Little Miss Run Away (L.M) (B...

By devoted2luke

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Meet Charlie; A 17 year old who is happy on the outside, but on the inside holds a lot of secrets. Meet Luke... More

Chapter 1 {The News}
Chapter 2 {The Move}
Chapter 3 {Luke Hemmings}
Chapter 4 {The chase}
Chapter 5 {Only Reason}
Chapter 6 {The Incident}
Chapter 7 {The Meeting}
Chapter 8 {The Plan}
Chapter 10 {The Date}
Chapter 11 {School}
Chapter 12 {Calum?}
Chapter 13 {Sophie? Perfect}
Chapter 14 {What The Hell?}
Chapter 15 {Who Is She?}
Chapter 16 {Gone}
Chapter 17 {Close To Strangers}
Chapter 18 {You Up For It?}
Chapter 19 {Forgiven}
Chapter 20 {Voodoo Doll}
Chapter 21 {Oh Shit}
Chapter 22 {The Dork In The Flower Crown}
Chapter 23 {The News Report}
Chapter 24 {The Truth}
Chapter 25 {The Interview}
Chapter 26 {The Call}
Chapter 27 {Tomorrow?}
Chapter 28 {Airports and Goodbyes}
Chapter 29 {New Life}
Chapter 30 {Trashy Pizza&A Trashy Girlfriend}
Chapter 31 {Photoshoot}
Chapter 32 {Why?}
Chapter 33 {Back Home}
Chapter 34 {Concert}
Chapter 35 {Real Love&Fake Goodbyes}

Chapter 9 {Forever? Forever.}

464 10 0
By devoted2luke

"Are you sure? Okay, thank you." I hear my mom say from the cream colored hallway. "The doctor said you have to be here for one more day, then you'll be free to go."
"Okay." I say back. Luke was leaving today, and I was supposed to leave today too. Guess I'm stuck in this hell hole one more day. And it's going to be even worse without Luke here.

About an hour later I'm left alone in my thoughts. All I can think about now is him. Everything about him is perfect. His blue eyes, his tattoos that swirl his skin. His piercings, his hair and how it makes him taller. Luke Robert Hemmings is perfect. And I love him. I've only known him for a few weeks now, but there's something different about him. There's like this magnetic force, drawing me to him. Every time I think about him, millions of butterflies erupt in my stomach, and adrenaline fills my veins. I've never felt this way before, but I love it.
"Charlie?" I hear my name echo in the silent room. The booming voice startles me.
"Luke." I say smiling. Seeing his face always makes me smile.
"Hi." He says with a grin on his face. He walks in, and balloons follow him, along with a teddy bear and white roses, my favorite.
"Oh Luke you didn't have to do this." I say as he sets them down next to me.
"No, but I wanted to. To show how sorry I am for putting you through this pain." He says grabbing my hand, causing a million butterflies.
"Luke, it's not your fault. It was the drunk driver. And you haven't put me through any pain. You are actually my pain killer." I say giving a weak smile.
"I love you, Charlotte Rose Waters." Luke says proudly. I giggle at the thought that he loves me back.
"I love you too, Luke Robert Hemmings." I say just as proudly.
"I will love you forever." He says looking into my dull green eyes.
"Forever?" I question.
"Forever." He says leaning forward and connecting our lips together. Our lips move perfectly in sync with each other. This is what happiness feels like.
"When you get out of this hell hole I have a surprise for you." Luke whispers into my neck, causing goosebumps.
"What is it?" I ask. I hate surprises.
"How would it be a surprise if I tell you?" He asks smirking. God his smirk is amazing.  "You should get some rest for tomorrow. It's going to be fun." He says hovering over my lips, then moving away.
"Hey! That's not fair! You can't tease me." I say laughing as he moves forward.
"If I can't tease you there's no fun." He says winking, moving back up to my lips a laying a soft, passionate kiss on my lips. God he's such a tease. It's what I get for loving a bad boy.
"You're such a tease." I say crossing my arms jokingly.
"Yep." He says popping the p. "But I'm going to go, to let you get some sleep." He says getting off the bed completely.
"Okay." I say as I yawn. I didn't know o was so tired, I guess waking up at 2 in the morning can make you pretty tired.
"Goodnight love." He says walking out and stopping in the doorway.
"Goodnight." I say with a smile. I turn to the only side I can. The other side has wires and ives in it. I turn off my lights, and soon warmth surrounds me and I fall asleep.

I wake up with a pounding headache. It feels like someone stuck a nail in my temple (A/N OKAY I CRINGED WHEN I WROTE THIS OMG). I turn to see what time it is. Looking at the clock, while my eyes still adjust to the light it reads 4 am. Great, looks like I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep. I manage to push myself out of bed and look around. The hospital is flooded with nurses and doctors. I make my way through them, when I get a tap on my shoulder.
"Charlie?" I hear a familiar voice ask. I turn around and meet face to face with a curly headed boy with a red bandana on.
"Ashton?" I asked confused. What is he doing here.
"Yeah, hey what are you doing here?" He asks wide eyed.
"Uh, too much to explain while in the hallway. Follow me to my room?" I ask. He replies with a nod and I lead him to my room. Once we get in, I shut the door behind us.
"So, what are you doing here?" I ask as I sit in my hospital bed.
"Well uh, my little sister is in the hospital right now. Nothing major, it's just something happened with her heart and they want to keep a close eye on her." He says rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh Ash I'm so sorry." I say as he finishes his story.
"It's alright, she's been in and out of the hospital a lot the past few months. I'm getting used to it. Enough about me why are you here?" He says with a sad look on his face.
"Oh uh. Me and Luke"
"Luke?" He asks cutting me off.
"Yes, Luke. Me and him were in a car accident and I was the last one out of the car, and it was in flames. But I'm getting out later today." I say giving a fake smile. He just leans back in the hard blue chair.
"I'm sorry Charlie that sucks." He says finally breaking the silence.
"It's alright. The pain is bearable. And besides me and Luke were on the same floor. So that was nice." I say giving him another weak smile.
"You know, Luke won't shut up about you. Like honestly. From what he tells me about you, I probably know more about you than you do. It's kinda cute actually, I've never seen him act this way before. Normally he just uses girls for sex, or cheats on them. And never talks about them. But you Charlie, you are special to him. You don't know how many times he comes into practice with a smile on his face. Or how many songs he writes. Oh my god he writes so many songs about you, you have no idea. And they are amazing." He says babbling now. I have a huge grin on my face, and I probably look like an idiot. But I don't care, I can't believe he talks about me all the time.
"He really talks about me?" I say blushing hard.
"Oh my god yes! All. The. Time." He says giggling. I smile and blush even harder. "Awe, how cute."
"What?" I say coving my cheeks, so he can't see me blush.
"Little Charlie has a not so little crush on Lukey." He says talking like a baby, puckering out his lips.
"Oh shush!" I say chucking coving my face even more. "You have no idea." I say mumbling under my breathe, or so I thought.
"What was that?" Ashton asks with a smirk on his face.
"Nothing!" I say back to him, causing him to laugh.
"Alright well I better get going. Take care of my Luke! He's my little princess." He says getting up and pointing at me.
"You have my word." I say lifting my hands and putting them in the air. "I'll see you at school. Bye Ash." I say alas he's halfway through the door.
"Bye Charlie!" He sings leaving completely.
"What a nerd." I say jokingly to myself.

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