Mockingjay academy

By WritingAsUsual

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Ok so where do I start, this story has all characters from all the hunger games books. They all look like the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: fixing things
Chapter 12: truth 'O dair
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16:party for the not-normal
Chapter 17: after life
Chapter 18: (extra long update)
Chapter 19: my new bro?
Chapter 20: I Go Back To December
Chapter 21:change in the weather
Chapter 22: theyre gone
Chapter 23: our group
Chapter 24: classic day
Chatper 25: suprising events
Chapter 26: no trust
Chapter 27: bad blood
New story out!!
Chapter 28: messy place
Chapter 29: secrets
Chapter 30: sydney or katniss
Chapter 31: One returns and one leaves
Chapter 33: happy?
Chapter 34: do i have a Brother NO
Chapter 35- TIME SKIP
Chapter 36: Angry
CHAPTER 37- Regret and Remorse
CHAPTER 42 {Very Long Update}
Chapter 43: Shopping, cinemas and memories
Chapter 44: Going till morning
Chapter 45: We're naive
Chapter 46: numb

Chapter 32: hurting

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By WritingAsUsual


I blocked their numbers. I moved out.

I felt bad because it was like I was running away. I just moved without an explanation. But then again I did go back and they were all screaming at eachother literally.

No one has tried to text or call me.

I'm taking that as a sign. A sign to move forward.

They don't want me. I think. And I don't need them. I think.



It's Monday morning. I get up and dress in black skinny jeans with a white crop top and a red checkered funnel. I then put on a black beanie and red converse.

I see them a lot in the hallways. I can tell they are all looking at me. But I don't even look at them I just keep my head down.

I only look up when I bump into someone and my books go scattering across the floor. I look up and see Sydney.
"Should of watched where you are going." She sighs.
"Sorry." I mutter.
She kneels down to my level and doesn't help with picking up books she just stares at me.
"Don't act so surprised. You knew you were gonna get pushed out eventually."
"What do you want?" I order as I stand up.

She stands up to and stares at me.
"You know I thought you were nice." I admit. "But your just a two faced female dog."

"Katniss your not getting it." She says. "I wanted to be popular.  Now I joined this group and kicked you out. Now your me and I'm you."

"Not exactly. I mean, gale is still talking to me." I say.
"Not for long." She whispers then walks away. I turn around and watch her walk over to the group.

Why are people just not who I thought they were?

English goes by quickly I swap places with a girl named Jasmine at the back.

I just watch Abbie flirt with Peeta all lesson.

Next lesson is music. I might ditch it.

But I don't

I don't sit with them in music. But I keep looking at them to see if they are looking at me. Then I lock eyes with him.

Peeta. He looks a wreck. Like he hasn't slept or eaten.

I look away. And when I look back I see gale.
He wants me to sit next to him. But he's with the group. So I shake my head.

Sydney is sitting in between Peeta and marvel. And I can tell by the way they look at each other that they more then a few things to say.

I'm sitting doodling in my book when the teacher enters. She struts onto the stage and tells the class to get into groups and we are supposed to do a cover of a song.

What the hell do I do?

"The lists of the groups are on the board." She says. The board gets switch on.

And I find my name at the bottom with Peeta, Annie, Sydney and finnick

No. Please no.

A loud whisper starts spreading through out the room as everyone gets into there groups and finds instruments and music rooms.

I walk over to Annie and Finnick who are hugging. Then Sydney walks over and smiles at me sympathetically. Ugh.

They grab guitars and stuff and we all find our way into a music room with and piano and drum kit in.

I walk in and jump when I see Peeta sitting in the corner. He has his hands on his face so I can't see if he's looking at me.

I sit at the piano and stare at him through the reflection.

What has happened to Peeta.

"So I was thinking that we should do a song from the charts." Sydney starts.
"Yeah that would be good." Annie replies.

"Why did you move?" Peeta mumbles. The others probably didn't hear as they carry on chatting I turn around on the piano stool and he removes his hands from his face.
I close my eyes. I don't wanna talk. I start to feel weak. Like I'm not myself. Like I'm not okay.

"Katniss." He mumbles and looks at me. I avoid his gaze and look at the floor. I shake my head.

I can feel my temperature changing. I suddenly feel sick. I'm not okay.

I put my elbows on my knees and lean forward. This hurts. And I can't bare it.
To be in the same room as him.

The room suddenly gets hot. And it feels like the walls are closing in. I can hear Peeta but can't hear his words clearly. I cant see him clearly but I know he's moving.

I put my hands over my face. Breath in. Breath out. Slowly.

What is happening?

When I remove my hands from my face I feel cold. And Peeta isn't in the corner. I spin around on the piano chair.

Annie and Sydney are debating about if they should do a Ed sheeran or Taylor swift song. And Finnick is playing around with the drums. No Peeta.

I stand up.
"I'm gonna go outside for a minute." I tell them. I don't even know why. But I can't just storm out. They all just sit there and carry on talking. Like I'm not even in the room.

I feel invisible. And it hurts.

I go into the main room and walk over to the teacher who's on her laptop.

"Miss can I step outside please?" I ask politely. She doesn't respond. I wanna scream at her. At everybody.

It's like I'm not here.
I run out the music block. I can't breath again and fall into the lockers.

Somehow I end up on the floor, back against the lockers and my legs stretched out in front of me. And I'm crying.

I can't stop. And then my phone rings.
Me: what! What could you possibly want?
Prim: katniss?
Me: sorry prim I didn't know it was you.
Prim: what has happened?
Me: nothing *sniff* nothing I'm fine.
Prim: no your not katniss tell me
Me: well prim. Peeta broke up with me and the girls hate me and so do the boys. So I moved out 3 days ago and got replaced by a girl called Sydney
Prim: katniss why didn't you call me sooner
Me: I was.. I dunno I didn't want to intrude in your life
Prim: you can talk to me about anything.

I hold the phone away from my ear and hang up. I start crying so much. And I can't stop.

I curl up into a ball against the lockers until I hear some people coming.

I'm about to get up and run. But then I don't care who it is. If its teachers they will tell me to go back to my dorm. If it's students they will laugh. If it's them they just won't act like I'm there.

But it's gale and Peeta.


I can't breath. She's mess. And it's my fault.

And I get it now. It's not about Sydney anymore. She didn't move out because of her.

I just want to run up to her and hold her and tell her I love her.

But gale is walking in front of me which reminds me. It reminds me of what I've done.

"Katniss." Gale says. He sits down next to her by the lockers while I keep a good distance away. I don't think that she realises I'm here.

"Help." She whispers. "Help me. What should I do?"
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"God it just hurts to see him. Why does he look so bad? And why does it hurt so bad?" She replies then moves away from him.
"Who Peeta?" He asks. And now I'm panicked.

"Yeah." She replies. "I don't know what's wrong with him. I don't know what's wrong with me."
Gale moves closer to her and she gets up.
"It's like this constant pain." She says. "Since you.." She turns to me. "You broke up with me."

So she did know I was here?

"Katniss I.." I'm lost for words. And I see this as a chance. She is looking for a answer. She is talking to me.
"I.. I didn't want to break up with you." I say.
She scoffs. "You might as well have stabbed me. That's how much it hurt."

"Hey! Look at me." I reply hurt. She looks at the floor and backs up till she hits the wall. I walk over and she closes her eyes.

I put my hand under her chin. She leans into my touch before she opens her eyes.
"Have you seen the way I look? I am in a world of pain!" I admit.
"You broke up with me!" She cries while running her hands through her hair.

Katniss sinks downs to the floor. I wait a minute while her breathing slows and she stops crying.
"Peeta what are you doing to me?" She mutters. "I feel like a cornered animal."

"Katniss I.." I begin.
"Stay away from me." She orders. "I'm only In pain when I'm near you."

"Katniss please.." I crouch down to her level.
"Peeta." Gale warns.

Katniss gets up and wipes under her eyes. She looks at gale then turns around.

Gale doesn't say a word as she walks off.

I don't even want to speak.

Do I cause her pain?


I walked away from them.

That hurt. He doesn't cause me pain. It's just I can't stand to see him like this. And Sydney.

This isn't normal. This isn't what brake ups should feel like.
"Oh Katniss." Sydney says.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"I heard and saw that whole conversation. You couldn't quite make up your mind." She walks in circles around me.
"One minute she needed a explanation. The next you were in pain. Do you understand what Peeta has been through?" She asks.

"No. But he broke up with me. Why is he hurt?" I ask.

"Katniss, he didn't want to brake up with you. It's just he was so upset. And I was looking like Saint and he was so confused. All of a sudden he couldn't trust you. Oh no." She mimics me.

"So you like him?" I say.
"How did you know?" She says. "Is it that obvious?"

I nod and she squeals.
"Okay bye." She turns and looks at me. I turn around and walk away. When I get a good 50ft I start running.

As soon as I get to my dorm the bell goes.


The rest of the day is spent in my room.

That was a depressing chapter sorry.

It was just one of those chapters you feel the need to write.

Okay the next chapter is gonna be a sort of time flash to this Friday.

I fell bad I didn't really write about how the group was doing.

The next chapter will be a lot better and not sad like this was.


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