You Promised

By BarbaraSuchecka

9.9K 246 154

15 year old Samantha Brooks just wanted to meet her idols, The Impractical Jokers, but when she finally goes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

700 13 1
By BarbaraSuchecka

Tracy left to drive Alfie to soccer practice, I finished watching the Impractical Jokers marathon by the time that Tracy had to go pick him up at 4. When she did we drove to the best pizza joint... Well the nearest pizza joint, I wouldn't say it was the best.

"Ight Sam what do you want?" she asked

"Hmm... Just get me a pepperoni."

"Ok and Alfs?"

"Barbecue chicken."

"Okay go sit down with your drinks."

We did as Tracy ordered, to be honest I was a good kid, I hate to admit it but I really was. I followed orders, cleaned, helped around the house and I always tried to help others. I felt like maybe one day something fantastic will happen and all that will pay off, and it was going to when I meet the guys! It's more than I could ever ask for! Alfie shook his coke and before he could open the cap, I grabbed it from his hands.

"What do you think you're doing? You're going to make a huge mess!" I said

"What! I just want to have some fun."

"Seriously that's not fun for the people who have to clean it up!

"Whatever buzz kill!" He stuck his tongue out at me.

Alfie was the trouble maker in the family but every family needed one or it wouldn't be complete. I just wish he did calm down a bit in public but as I was thinking that I thought of the jokers, they're trouble makers themselves and they get PAID for all of that! Why not let Alfie have a little fun? I shook his coke once more and handed it over to him.

"Open it." I said

"Really?" He smiled

"Hurry before it goes down."

Alfie opened the bottle and it started pouring out everywhere, I couldn't help but laugh. Tracy came with the pizzas and with her mouth wide open.

"Alfie what are you doing! Sam why didn't you stop him?!" She yelled

"Sam shook it!"

"Come on I won't believe that."

"No actually it was me." I laughed

"Samantha why?"

"The first time he wanted to do it, I took it away and then I realized that hey it's not so bad so I shook it and let him open it."

"I'm going to clean this up and hopefully help clean up your act as well." She went over to get napkins

"Hey that's the coolest thing you've ever done." He said

"Hey I learned a lot from the Jokers." I smiled

"So that's why? It was because of them?" he rolled his eyes and started to eat his pizza

"Whats wrong with that?" I asked eating mine

"It's just I want you to be yourself, I mean sure it's great you're not a buzz kill for once but you don't need to act like them to impress them."

"Alfie for a 10 year old you sure are smart but I'm not going to tell them any of this, I just realized that if they can get paid for messing around it should be ok for you to do this."

"Ok I have a favor."

"Sure." I said

"When you meet them, ask them how I can become the 5th joker because I want to get paid for this too."

"I'll make sure to ask." I laughed

After Lunch, Tracy took us home, she was really disappointed in me and I mean I'm a teenager she can't expect me to be super perfect.

"Listen Tracy, I'm sorry for what happened back there."

"I forgive you, but just let Alfie do what he wants don't get involved in it."

"Maybe I wanted to do it too."

"No you just felt bad for him, he's your little brother so he pulls off all this but you can't play along with him."

"That's not fair, so I'm not allowed to grab a bottle, shake it, and then open it just for my own amusement? But it's ok for a 10 year old?"

"It's not ok for either of you but it is more ok for him than for you, you get what I'm saying?"

"Absolutely." I smiled and then frowned

I went up to my room, I can't believe the one time I do something bad I get called on it a hundred times but Alfie never does just because he's 5 years younger than me. Was this just teenage hormones? Damn it of course they are.

I decided to relax and watch some episode of my favorite show and I assume you all know what show I'm talking about... SpongeBob! No I'm kidding it's impractical Jokers of course! I stayed up that night until I heard Tracy saying goodbye to my dad. I decided to head downstairs.

"Hey dad!" I said giving him a hug and a kiss

"Hey kiddo, Tracy told me about that pizza thing. What were you thinking?"

"I was just thinking, maybe I could have some fun too! It's just tiny little thing! I don't get what the big deal is!"

"It's not wither it was big or small, you're the good child. You are very mature and have manners. Alfie is different, he's young and immature. I need someone to be on my side."

"Then why don't you just find a girlfriend!" I rolled my eyes. My dad looked at me and then looked down and walked to his room. I suddenly just realized what I said, how could I say that to him!? He's done so much for us!

"Dad...." I knocked on his door

"If you're trying to see if I have a girl in here, I don't."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that! It just came out."

"Sam what's happening to you lately?"

"Maybe I'm just tired. I'm really sorry, I love you."

I closed the door and slowly walked back to my room. What was my deal!?

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