

"What is that?" I ask.

I don't know why but I was always interested in phobias. I just find them really cool and there is some really weird ones out there.

Nicole laughs before answering. "It's the fear of the number 13." Adam joins her on the laughing.

"Nick was telling me a story about how they had to call an ambulance In a restaurant because his grandma had a heart attack. Since they got table number 13, she started to freak out saying 'The table is possessed and holds bad spirits.' When they got to the hospital, some of the doctors even recommended to take her to the mental clinic." Adam explains and we all start laughing.

"Imagine if you and Nick have kids! What if they will get their lovely grandmothers traits?" I ask with amusement clear in my voice.

"Oh my kids will stay away from that granny. In fact, I will too." She shudders.

I laugh forgetting about the psycho for a while.



"I'VE GOT A FIRE FOR A HEART, IM NOT SCARED OF THE DARK. YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN IT LOOK SO EASY." Nicole, Nick and Adam were all in the car screaming songs on the way to the mall.

Let's just say Nicks first impression of me was very amusing.

He got out of the car beside my house, since Nicole is still living in my house. If I was a normal person, would of came to him and introduced but instead...

I came to him while he was hugging Nicole, really tightly.


And started to walk around him staring at him from head to toe. I'm pretty sure I looks kind of stupid, with my hand crossed, one eye-brow raised, just staring at him.

After a few moments, when they let go he was looking kind of frightened by me. I looked at Nicole, smiled and said "I approved." Then I slapped his butt and went back inside.


He has a fluffy butt and I am getting more perverted everyday now.

Damn you hormones.

Nick was pretty cute though. Blond hair, brown big eyes, awesome jaw. And I'm pretty sure he was hiding a six pack under his clothes since he did have muscle. And he has his super cute/weird Russian accent since he just came back from a very long trip from there, he needs time to get used to it.

Nicole gave me a look about the butt slap but what can I say? I was bored.

Adam and Nick just found it funny because Nicole was glaring at me for about thirty minutes until I finally told "I won't touch your boy, no worries."

So here we are...on our way to the mall.

We had absolutely zero incidents with Hunter. He kind of just disappeared from school for the entire time so I didn't have to worry about him kidnapping me. But I still have this paranoia that he will jump out of nowhere and kill me. But for now I just want to try to relax, and I start to doubt my choice of relaxation. Since we are going to the mall.

And let me just tell you... I hate shopping. So that's the reason I'm pouting in the back seat with Adam beside me. Their car is filled with junk food and bubble wrap.

Which is so awesome...not.

Adam didn't stop popping those damn bubbles since the first minute we sat in the car.

Now imagine this scene... Nick and Nicole in the front sit, singing to songs and dancing, while Adam is doing his own concert and popping bubbles with the biggest smile on his face that matches everyone but me...I'm just glaring at the back of the front seat with my arms crossed.

I swear my eye started twitching.

"Scarlet! Loosen up! Here pop some bubbles." Adam screams over the music handing me some bubbles while I just turn my head to glare at him.

"Get away from me." I scowl.

He is unaffected though, a week with me and we are all super duper awesome friends. If you are wondering why I'm so pissed...well just thank Mother Nature.

Unfortunately, thanks to her, I have my period extremely moody. Not painful, just annoying because I'm all uncomfortable.

"Pop a bubble and I'll leave you alone." He smiles innocently at me.

This dude is the devil once he gets comfortable with you, seriously, I regret wanting to be friends with him.

"I'll pop your eyes out." Is my awesome reply.

"Ouch. Felt that, cupcake." Also, he started calling me cupcake after Xavier told him about my cupcake obsession.

Xavier already left which adds on to me awful mood.

Yes he is annoying but I still love my big brother.

"You know, that glare isn't an attractive look for you." Nicole states making me glare at her.

"Your face isn't a good look on you."

"Objection!" Nick screams and raises his hand.

"Come on cupcake. Pop a bubble."

Another glare thrown at Adam.

He turns around and so does everybody else. I should feel bad for being so angry but I just can't get myself to feel bad.

"I know you want to." I hear Adam say under his breath just before we park in the mall.

We all went in different directions, Adam to get some shoes, Nick needs jeans and me and Nicole to just walk around. We decided to first get what we need then just hang out.

And what would you know...the first place that Nicole decided to go is Victoria Secrets. Typical Nicole. It's amazing how in just one week, me and the twins grew such a bound with each other. But I'm not surprised since Nicole lives with me and Adam spends almost the entire day with us.

I might be insane to let basically a stranger live with me, oh well.

Uh, back to earth. Victoria secrets.

"Seriously? Do you want me to kill myself today?" I ask Nicole.

"What do you mean? You have to be ready, what if Hunter will just jump out and bang you in one of the public washrooms." She wiggles her eyebrows.


Yes, the dude is hot. And also PSYCHO.

There is no way in hell in losing my virginity to him, in a publics washroom. Or anywhere for that matter!

"Yeah right-" I scoff "-the day I will have intercourse with Hunter is the day I will watch Nick running around with his fluffy butt out in the open."

"Dude, leave my mans butt alone. Seriously." She stares at me.

"It's not my fault! You ruined my innocent mind! You were the one who made me flirt with the manager dude, and that opened some parallel universe in my head and because of that I started being naughty!"

"Innocent my ass! I wouldn't be surprise if you are a secret stripper!" She exclaims.

"You know what? Go buy yourself some underwear." I scowl, leaving an amused Nikki behind.

Deciding not to waste more time I go to check around the store, black lacy matching  underwear and bra catches my attention. I can tell it covers a lot of skin but the lace still makes it look very attractive.

Do I need this? No...but I want it.

Quickly taking my size I go to pay for it before Nicole notices and starts gushing about how I'm growing up.

After a while Nicole grabs a ton of 'costumes' that cover basically nothing, claiming it's a present for Nick. We finally buy food in a maxi an restaurant and eat while me and Adam tease them about the French maid outfit that Nikki bought.

Nikki Nikki... *shakes head*

When I get home I take all my bags from today upstairs then come down for my dad.

"Hey daddy." I hug him and he hugs me back.

"Hey, sweetly how was shopping." He asks with a tiered smile that I got used too.

Oh daddy...I really wish he would go easy on himself.

"Like the usual." I shrug.

He laughs and shakes his head disapprovingly. "Who did you kill this time? Please tell me not Adam, I actually like the kid."

"You have so much hope in me dad, really I'm flattered."

"Oh god, you definitely got your feistiness from your mother."

I stop making my dinner and turn to him a blank face. "Don't you dare speak of that woman under my roof."

His face softens, he clearly knows my dislike to that...female.

"You mean MY roof?" He asks with a smirk, trying to change the subject. Good boy.

"Yeah, totally, that's exactly what I said daddy." I smile innocently at him a don head upstairs, but not before hearing him say 'Innocent my ass.'.

Seriously what's with people and saying that today?

I start trying on the the things that I got today and finally find the black underwear that will defiantly be my favorite from now on. Putting it on it feels really comfortable. I go to look at my self in the mirror.

Damn...I look hot. Well more like seductive? It's screams 'evil.' Sort of...

I hear my phone buzz from my bedroom so I go there still wearing my little 'outfit'.

I see a text from an unknown number.

If you don't want me to come over right now, put some goddamn clothes on, kitten. "

What the...?

How the...?


Green eyes pop in my head, and my heart rate picks up.



So what do you guys think?

The chapters are getting pretty long. Do you think I should make them even longer?

Btw, I started making the goals for each chapter, let's just hope I'm not pushing my luck when I ask for 20 votes. So tell your friends, family, heck...even pets! Assuming they have wattpad.

My updates are starting to slow down again, I need to focus on it more again.

Do you guys think it's actually Hunter sending the text?

By the way...this is not a werewolf story, if any of you are wondering.


So peeps, how is your summer going so far? Are you doing anything or just sitting on wattpad all day like me?

Make sure to VOTE AND COMMENT.

especially comment because again...I need to know how to improve. And for those who are constantly voting and commenting...thank you!

Bye bye



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