
By livingfree721

390 24 11

478 years ago, the world as we know it ended. Those lucky enough to survive formed one city, the Athanatos. ... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
New Cover
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 7

30 2 2
By livingfree721

I drop the papers off in my tent and head to the Big Tent, knowing Xavier will want a meeting.

"Xavier?" The table in the center of the Big Tent is covered in papers and pencils. The council is huddled around the table discussing battle plans.

"Hey. We're just starting the meeting." Worry is etched onto his face as he talks to me. His anxiety also shows by the way his eyes dart back and forth. Xavier puts on a good mask, but you can see through it if you know where to look. His eyes give it all away, same with most people, same with me.

I nod and pull a stool up to the table, ignoring Reyna's eyes burning into my back from where she stands in the corner.

"Engineers, I want you to look at some of the weapons and break it down. Try building it and see what it does. Soldiers, stay here to talk about the best way to go against their plans. Medical, get herbs and make more medicine and antibiotics. Go. Stay strong. They need you now. Get some sleep, we start tomorrow." Xavier says with a finality to his voice.

The meeting is quick, and I make a mental note to find Brady first thing in the morning.

Ok Kira, forget whatever you need to do because right now what you need is a shower.

I quickly say bye to Xavier and head back to my tent. I grab a pair of fresh clothes and a towel and walk to the showers. The shower room is one of the other buildings we have because of the need to run pipes. I open the door to the building and walk into the last corner stall. I turn the water on, keeping it towards the cold.

I step into the cold stream and stand still. Goosebumps rise all over my body but I don't change the temperature. The cold water runs over my body, cleaning my bloody, dirty face.

What's going to happen to us? The Elxi are stronger, they have guns, they-

I stop my thought there, not wanting it to finish. It doesn't matter if they have more technology, we can control the elements. We can be stronger, we just need to train.

We need time, power... guns.

I stand up straighter in the water as the thought dawns on me. Guns! Of course. We have two already, if the engineers can find out how to make them, then we could be technologically equal. I grin as I quickly wash myself and jump out of the shower excitedly. I jump into a pair of new clothes and gather my stuff.

Shit Kira! Don't slip! I mentally scold myself as I run outside the shower room. I jog to the middle of Camp, searching for Xavier until my eyes land on the Big Tent lit up by candles.

"Hey." I say to the guard waiting by the entrance. "Let me in?" He says nothing, only shakes his head. "Why not?" I demand, only to receive another nod.

For Christ's sake. I try to step around him, shove him, duck under him, jump over him, distract him, but none of it works; he just keeps getting in my way.

"Will you move out of the damn entrance!" I have never been a patient person, and especially now that we have a better chance against the Elxi, I have practically no patience left. As soon as the words leave my mouth, Xavier and a soldier step out.

"What are you doing here?" Xavier asks me.

"Looking for you actually. I just had a great idea, we just need the engineers and a gun. Go-"

"Stop." Xavier's voice is rough as it stops me. "Go to bed Kira. You have hard days ahead of you."

"But can you just-"

"Go." Xavier growls at me as he storms off.

The hell happened? He was fine before I took a shower...

"The hell?" I mutter looking at the soldier warily.

"Well, well, well who are you?" He answers back, a smug smirk on his face.

"Kira. And who are you?"

"Jude. Jude Perkins. Soldier." He flashes me an obnoxious grin again and I know I'm not going to like this guy. His dark, carefree, messy hair contrasts with his strong demeanor. He looks older than me, but not by more than three years max. He's good looking, but his personality definitely needs some help.

Yep Kira. Don't be fooled by looks.

"Well Jude, what happened?" I ask politely, smiling slightly.

"Hm... I'm not telling. Cuz I know it's gonna kill you not knowing, so why would I give in to you?" He leans down so he's eye level to me and whispers, "Besides, you're just a kid."

My blood boils at the his words. I'm not a kid. Young? Yes. But kid is used for children who haven't grown up yet, and I had to grow up fast. I bring my hand back and slap it across his cheek as hard as I can.

"I'm not a kid." I growl before turning and walking towards my tent.

"Hmm..." He says slowly. "You're just a little firecracker aren't you? One minute you are nice and sweet, and the next, you explode. Well goodnight, Firecracker!" He calls after me.

"Don't call me that." I snap back at him.

"Whatever you say, Firecracker."

I turn around and glare one last time before walking into my tent and falling into a restless sleep.

Gunshots ring through camp. Water is flying through the air, meeting the bullets. People are lying everywhere, covered in blood. Blood. So much crimson red blood. I run out into the open just in time to see a bullet fly towards a boy. Not any boy, Ralph. Before it hits him though, it breaks into three parts. One flies into Ralph, one flies into Leo, and one flies into Brady. My thrashing and kicking doesn't stand a chance against the force that's holding me back. I'm defenseless, not being able to do anything except watch as my loved ones die. Finally the force breaks, letting me run to them. I grab Leo's small figure first, begging him to come back to me. But he doesn't. Neither does Ralph or Brady. All I hear is silence. The absence of their breaths, the absence of their beating hearts.

I jolt awake, clawing at my bed. Tears stain my cheeks and my breaths come out shaky. I close my eyes trying to calm myself but images of Leo flash through my mind. My eyes fly open again, wet with new tears. Getting up, I kneel by the small stool in the corner and clench the sides. I force myself to take big breaths and to calm down. I know I won't be able to sleep again, and since its 4:30, I decide to get up. I slip into a pair of jeans shorts and a black tank top. Since it is still chilly outside, I grab a brown leather sweater and put it on top. I don't do anything with my hair, just run a hand through it. I pick up my father's knife and slip it into my jacket pocket. The cool air calms me as I step out of me tent. As I'm about to sit down against on of the trees, I hear a noise. A rustling of leaves.

I wave my hand and a gush of dirt brings the person out. It's not even an adult, a child. I sigh as I recognize his light curly hair and small frame. Leo.

"Leo! Aren't you supposed to be in your tent with the rest of the kids?" I help him up and bend down to wipe the dirt off his face.

"Couldn't sleep..." He looks away and I can see that tears stain his cheeks.

"Come here." I lead him to a tree and sit down against it. He snuggles under my arm as I wrap them around him, holding him tight. "A nightmare?"

He nods fiercely as sobs rack his body.

"Hey hey hey... it's ok. It was just a dream. You're ok." I keep whispering words of encouragement to him as he quietly stops crying. "Wanna talk about it?"

He shakes his head, keeping his eyes closed.

"Ok. Well how have you been? I missed you." I run my hand over his curls, calming him down.

"I-I missed y-you t-too." He hiccups. I can tell he doesn't feel like talking so I hold him in silence.

"Hey Firecracker!" A voice calls a couple minutes later. Leo shifts under me and looks up to see who it is.

"Hi Jude!" He calls happily, getting out of my embrace and runs to him.

Jude gives him a high five before coming to sit next to me. He wraps an arm around me and says, "How ya doing Firecracker?"

"Get off of me." I push his arm off of my shoulders.

"You are wound up so tight. Let go for once. Have fun. Do whatever you want to." He lays down in the grass and puts his arms behind his head.

"We have to train." I snap at him. "The Elxi are coming and all you say is have fun?"

"Yup. Besides a child shouldn't have to worry about the Elxi coming. Leave it to the pros. The pros with the proper training." His voice drips with sarcasm and I know that he's mocking me.

Ignore it Kira.

I choose not to answer him, I just stand and look out to the North where Athanatos is. Leave it to the pros? No way. I've been to Athanatos hundreds of times and I've survived. This is my fight as much as it is his. Despite his ignorance, I know he's right about one thing. We have a fight coming up and we better be ready for it.


Here's the next chapter guys! Ok two questions:

1. How do you like the plot so far?

2. Any suggestions?

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!

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