Twisted Frame (VA Fanfic)

By Jess-Roza

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I know, I know, it's another 'Love fades' fallout story... except different. Cliché, cliché. But. This time t... More

Twisted Frame: Teaser
One: Dim Lights
Two: Camera Angle
Three: Still Motion or Action? Both.
Four: Say Cheese!
Five: Zoom or Pano? It's Up To You.
Six: Focus
Seven: Shaky Image Goes Still
Eight: Refocus and Zoom Out
Nine: Contrast/ Look at the Big Pic and the Finer Details
Ten: The Whole School Photo and The Family Portrait
Eleven: Frozen Frame. Re-take.
Thirteen: Aligning the Frame
Fourteen: D.I.S/ Enhanced Clarity
Fifteen: Is This Picture Perfect?
Sixteen: Base Coat, Fill In, Top Coat
Seventeen: Upended & Mismatched Triptychs

Twelve: Crazy Poses Shot

1.5K 51 0
By Jess-Roza

When I switched with Hale for supervising Hathaway I saw the man, a.k.a Belikov, was finally asleep. I'd had more sleep than him in the last 3 days. That's saying something given how busy I had been. He looked so unguarded and peaceful with one hand cradling Annabella's back and the other grasping Hathaway's, all the while his head was relying on the top of the incubator to be a makeshift pillow. He looked like a distressed father and husband. He was one lucky bastard- he had a family, one struggling for life, but a family nonetheless. He had far more than any of us guardians ever, ever dare dreamed of.

"How long has he been like that?" I softly asked Hale.
His usual stony expression softened and his blue eyes shone indulgently. "Two hours so far. Hathaway and Annabella are stable- they don't dare move the baby yet, though someone should be in soon to do whatever it is they need to."

The past three days had been hard on all of us, but it was hardest on those of us who had shifts here, those of us who witnessed Belikov looking worse than he ever had; hardly eating and drinking, always stressing and never leaving unless ordered. As Hathaway clung to life Belikov clung to her side. He hadn't shaved, his hair was disheveled and his clothes were all crumpled. And already he was skinner than the day he was released from jail, which wasn't a very good sight on someone so tall. His sleep deprivation had made him much more prone to snapping and growling at anyone and anything.

Not to mention the mounting odds of a hung jury at Hathaway's hearing. There was some solid evidence in her favour now, and it was killing a number of us to have to also try finding more evidence against her. I was certain she was innocent, but the Moroi weren't going to consider considering giving her benefit of the doubt unless there was a clear alternate perpetrator with even more evidence stacked against them. Not likely given how well their tracks were covered and how well they'd made all evidence and guilt scream 'Rosemarie Hathaway'. So yeah, a few of us felt we were wrongfully detaining her. But at the end of the day, they come first, our opinions on the matter didn't count until we'd caught the true guilty party and proved Hathaway's innocence to the Moroi- prosecuting, Council, and general world-wide population.

I had some solid evidence now, but it wasn't enough to save her, not yet. Whichever of Belikov's suspects or one of the suspected accomplices better trip up sometime soon or else Hathaway's hearing will occur without her testimony. There was plenty of contradictory evidence, but until there was enough solid evidence to shift the blame it looked as though Hathaway was going to be executed and Belikov left a single, unemployed father.

"Guardian Croft, a date for Hathaway's hearing must be set," a self-important Lord Nathan Ivashkov demanded. Rudely and cooly, I must emphasise.
"With all due respect," not that you deserve it in your own right, "a date cannot be set until Miss Hathaway is responsive. Which she is not at the present time, Lord Ivashkov.
"Today's priority remains the funeral. In three days time the Guardians will ensure the safety of the Council meeting for the election of the candidates. Then we will re-evaluate the situation should Hathaway's condition improve."
Fuming, Nathan Ivashkov glared, turned around and removed his condescending self from my office. I breathed a sigh of relief.
Sometimes I reluctantly had to admit I understood Hathaway's tendency to be incredibly insubordinate and her blunt, frank and honestly voiced opinions of a number of the royals. It wasn't fun being dictated to by ungrateful and very inconsiderate dependants. It wasn't all of them, but it was enough with enough social standing and power.

I didn't crumble under the pressure of Queen Tatiana's funeral procession and Council formalities... not that I had yet been granted my place because I had to have family. No matter, I still did my duty and paid my respects. Of course, my practicality in my... fashion choices... had caused a stir. I couldn't help but wonder how Rose was, if she could be proven innocent so I didn't have another funeral to deal with, another death to mourn. I didn't want Annabella losing her mother, my best friend.

"She's awake," Dimitri grinned, "Roza, she's awake and stable." I hadn't seen him so happy... possibly ever. The relief, joy and love that was flooding from him was so obvious I didn't need to look into his aura. The funeral had been very early this morning and it was now going on 13 hours later. It had been five days since all this mess had started, it was about time something good happened.
"Can I see her?"
"Of course, Lissa. She's asking for you." Dimitri's six foot seven frame was practically ready to fly away. His eyes shimmered with a secret. "Just wait 'til you hear what she wants to tell you. All she's letting me tell you is that it has to do with Annabella. I'm off to find her parents, so you'll have her to yourself for a while."
His good-mood was catching and I found myself bouncing in excitement and relief. "Thanks, Dimitri! And please be careful around Annabella's grandparents."
"Of course." His smile faltered for a millisecond. "I don't believe my baby girl has them as her grandparents."
I laughed. "Where'd you think Rose got it all?"
"Go see her, Lissa- she almost literally kicked me out of ICU to find you."
I nodded and laughed a little. "Of course she did. Later, Dimitri."
"Later, Lissa." If Rose's parents don't kill you for any number of reasons, least of all being you got their teen daughter pregnant.

"Liss!" Rose's expression when I approached her in her ICU bed mirrored Dimitri's when he found me.
"Rose, I'm so sorry!"
Rose shook her head. "Forget it, Lissa. We're fine, in fact, I think you need to be re-introduced to a special little- very tiny- someone."
"Annabella!" If possible my widest grin of the past few minutes spread across my face when I registered her presence. "Oh, she's grown," I cooed while I sat next to Rose and looked into the incubator. "She's such a cutie, Rose. And have you seen Dimitri's face when he thinks of her? When he mentions her?"
"You haven't seen him with her!" she laughed. "He's even more besotted than I ever imagined he would be with a baby of his."
I shot her a 'no, seriously?' look and rolled my eyes. Blind as a bat, you are, that's because she's yours.
The lost look I got in return had me feeling as lost as she appeared. "Ah... Liss... you may want to relearn how to hold a normal conversation with me..."
That's when I felt it, the loss of something I hadn't felt that was such an integral part of me. "The bond's gone?"
Rose nodded in a surprisingly sheepish manner. "Yeah. I may have re-died a few times and came back on my own. So what is it you wanted me to hear?"
"That Dimitri's more besotted than you imagined because Annabella here is yours too."
"She's also your godchild," Rose whispered.
"Really? This cute, little, angelic miracle is my god-daughter?"
Rose nodded while wearing a shit-eating grin. "Well, of course."
I jumped up and warily hugged her.
"No sly magic, Lissa Dragomir."

I pulled back and looked at Annabella again. "Wasn't planning on it." Much as I wanted to and the magic had stirred within me at the sight of her. Yeah, it was an addictive magic to wield.
"I know you, Lissa. Bond or no bond, I know how you work."
We dissolved into tear-inducing laughter.

"I can't believe it's happened, I'm a Mom! Lissa, do you know how damn scary it is to be responsible for and in charge of that little angel's life? I hadn't even gotten my own shit together, now I've got hers to look after for the next however many years."
I smiled and kissed her cheek in a show of sisterly support. "You'll be fine, Rose. You've got us at your back. Especially Dimitri."
"Don't bring him into this," she groaned. "He's already talking about trying for a son! TRYING, Lissa! He can't just be content with hoping for a son if we can have another baby. Nope. He has to already be thinking in the terms of trying. Like it's that easy to conceive a child, let alone together."
I had to shake my head with the amusement pulsing through me. "It actually is, Rose. You did say you two only did the dirty that once, did you not?"
"Ugh! Yes. Your point being?"
"You have a 100 percent strike record."
Rose threw her head back into the pillows. Then winced but continued to act as if the dramatic action hadn't hurt. "Not helping. Whose side are you on? 'Cause it's supposed to be mine, you know."
"You don't want a mini-Dimitri?"
"I've already got it- in girl form. That's more than enough to keep me as busy as I am happy for now."
"She admits it. She wants a second."
"Don't twist my words, Lissa, or I may just-"
"Okay, okay," I giggled.

When it was time to go I sobered. Ambrose had slipped me a note this morning- literally slipped it into my dress's pocket.
"Tell her I wish her a speedy recovery," was all he said. When I'd pulled out the tiny piece of paper it had her name on it and was heat sealed... without a crest. Being for Rose, I didn't snoop. The thought did cross my mind: Why was Ambrose sending a message for Rose through me?

I was yet to pass it on. Now seemed liked the time... and manageable. She wasn't in a hospital gown so I could slip it to her in a similar way Ambrose had passed it on to me. Or... I could slip it elsewhere. Why was life so difficult?

"Should let you know you've got a following of well-wishers outside these doors," I laughed as we shared a hug.
"Not possible, Lissa- I'm arrested, remember?"
"Not everyone believes you're guilty, Rose," I comforted. "Especially Ambrose," I whispered in her ear before pulling away. "See you soon, Annabella," I smiled and put my hand into the incubator to give her a form of a hug. "Stay strong, gorgeous girl."
"No magic, Lissa," Rose reminded.
"If you keep up the reminders, Rose, I swear..." I threatened emptily. It would be easier to go back on the med's than deal with her motherly nagging, but I didn't want to lose access to the magic if I could help it.
"No you won't."

"Hey, Lissa," a now-sheepish-looking Dimitri met me outside ICU. "I would like your help with something... If you can spare the time?"
"Hey, Dimitri. And what would you like my help with?"
Dimitri proceeded to blush. "I know I know Rose well... but you've got more experience with her taste in jewellery..." Oh. My. GOD! Is he seriously planning what I think he is? Is this why he was finding Rose's parents earlier?
"Are you asking for me to help you find what I think you are? Are seriously planning on asking her?" I did know Rose's taste in jewellery, but something like that I was sure he'd just know when he saw it.
He nodded. "I know I should've asked y-"
"Of course you have my permission!" I squealed when we stepped out of the hospital. When it came to Rose I tended to lose my 'Princess-composure'. She had that effect on a number of people. "But I swear, Dimitri Belikov, if you hurt her or Annabella in any way you're going to have to pray for a miracle you won't get from me because I will make you pay. I won't kill you, but I will make sure you live your worst nightmare. Got it?"
A very serious and sober, straight-faced Dimitri nodded. "I expected nothing less, and I promise to look after Rose and Annabella even when they don't want me to."
"You had better."

That's when I noticed how cleaned-up he was. I'd barely seen him over the past few days but he had looked worse-for-wear. But what I saw now very much so reminded me of the guardian he used to be- the guardian I will make sure he returns to being. He also looked like he'd made sure to be very professional when meeting with Guardian Hathaway and Mr Mazur. His hair was neatly pulled back into a holder with some strands not quite obeying the command for order and as we walked through the warm summer air a very light breeze made them fly into his face. He'd shaved for the first time since being allowed out of jail but he hadn't quite shaved it as cleanly as he normally did- I wonder if Rose had played a part in that change? Who would've guessed Rose Hathaway liked a four o'clock shadow? Then again, who would've guessed she'd be into older men? He even wore a white formal shirt with sleeves that came to his elbows and black slacks- a take on the formal guardian uniform, clearly, except the jacket was missing.

"You clearly got permission from the parental's," I laughed as I gestured to his outfit.
"Just barely, with a lot of grovelling, promises and threats. She's worth it though- they both are."
"I'm sure they are," I agreed with a massive grin. "Does anyone else know?"
A guilty look crossed his face... "Rose?"
"You've already asked?" I shook my head, thoroughly amused.
"I kinda begged while she was out of it. I'm not sure if she heard or remembers because she hasn't broached the subject."
"I bet she hasn't, she's still flipping out about Annabella's sudden arrival." Falling in love wasn't a future she'd envisaged, let alone getting married and having kids.
Dimitri chuckled. "Yeah, I know. But she loves her."

That she most certainly does. She may be scared, but she radiated love and dedication, an unparalleled drive to protect. I had a feeling that was what scared her; not not knowing what to do, how to raise a baby, but rather a fear of not being good enough in Annabella's eyes. And that had to scare her because it clashed with her long-time dedication to protecting me, how absolutely she had wanted to be nothing but my guardian... then Dimitri had entered her life and changed everything, now Annabella was changing her life all over again.

"What about this one?" I pointed out a blood-red ruby set into a silver band with sapphires on either side and diamonds at right angles to them. It was expensive but I'd already talked Dimitri into letting me paying most of it... If you know what I mean...
Dimitri came over from a case behind me and studied it for a few moments. "No. It's shaped too much like a rose..."
I looked at it again. Beautiful and suitable as it was, I could see what he meant. She would like it, but she wouldn't love it since she had a thing against rose jewellery. I agreed with him, it was a no go.

"This one, Lissa?" The one he suggested was a rectangular diamond with tiny amethysts lining either side and set into a rose-gold band. It was nice, but still didn't feel right for her. I shook my head.
"Still not quite right."

I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong with the dozen or so rings we'd seen so far. Rose had gone conservative and practical since she'd met Dimitri... but Adrian had managed to dress her up a bit, but it wasn't the best idea to mention that. She didn't want flashy things anymore. She wanted things she could slay Strigoi in without worrying about damaging or losing it. All these rings seemed to fit that description, so why didn't they feel as if they reflected her? Why didn't they seem... extravagant enough? They certainly weren't plain, but they still didn't live up to her beauty, her incredible character.

"What are we missing, Dimitri? Why aren't they fitting enough for her? What is it that isn't matching up to her bold and bright character?" I asked after we'd considered and dismissed another half-dozen rings.
His eyes lit up. "Exactly that," he grinned like a Cheshire Cat. "You're brilliant, Lissa!"
"What? What did I say?"
"They aren't bold enough. We're thinking about the guardian in her, not her. She's bold and outspoken, she outshines everyone- no offence."
I laughed. "None taken- you're biased and supposed to be. So am I and I agree. She dominates everything she does. It's why people follow her, why men trip over their feet and fall to their knees at the sight of her."
"No matter what she does, she makes a statement. That's what's missing here."
I turned to the Moroi store attendant who was looking at us with an indulgent but still professional expression on her face. Despite the uncertain times she still had a business to run and people still had lives to live, love to embrace. As well as money to spend. "Can we see your platinum engagement ring selection, please?" Her eyes widened slightly but nodded nonetheless.
"Of course, Princess, Mr Belikov." I'm sure that still stung, his title drop, but Rose's had been dropped too, so they were in the same boat. After a little fiddling on the attendant's part the tray of rings with platinum bands was before our eyes.
"That's it," we said in unison and nodded to the same one.

Bold, bright and invaluable. Just like Rosemarie Hathaway. Unique, precious and expensive. Everything society believed she wasn't. Perfect. It was absolutely perfect for her. Platinum band, three diamonds, two pink diamonds and two sapphires. With a geometric engraving that weaved between the gems and back in on itself, making said gems more pronounced in their own right whilst bringing them together in a sort of infinity symbol. They'd forever be shining brighter together while still being unique in their own right.
Rose was going to go crazy.

"I nominate Princess Vasilisa Dragomir," Aunt Tasha's voice commanded attention as she interrupted Adrian's father as he started closing the nomination meeting. What on earth? I can't be on Council, so why bother nominating me? Not to mention, I don't want to be queen.
Before Nathan Ivashkov could get his mouth to work Christian stood up. Oh god. Not you, too! His following words confirmed what I thought he was going to do. "I second the nomination." What were they up to?
"That's-" Nathan started, but his son sealed the deal on the outrageous idea... whatever said idea they'd come up with and were using me as a pawn for actually is.
"I confirm the nomination," Adrian announced as confidently and daringly as Christian and Tasha had.
"That is not a-"
One father was cut off by another. By Rose's. "Check the law books, Nate- Lord Ivashkov. Nominees don't need a quorum to run for monarch, simply three royal nominations. From. Any. Family. Her candidacy is within the law- as long as the Princess accepts." With that, all eyes turned to me.

My mind blanked and spun with a million questions at once. Why me? Why them and why me? And why couldn't I just stand and accept, or stand and deny?
A warmth and spark spread into my fingers and hand from the man beside me as he supported me and showed his solidarity. He believed in me, didn't he? One look at Adrian showed he did too. And if Christian did, then so did Tasha. Why else would they be making me go through this crazy exercise? And what was Abe up to, why was he involved? Then my eyes grazed over one young grandmother, who was looking at me expectantly. Why was she going along with this? From there my eyes found Dimitri's. They happened to glow with a cunning look reminiscent of Rose's and Abe's. They said something along the lines of 'do this for Rose'. Out of all these supporters I trusted Rose the most. If this was somehow her idea and she believed in me then I would stand and find my voice. My friends and family needed this for some reason, and despite whatever ulterior motive, I felt Mom, Dad and André would be proud of me for standing up for myself and for my family Royal rights. They'd loved Rose as if she were my twin and trusted her with my life; they'd be behind whatever plan she had if it protected me in the long run.
So, numbly, I rose from my seat and opened my mouth. My friends were going to cop it after this, much as I love them all... well maybe not Abe, but I still respected him. "I accept the nomination."
For the love of God, what the hell did I just sign myself up for?

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