Ezria; Gone Girl

By ishipezria

19.9K 736 382

Aria, eight months pregnant, gets snatched off of the streets by a man who goes by the name Damien, who does... More

What Next?
Back at it
Night Terrors
Family Encounters
Shes Better Now
Mistakes and Grief
Therapy Therapy

The Truth

1.2K 48 14
By ishipezria

Arias POV

It's one of those sleepless nights where I can only think about the negatives.

For example, Damien should be barging in any second taking me to his room.

It's hard to think about the positive when all I can think about what's going to happen. The future. I don't see us getting out anytime soon.

I can only fear the worst. I feel like I can't even protect my own daughter, and that's a mothers job. To protect her from the asses like Damien. To raise her in a house with her family instead of one damn room that we've been stuck in for what's felt like ever.

All I do is wish, I wish hoping Ezra can hear me. Hear my pleads. But I'm losing hope more and more because here we are, still in the room.

There are many questions that run through my head at least one hundred times a day. The main one I ask is will Ezra ever find us? And has he moved on? Does he think about me as much as I think about him? Does he still grief over Scarlett and I? Does he still care? All these questions and more.

But I can't answer one.

I laid there not even realizing tears where streaming down my my face. I let out a small sniffle trying hard not to wake my peaceful baby.

But she's like her daddy, a very light sleeper. Before I could calm myself I heard Lottie's little voice speak up.

"Momma? Are you okay?" She asked snuggling closer to me with a tired voice.

"Mommas okay baby, go back to bed," I said kissing her forehead.

"You don't seem okay," my very smart daughter pointed out.

"I'm okay baby," I replied pulling her close.

"Momma?" She asked in a quiet whisper.

"What is it?" I asked softly.

"Promise you won't leave me tonight?" She asked hopefully.

"Baby, you know I would stay if I could. But sometimes Damien wants to spend time with me," I told the little girl delicately.

"But momma!" She cried gripping onto me tightly.

"Baby-" I started, but the angry five year old cut me off.

"Why do you always chose him over me!" She sobbed.

I sat up and pulled her into my lap but instead she screamed and hit my arms away.

"Why don't you love me anymore mommy?" The little girl asked as tears rolled down her face. This question truly broke my heart. She's my treasure, I love her way more than Damien. In fact I hate Damien! There zero comparison to my love for her to anyone.

"Scarlett Sabrina Fitz, you know that's not true! I love you with all my heart and soul. I love you more than anything in this whole entire world," I said as tears fell down my face. Can't she see I love her so much it hurts me?

She continued to cry and throw a fit.

"Baby, shh," I said trying to calm her. The last thing we need is for her to wake Damien up.

"No!" She screamed.

"Honey, your going to wake Damien up! Maybe if we are quieter than I can stay with you," I say trying to convince us both.

"But mommy-" she started as she continued to sob.

But than I heard Damien come in,"Shut your stupid child up! I'm trying to sleep!" He yelled loudly causing Scarlett to only cry even more.

"Damien, your scaring her," I said calmly stroking my daughters hair.

"Dammit Aria, I don't give a shit!" He yelled walking closer to me.

I felt tears roll down my face and Scarletts head shoot up.

"Your making my momma cry!" Scarlett said angrily.

He reached for Scarlett, I could smell vodka in his breath.

I pulled my body in front of her and blocked the punch he threw.

"What the hell is wrong with you! Get you hands off my child and don't ever touch her again! If you even think about doing it again I will kill you with my bare hands!! Do you hear me? Hurt me all you want but don't ever hurt Scarlett again," I screamed in his face as tears streamed down my face and blood oozed out of my nose from Damien punching me.

He grabbed my by the hair and kicked my stomach causing me to lose breath for a second.

I looked over at Scarlett, she gasped and sobbed even harder.

"Come with me," he growled pulling me up by my shirt.

"Momma!" She yelled holding her arms out.

"It's okay baby," I whispered as Damien pushed me through the entrance.

As soon as we got to his room he stripped all my clothes off before raping me multiple times.


After hours of torture, Damien finally threw me back into the room.

I looked up to find Scarlett sleeping in the corner of the room, slightly shivering.

I quickly walked over there and lifted her into my arms. She stirred before her dazzling blue eyes fluttered open.

"Momma," she whispered as she started to cry again.

"It's okay Lottie, I'm right here," I said stroking her thick dark brown curls.

"Mommy I'm scared," she said sobbing into my chest.

I wanted to tell her I was too, but I have to be brave for her.

"There's nothing to be scared of sweet girl, mommas right here," I said kissing her head.

"Why do you love Damien?" She said in in barely a whisper.

The answer is I don't. But what do I tell her? I want to tell her the truth, I want to tell her everything. But I can't. So I'll tell her the half of it.

"Can I tell you something Lottie?" I asked rocking her in my arms.

She nodded and sniffled again.

"You have to promise not to tell Damien, okay?" I said sternly so she would know I'm being serious.

"I pinky promise," she said holding her pinky out.

I connected my pinky with hers and kissed her hand.

She did the same and looked back up at me.

"I love someone else," I said quietly so only Scarlett could hear.

"Who mommy?" She said with wide eyes.

"Your daddy," I said smiling thinking about Ezra.

"I have a daddy!!" She exclaimed with the biggest smile I've seen from her I awhile.

I laughed slightly and covered her mouth.

"Shh, you have to be quiet," I said sternly.

"I'm sorry mommy, but I have a daddy! I'm so happy," she said giddily.

I pulled her close and rocked her back and forth.

"Where's daddy?" She said after a moment.

I bit my lip, I should of thought of the questions that would go along with the truth.

All I have left is the truth...

"I don't know baby," I said truthfully as a tear fell down my face.

"Why don't you know?" She said frowning.

How do I say we where kidnapped?

"There are a lot of bad people in this world my love. Wether it's a bully or someone who takes advantage of you. Damien is one of those people. He stole us from your daddy," I said as tears fell from my face.

"Momma! That's not nice of Damien at all! I want my daddy," she sobbed.

"Me too baby," I said truthfully.

Her sobs began to grow quieter as I rubbed circles on her back and cradled her.

Suddenly an idea came to my head...

"Baby, can you sit up for a minute," I said setting her on the bed. I sat down next to her.

"Do you want to get out of here?" I whispered softly.

"But momma, home is here. Why can't daddy come to us?" The little girl asked with her big blue eyes.

"No baby, this isn't home. We are home. Home is where ever the people you love are. My home is you," I explained.

She looked at me confused, but then she smiled.

"Your my home too," she said with a big smile.

"That's my girl," I said pulling her back into my arms.

"I'm not ready to leave room," Scarlett said looking up at me.

"Scarlett, it isn't safe anymore," I said sternly.

"But momma, I love it here! It's just you and me and my toys! I don't want to leave," she said as tears rolled down her pale face.

"Scarlett, do this for mommy," I begged my daughter.

"I don't want to leave! I'll stay here if you go," she pouted.

One of the characteristics that Scarlett inherited from me is her stubbornness.

"Lottie, listen to me. Damien almost hurt you last night. And he hurts me everyday, I can't take it any longer," I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. What if I didn't block the punch? What if he hurt her while I was gone? Has he hurt her before? That's it, we have to get out of the damn room.

I watched as Scarlett's facial expression turned to sorrow and sacredness.

"Okay," she said nodding her head vigorously.

"Don't worry baby I'll always protect you," I said smiling.

"Ill always be your home," the little girl promised.

"Scarlett?" I asked after a moment.

"Yes momma?" She said back.

"Do you remember a couple months ago when you got sick and threw up all over me?" I asked remembering that awful day. She was so miserably sick and I had to leave her for the whole night while she stayed up throwing up. That memory always makes me cry.

She blushed silently and nodded.

"Do you remember how it felt?" I asked.

She nodded again and gave me a weird look.

"Lottie, I need you to pretend to be sick for me. Can you do that?" I said seriously.

"Why?" She asked curiously.

"We are going to escape tomorrow," I said in an audible whisper.

"How?" She gasped.


Hey guys. Sorry it's been awhile since I last updated. Yesterday was my birthday so I didn't get to put the chapter up as planned. Anyway, thanks for reading!💕😊 VOTE AND COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK!

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