I Am Mrs. Malik? (One Directi...

By Sara818

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What if you woke up in a hospital bed and didn't have any memory of how you got there. You also don't remembe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 12

322 8 1
By Sara818

Zayn's POV

Our lips connected, I missed this. She pulls back and lays back down on my lap. She is smiling up at me and I smile back with the biggest smile ever. I am so happy, she is starting to love me again.

"I missed that so much" I say playing with her hair.

I watch her and she starts to blush. She is so cute her cheeks getting a little red and she is getting nervous.

"You don't have to be shy, babe" I say

"I am just not use to this"

"Ally, it's okay, we don't have to rush this"

"Zayn, if this does become more, that means you are going to be my first boyfriend..." she says looking away from me , being embarrassed.

"so does that mean that was your first kiss?" I ask winking.

Ally's POV

I kissed Zayn and it was amazing. But I'm so scared, he is the first guy I have ever felt like this with. I mean I remember Harry but, I don't remember feeling like this. Zayn had a different affect on me. I still have feelings for Harry but Zayn wants me, unlike Harry.

"so does that mean that was your first kiss?" Zayn asks.

Oh no, he doesn't know what happened when I went to Harry's house. Should I tell him, I want to be truthful.

I sit up next to Zayn, my head spinning slightly.

"Zayn...I have to tell you something.." I say, feeling so nervous.

"What is it?"

"I kissed Harry" I spit it out quickly and watch Zayn carefully.

His hands turn into fists and he clenches his jaw.

" I am sorry, it was when Harry brought me to his house the other day. I was the one that kissed him. He told me we would never happen, trust me we are over, don't worry about it" I say grabing one of his hands trying to clam him down.

He looks away from me and pulling his hand away.

"Zayn talk to me, I am sorry."

Zayn doesn't say anything. It was a long car ride back to the house and when we pulled into the drive way, he just got out of the care quickly and left me behind. Was kissing Harry that bad? I didn't know better, it was what I remembered. Can you blame me.

I walk into the house and fine the boys playing video games on the couch.

"Where did Zayn go?" I ask. They all are to caught up in the game. 

"Thanks for your help guys" I say running past them and up the stairs.

I look in everyone of the boys rooms and I go up to our room. I still can't find him. I don't know where else he would be. I walk back  down stairs to where the rest of the boys are. I stand in front of the tv. They all start to yell at me, but I don't care.

"Where is Zayn?" I say

"He came in here a little while ago" Niall says getting up and going into the kitchen.

"But have you seen him, I need to talk to him and I can't find him" I say following Niall into the kitchen.

"No, he is probably out back smoking a cigarette, but I would let him be, when he is angry he is really scary" Niall says finding some cereal in the cabinet.

"He smokes?" I say sitting down at the table. Niall sits  from me.

"Only when he is stressed, I told him it is healthier to eat than smoke when you are stressed."

I laugh, because Niall never stops eating, so he is either always stressed or just loves food.

"So I am guessing your little date didn't go so well"

"yeah, he is angry at me for something I did recently, but it wasn't my fault that I remembered Harry and not him. I think he is just over reacting, I mean I lost my memory give me some slack." I say

"So he is mad that you remember Harry? you can't help that" Nial says eating some of his cereal.

"No I kissed Harry, but that was when I first remembered that we dated. But we aren't anything so Zayn has to relax" I say.

Niall seems shocked he just stares at me.

"You dated Harry? What? No wonder Zayn is angry"

"Niall you are not helping! What do I do? I am starting to fall for Zayn and I don't want to lose him"

"You won't lose him, he just has to let of some steam. He loves you so much, when you were in the coma he cried everyday, and did not leave the hospital unless we dragged him out. He is going no where." Niall says.

"thanks" I say getting up from the table and walk outside to the backyard, to see Zayn sitting on the bench.

I walk over to him and sit next to him.

" I am sorry, I felt like if I we do become more than this I should tell you the truth." I say as Zayn still doesn't look at me.

I put my hands on his face and make him look at me. He has been crying, his eyes are puffy and there are tear stains on his cheeks.

"To hear that you kissed another man, it hurts." He says taking my hands in his.

"Zayn it won't happen again because you are the one I want, not Harry" I say

The next thing I knew we were both leaning in and our lips touched. This time our lips were moving in sync and Zayn's tongue was  asking for entrance. We were making out for sometime, until Zayn pulled away.

"I love you, don't ever forget that" he says kissing my forehead.

"I will never"


After we all ate dinner, we all were sitting in the living. I was sitting on Zayn's lap, Niall next to us and Harry, Louis and Liam on the other couch.

"Okay so before we watch a movie, I think we should tell Ally the big news" Zayn says.

"WE ARE GOING TO THE U.S.!" Louis yells.

"What?!" I say.

"We are starting our American tour, we leave in 2 days" Liam says.

"Two days! I have to start to pack!" I say starting to get up but Zayn wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back down.

"Relax, we can pack later" Zayn says.

"Zayn, I am a girl I need to get started now!"

"Okay, I will let you go pack, I will meet you up there in a minute" Zayn says

I get of the couch and run up the stairs.

I am so excited to go to the U.S. London is nice but I feel like I don't belong. I can maybe go see my hometown and talk to my old friends. Maybe I will find my brothers or I can go visit my dad in jail. I can ask him why he did what he did.

Zayn's POV

"Guys, I got ahold of one of her brothers, he is living in New York City. He said that he would love to see Ally again" I say.

"Really she is going to be super excited!" Niall says

"I want it to be a surprised, but the he doesn't know about her memory loss....he was just really excited to here that she was going to be in New York. Also he does not know I am her husband...I kind of left that out." I say.

"Zayn, what did you tell him? Does he know we are One direction?" Liam says, going all daddy direction on me.

"He thinks I am just a friend and we are just taking a trip to New York, he knows that this is going to be  a surprise to Ally though" I say.

"Well you guys are starting to look like more than friends to me" Lou says.

"Yeah I think she is starting to fall in love with me again"

"Well its good that she doesn't remember that she wanted to divorce your ass" Harry says.

"And she will not know"

"Unless she remembers, she is starting to remember and plus you guys would not be together right now if it wasn't for you" Harry says.

"I feel awful for the accident, and we were going to fix our relationship. You know that" I say getting really angry.

So me and Ally weren't the happiest couple. She didn't like the fame that came along with being Mrs. Malik. We would always fight about what the paparazzi would report about me cheating on her and stuff. But we always resolved it. But the day of the accident, I told everyone that I was ridding on the motorcycle with Ally, but I wasn't. She had gotten on the bike with some other guy. I think she was cheating on me, but I didn't want the boys to know, so I lied. The only people that know the truth are me and the doctors and whoever that guy was on the bike. I never found out who he is but it doesn't matter because I have Ally back. It is a fresh start for us.

"I just don't think you should lie to her, I think you should tell her how you two were always fighting, she deserves to know the truth" Harry says

"You are just saying this because you are still in love with her and you are angry you can't have her" I say practically yelling.

"Well at least she remembers sleeping with me" Harry says.

 I leap of the couch towards Harry when the three boys stop me.

"You both have to clam down!" Liam yells

"He is so dead" I say trying to get out of their grip.


Management has to be notified of all out fights, relationships, pretty much everything we do. Wait until they hear this one. They could potentially cancel the tour, or end all contact with Ally. Since she is the cause, but I can't lose her again. Harry is so died, if he thinks he is safe he is not! I would do anything to keep Ally as mine.


~sara xox

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