Little Miss Run Away (L.M) (B...

By devoted2luke

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Meet Charlie; A 17 year old who is happy on the outside, but on the inside holds a lot of secrets. Meet Luke... More

Chapter 1 {The News}
Chapter 2 {The Move}
Chapter 3 {Luke Hemmings}
Chapter 4 {The chase}
Chapter 5 {Only Reason}
Chapter 6 {The Incident}
Chapter 7 {The Meeting}
Chapter 9 {Forever? Forever.}
Chapter 10 {The Date}
Chapter 11 {School}
Chapter 12 {Calum?}
Chapter 13 {Sophie? Perfect}
Chapter 14 {What The Hell?}
Chapter 15 {Who Is She?}
Chapter 16 {Gone}
Chapter 17 {Close To Strangers}
Chapter 18 {You Up For It?}
Chapter 19 {Forgiven}
Chapter 20 {Voodoo Doll}
Chapter 21 {Oh Shit}
Chapter 22 {The Dork In The Flower Crown}
Chapter 23 {The News Report}
Chapter 24 {The Truth}
Chapter 25 {The Interview}
Chapter 26 {The Call}
Chapter 27 {Tomorrow?}
Chapter 28 {Airports and Goodbyes}
Chapter 29 {New Life}
Chapter 30 {Trashy Pizza&A Trashy Girlfriend}
Chapter 31 {Photoshoot}
Chapter 32 {Why?}
Chapter 33 {Back Home}
Chapter 34 {Concert}
Chapter 35 {Real Love&Fake Goodbyes}

Chapter 8 {The Plan}

498 9 0
By devoted2luke

"No I want you to come with us!" Luke practically yells. My eyes widen with excitement. Being with Luke on the road, going to different cities and states sounds amazing.
"What do you say?" Luke asks nervously.
"I'd love to!" I say jumping into his arms.
"Really?!" Luke asks hugging me tightly.
"Really!" I reassure him.
"This is going to be the best tour ever!" He says jumping up and down and kicking like a little kid. I never seen someone kick so high in skinny jeans. I giggle at my thought, earning a weird look from Luke.
"What?" He says crossing his arms
"Nothing, I just didn't know you could kick that high. Especially in skinny jeans." I say laughing even harder now.
"Oh shut up." Luke says crossing his arms playfully. "We need a plan."
"A plan?" I ask sitting up, intrigued on  what he was going to say next.
"Yeah, a plan. Because I don't know about you ( A/N  But I'm feeling 22! Ayyye T swift! ;) ) but I can't live 4 months without seeing you or talking to you." He states "So we need a plan to see each other and talk to each other. Well of course we have school together but, that's not a lot of time."
"Yeah. How about we change your name in my phone?" I ask, getting a questionable look from Luke. "Well it's a place to start!" I say throwing my hands in the air, causing Luke to giggle ( A/N OMFG IMAGINE HIS GIGGLE UGH)
"Okay." He says still giggling.
"Okay, now your name is no longer Lucas, and is now Stacey." I say making changes in my phone.
"Stacey?" He says whining.
"Yes Stacey." I say giggling now.
"Stacey's mom has got it going on! Stacey can I come over after school?" Luke starts singing
"After school!" We both laugh at how stupid we are.

Pretty soon Luke has to go back to his room, which is only down the hall. It makes me feel safe knowing he's just down the hall. I get lost in my thoughts, which of course are about Luke. But I soon snap out of it when I feel my phone buzz from underneath my arm.
From Stacey <3:
I heard my mom has got it going on ;)
To Stacey <3:
Yeah, she's all that I want and I've waited so long. Stacey can't you see? You're just not the girl for me.

I hear a laugh come from down the hall, and I know exactly who it is, what a dork. I can't help but laugh and smile at the fact that I make him laugh.
From Stacey <3:
I know, you have your eye on Luke ;)
To Stacey <3: Oh shut up, and I'm not the one eyeing Calum ;))
(A/N CAKE!!)
From Stacey <3:
Not funny :(!
To Stacey <3:
I'm going to bed goodnight <3
From Stacey <3:
Okay goodnight <3

I set my phone down and slowly fall into a deep sleep. I wake up in my bed, which is odd. Considering I was just in the hospital. I just shrug it off, because I know I can be a deep sleeper.
"Honey? It's time for school!" My mom calls out.
Once I get to school I go to look for Luke. Searching for his blonde quiffed hair over all of the high schoolers I soon find it. I make my way to him and tap him on the shoulder.
"Hey Lukey." I say to him hugging him.
"What the fuck? Get off of me! Do I know you?!" He spits at me. What is he talking about? Of course he knows me. He loves me. Or was it all an act? A sick game that him and his friends play?
"I'm Charlie. You're-you're girlfriend." I state starting to cry.
"You are not my girlfriend. Madison is." He says as she walks up to him, and wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. My heart breaks. Why would he do this to me?
"Uh hello earth to loser? Can you stop staring at us?" Madison snaps. Tears filling my eyes, I run. I can't do this. I've been humiliated in front of my entire school. All because of Luke! I bump into Calum on my way out of the school.
"Charlotte!" He says shaking me
"Charlotte!" I shoot my head up, only to find myself back into the hospital room. I look up and see 4 nurses surrounding me.
"Oh thank god you woke up! You must have had a bad dream, because you're heart rate and blood pressure sky rocketed." The nurse says handing me some water. It was all a dream, it was all a dream. I keep telling myself. Thank god. I thought I lost Luke. I don't ever want to lose him.
"Charlie?" I hear a raspy voice coming from the door way. I turn to look and find Luke staring at me.
"Y-yeah?" I ask nervous
"What happened?" He asks walking into the room, sitting on my bed.
"I had a really bad dream and it made my heart rate and blood pressure go up." I say shyly.
"Oh babe, I'm so sorry. Do you want to talk about it?" He ask rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

After I tell him my dream, he goes silent for a minute.
"Charlie, I would never ever do that to you. I love you too much just to throw it away, and go back to that whore." He says, and I can tell he means it by the way he says it.
"I know, but it was so scary. I never want to lose you. But I know one day it will happen, because you'll get bored of me and stop loving me. And you'll leave. Because everyone always ends up leaving. And I don't blame them, honestly I don't. Who would want to be dating, or be friends with someone who- never mind." I start babbling
"Someone who, what?" Luke asks with sadness in his eyes, like he knows what I'm about to say.
"Someone who-who cuts!" I say loudly, almost too loud and burst into tears. After that night with James I started to cut.
"Oh Charlie." Luke says getting up and getting closer to me. "How long have you been...?"
"About a year." I say softly, so only he can hear.
"When was the last time you have done it.?" He asks sadly.
"The day of the car accident.." Silence fills the room.
"I'm so sorry." Luke finally says, breaking the silence. But his voice breaks too, holing back tears.
"Don't cry Luke. I didn't tell you to get petty. I told you because I know I can trust you. And maybe you can help me." I say wiping a tear that seeped out. I don't want to see him cry, especially because of me. He's  too strong to cry over a no body like me.
"I can't help but cry. I hate to see you hurt, or you hurt yourself. You're too kind, and sweet. Charlie look at me alright?" He says lifting up my chin with his pointer finger. "Promise me you will try not to cut again. Okay?" Luke says staring at me with his crystal blue eyes.
"I-I promise." I say looking back into his eyes with my dull green ones. I honestly mean it. I'll try my best to stop. Just for him. I'll stop, just so I can see his smile. God his smile, I swear it could cure sadness. And I know it's true, because he cures my sadness.
"Charlie?" Luke asks giggle
"Yeah?" I say snapping out of my staring spell.
"You've been looking at me for like 5 minutes. What's on your mind?" He asks taking my hand in his.
"You." I say sheepishly. A warm smile spreads on his face. I feel my cheeks get hot, so I cover my face. I hate how I look when I blush.
"Hey, don't cover your beautiful face. I love when you blush." Luke giggles, prying my hands from my face. "You should try to get more sleep. After all, it is 2 in the morning." He says smiling and getting up. I just nod.
"Hey Luke?" I say making him stop in his tracks.
"Yeah?" He says Turing around to look back at me.
"I love you." And I really mean it. I love him. He grins really big, showing me all of his teeth.
"I love you too Charlie."

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