Nobody's Girl (British urban...

By shedontcurrr

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sometimes hate can be the best love. More



353 29 4
By shedontcurrr

Baby girl, you're so damn fine though

I'm trynna know if I could hit it from behind though

I'm sipping on you like some fine wine though

And when it's over, I press rewind though

I looked with a straight face at Nathan as he tried to cheer me up from the sour mood I had been in all week. He was rapping Fetty Wap and was getting way too into it. I tried my hardest to suppress my laughter.

"I'm like yeaaah she's fine."

Thats when I lost it. His vocals were so painful to listen to.

"I'm not tryna loose my hearing at 15 you know." I said mid laughter, he disregarded my comment and went on singing anyway.
The sun beamed into my bedroom and I squinted my eyes.
Good thing mum had started doing her Saturday shifts again, or she would've joined in too.

"At least you're grinning." Nathan pressed his finger into my cheeks and slumped beside me on the bean bag.

I mentally slapped myself for even opening the front door when he knocked, knowing what was coming next with his constant interrogations .

"Why you so moody man?"

"I already told you, I'm on my period." I lied, pursing my lips together. I knew too well that my cousin could read me like a book.

"Whys your menstrual cycle doing lean and bop please" he sniggered. "You said you were on two weeks ago aswell?"

There was no convincing him. I just had to let him know so that he'd be off my chest.

"okay..." I sat up and crossed my legs so I was looking directly at him. "I'm upset because..."
Was I really going to explain the situation to him? The same Nathan who has his heart set on beating up Devonte?
He knew too little about what was really going on and I couldn't be bothered with explaining myself.,

He waved his hands to infer me to go on.

"Oh erm, Because I want to go to Dad's wedding and Mum wouldn't let me."

I blame Hazel. Before knowing her, I could never lie so easily.

His eyes softened and his lips came apart. I'd always known Nathan to be gullible.


I nodded repeatedly.

He stroked his facial hair, forcefully presenting that he was deep in thought. I peered on for his reaction.

"So if I somehow convince her to let you go, you'll be happy?"


I didn't know how good an actor I was till then. 

"Okay, consider it done innit."

To make the whole facade believable, I briefly leaned in and hugged him melodramatically.

"You're the best cousin ever, you know that?"

"I'm your only cousin, idiot."

I laughed "Yeh, whatever."

We watched a movie afterwards, it was easy to be happy around Nathan because he took my mind off what was happening outside my family life. And he didn't pester me about things as much.

"Can't believe you don't want a party, you're actually dumb, your yard is proper nice aswell."

I rolled by eyes playfully and played with my phone. "Well you know me well enough to know I wouldn't have a party in a million years, so the fact that you're questioning me is nuts."

"But why not? It's your 16th you know? No small age."

"I know, but who would even come if I were to have a party, which I wont!" I squinted my eyes to ensure he wasn't getting any ideas. I didn't have time for a surprise party, not when my GCSE's are less than a month away.

"Then make friends??" He suggested like I was even stupid to ask. Nathan had always been the popular and sociable type, his friendly personality made him so approachable and easy to talk to. A gene I obviously missed out on.

"Maybe I don't want to make friends." I quickly retaliated.

He took a deep sigh and resumed to tapping away at his phone.

"You can't be shy forever you know?"

I tried to establish how serious his comment was, but he was engrossed in the conversation he was having on his phone.

I decided to ignore it and focused on completing my level instead.

Looking at the wall clock directly opposite my bed, I knew I was going to be late for school. But I stayed tucked under my duvet and just stared at my phone.

'Delete my number.'

I read it over and over but it's like every time I looked over the words, a new type of hurt hit me. But what was I to expect? Things obviously wouldn't go back to its peachy nature again. Not after last week.
I just didn't expect the aftermath to be so sour.
I read the text once more and sunk deeper into my bed.
This is why I always kept to myself. Whenever I tried to engage with other people shit like this would happen.
They'd get the wrong impression of me from a one of situation and suddenly I'd become a bad person. What was I supposed to do now?
I couldn't talk to hazel about it because she'd probably already found out about the whole thing and I didn't think she'd be too happy with me. And it was pretty clearl from the text that Robbie didn't want anything to do with me.

Even my own mother had neglected me, she claimed it was a business trip when I asked her why she was packing such big bags for a 2 day visit this morning but I knew it was because she was tired of me.
From that moment onwards I came to realize I'd gone back to my previous lonely self.
Nobody's girl.

Downstairs I poured myself a glass of water as my throat was getting dry from overthinking so much. the wall clock read 2:56pm . Since mum would be on her flight by now, she wouldn't get any calls from school about my absence. Which was just as well.

Having nothing to do made  me over think myself into worse moods. So I decided to start packing for Dads wedding.  Mum wasn't too happy when she gave me permission to go but frankly it was unreasonable of her to deny me going in the first place.
Thinking of it, I didn't want to go anyways, it just seemed like an easy get away from my current life situation.

I stuffed the first few things I saw form my closet into my luggage bag. I only planed on staying till Thursday, as the wedding date had been changed to Wednesday.

After packing I turned on my Jhene Aiko playlist and found myself drifting off to sleep.

I was woken up at 6:30pm by the sound of my phone going off, signalling I'd gotten a text,

'MJ whats going on, why weren't you in school?'

I hated explaining myself, I honestly did. Especially when I didn't know how much of the situation she already knew about. I moaned into my pillow and read the text over again before lazily replying to Hazel's iMessage.

'I was ill.'

I tossed my phone on the other side of my bed only to see it vibrate and light up again. I squinted my eyes and read her message from the home screen.

'okay hope you feel better, see you tomorrow x'

I disregarded the text and  tossed back onto my pillow. I knew it was bad of me, especially when Hazel was the only person in school who would even speak to me.
After a few more minutes of lazily tossing and turning on my bed, I got up and took a quick shower in an attempt to freshen up before leaving. I put on a pair of black jeans that weren't so faltering, and a grey baggy hoody m. My hair had come undone from the bun I had it in earlier to I decided to let it fall around my face.

Downstairs, I did one last check to make sure the lights and all other electrical stuff were off before placing  my feet into a pair of nike sliders at the door.

I caught a glance of myself in the mirror just as I was about to leave the house. The bruises mixed with hickeys around my neck weren't so obvious now. But I still looked roughed up.

I pulled my hoody over my head and walked out.


"She's just a colleague from work, I..."

"Then why's she putting fucking x's after every email?"

"I... She's just really friendly, its not what you th..."

"I can't believe you!"

"Linda you're being highly unreasonable!"


I was nearing my stop to get off the train but watching the dramas of the couple sat in front of me unfold, made me wish I could stay on a while longer.

They were loud about their business and they made it hard for me to sleep the whole 2 hours I'd been on the carriage but it was a distraction from all that was on my mind.

"Its not like we've done anything together."

I didn't get to hear Linda insult her partner thereafter because the tube had stopped. I wheeled my lugagge out of the carriage and made my way out.

The sky was dark and eery and there were hardly any people outside. It didn't take me long to find the road as it was directly opposite me when I walked out of the station.

I could hear subtle footsteps behind me as I strode down the pavement but chose not to look back. Sooner than I thought, the person had kissed their teeth, probably at how slow I was walking, and over taken me.

My eyes slowly lifted to meet a skinny looking guy in an Adidas tracksuit. His hair was thick and curly and covered his face. I studied how his shoulders bopped with every step he took, because he was so tall.

I neared the block of flats that were supposedly Dad's and pulled out my phone to check for the flat number.

I quickly steered my way in as the automatic doors slid open at my presence and I began to walk towards the lift.

After some complications trying to figure out which floor I should get to, I finally reached the third floor. On spotting the door with a sign that read '39', I stepped out of the lift, dragging my luggage with me.

I didn't know what to expect when I knocked my fists into my dads front door but a Latina woman in a night gown was the last thing on my mind.
Her eyes appeared tired and groggy, as if she had just been woken from her sleep.
The last I checked the time was 9:34pm.
No words left her lips as she scanned me up and down.
"Hiya, erm does Trey live here?"
Her eyebrow shot up and her expression softened
"Oh gosh, pardon me, you must be Malorie-Jane!"
I let go of the breath I I'd been holding and returned her embrace.
"I'm Tracy."
I wheeled my bag in as she gestured me inside.
I noted how extremely gorgeous she was. Her hair was up in rollers and her face was bare but her appearance with still breathtakingly beautiful.
"I thought you'd be coming tomorrow." She spoke groggily as we entered the sitting room and she walked into the kitchen.
"My mother sent me today."
I noted how she paused with the kettle in her hand.
"Oh." She grabbed a mug."that's totally fine then, I just haven't gotten your room ready love."
After some silence, she re-entered the living room with a steaming mug of what smelt much like a hot chocolate, how did she know?
"Thank you."
I smiled and took the cup as she brought it my way.
I couldn't help but wonder where my dad was.
She returned a smile and leant in the doorway with her arms crossed. I felt so on edge.
"Hope you don't mind love, this is my sisters apartment and I haven't a clue where's she puts her coffee."
"It's totally fine, thank you."
I studied the bland decor of the room as that's all my eyes could avert to when she left into one of the rooms.
The walls were a dull cream colour and the curtains, a khaki green.
The sofa I sat sunken into was leather and a dark maroon. Everything was so ordinary.
I loved it.

"Malorie-Jane, love?"
Tracy card from down the hall, I tilted my head slightly to get a view of her.
"come darling, bring your bag."
Scuttling clumsily towards her in the narrow hallways, she lead me into a reasonable large box room.
"You'll be sleeping here, is that okay?" She beamed her bright green eyes at me hopefully. I nodded and sent her an assuring grin.
"its great, thank you Tracy."
"Okay Hun, get some sleep." She steered me further into the room with her hand lightly pushing on my shoulder. "We have an early start tomorrow, a lot on our schedule."
I nodded and placed my bag beside the bed.
She smiled once more before leaning by the door.

"If you a need anything I'm right opposite." She smiled.

"Good night." I watched her leave the room and shut the door before throwing myself into the bed.

Super boringg but I promise the next chapter will be spicy as helllllllll. I'm gonna hide in a hole cos I know you guys are mad at me and I don't know what my excuse is lool sorry guys,  
After seeing 3k views I'm gonna start being more active, thank you for waiting xxxx

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