One Direction Sickfics

By 23kowgirl

1.1M 13.4K 2.1K

Sick fics for all the boys of 1D More

Harry gets seasick
Liam gets seasick
Louis gets seasick
Harry gets food poisoning
Niall sick on your anniversary
Liam gets food poisoning
Harry goes to the hospital
He's sick at school (Harry)
BSM He's sick (Liam)
BSM he's sick (Harry)
Harry High fever
Sick on the bus (Louis)
Sick on the bus (Louis) part 2
Harry sick at work
Sick on stage Niall
Sick on the bus
Harry and Niall sick
Niall and child are sick
Niall panic attack
Niall Sea sick
Niall migraine
Niall sick alone
Niall gets drunk
Liam and Niall food poisoning
Niall carsick
Niall gets a cold
Niall takes care of you
Niall high fever
Niall chest infection
Niall Hypothermia
Niall gets hurt
Niall Tonsillitis
Niall Airsick
Louis Stomach Flu
Larry food poisoning
Larry food poising (part 2)
Food Poisoning on Honeymoon (Niall)
Food poisoning on Honeymoon (Liam)
Food Poisoning on Honeymoon (Harry)
Food Poisoning on Honeymoon (Louis)
Louis Chest infection
Harry asthma attack
Louis High fever
Sick at work (Niall)
Sick at Work (Liam)
Sick at work (Louis)
Niall Strep Throat
Oldest son sick at school (Niall)
Niall sick on Tour
Happy birthday Niall
Niall sick on his birthday
Harry Stomach Flu
You and Harry are sick together
Niall sick alone
Louis's oldest son sick
Niall's son Strep throat
People are curel
Liam Stomach virus
Harry sick on break
End of OTRA
Louis sick (part 2)
Made in the A.M.
Louis Stomach Virus
Niall Stomach Virus
Harry sick from nerves
Liam and Wife both sick
Harry sick on Thanksgiving
LiLo stomach virus (Part 2)
Requests/Update/Thank you
Wisdom Teeth (Niall)
Wisdom Teeth (Liam)
Wisdom Teeth (Harry)
Wisdom Teeth (Louis)
Niall hungover
Larry (Harry) Strep
Niall's son sick
Liam's son sick
Harry's son sick
Harry Bronchitis
Harry sick at the AMAs
Louis sick on his Birthday
Liam sick on the bus
Harry ear infection
Liam sick but the others don't believe him
Louis sick from junk food
Louis sick at school
Harry sick at school (part 2)
Larry Harry sick at studio
Louis upset stomach
Niall bad stomach flu
Harry allergic reaction
Louis sick on New Years
Louis's daughter sick
Louis Anorexic
Harry bad stomach flu
New Book
Harry 'I'm too busy to be sick'
Harry notices scars
Harry sick but other think he faking
Niall sick from junk food
Narry Niall sick at work
Kind of a rant
Louis bad stomach flu
Liam migraine
Niall head cold
Harry head cold
Niall sick but no one believes him
One Direction shared sickness
Niall 'Lazy Weekend'
Harry migraine
Narry sick (Part 2)
Louis sick but no one believes him
Not so Happy Birthday Harry
What do you guys think?
Larry Louis upset stomach
Niall Knee Surgery
Quick Explanation
Larry Harry upset stomach
Niall gets jealous
Larry Louis Migraine
Harry sick on the bus
Harry sick on tour
The guy next door
Niall Pneumonia
Severe writers block
Louis cares for Hannah
Niall Migraine
Niall catches Harry's sickness
Overdo it did we?
13 facts about me
Liam bad stomach flu
Nialler is actually sick
Power outage
Harry sick during interview
Little sick Liam
No I'm not sick
BSM Niall's sick
BSM Louis sick
This Town
I'm Sorry
Harry Sick at School
Just a bit of a rant
Niall Sick at School
Lilo Sick day
Larry Harry Tummy Troubles
Niall Flu Bug
St. Patrick's Day Dilemma
Taking a break
A Narry Weekend
Louis Part 2
A college life for me
A college life for me 2
A College Life for Me (Alternate)
Niall Flicker
Niall Sick
Harry for Aynsnstryi
Larry for styleskiiwi
Liam Seasick for ItsBerryAllen
Do me a favor
New stories!
Niall fakes sick
Harry fakes sick
Louis's son sick
The End...(but not really)

Niall sick on wedding day

7.7K 67 1
By 23kowgirl

This was it. You and Niall had been dating for five years now and you were finally getting married. He woke up that morning and felt his stomach flip.

"No, not today," he mumbled to himself. He stood up ignoring the dull pain in his stomach and got in the shower. He stood there letting the water hit him. The shower only seemed to make him feel worse. He got out of the shower and took a deep breath. He knew he had some time before the ceremony so he thought it would be best to relax. He pulled on a pair of sweatpants and crawled back in bed. He fell asleep again feeling completely exhausted. A few hours later Liam came to the apartment and knocked on the door. Niall woke up feeling worse than before. He heard the knock again and slowly got up to open the door. Liam had Niall's tux in his hand and a big smile on his face. Niall let him in and he hung the tux up carefully.

"Today's the date mate!" he said excitedly. Niall nodded. Liam paused and looked at him. "What's wrong mate?" he asked. Niall's stomach responded by lurching up causing him to gag. "Niall?" Liam started. Niall ran to that bathroom just before his stomach sent up his dinner. Liam followed him and rubbed his back.

"Why today?" he asked before being cut off by more vomit.

"Is it just nerves mate?" Liam asked still rubbing his back. Niall took a deep breath, flushed the toilet and leaned back.

"I don't know. I woke up feeling sick this morning and now I feel worse," he explained.

"Maybe we should call Y/N," Liam said.

"No! Don't you dare! This is her wedding day," Niall snapped.

"It's yours too!" Liam said putting his hand on Niall's head. "You've got a fever," he sighed.

"I'll be fine, just get me some medicine for my stomach. Please Liam," Niall begged. Liam sighed.

"Ok, I'll be right back," Liam said standing up. Niall followed and sat down on the couch. "Take it easy until I get back," he told him. Niall nodded. After Liam left Niall sighed. He looked over at the framed picture of you and him he had on his end table. He couldn't help but smile.

"I'll make it through today for you princess."

Liam came back with a grocery bag full of different things for Niall. He sat the down on the counter and started getting everything out. He took out the medicine and poured the pink liquid into the cup.

"Here Nialler," Liam said. Niall drink it and handed it back. "I also got you some ginger ale to sip on," Liam said handing him the bottle.

"Thank you, Liam," Niall said before taking a sip of his drink.

"Course," he replied with a smile. "Think you can start getting ready?" Niall nodded. Liam helped him get ready while he continued to sip on the ginger ale and ate a few crackers. "OK buddy, I think you're ready," Liam told him. They made their way to the church where the other boys were waiting for him. Niall could feel his stomach protesting the ride and what he had eaten. He groaned a little and rubbed his stomach. Liam looked over feeling bad that there was nothing more he could do. They pulled into the church parking lot and Niall just sat there for a while. "You alright Niall?" Liam asked. Niall took a deep breath and nodded. They got out of the car and walked into the church where the other two boys were waiting.

"Ready for this Nialler?" Louis asked cheerfully. Niall felt dizzy and sat down without answering. Louis looked over at Liam who put his hand on Niall's back.

"He's not feeling too well. He got sick at home and he's got a bit of a fever," Liam explained.

"Aww mate, are you gonna be ok today?" Harry asked.

"I have to be," Niall said looking up. The other boys looked at each other sadly. When it came time for the wedding Niall stood quietly waiting to see you walk down the aisle. He got tears in his eyes when he saw you come through the door. You walked down and stood in front of him and immediately noticed how pale he was.

"You ok?" you whispered to him. He smiled and nodded. His stomach was in knots but he fought through it during the ceremony. After he kissed you he led you down the aisle. As soon as you two were out of sight he made a mad dash for the bathroom. You quickly followed finding your sick husband hunched over the toilet. You felt his head feeling a fever. "Niall, have you been sick all day?" you asked him.

"I tried to fight it off," he cried before being cut off by more retching.

"Oh Niall, why didn't you tell me?" you asked rubbing his back.

"It's our wedding day. I didn't want you to worry." He flushed the toilet and sat back agents you. You kissed his warm head and cupped his face in your hands.

"How did I get so lucky?" You smiled at him. "You need to go back to bed," you said standing up.

"What about the reception?" he asked.

"We'll cut it short so I can get home to you." You helped him stand and took him home. You kissed him and put him into bed. "I love you Niall. So much. I'll be home as soon as possible."

"I love you too princess," he smiled back at you. You went to the reception and explained Niall was ill and went home to care for him the rest of that night.

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