My Dark Secret (COMPLETED)

By harryssimp_

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this is literally SO BAD and i wrote this when i was fourteen but i won't stop you from reading lmao it's abo... More

Chapter 1: My New Life
Chapter 2: Twit Cam
Chapter 3: Lightning Strikes
Chapter 4: Troy...
Chapter 5: Lo's Crush Confession
Chapter 6: First Show
Chapter 7: 3 Months Later
Chapter 8: Christmas
Chapter 9: Christmas PT. 2
Chapter 10: Stupid Austin
Chapter 11: Oh Lauren
Chapter 12: Tour, Alren is real, and Mami?
Chapter 13: Happy New Year
Chapter 14: Tour Meeting & Problems
Chapter 15: Harsh Comments
Chapter 16: Cutting Confessions & Death Threats
Chapter 17: Recooperation
Chapter 18: Vacation Before Tour
Chapter 19: Vacation Before Tour Pt. 2
Chapter 20: Night Without Riley
Chapter 21: Ally?
Chapter 22: Tour Cancelation, Ally, & Riley's Guardian
Chapter 24: Fights & Quiters
Chapter 25: What? (Short chapter)
Chapter 26: Prayers and Miracles
Chapter 27: Coming Home
Chapter 28: Coming Home Pt. 2
Chapter 29: No... (Short chapter)
Chapter 30: Explanation & Awnsers
Chapter 31: Serious
Chapter 32: Baby
Chapter 33: Apologies not Accepted
Please Read!
Chapter 34: Stitches Out and Apologies Pt. 2
Chapter 35: Make Up and Finally, TOUR!
Chapter 36: Austin Texas!
Chapter 37: Good and Bad
Chapter 38: Our Date
Chapter 39: Court
Chapter 40: She's Ours
Chapter 41: Celebrate
Chapter 42: Weirdo and Caminah date
Chapter 43: Hi Arizona
Chapter 44: Downhill
Chapter 45: Uncle Si...
Chapter 46: Hold Each Other
Chapter 47: What's Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
Chapter 48: Brent Rivera!?
Chapter 49: Baby Girl
Chapter 50: Just The Beginning
The One series!

Chapter 23: Mommy, Bad News, & Depression

2.3K 102 20
By harryssimp_

Lauren's POV
I turned around and saw my mom standing in the hallway with my dad and siblings.

"Mommy?" I asked and ran over to her and cried into her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry about Ally, baby." She said while I cried some more.

"I didn't think you'd come out." I said unlatching our hug.

"We got a flight as soon as we found out, sadly it was delayed and took forever! But I'm here now baby." My mom said and I hugged her again and cried. I then ran over to my dad and hugged him, then my siblings.

"How'd it happen?" My mom asked as I sat down next to her.

"It's all Troy's fault." I said out of anger and she gasped in shock.

"Troy did this!?" She asked which made me giggle at her being so gullible.

"No mommy, she went to his house to pick up Riley, and they got in a fight so when she left she backed up and her- her car got rear ended and it toppled over." I said hating the thought of her being hurt.

"Oh mija, I'm so sorry." She said and hugged me.

"Wheres Riley? I hear she's my new grand daughter?" She asked and I was shocked Patricia and Jerry already told my parents.

"Umm yah, she's with Camz." I said and my whole family walked over to her and hugged her. I giggled at the memory of when I told my parents I was with Ally.


"Mom, Daddy. Ally and I are... Dating." I said and closed my eyes scared of what they might say.

"YES!" My mom yelled and kept hitting my dads back.

"You owe me 10 bucks!" She said and my dad rolled his eyes.

"You bet, that I was a lesbian!?" I asked hurt and shocked that they'd do that.

"No, not really. We bet that Alren would be real." My dad corrected me.

"Oh so now you know our ship name!" I said and buried my face into my hands out of embarrassment.

"So are you okay with it?" Ally asked wanting a serious awnser.

"Ofcourse! We wanted this to happen!" My dad said and all four of us hugged.

"Now it's MY parents turn." Ally said. I instantly felt a chill of fear run through my body.


I remember that day like it was yesterday. One of the greatest moments of my life. Sadly, a week later was when I told Ally's parents, she was unconscious from loosing blood and in the hospital. She's been through so much. It hurts to see her go through more.

"Momma!" Riley said running towards me in fear.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked eyeing my brother thinking that he scared her.

"B-b-body!" She yelped and burried her face into my arm.

"A guy was being rushed into trauma and she saw his body split in half." My brother explained.

"Oh I'm so sorry you had to see that Love Bug! But I'm sure he'll be okay." I lied.

"It was scawy." She said and I kissed her head.

"It's the circle of life!" I said dancing in my chair and she giggled.

"Better?" I asked.

"Better." She said and I kissed her cheek and she ran back over to my family.

"Miss Jauregui?" A doctor asked walking in.

"Y-yah." I said nervously.

"Allyson is your...?" He asked motioning for me to awnser.

"Girlfriend. Need anyone else?" I asked confused why he would come to me instead of Ally's parents.

"Umm her parents and any siblings." He responded and I called all of them over.

"Allyson is-" he trailed off about her brain and cells and I was lost.

"Okay what does that all mean!?" I asked frustrated he wouldn't just tell us in terms we would know.

"Well, she thankfully has no brain damage and her finger moved this morning. Sadly she hasn't had any other movement. We have papers for you to sign if you wish for Ally to be let go in a certain amount of time, or keep her on the machine." He said. I suddenly realized it's been 7 days since the accident. And she moved once.

"When's the deadline for her to be let go?" I asked shaking a bit.

"In a week." He responded and my stomach dropped. Only a week for Ally to feel better. Only a week for Ally to even move. Only a week for me to ever see her again.

"We wish to sign the papers for her to be let go in a week." Mrs. Hernandez said quickly, holding back tears.

"What!? No! Just give her a little longer! Please!" I said not wanting to lose her.

"Lauren I'm sorry, we have to. She'll just be on life support forever and nothing will change." Mrs. Hernandez responded.

"Please..." I said and they shook their head 'no'. I instantly began crying and ran down the hallway and started wailing in a corner. I haven't cried like this since I was 10. And that was over a kid who was bullying me. This is over the love of my life dying. I walked out into the waiting room and my mom tried to hug me but I shoved her away. Riley tried hugging me to but I picked her up and gave her to Dinah. I shut everyone out and just sat down on the floor, and stared off into space.

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