The Kuran Twins (Vampire Knig...

By Tsukino_Kimiko

400K 12.7K 1.6K

There was a legend foretold on a particular family of Pureblooded vampires. Said family was the descendant of... More

Chapter 1: How it all began I
Chapter 2: How it all began II
Chapter 3: Who are you?
Chapter 4: Departure to Cross Academy
Chapter 5: Arrival
Chapter 6: Disciplinary Committee
Chapter 7: First day I
Chapter 8: First day II
Chapter 9: Hello Night Class and Curry?
Chapter 10: Mission
Chapter 11: Back Again, To Where It All Began
Chapter 12: Rido Kuran
Chapter 13: Back
Chapter 14: Sleepless
Chapter 15: Grocery Trouble
Chapter 16: Grocery Trouble II
Chapter 18: Moon Party
Chapter 19: Birthday Party?
Takuma's Gift: Special Chapter
Chapter 20: Damn Cake!
Chapter 21: Don't You Dare Hurt Him!
Chapter 22: His Saviour
Chapter 23: Jealousy I
Author's Note
Halloween Special: Let's Go To The Queen's Castle!
Chapter 24: Jealousy II
Chapter 25: Wrong Room?
Chapter 26: Decision
Chapter 27: Back
Chapter 28: Untitled
Chapter 29: Ichijo Asato
Chapter 30: Zero's First Mission
Chapter 31: Shall We?
Chapter 32: A Flash of Memories

Chapter 17: Wild Heart

9.2K 326 26
By Tsukino_Kimiko

(Kimiko's Pov)

Knowing that Mika and Yuu are safe, I can finally continue my search for Yuki and Zero. The sun is about to set and yet I have not find a single silhouette from them. Maybe they got back? I just need to check more of these streets just incase some vampire trouble occurs again.

This town is prone to vampire attacks. Wonder why? Guess it.

I've wondered around every corner of the town, encountering some lingering Level Es then killing them without hesitation, still no sign of those two. I guess they went back.

"How troublesome." I was not in a good mood so I was grumbling all the way back to the Academy. I suddenly froze when a cold hand grab me from behind and pulled me towards their chest.

I was about to pierce my fist through their chest when I heard a familiar voice. I breathe out in relief but glared in annoyance at him.

"Kaname-san...please don't sneak up behind me." I said in monotone. "I could've hurt you."

(Third Person's Pov)

Kaname's eyes sparkled in amusement as he lightly chuckled. "My apologies. I was simply searching for you for a while."

"Yuki and Zero?"  She asked.

"They are already back at the Academy safe and sound. Although I cannot say the same about you." He gently said, wrapping his arms around her. Kimiko mentally flinched at this as she tried to squirm out. It was futile because strangely her strength suddenly disappeared.

"I was worried." His tone laced with deep concern. Kimiko's heart suddenly got out of control as her face turned red, fortunately it was covered by Kaname's chest. But as for her heart, hopefully he's too busy worrying about her.

Suddenly, a distinct scenario played out in her mind.

"____, I worry for you. If the Queen perish, everyone will be doomed."

Kimiko shook her head.

What's that? A memory?

"It seems we have a loose heart running wild." Kaname teased.

"Shut up." Her muttered, gripping his uniform and covering her red face deeper.

Kimiko's embarrassed behavior made Kaname amused and genuinely happy. It feels like he just completed a very crucial mission and made him satisfied at the end. Nothing can make him happier than this.


Kaname delightedly carried Kimiko back at the Academy. Her head rested on his chest, covering her face incase others might see her, strange face. Kaname reluctantly put her down in her dorm's balcony.

"Arigato, Kaname-san, for bringing me back." Kimiko bowed her head in appreciation. Kaname smiled and gently patted her head. "It's my pleasure."

"Keeping you safe is my utmost priority."

Kaname leaned forward, cupping both of her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight, Kimiko." He softly said, his dark eyes filled with love and admiration.

Kimiko shyly looked at the ground before muttering. "Goodnight, Kaname"

Kaname gave her a last smile before disappearing into the air. Kimiko exhaled the breath she was holding.

"What's wrong with me lately?" She said to herself as she opened her window.

"These strange feelings, where are they coming from? Is it because of Kaname?" She thought as she stripped her uniform off and changed into a comfortable nightdress.

"These if they're someone else's."

"His touch makes me feel strange...and nostalgic." She sighed and sat at her couch near the opened window so she can let the cold air kiss her skin.

She intake the sweet fresh air that made her feel at ease. Because of Kaname, Kimiko felt like a different person.

The emotions she've learned to seal ever since she became a hunter has cracked, little by little. And if these emotions of her unleash, hell knows what will happen to her.

Kimiko can only glare at the floor because of frustration.


Edited on: May 4, 2020

Happy New Year minna!


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