
By jadedecamps

40.2K 3.8K 713

"Get off me!" She screamed, hot tears running tracks on her cheeks again. Her make-up had, without a doubt, s... More

Prologue - Caroline Pollard
1 - Murray and King
2 - The Calling Card
3 - Kirsty Beecham
4 - Investigation Begins
5 - Just Another Body
6 - Sunday Funday
7 - Binned Roses
8 - Sarah Reynolds
9 - Jason's Confession
10 - Cruel Mother Nature
11 - Chloe Marks
12 - Requests & Rejections
13 - Media Frenzy
14 - Anna Merchant
15 - The Dating Website
16 - A Girly Night In
17 - Nine Weeks
18 - Patrick Hudson
19 - A Letter of Heartbreak
20 - A Night Together
21 - A Big Secret, A Big Risk
23 - A Tooth
24 - Harriet's Breakdown
25 - A Deadly Date
26 - It's Over
27 - Bright Lights
28 - No Such Thing As A Happy Ending

22 - The Consequence

1.1K 109 10
By jadedecamps

"Harriet please, listen to me!" Amy begged into the phone, she really needed Harriet to understand.

"No, enough is enough. You always do this! No one I meet is ever good enough! You were the one who wanted me to join that stupid dating website and now I've got someone you don't like it. Well I'm sorry that you and Tom didn't work out but that doesn't mean you can meddle with my relationships. Good bye!" Harriet had hung up and nothing but dead phone line hum greeted Amy on the other side.

Amy sniffled and shoved her phone back into her pocket. There was no point to try and ring Harriet again, she was clearly really angry at her. The thing was, Amy wasn't trying to ruin Harriet and Patrick's thing they had going on but she thought that her best friend deserved to know that Patrick wasn't all he seemed.

She got up from the chair in the café and began to walk back to her house. She would try to call Harriet again later; hopefully she would be in a better mood by then. Amy turned into her road and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She could feel someone's presence behind her. Instead of stopping, Amy moved her toned legs faster, gaining speed to get to her house quicker.

She could heard thumping footsteps behind her as the person tried to keep up. Amy got to her driveway and then turned around to face who was following her, sudden courage building up inside to see who it was that had followed her the half mile from the café to her home.

"Patrick?!" She squealed surprised to see the man her best friend was seeing stood behind her, his hood pulled up around his face. Amy took a moment to take in every inch of him. He was tall, and broad. He had wide shoulders and strong arms. His legs were toned too and his jawline was sharp. Currently, he was gritting his teeth staring through Amy with his deep, velvet green eyes. His dark hair was slicked back neatly underneath his hood. She winced at the hard, angry look based on his features.

"Ah, Amy. I'm so glad you recognise me. Aren't you going to invite me inside?" He motioned towards her home, but Amy new better. She had a little bit of information on him already and wasn't prepared to let him into her house. She shook her head, no. Bile rose up in her throat, but she quickly swallowed and ignored the burning sensation in her throat.

"Why not? Why don't you invite me in, pour a cup of tea and tell me the oh-so important information you wanted to tell Harriet earlier?" He snarled, almost growling at her like an animal. She took a step away from Patrick, a step towards the safety of her home.

Amy's heart leapt into her throat. "How did you know I spoke to Harriet?"

"Silly girl. You thought I just followed you from the top of your street." He laughed a sinister deep laugh that made Amy's skin crawl. "You've been on my radar since my first date with Harriet. You remember, don't you? The night you hid behind the wall to see who was taking Harriet out." He smiled.

"You knew I was there?"

"I didn't know it was you specifically, no. But I did know someone was behind that door to the living room, it just took me a day or two to figure out it was you." He looked Amy up and down, as if to survey his pray. "But you didn't stop there, did you?"

"Why did you follow me?!" Amy screamed, hoping her neighbours might hear her.

"I wanted to make sure you wouldn't say anything stupid to upset Harriet, like you tried to earlier. She doesn't need to know what you think you know about me." A glint of metal caught Amy's eyes and Patrick noticed she went from bold to pathetic in under a second.

"I suggest if you don't want any trouble you invite me inside Amy."

Amy nodded, her eyes glued on the blade before turning towards the door. She nervously pulled her keys out of her pocket. She unlocked the door and Patrick followed her into the building. With a big gulp, Amy closed the door on the now seemingly safe, public outside world. It was funny that once Patrick was in the vicinity, Amy considered it unsafe. She was now stuck in a house with a maniac. Patrick was not someone she wanted to mess with and she knew it.

They both took a seat at the breakfast bar in Amy's kitchen, silence wrapping around them both. Amy broke the silence first.

"Why are you stalking Harriet?"

Patrick looked confused at her question, before regaining his composure and staring at her – his face emotionless. "I am not stalking Harriet."

"Yes, you are. I've seen you when I drive past her home late at night after I finish work. You were even stood watching her window the other week!" Amy's voice was rising, and her body had started to shake. She knew winding him up wasn't a smart move but she couldn't stop the words coming out. She felt like she needed to protect her friend.

"I was making sure she was okay. That's what love is all about Amy. I love Harriet and she loves me. We are going to spend the rest of our lives together so I need to make sure it's only me she sees and thinks about."

"How can you control what she does? Harriet is a human being!"

"HARRIET IS MINE!" Patrick screamed, a vein popping out on the left side of his neck and a redness taking over his face. "What we have is special!"

Amy didn't even have a chance to open her mouth before his right fist connected with the left side of her face and knocked her to the floor. Amy let out a cry and could feel blood pooling in her mouth. The taste was disgusting, like rust. Another blow was delivered to her head and another to her chest. Amy was athletic but even she couldn't take the hits Patrick was dishing out.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME AMY!" He yelled into her face as he attacked every inch of her. She whimpered and cried underneath him, submitting to his power. "Standing behind that door wasn't enough for you, was it?"

He grinned as he walked over to her kitchen drawers.

"You just had to dig around about me, finding out things that you shouldn't have been able to. That was your worst mistake Amy. I am the consequence of that."

Amy lay in a pool of her own blood on the floor, a tooth had fallen out and her left eye was almost completely shut from swelling. Bruises covered her delicate body and she shook from the shock. Amy was going to die.

Or so she thought.

Patrick came back into view holding a knife. Amy didn't scream or cry or whimper. She stared at Patrick with her good eye and spat out blood. "Go ahead, kill me. But they'll find you and Harriet would never love you. She could never love a killer."

"I won't let anyone stand in the way of me and my love."

Patrick smirked as he dug around in his pocket and pulled out some cable ties. He bound Amy's limbs and picked her up. He sure was strong. He pushed Amy back against the cupboards, holding her up with his own body. Amy was almost sick with disgust as she felt him stirring, turned on with the power he was holding over her. He leant forward and whispered into her ear, the knife tentatively close to her neck.

"I'm not going to kill you; you might be useful to me." He snarled and pulled her along to the front door, where he dropped her on the floor and she groaned in pain. He used Amy's keys to let himself out and checked to see no one was around. He walked as normal down the road and returned to Amy's home with his car. He parked right near the front door.

With her last ounce of strength, Amy began to scream from inside the house, until a very pissed off Patrick returned. He picked her up and held her neck in his grasp, slowly cutting off the air supply to her lungs. She began to turn purple and her lips went blue. Life began to fade from her eyes as Patrick brought the knife up to her cheek. He sliced along, smiling as Amy struggled with the pain. It wasn't long before she passed out.

He chucked the knife to the floor and picked Amy up to then rush out the door and dumps her in the boot of his car. He returned to pick the knife up and wash it up and then put it away, he rearranged the furniture he had collided with whilst carrying Amy and had one last look around the home. Everything was exactly how it was before. Patrick left the property and locked the door behind him. He stuffed Amy's keys into his back pocket, started his car and drove off.

He caught a glance of himself in the car's rear-view mirror. He was smiling.


The night had now taken over and where there was light it was now darkness. Street lights were flickering bright orange and Patrick struggled to keep his tired eyes on the road. His phone was flashing signalling that he had messages to attend to, but he had bigger problems first.

He pulled into a gravel driveway in the middle of the woodlands around Spalding town. The tires screeched to a halt as he flipped the engine off and sauntered up to the door. He unlocked the padlock and door lock to let himself in.

Patrick flicked on the lights in the hallway as he walked through to a back bedroom. The house was dusty, and smelt of decay. It had been stood, unloved, in the woods for years before it had been taken control of by Patrick. He had filled it with the basics, a bed, a television, food for example when he had moved in, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the musty smell to leave.

He whistled as he approached the bedroom door, and flung it open to reveal a pale, shivering body tied to the bed.

"Good evening Amy."

She refused to respond, her throat dry from screaming and crying once she had awoken a few hours ago to realise she was taken to a remote building in the middle of nowhere. She had pulled and pushed against her cable ties but nothing had weakened apart from her joints and her hope. She knew it was night time as the house was layered in darkness, no light shone through the curtains.

"I said, good evening." His voice turned cold and she flinched.

"Patrick." She acknowledged him, hate leaking from her tone. He grabbed her hair and pulled her face back, so she was staring at him. He grinned.

"How do you like the new house?" He used her hair to move her head around, possibly trying to show Amy the room. "Don't you think Harriet will love it? Obviously there is work to be done, but I'm sure she can handle that." He let go of her hair, andlet her face drop against her chest.

Amy was weak and vulnerable, that much he knew.

"I've been speaking to Harriet. We made another date for Saturday evening." Amy nodded, wondering if Harriet had noticed she wasn't around. If Harriet found out Amy was missing, she would send an entire search party for her. That's what best friends would do.

"I even got to kiss her goodnight tonight. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps." He was looking through Amy, as though he was in a trance. "I can't wait to see her at the weekend." He gushed, taking place next to Amy on the bed.

"She won't ever love someone like you."

Patrick's head whipped up and glared at Amy, his green eyes twinkling when he saw the deep cut on her cheek. "Oh she will, if she knows what is best for her."

"She could never love a sick, twisted stalker like you!" Amy raised her voice, although it cracked at the end, tears threatening to spill once again.

"Oh but you don't understand. I am not a sick, twisted stalker. I have been looking for the love of my life for years now, but nothing ever went my way. Something inside me just snapped, and these women weren't worth the extra oxygen... if you know what I mean."

Amy gasped, as his hand began to trail up her thigh.


"I will never forgive them for the embarrassment they caused me!" He spat out, staring at the floor as his hand moved higher on Amy's leg. She shivered underneath his touch, but not for good reasons although Patrick thought this meant he could carry on.

"You killed them?" Amy breathed out, her voice quiet and hoarse.

Patrick let out a laugh and pulled his hand back. "I did what was right. They were lying, disgusting sluts. The world is better off without women like them. But Harriet, she's something else."

Amy shook her head, tears running down her cheeks again. "You're a murderer!" She screeched, fighting against her restraints causing more blood to trickle down from the cuts.

"I did what needed to be done! They didn't deserve love. I could've given them everything but all they did was lie to me and throw me away like some toy they didn't want anymore. They could've been perfect for me but they-"

"They didn't want you." Amy finished for him. A loud thump was heard as Patrick hit Amy's leg, a red mark flaming up instantly.

"Yes! They didn't fucking want me!" He stood up and threw his arms around manically. "I am the best they could ever have!"

He leant over Amy's thin body, causing her to shake in fear. He pushed his face so close to Amy's she gagged on his breath fanning her face. But she couldn't move, no matter how hard she tried, she was trapped.

"Harriet loves me. She sees the real me and wants me, I can tell. She is beautiful and talented, she's make a great wife and even better mother to our children. She can sort this house and make us a home, I'll get exactly what I want!" He smiled as he screamed, Amy turning away from his face. "And no one will stop me!"

He turned to leave the room, but Amy called out, stopping him dead in his tracks.

"Don't be so naïve Patrick. She's a Detective. Her job is to hunt down and shut down sickos like you. She will find you and she will know the truth sooner or later. You can't really believe she will follow you away from her current life? She will never be able to give you her whole heart, it belonged to someone else."

Patrick stood with his back to her, his breathing heavy and rapid. Silence took over the thick atmosphere and Amy carefully watched him as he stood still.

"I know it belonged to Jason. He was just another pawn in my game, he needed to go."

"Wait... you knew? What did you do!" Amy gasped, horrified as Patrick laughed to himself.

"It's all about who you know Amy, not what you know. I was only supposed to injure him, scare him off a little." He turned slowly, eyes glued to Amy's. "But then Mother Nature had her hand and things worked out way better than I could have hoped."

"You killed Jason." It wasn't a question. It was a statement.

"No, I didn't kill him. Mother Nature did that with her tree branch. I just helped the process."

"YOU'RE A MURDERER. YOU'RE WRONG IN THE HEAD!" Amy screamed, her lungs barely filling with air before she screamed again. "YOU'RE SOME SICK TWISTED KILLER."

Patrick turned on his heels and laughed as he made his way out of the door.

"Remember that Amy, next time you try to piss me off."

Amy sunk further into the bed, and howled.

A/N: I am so sorry it took so long! What do you guys think Patrick is planning to do with Amy? Leave some feedback m'lovers.

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