I'm Just Too Nice

By Thymajesty

3.6K 158 29

Hi my name is Beatrice Hamilton. But my friend Nathan calls me Bea. He's the only friend I have, and I don't... More

1- Life Was Good
2- Everything Has Changed
4- Did He Say Party?
5- Party Life
6 -We Sing
7- Home Sweet Home
8- Secrets Unfold
9- She Always Knew
10- Brother
11- Home Alone
12- I Can Be Your Hero Baby
13- Are You?
14- The Letter
15- Am I Okay?
16- Reminiscing Past
17- Cowardly Lion
18- I'm Crazy
19- Mean

3- You've Changed

218 10 0
By Thymajesty

                     2 years later

I never talked to Nate after that day. A lot had changed when he left.

The beatings got worst. It seemed my parents hit me for any reason. During sophomore year they found a more sufficient way of disciplining me. And it did the job nicely.

  I didn't have anyone to talk to. Unless you counted my rooms walls.

I got a car, on the bright side. But the only reason why was so that I could take Henry to and from school. I could also go to the library. I have a good feeling my parents have a tracking device I n it somewhere  to know where I am at all times.

I got bullied by the cheerleaders more and more. I was use to it by now. Getting hit, insulted, it was apart of my social identity I guess.

You could say I changed a little as well. Since I only really talked to my parents I learned to respect others, and forgive, and to think of how lucky I had it. At least I had a roof over my head, and food to eat. Even if I had to cook my own food.

"Beatrice!" I heard my mothers voice yell from downstairs. I walked down the stairs and found my mother sitting in the kitchen with my dad and Henry next to her.

"Yes Natasha?"

"What happened to that boy you always hanged with? Nick right?" She asked.

"His name is Nathan. And we no longer are friends. Have not been for awhile now," I responded thinking of the days I spent with Nate.

"I guess he realized your insignificance," my dad said casually sipping from his cup of coffee.

"I guess he did," I said agreeing with him.

"Anyways," my mom said trying to change the topic. "I didn't call you here to bask in the mess that is your life. Go get changed  I'm taking you to the mall," she said putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. The mall? I've never been to the mall before. I don't even know what I'd do there. "Okay. I'll go prepare myself," I said running up the stairs.

  A major rule from my parents was to not go anywhere. I didn't go shopping, to parties. I o my went to school, pick Henry up, and go home.

"Okay, here's the deal," my mom began as we walked through the mall doors. "You will wear whatever I tell you to try on. And if I'm in a good mood, I'll let you buy two full outfits. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am." She looked at me her eyes widening. "Okay, umm mom."

"Uh well you're quite the awkward ugly duckling," she said walking ahead of me to a store called H&M.

* * *

"Okay come out now." Mom said from the other side of the dressing room. I had been trying out clothes all day. It was weird being treated nicely. But I knew, I just always knew there was a reason to my parents discipline. They loved me. I knew they did.

I stepped out of the dressing room and stood in front of my mom. Her eyes widened in shock.

"Well look at that. You're actually pretty. Turn around and look at yourself." On cue I looked at myself in the mirror.

I didn't even realize the girl I spent my whole life looking at. I was wearing a floral crop top and contrasting royal blue skirt. I looked pretty. I never would show this much skin though.

"Blue is your color. It brings out those blue eyes of yours. They look just like your fathers," mom said standing beside me her face filled with sorrow.

"Aren't you going to say thank you?" She quickly added when she realized that I was staring.

"Thanks...mom," I said quickly. Not wanting to switch her mood.

"I swear kids these days have no manners. Get away from me. Find yourself two more outfits and we're out of here."

I walked around the store many times until I finally found two outfits that I liked. Once we arrived home I was told to go put all my clothing in my closet.

Today was a good day. Maybe my life was starting to get better.

"Beatrice, get your ass down here!" My dad yelled.

Yes, my life was starting to get better. I put a smile on my face knowing that I once again did something wrong. I was such a disappointment. 

                          *     *     *

I walked through the school halls alone as usual. I had actually gotten used to it. It was actually quite comforting seeing the chaos as you slipped away.

Everyone seemed to be looking at me today. I don't know why. Maybe it was the new clothes. Whatever the reason I couldn't stop it.

I walked to my locker after the last class of the day. I placed all my books inside ready to pick up Henry from school.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in," I turned around to find Jessica and her cheerleaders standing there with their arms crossed.

"Hi, Jessica," I said my voice small, smiling at her stance. I've known Jessica since freshman year of high school. You could say she was one of the people who talked to me the most.

She looked me up and down. "Ugh is that your way of trying to impress us? You're such a loser."

What? I said she talked to me the most. I never said she said nice things.

"I guess we're going to have to create a thing to distract people from your clothes," she said an evil glint in her eyes as she walked closer.

Nate's POV
"I can not wait for this party man. It's going to be amazing!" Justin yelled as we walked through the halls.

I laughed at his way to show his excitement. Always was the party type.

"Woah! Everyone is invited to my mans party tonight!" I yelled as we both ran across the halls pushing random people out of the way. As you can see I was the party type too.

People applauded and yelled their attendance at the party as we looked for Jessica. Jessica and I have been friends since freshman year. Yeah she could get bipolar from time to time and was known for her 'bullying' but she was my friend none the less.

"Hey fellas," I said as we reached our locker a couple of my closest friends were waiting for me. "Has anyone seen Jessica?" I asked them.

"I saw her and a bunch of cheerleaders go this way. Follow me," my friend Tobias said walking us to where she was. "There she is," he said pointing to Jessica with a group of girls surrounding someone.

People were now starting to surround her. "She's bullying yet another victim," I said casually walking over to the scene. I know what she was doing was wrong, but it's who she is. Who am I to change her?

I walked to the middle of the crowd and found Jessica. I looked to see who she was talking to but couldn't get a good look. "Excuse me," I said slightly pushing someone out of the way.

That's when I saw her. On the floor, her dark brown hair covering her face. "And stay down! This is what you get for trying to fit in," Jessica kicked her in the stomach and she didn't even move a muscle.

"I'm not going to stop until you say something!" Jessica yelled kicking her in the gut. I hissed in pain even though a finger wasn't being laid on me.

"Jess stop!" I yelled making my way to her and pulling her away from what she was about to do.

"Oh hey Nathan. I'll catch up with you in a minute let me just get rid of the trash," she said turning around.

I pulled her back once again. "Jess stop, please. For me?" I asked her not looking away from her eyes.

She took a big breath while rolling her eyes. "Fine." She walked away from the lockers her cheerleader friends in tow. "Catch you at the party?" She asked. Knowing that everyone was staring and not caring in the slightest.

"Yeah. See you there," I said, shocked at how quickly her mood changed.

Everyone began to walk away from the scene. The halls soon became quiet. "Come on let's go man," Justin said nudging me in the ribs. Completely ignoring the girl laying on the floor.

"Go on without me. I'll see you at the party." Without a second thought he walked away giving me a nod saying we'd see each other soon.

I walked to her lifeless body laid on the cold, school floor. "Bea...trice," I said quietly.

As if the sound of my voice was electricity to her body, she slowly picked her head up. I gasped silently as her blue eyes looked to me. She didn't say anything, but it was like her eyes were telling me everything I needed to hear. And then like that they stopped talking too.

"Why didn't you stop her?" I asked her quietly even though it was only us.

"Because I deserve it," she said softly.

"You've changed," I said looking at the fresh bruises Jess gave her.

"We all change don't we?" She said her eyes showing no feeling in them at all. It was like she was a human robot.

Oh my gosh. What happened to the girl I knew?

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