Lost Princess and the Dragon...

By FairyAngxl

155K 5.8K 1.4K

Luciana Euclifia is the long lost princess of the Celestial Kingdom. Sting is her older brother, the Prince o... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1・Princess Luciana Euclifia
Chapter 2・Missing Princess
Chapter 3・The Pink Haired Visitor
Chapter 4・Ice Wizard
Chapter 5・Punishment
Chapter 6・Misleading Encounter
Chapter 7・Jealousy
Chapter 8・Memories
Chapter 9・Flames vs Light
Chapter 10・Melted Clothes
Chapter 11・Trouble in Town
Chapter 12・Burning Hot
Chapter 13・Unveiled Memories
Chapter 14・Unvarnished Truth
Chapter 15・All Coming to an End
Chapter 16・Celestial Spirits
Chapter 17・Reunion
Chapter 18・Embarassing Moments
Chapter 19・Flame God vs Lightning
Chapter 20・Water Blues
Chapter 21・Fire Dragon vs Flame God
Chapter 22・The War Ends
Chapter 24・Happy Endings

Chapter 23・The One Magic

4.5K 199 42
By FairyAngxl

A/N: Sorry guys for a very late update, I was busy doing my summer assignments for a new school year and it's bs. But it's worth it. Hope you can forgive me even if I updated late. Also I got lazy... hehehe.. Anyways continue with the story.


When Lucy and Sting reached the castle, they quickly laid the two in bed. They looked for Rogue and Gray to tell them to call the Healers from Dragon and Celestial Kingdom.

When the two arrived, Wendy, from Dragon Kingdom quickly rushed towards Natsu and used her powers to heal him. While Chelia, from Celestial Kingdom hesitated to heal Zancrow.

"Why aren't you helping him?" Lucy asked. "Isn't he the reason why Celestial Kingdom is almost destroyed? If I heal him he might obliterate the remains of this place!" Chelia exclaimed. "Please Chelia, you have to heal him. We might be able to change him. Just please?" Lucy begged.

"Mhmm.. I don't know," she looked at Sting, who was giving her daggers. "I-I'll heal him!" Chelia said and started to heal Zancrow.


"Do you think they'll be okay after all of that?" Lucy asked worried, sitting at a nearby couch, not far from the bed.

"I'm sure they will. They're both very strong mages, and you might now know this, but no matter how many times Natsu gets beaten up, he will always stand right back up and will never give up because he's just that stubborn. I've learned that from our previous battles," Sting replied.

Lucy smiled and nodded at him. She then heard a small groan come out of Zancrow's lips. "He's waking up!" she said in joy and rushed besides him.

"Onii-san! I'm so glad you're okay!" she said and gave him a hug, who grunted. "You're hurting my body miss," he said.

"M-miss? Onii-san, it's me... Lucy. Don't mess around, you know me," she teared up.

"I think I would know you, if I knew you. If you get what I mean. And why does my body hurt so bad? What happened?" he asked trying to sit himself up.

"But you do know me!" Lucy cried. Sting rushed to her side and pulled her back from Zancrow. "I'm sorry Z, but please excuse my sister. Lucy, let's talk for a moment," he said and gently pulled her with me.

"Z? It's Zancrow stupid," he mumbled, but he didn't know that Sting heard him loud and clear.

"Why doesn't he remember me? Was it something to do with the explosion?" Lucy asked wiping her tears. "It probably was, but it's a good thing though. He doesn't have to remind himself of what's happened with him. He's been through a lot and his past self was in so much pain he probably didn't know what he was doing."

"It's the best for him Lucy, we can all just start over again, pretending that none of those bad things that happened to him didn't happen. But it's your choice if you want him to be a part of our family or not," Sting said.

Lucy looked at him and thought for a moment, then she opened her mouth. "I would love him to be part of our family. I mean he's blonde so we could just say that he was our long lost brother, but........ he will eventually, probably find out that we're lying."

"The citizens could probably start a rumor about him not being really our brother, and that would hurt him again.... not being a part of a family, knowing you don't have one. It's the most painful thing you could imagine. So, I think it's best to say that we're just friends," Lucy decided.

"Are you sure about that? Doing that will hurt you, him never knowing that he was your brother," Sting said.

"It's for the best," Lucy looked down. "Let's just head back inside and start 'explaining.'"

"Yo I got a question though. Why'd you call me onii-san? Am I your brother or something?" Zancrow asked. "Well shit, were screwed," Sting sweat dropped. "Don't worry I got this, you don't know this, but I am a very good liar," Lucy smiled deviously.

"Should I be scared that she's a good liar and can probably manipulate me with her lies?" Sting asked himself. "I think you should be. People who are good liars are to be scared of, you won't know if they're telling the truth or not because it will seem very natural for them, and for us too," Rogue responded.

"I think that was the longest sentence you've said today. That's a new record!" Sting said and swung his arm around Rogue and laughed, while Rogue rolled his eyes,


"I'm sorry for calling you onii-san, it's that I've gotten so used to calling you that, that it was just natural for me to say it. And we're just very good friends that's all," Lucy smiled innocently. "Oh, then did I give you a nickname?" Zancrow asked.

"Yeah, it's just Lucy," she relied reminding herself that he was the one that named her that. "But isn't that your name?" he asked.

"My real name is Luciana, you're the one who called me Lucy first. And it's caught up with everyone that they just started calling me that," she smiled. "That's pretty cool then, now will you explain why I'm laying right next to a dude?" he asked pointing to Natsu.

"You rescued him from an accident, that's why your body hurts too," Lucy lied. "What accident?" he asked. "The kingdom started exploding everywhere and no one knows who or what did it. All we know is that huge explosions just started."

"And the prince, this guy, got caught up in the explosion and the buildings towered over him. You then rushed towards him and pulled him out of the building pieces, but there was another explosion, and that was the one that caught up with you," Lucy explained.

"Damn I'm a hero then," he smiled. "But how come we're still alive?"

"My brother saved you guys," she said plainly. "The blonde guy? Tell him I said thank you then," he said and she nodded.

"So when is he going to wake up?" Gray walked up to them and asked. "Hopefully soon," Lucy said.

Natsu then started to shake rapidly. "W-what's going on with him!?" Lucy panicked holding his hand. "I think it's from all the dark mag-" Wendy was cut off by Lucy, who dragged her out.

"Sorry, he doesn't know what really happened to him," Lucy said. "It was probably from all the dark magic and flames that he engulfed from Zancrow. He drained his magic energy so he can take in Zancrow's magic, he didn't know that his magic was poisoning him on the insides," Wendy explained.

"What!?" Lucy yelled and ran back towards Natsu, who had black markings on his body, closing on his heart. "Wh-what's going on with him?" Zancrow asked, panicking to get out of the bed. "Can someone please send him out to a safer place right now?" Lucy asked.

Zancrow was then carried out to a different room so he won't find out the truth.

"Is there a cure?" Lucy asked holding Natsu's hand tighter. "There is one, but it's risky," Wendy said. "Doesn't matter as long as he lives," Lucy said. "Okay... someone with magic that comes from the stars have to take all the darkness away before it reaches his heart."

"But that person who takes it away will cost them their life," Wendy explained.

"Stars? I'm a Celestial Wizard right? And celestial beings comes from the stars, so... it has to be me," Lucy said. "No Lucy! I won't let you! I don't want to lose you again," Sting said holding her arm.

"I'm sorry onii-san, but I have to. And I won't leave you, you would lose me, I'll always be in your heart and I'll always be in the stars watching over you," Lucy said giving him a smile.

"No, please don't," Sting begged. Lucy turned around and hugged him. "I'm sorry," she whispered in his ear.

Lucy walked up to Natsu and held her hands out, a bright flash appearing on her hands. The dark marks from Natsu's body started fading away, but they were growing on Lucy's.

"No Lucy!" Sting yelled and ran to stop her, but Rogue and Gray held him back.

After taking up all of the darkness from Natsu, Lucy was now the one covered in it. Her eyes started to close shut as she felt her head ache.

She saw Natsu open his eyes and smiled at the sight of him. "I'm so glad you're okay," she said as a tear fell off her eyes and fell to the ground.

"Lucy? Lucy!? Wh-what happened to her?! Why are dark markings on her body!?" Natsu yelled, getting up from bed and put Lucy on his arms, ignoring the sharp pain he's feeling all over his body.

"She sacrificed her life just so you can be saved," Sting said with tears in his eyes. "Why'd you let her!?" he yelled in tears. "I did! But it was too late," he said.

"Please don't leave me.. I don't wanna lose you again, you're my best friend, my family, my precious princess, my very special person. I love you Lucy," Natsu whispered and leaned in to kiss her. After a few seconds, Natsu broke the kiss and saw the dark markings on her body fade.

"What's happening?" he asked. "It's the one magic, the original source of all magic, love. Not just regular love, but true love," Chelia smiled.

Lucy gasped and opened her eyes to see Natsu. "I thought I lost you again," he cried and hugged her tight. "I thought I did too," Lucy smiled and hugged him back.

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