Alex Masker (On Hold)

By Angelic_Vamp

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Author's Note.
Ch 2.
Ch 3.
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 9
My original summary.
Special audio read
First original cover from someone.
Second cover.
Third cover.
Fourth cover

Ch. 8

233 28 25
By Angelic_Vamp

A/N: Hey readers! Before you guys start reading I want to give a quick shout-out to @talkingflowers and @linahanson for accepting Alex Masker for readers who want to know the story (wattys only) even though I PM you guys hehe... ^_^

Check out the Wattys2015 ENTITLED and Wattys2015 Elevator Pitch if you want to check out the other Watty stories including me!


Jake's POV

Damn it! This is the most humiliating of my entire life! I, Jake Pierceman, have lost to a puny runt that isn't a laughing matter anymore! I mean it has to be a joke, right? Or maybe I'm in some surreal dream and in reality I'm in my bedroom sleeping all day. Frustrated, I pounded the wall so hard with my fist to blow some steam off, blotch of purple bruise appeared on my knuckles causing me to yelp in pain. I bitterly groaned while soothing the area where it hurts. Thank god no one saw me, better yet, thank god no one founded me. 

After we crossed the finish line my supportive fans killed off their cheering voices and gave a doubtful look that set the uncertainty whether I was worthy enough to be worshiped by them like how they always use to. So I turned my back and left the track fields and everyone behind, farther away until I was beside the right side of the school building.

Grrr, this whole problem is his fault! Since the day he first came here to school, he's the symbol of trouble for me which I thought being part of the gang might consider putting an interest on him but instead he downright refused my offer and blatantly walks away from me as if my reputation meant absolutely nothing to that kid! God I'm really pissed! In all my years I've never met someone whose acting the exact copy of...what's that old movie? Something about termites? Well you get the ideal anyway.

I was the king of this school doing whatever I want, whatever I get, all because I earned my rights as the leader of an infamous group who fought guys from other schools (as I've said, not illegal stuff). I was highly respected, depended, the main man to call for help but he ruined it! Now they going to think Jake the legend is just simply Jake the normal, all because of him! 

There are three people on my hate list and one of them includes Alex (yeah, I forgotten and now I just remember. Bite me). Starting from third place is Stephen (my only older brother), my dad, and none other than Alex (Congrats!). You already know about Alex but you're wondering why my own family is in that list? Because I loathe them.

My dad is one of those top notch business man that the company (don't ask what it is, I don't know and I don't care) entitled him CEO. He's diligent, wealthy, and treats his workers well but same time he can be strict and demanding to them. Is he a good father or at least a family man? Hell no! Just that Leo (my dad's name) paid a lot of money to this school for my education (and rules restriction in case this troublemaker wrecks havoc) doesn't mean he cares his own son. People have been fooled by his fake smile, personality, and thinks his parenting skills must be great since I acted as the "obedient child". Beneath his facade, only I know the real Leo by gazing into his dark cerulean eyes and told they reflected jaded but mostly resentment. 

Five years we both held a grudge towards each other and it's too late for forgiveness or say "I'm sorry". Five years where I had no intention to kill that person. Five years was only an accident and twelve year old me regrets fighting her over a trivial thing, for pushing her downstairs and witnessed puddles of her blood, her eyes that were once brown replaced soulless gray.

"There you are Jake!" Someone snapped out of my unpleasant reverie and relieved I was saved by an angelic voice that I longed for many years. Jessica.

"Jessi, what are you doing here?" I asked softly. She still looked beautiful in her cheerleader uniform or even plain clothes. I could just watch her all day and see her smiling brightly, removing my worries away. Yeah, that's right, I'm irrevocably in love with her. You could even say I'm obsessed like how Nicky felt about me. Jessi and I grew up together-along with Nicky and Stephen (blah blah blah), we hang around a lot and she understands me better out of everyone else I know. Five years ago when the incident happened Jessi (who was thirteen that time) came rushing forth to my house and she was the only person who comforted me while everyone sees a murderous child. Jessica was Jessica. Sweet, innocent, naturally unafraid of me, she can get annoyed if I done something to piss her off. Jessica meant the whole world to me and nothing can change that! 

But of course I can't have her, she's with Stephen my brother who I use to admire when I was a naive shorty. Good grades, many friends, respectful and resembled our dad, Stephen is the kind my father always proud of to call him his "son". Of course Stephen doesn't follow the old man's footsteps when it comes to me, he-like Jessica-always concerned of my woes and wanted to spend one-on-one quality time with him but I harshly turned it down, refusing to speak to him. Because he stole my chance capturing her heart!

"I wanted to know if you were alright." Jessi frowned. She placed her hand on my arm feeling the warm contact on my skin, I flinched and pulled it away from her reach. "You know, you're more sweaty enough than me so I'm not that dirty."

Why did he snatched you when I should've been the one to confess first! "Oh so little goody-two-shoes has a naughty side huh?" I maintained my composure by giving a snickering smirk. "Want to clean me up and then maybe we can go further more." I said, waggling my eyebrows.

Jessi rolled her eyes and smacked my arm (which it did hurt a bit). "Even when you're upset you still act like an ass."

"Aww mother nun hates me!" I mocked in a baby tone and earned a glare from her. "Come on, it was meant as a joke."

"Does it look like I'm laughing?" She growled. "No! So be nice before I use my pom-poms and whack you upside the head." 

"Whoa, chill princess!" I raised my hands calming her down then we couldn't help but laughed it off at our own silliness. "So you watched the race?" Please tell me you didn't.

"I did." Great. "Got to say new guy is one tough cookie." Oh believe me, he's more than a stale cookie to chew on.

"Just to be clear you're not falling for..." I didn't say it however she knew who I was referring to.

"Ewww!" Making a sour face she stick her tongue out which I find it too adorable. "I'm not unfaithful to Stephen-plus he isn't my type. Besides, although that new kid is a boy I just feel like he sort of isn't. Like my female intuition senses something...mysterious. does that even make sense?"

I answered with a quizzical look but then again she isn't completely wrong. It's weird but when I laid eyes on him there was something different about that kid that I just can't put my finger on it. I stepped out of my hiding zone and watched that kid from afar. He was with coach and that girl he always attached with everywhere (what's her name? Sierra I think). I was nearly in awe when I saw him not barely crawling but standing straight as if he hadn't tripped at all!

"Wow I'm amazed he still on two feet! Thought he would lift up his injured foot but I guessed wrong." Jessica mused. My mind agreed with her but I didn't spoke out loud.

I couldn't comprehend the conversation between coach and Alex since I don't read lips (duh!), however I witnessed the facial expression on the kid's face. Talking with coach he was emotionless but after departing he changed into a soften look with lips forming into a smile. Next scene shocked me, I thought I was going to faint!

"Aww he's laughing with Sarah, how cute!" Jessica gushed-she usually does that around couples. "Doesn't it Jake? He's not so guarded when it comes to Sarah."

"Mmmm." I mindlessly responded. What a capricious fellow. Just exactly who is this guy? One thing he's heavily overprotective the next he's just being an ordinary human! What's his connection with that Sarah? Where did he born from and why is he such an introvert? Huh, this is getting interesting. I'm actually curious about that guy and I'm challenging myself to win him over, start a friendship, and once I know his secret I finally crumble down his walls and victory is mine!

Jessica didn't see that I had a devilish grin plastered on my face. Oh this is sweet redemption! I may have lost to my father and bro but I will never lose to a stranger, especially Alex Masker.

Just you watch Alex, revenge is coming. 



"Blisters, blood, swelling bruises, honestly what were you thinking!?" Nurse Kathy (full name Katherine Abbot. British, female. Age: thirty years old. Traits: coca skin, tall and lean, sea blue eyes and long black curls just past her ears) complained with a click of her tongue. "Boys and their self-pride, how bloody egotistical of them. Never consider their own well-being and just wreck themselves however they want! What about us women who needs our man?!" She kept ranting on and on, apparently dealing with her own issues. She studied me shortly before fluttering her long lashes which is unflattering to me. "Although I must say you are a dashing fellow. If you ever consider to be my next lover, call me." Turning her back, she shimmied her booty in a flirting way. I found it unbelievably disgusting mixed with insult (not to mention a misdemeanor to a minor!).  

Me and Sarah glanced to each other side-ways, thinking what's on our minds alike. Nurse Kathy isn't doing her job well. 

Looking down I contemplated my swollen foot and it starting to get sore. After winning the brutal race I quickly rested on the ground, sat cross-legged and took off my shoe to examine how serious it was. Remember I said that I would regret in the end? Well it seems the damage was worse than I thought it would be. Putting back my shoe on again, I pretended I was still fine in order to deceive these silent crowd (which by the way, what happen to the rowdy noise they made?) and walked normally to meet coach-who was froze still in awestruck. Sarah came joining me soon as I was near coach. With a snap of my fingers I brought him back to reality and asked if he could give his permission for excusing myself to the nurse's office. Obviously he consented so I went ahead inside-along with Sarah who insisted on lending support but I kindly declined. I climbed upstairs to second floor, turned right, straight down the halls and stopped at the door with frosted glass window printed Nurse's Office in bold. 

You must be thinking "such a brave girl able to withstand the pain". Are you kidding me! Do you have any ideal how many times my eye twitched for every countless steps I took just to come here?! For goodness sake, I have a fractured foot here!

Hours passed, nurse Kathy-along with her constant nagging-left the room leaving us two alone. I was lying on the bed with my foot cast (it's a bit itchy) while Sarah stole a chair and sat next to me. It's weird to see a cheerleader sitting in a proper lady position but growing up as a rich girl, her grandfather hired an etiquette tutor. Habits are well-attached on a person, it's not easy to get rid of unless you can break it.

"Geez, doesn't that nurse ever shut up and do her job right? I mean talking nonstop, didn't even consider asking you if the cast was too tight." Sarah fumed, jutting out her lower lip to show how much annoyed she was. 

"I know what you mean." I agreed, nodding as I felt the same way. Sometimes, I consider Sarah quite a handful but as I've told before she's like my sister and spending close with her isn't all bad. Though we have each our own things while the other dislikes it, however there's a few common stuff we enjoyed and spent more bonding together. Example: Both of us like any type of movies-except horror (gut and gore are just...yuck!), we like to make jokes (confession, our jokes are really awful but it makes no difference to us either way), and talking badly behind at the person who introduced themselves but acted rude or treated lowly towards us. I may have been taught (Sarah as well also) not to utter spiteful words to anyone, but how can it be any bad when it's only us whispering out of reach from their ears?

"Do you young man?" Sarah imitated the nurse, mocking in the worst British accent that sounded like a dying parrot. My laughter couldn't help but betrayed me. "Well if you were my many past boyfriends I would double slap your face and report you to the cops!" She ended with a flip of her hair.

"Oh?" I sneered, "Well you just committed an illegal crime considering that I'm still a minor." I emphasized clearly. 

Sarah expressed a dramatic shock, giving the impression that a beautiful woman is actually full of stupidity (I'm sure the nurse isn't dumb but really? Flirting to a student in school?). Right hand placed on her heart, eyes expanding, mouth shaped in a small "o", she could seriously pass as an actress or possibly a model. "So you're underage?! Ohhh but I'm sooooo lonely!" 

"Don't worry baby, I have an incurable disease in my mouth and I wouldn't mind my savior lend her tongue for me." Waggling my brows, I laid on my side and gave a toothy smile added with a wink. We burst out laughing again only this time went unbearable, we had to held our stomach to ease the cramps.

"Oh my god Alex, that was some crappy pickup line you just did there!" Sarah remarked, wheezing breathlessly time to time. I admit she's right. To be honest, my skill of flirting has never existed or not one of the training lessons at all, this was my first attempt trying and how did it resulted? Total failure. However, even though this situation is meant as a gesture of jokes some part of my serious side told me I need practicing for future emergency.

We were so immersed with ourselves, I should have remain guarded and not let the silliness get to me because then I would have paid more attention if someone were to carelessly barge in through that unlocked door anytime sooner. I stiffened, completely surprised, mouth froze still as in came a group of girls taking over the whole space in this room, huddling very close around me. Ugh, I'm sick and tired of everyone in this school who wants to involve with me! Such tiresome they kept bothering and stumbled in my way like annoying pests they are. It's really difficult to do my main job and avoid these people all at once that I'm starting to get stressed (and a headache at that too). I've figured the entire student would approach Sarah-putting on the spot at risk of danger, yet it's the opposite so now I have double work added and I'm fine with that. Yep, Sarah can relax without worry meanwhile my foot is in a cast, my body's gradually depleting to exhaustion, there's a vexing guy who I can't stand but can't seem to escape, and a dangerous bitch who's bent to destroy me because I embarrassed her one-sided crush (not even a lover!) in front of the crowd. Yeah, everything's just peachy.

"Are you alright?!"

"You're so cool!"

"Can we have your number?!"

"How bad is your foot?"

"Can I have a piece of your hair?" What!

Multiple indistinct questions all at once they didn't gave the chance for me to at least answer one of them. I was trapped caught in a whirlwind as these girls ganged up on me looking all excited with restless eyes and yearning for skin contact or possibly any part of keepsake (like my hair?!) to take it with them? I'm just freaking out right at this moment and it's not getting any better many hands diving for my face!

"HEY!" Sarah shouted at the top of her lungs. "Back off and get away from Alex!" With the weapon use of her pom-poms, she lunged right towards them and swung aggressively in a wide circular motion-kind of reminds me of an untamed chicken I'd met when Sarah and I went to the petting zoo at age eleven. She went wild, chasing and pecked on me (yikes!). 

Yelping in fright, they cowered and dodged Sarah's jab attack, giving me the benefit of relief. I was utterly holding the biggest breath inside when they almost tried pulling everything apart from me. If those savages were to tear my clothes or touch where they aren't suppose to, then my long years hiding my identity will be revealed by them and if I get caught red handed news will spread, I'll be filmed, my real gender goes viral, and it's the end of the line for me. Mostly, my betrayal will definitely affect my sister's trust, scarring with resent and deep hatred for eternity. I'm always highly-alarmed, mentally insecure around others crossing near my range, I'd no choice but to use self-defense at them. 

Scowling intensely, I've returned to my usual self and began interrogating them. "Who are you girls and why are you invading an injured boy when you all know it's troubling me? I just broke my foot and the last thing what I don't need is people who are being misbehaving nuisance!" Perhaps I was rash to spoke harshly when those innocent girls just surly loved my running performance.

None of them represented their defense, each one of them was ashamed to straightly meet my face and give a good explanation, except one. Stepping forward, firm to the ground, a petite average girl with freckles and an over-sized glasses held her head high, showing off confidence but her sunset eyes conveyed apologetic. "First, on behalf of these girls I'm terribly sorry for dropping by uninvited and interrupt your state of peace. As president of the CyBOYrg club, we-your biggest fans-are perturbed of your health and-by your orders-gladly shall revenge the suspects who dare harm you."

"Cy- What?" I personally don't care of the name (haven't got a clue either) but according to Jake, I really do have a club filled fans who are very loyal it seems. It never crossed my mind that my talent influence them to create some reverent worshiping club exclusively for only me. I didn't wish for this to happen, I'm not a star or one of One Direction member girls are insane about nowadays. My intention is keeping it under low profile, invisible, treat as a nobody to the extent where everyone will say "Alex who?". Hmmm, how did this circumstance changed in these turn of events? Oh I know! It all started with two fools and one conceited jerk because thanks to them I'll be returning home only to await Mr. Jack sending me out-regardless of the condition-of the house, permanently.

"Fusion of cyborg and boy. Rumors said that you're not human."

"Uh-huh." Urgh, he is so infuriating-you know who I'm referring to! Hold on, why is Jake causing my emotions running loose? I met type of guys like him before and I assure you I'm indifferent and never cracked even when they're a thorn on my side. So pray tell me WHY does he affect me so much?! First time being embraced by a teen male my heart literally skipped and I practically blushed, there's just no way I have any relations with him, it's unfathomable! He's nothing, don't lose your cool- Ah! 

"You three, come here." Among my "groupies" I spotted and recognized the perpetrators who both uploaded and were in the scene. Motioning my index finger, the three excitedly came and squealed as if I chosen them (for what exactly?). "Remove that video." I earnestly demanded.

"Eh?" Muddled, they had no ideal what I was talking about. I told them the whole story starting with how I founded out the video and reprimanded their criminal acts without receiving my approval. "We're sorry, but you got a million views and counting on Youtube! We wanted to go viral and let the world make you famous! We beg of you, please let us keep the video!"

Kneeling on the floor rubbing their hands together, I can only describe them as pathetic. These weirdos really are fighting for something that's utterly worthless and they want me to become famous? Enough is enough, I'm so done and I need to end this quickly. Got to try my new unimproved skill. Once resulted terrible but as they all say, two times the charm (well it's three but you get the gist).

Flipping my hair the mood suddenly changed as I half-lowered my eyelids and gave an undeniable smoldering gaze that transfers inexplicable heat on every girl. Changing my husky tone into those subtle sultry voice I repeated, hoping my plan worked. "Remove the video."

"O-o-o-okay." They swooned, mesmerized by my hypnotic look. Well, well, it appears I've mastered on my own. Look at them shivering with lust (gross), I'm gonna accept it that my plan did worked. I'm so proud of myself, it's hard to contain my self-satisfying smirk-luckily I tamed it.

"Thank you." I awarded with a wink-which I received yet another ear deafening scream (I swear if my they're bleeding then I'll blame them!). "As much as I appreciate you guys staying here I really need some rest so could you all leave this room, for me please?" I imposed puppy eyes for the effect. Again they fell for my trap as they bobbed their heads.

"I'll escort them out." Sarah volunteered. Opening the door wide, she swept her arm motioning the exit. My fans waved farewell and left in unison (flock of birds?). Sarah was last to go (I know she needs to stay beside me but I just for a few seconds want to be alone), not before analyzing me. For quite a long time neither of us spoke and both wore a blank face. I'm not a mind reader but I can guess what's going through her mind. Can I believe what I'm seeing? The Alex I know wouldn't trick and doesn't stand a chance seducing anyone. You make learning so easy. Who are you?

Instead of sharing my dark secret I averted to anywhere else but her. Unable to meet those oblivious eyes, I am such a coward for avoiding her from the truth. The lies she been told were impeccable, there's not a single error detected. Whenever she delved for more I brushed it off and gave a simple story. I was too young and remembering my parents are only a tiny fragment in my memory. 

Hearing the door shut I sighed feeling absolutely drained. The guilt was eating me alive so bad, it almost led me crying in despair. Just how long must I ravel my secret until she quit prying deeper? The suspense was too high at stake if I told her the deal her grandfather and I made, the dreadful killings I did ever since I lived in their house, and the real behind story of her parents death. My boss told me everything of his evil past that I was purely shocked, upset, and felt sorry she's related to this ruthless man. Her own parents, his own blood son and daughter-in-law, it's sickening he chose money and power over his family. If I had to choose of course family is more important to me-then again what do I know about family when they dumped me. How far does Mr. Jack willing to conceal his twisted motive away from his precious granddaughter? 

Then go ahead and tell her. My conscious jeered. Be my guest but be warned, nothing of your justice deed will be rewarded. Do you think a traitor like you will set free and won't get murdered by your boss? May I need to remind you, who was the one that took the dirty kid and transformed into a neat dressed boy living with edible food and a cozy bed? And Sarah bless that child, she'll throw you to jail or let her favorite grandpa hire someone to finish you off. 

She isn't like that! I retorted, defending myself.

Hahaha! Still think she's your little sister? Puh-lease, she never thanked you for caring or showed gratitude when you safely protected her. She even never wanted you to come to school because you're an embarrassment.




Insufferable wretch who can't fend for herself, rather shamefully, be controlled. Because you will always live an unhappy ending, for life.

Grabbing the pillow behind I placed my head and muffled the loudest scream I've ever done. I was driven in severe anguish, releasing all my rage, bitter grief, at everything I'm so mad at! I've gone through crap EVERYDAY and still the world isn't satisfied! Disappear, leave, get out and torment someone else you stupid inner demon!

"Yo, nurse, I need first-aide for my hand and don't try to flatter m- Oh again." Oh no is right. I'm not in the mood to greet an unpleasant welcome nor do I have the energy to talk. There was no need to lift my head and figure this person, though I did it (Ugh)!

"Nice to see you too...Jake."


Yikes! What's the deal with those two meeting in the same room, same time? Hohoho!

So about chapter 7. I want to thank HazelClaireIvy for saying I need emotion (Alex may be impassive but she's not a robot.) and I had a hard time so this dedication goes to Tabithafaithxx for giving me the missing points when I asked you!

Remember to vote, comment (or judge honestly), and share with your social media people! (I don't have any so I'm counting on you guys for the world to see my stories and the Wattys!)

Happy reading everyone! ^v^/

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