An other daughter

By smilegirly

122K 2.5K 162

What if the NCIS- family gets a new addition? I own nothing but Jasmine. cover is from: http://images2.fnpop... More



11.8K 183 28
By smilegirly

Jasmine looks up from the floor and sees three persons with their guns drawn standing in the doorway. Two men and one woman.
The older man surveys the room and puts his gun away before walking over to the fearful girl and kneeling down beside her. She glances up at him and sees a pair of caring blue eyes. The man  barks orders and the others start hurrying around to comply. The woman walks outside while the man starts taking photos.
"Can you tell me your name?" the grey haired man asks.
Before Jasmine answers him she hast to take a deep breath and release it shakily.                         " Good. Jasmine. My name is agent Gibbs and I know this is probably hard for you but you have to come with us. We have to ask you a few questions so we can find the one who did this to your mom and figure out what will happen with you." while this man is talking an other one comes over to them and tries to examine the mother's body. He crouches down next to her and is about to touch her when Jasmine shoves his hand away.

" No don't touch her! " the girl cries and throws herself  over the limp shape of her mother.
" Jasmine, Dr. Mallard has to do his work in order to help." she doesn't react to him, just tightens the hold on the body.
" DiNozzo! Get her out of here." Gibbs shouts.
A moment later Jasmine feels someone put a hand on her shoulder.
" Hey kid, come with me." shaking her head Jasmine pushes him away.
The next thing she knows is that someone lifts her of the floor and carries her out of the room.
" No, No, No! Put me down! I want my mother! Put... me... down...!" Jasmine shouts, kicks and trashes around. To no avail, that man is stronger than her and soon the young girl brakes down and just sobs until all the fight has vanished from within her.

Outside Jasmine his put down again and DiNozzo steeres her in the direction of the car . He opens the backdoor and steps aside to make room for Jasmine.
" Sit down. We have to take care of a few things and then we will take you to the navy yard." Without answering him the girl sits down and stares out the window when the door is shut.

She can't understand all the things that happened in the last hour. Waking up and finding her mother dead is just to much to take in and thinking about it makes Jasmine feel lonely and terribly scared. What would happen now? Where should she go and what about her mom? Everything is so surreal. How can her mother be dead now, when they spend time together just the other day. It's almost as if Jasmine can hear her laugh like she used to do. The tears start falling again.
Then Jasmine sees the team coming out of the house. When two of them bring the corpse out on a stretcher she can't hold herself back anymore. She jumps out of the car and runs over to them.
" Mom, wake up please. Don't leave me alone, mom. Mommy please!" at this moment Jasmine doesn't care how childlike she is acting or how pathetic it must sound.
This time no one tries to pull her away. Everyone is standing there, compassion showing on their faces.
" Jasmine, lets go. It's cold and we have to get your injuries checked out."
Only after this statement the kid  realises that it is night and that she is shaking. Jasmine nods and straightens up. Gibbs puts an arm around  and helpes her back to the car. The kid looks him in the eyes and he sees how frightened and tired she is. He strengthens his hold on her and the girl relaxes the slightest bit.
When she is buckled in they all get in aswell and drive back to NCIS. Nobody is saying a Word. Jasmine rests her head on the cool glass of the window, silent tears continue to stream down her cheeks. She is startled out of her thoughts when DiNozzo opens her door and helps her out of her seat. 

" This is the navy yard. We are ging to take care of your head and then we will come to your statement of the events of today." Gibbs turns her around and pushes her towards the building. His hand resting on her shoulder to steady the staggering girl.

A short while later Jasmine is sitting on a metal table and Ducky  examines her head and hands.
" Ducky?" Gibbs speakes up for the first time since they got there.
" Nothing serious. She has some bruises that will take time healing but nothing to bad. The wound on her head might need a few stitches. I will do that myself in a minute." he explains in a scottish accent. Then he turnes around and gets a few pills that he hands over to the girl.
" They should help with the pain." he explains and Jasmine takes them gratefully.

Half an hour later Gibbs and Jasmine walk inside the conference room. 
" This is one of our conference rooms. You can sit down at the table or do what ever you want as long as you don't leave this room. Do you understand?"
When the girl nods he turns around and leaves the room again. 

Exhausted and confused Jasmine walks to the window and looks outside. It started to rain a while ago. Perfect, the weather fits my mood, she thinks and starts to draw on the misted pane.

Suddenly the door swings open and she jumps. Gibbs walks in and to the table where he puts a sandwich and a bottle of water down 

" Sit down and eat something." he orders. Shaking her head Jasmine turns back to the window.
" Fine. I won't force you but we have to talk."
The kid just  shrugs  and continues to stare outside.
Gibbs has enough he stands up, turns the girl around and sits her down in one of the chairs. 
" Can you tell me your full name?"
" Jasmine Katharina Hutson." she mumbles after she comes the the conclusion that ignoring him further would be a bad idea.
" How old are you?"
" 18."
" Do you have any living relatives?"
" No it was just mom and me and now I am alone but I can take care of myself. Mom was in the navy and had to travel a lot, then I was always left to care for myself or the neighbours would occasionally look after me."
Gibbs nods thoughtful before starting again with the questions.
" Do you remember anything that happened this night?"
Jasmine shakes her head. " No, just waking up a few minutes before you came in."
Gibbs writes all this down in his notebook.
" Why would someone kill my mom, agent Gibbs? "
" We think your mom was a very important person for our case because it was about one of her ex-boyfriends."
" Who? Do you think he killed her?"
" It is a very good possibility."
" Agent Gibbs, who is this man?"
" I won't tell you his name for your own safety and for that you will also be taken in witness protection."
Glaring at him the girl groans. " I didn't witness anything I want to be left alone."
" You really remember nothing about you and your mother being attacked?"
" No! My mother is dead do you really think I wouldn't tell you all I know in this situation? Find that bastard or let me find him but let me be!" Jasmine shouts angrily.  Gibbs stands up and comes to her side. He turns her chair so that she has to look him in the eyes.

" Hey, we will get him but you have to be put in a safe house. What if he comes after you again? And even if it wasn't your mothers ex-boyfriend, the killer is out there and he doesn't know that you know nothing about him."
Realising that he is telling the truth Jasmine tears up again.
" I want to forget about all this, agent Gibbs."the tears threatening to fall. 
" I know. Hopefully it will be over soon. I promise you my team are the best."
Gibbs smiles a bit when the girl concedes. 
" Good girl." he pats her on the back before standing up and collecting his notes.
" Come with me. You will stay with me at my house."
Jasmine dries her eyes and follows him out the conference room and towards the elevator. 
Inside she turns to him and asks: " When this is over will I be able to live on my own?" 
" I don't think so kid. Not at the age of 15!"
Jasmine tenses up and her eyes go wide, how did he know she lied?

AN: Hey guys :) hope you like it. Please let me know what you think.

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