Adopted by One Direction

By justalittlebitlarry

711K 20.1K 6.5K

Alexis is an orphan. She doesnt trust anyone, especiall men which is undersandable due to the things her fath... More

Adopted by One Direction
Chapter 1 *
Chapter 2 *
Chapter 4 *
Chapter 5 *
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

31.3K 961 172
By justalittlebitlarry

Alexis POV-

I heard voices. Very faint so I couldn't

make out what they were saying. I

slowly opened my eyes.

I was in a white room....I knew exactly

were I was.

I was in a hospital, a place that

brought back painful memories.

There were 2 people by the door

talking quietly.

"Louis..." I said almost a whisper, but

he heard me because his head

immediately shot in my direction and

a huge smile was plastered on his face.

"Lex?" He said and I could see tears

forming in his eyes. He ran over to me

and hugged me tightly an I hugged

him back.

"I thought you where hurt, are you alright?" He Asked me with

much concern in his voice.

"I feel fine," I answered back. "I just had a panic attack."

"A panic attack?! How come we didn't know you had panic attacks?" He said.

"I guess someoneforgot to tell you. I have a panic attack after I get really scared and if I get afraid," I said to him.

"I guess someone did forget to tell me," he said.

"Oh, sorry, Louis, please don't be mad at me?" I asked him.

"I'm not mad at you Lex," he said smiling at me."

"Just...if there is anything like this

that me and the boys should know

Then you need to tell us, ok?" Louis

said to me.

"Ok, Louis :)" I answered back. "Ok then, why don't I go get the other boys now?"

"Alright, Louis."

Zayns POV-

'What happened to Alexis? Last time I

saw her she was on one of those bed

things people from the hospital put

you on web they put you Into an

ambulance. Lou hasn't come ba-' my

thoughts were interrupted by Louis.

"Is she okay?!" All 4 of us said at the

same time."

"She is fine, she just had a panic attack,"Louis said to us in a 'duh' tone.

Typical Louis thinking that it would be sooooo obvious.

Well newsflash for ya Lou, you just found

out to and how are we supposed to

know she has panic attacks?

It's not like she told any of us. "You guys, why didnt she tell us?" I asked.

"She probably never thought to." Harry


"Well why don't we go and see her." Liam said.

We all nodded in reply and headed towards the room she was in.

Alexis POV-

I just sat there in the room, my mind

blank. Then I heard the door open and

was greeted by my 5 brother/fathers.

"Hey,"I said quietly to them. They all

mumbled a hello back to me.

"So...when do I get to go home?" I

asked not knowing what else to say.

"We can go now actually." Louis said

and I smiled, not wanting to be in this

room for another minute.

"Well then lets go!" I said cheerfully.

"Ok,"said with smiles. "Wait...can some one carry me?" I said pouting, what I don't like to walk.

"I will," said Zayn, then he came over and picked me up.

I laid my head on his shoulder and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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