Never let me go-Faberry

Від Donald2345

183K 3.6K 967

I don't own this story Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 46

1.8K 41 7
Від Donald2345

Rachel pushes her into her room and shuts the door and continues pushing until she's seated at the foot of the bed and then she backs away and starts pacing.

"Now, I want you to be completely honest with me. Okay?"

Santana rolls her eyes and folds her arms, "I thought we established that this wasn't going to be as crazy, hokey pokey as the last time?"

Rachel stops mid stride and her arms flail before falling at her side and she walks up to the seated brunette and shrugs, "I'm just really nervous. I've planned dates before but never when I was the one who's supposed to keep everything going...I don't want this to be lame. I just want to run it by you."

Santana shakes her head and lets out a sigh before nodding her head, "Alright fine half-pint. Wow me."

The tiny brunette squeals and hops up and down in place and says, "Okay, so I know she's kept this part of herself hidden with the understanding that apparently no one will like it and think of it as lame, however I'm also certain that you know about it so..." she notices Santana's face and grins sheepishly before clearing her throat, "Right uhm so my dad knows this professor that works over at the planetarium in Bowling Green, they used to go to school together and they're literally the best of friends and he's been over here loads of times...anyway after my last date I remembered that he basically runs the place and I was thinking of taking her there...I called him and he offered to let us in and he even offered to close it up so it'd only be that. That's not good?" She starts second guessing herself when she notes the look on Santana's face but a second later and the cheerleader is shaking her head viciously.

"No! No you dipstick that's fantastic! Do you have any idea how much she's wanted to go to the planetarium? Her dad never took her, and then things kept getting in the way and she never ended up getting to go afterwards and not once did her fuckin boyfriend think to treat her to something she'd love. If I wasn't so in love with Brittany and if you weren't equally in love with Q-ball, I'd be tryna get ya all to myself. Q's gonna love it Rach, honestly she probably wont even know what to do with herself."

Rachel's face gets taken over by a massive blush and an equally massive smile, "You really think so?"

Santana smiles and nods her head, "I'd bet my Guitar Hero lead on it."

The tinier brunette chuckles and takes a deep breath to calm herself down before smiling taking a seat beside Santana and saying, "You know if it weren't for our blondes I'd be tryna get ya to myself as well."

Santana laughs and wraps an arm around her, "You goober."

Rachel giggles and when they've finally settled down into comfortable silence she asks, "So where are you taking Brittany?"

Santana chuckles and if Rachel hadn't been looking so closely she would have missed the slight blush that has formed on the cheerleader's cheeks, "Mami heard from a friend of hers that the new restaurant is finally opening. It's nothing overly fancy or anything like that but I went over there to check it out and well...Okay don't fuckin laugh or anything but it's basically a diner, it's even got the booths and milkshakes and stuff and B's totes into the whole fifties or whatever and I thought what the hell right? She'll get to dress up and..."

Santana cuts herself off when she sees Rachel looking at her like the moon shines outta her eyes.

"The hell's the matter with you?"

Next thing she knows she's got her arms full of Rachel, "That's the sweetest thing! She's been talking to me about that restaurant for weeks now! She's been dying to go so she can dress up in her swing dress!"

Santana's smile widens, "I know, and I'll wear mine and she'll get to show off her moves and everything and then we can share a freakin milkshake to celebrate."

Rachel laughs as she pulls back and slightly bounces on the bed, "I'm going to have to take Quinn someday. It sounds like so much fun. Do you think she'd ever wear slacks and suspenders?"

There's a moment's silence and then Santana throws her head back and literally collapses on top of her bed laughing like there's no tomorrow.

"Oh God." She gasps for air and continues to laugh, "I have to be there when you tell her." Rachel is somehow able to make out those words that Santana says through her laughter.

The tiny diva isn't amused however, "I don't see why it's that funny Santana. I myself would absolutely do so, however with our height differences and her Cheerio training, I'd much prefer her doing the lifts and taking on the lead instead of me."

Santana starts laughing again but this time less boisterously, "Rach, sweetie no, just no. You go on and on about your years of ballet..." She's interrupted by Rachel nodding her head.

"Exactly! And I'm always the one being lifted and carried and so on and so forth. You however with your Cheerio training, have all been trained in lifting others. I'm more than certain that she'll also feel more comfortable knowing she wont have to risk her safety."

Santana chuckles and raises an eyebrow, "Why can't the two of you just be in dresses?"

Rachel's cheek tint and she averts her eyes, "We can! There's nothing against it, I sure don't have any problem with the both of us being in dresses. I'm sure she'll look heavenly, especially with her hair done up. She'll look absolutely gorgeous if I do say so myself, which as apparent, I do."

The slightly taller brunette simply watches Rachel in amusement as she rambles on until she finally runs out of words.

"I think you've got a thing with the idea of Quinn wearing suspenders."

Her grin widens as she takes in the deepening of the blush on Rachel's face, "What? I-I don't know what you're talking about. Even though I'm certain she'll look good in anything."

Santana smirks, "Oh no you don't Berry. You've imagined her in slacks and suspenders and it's got you all hot and bothered."

Rachel bites her lip, weighing the pros and cons of either admitting or denying the allegation, however her silence speaks volumes.

"Oh my God you have! This is precious!" Santana is once again gasping for air.

By now Rachel's face resembles a tomato as she tries incredibly hard not to bury her face into the pillows when Santana sits up and just grins at her, "So you've got a thing for Q-ball all dressed up huh?"

Rachel averts her gaze and shrugs slightly and Santana takes slight pity on her, "Walk me through it, I promise I think I'm done laughing."

The tiny brunette chuckles and tucks some hair behind her ear as she shrugs, "For whatever reason I have this inane need to see Quinn wearing sleek black slacks with a fitted white shirt and suspenders, her hair slicked back and..." she cuts herself off and bites her tongue.

Santana grins at her, "For whatever reason? It has nothing to do with the fact that you saw us dress up for Halloween in something similar a few years ago?"

Rachel's eyes widen as she's assaulted with the memory, "Oh God."

"You're welcome."

Rachel laughs finally and pushes Santana onto her back, "Shut up Lopez. Okay now I you think she'd wear it though? I mean for me?"

Standing up after brushing herself off Santana just grins and nods her head, "If she did it for me, trust me she'd probably even wear a freakin tie for you."

As Rachel's eyes suddenly glaze over Santana groans, "Ay Dios Mio...Look just don't tell her I gave you that idea alright, how's that?"

Rachel smiles excitedly up at her and throws her arms around her once more, "Thanks San. Honestly I sometimes wonder what I'd do without you around, you know?"

Santana smiles and nods her head, "I know what you mean. Now shut up and get my dress out, I needs to see what I can wear for my date."


Quinn pouts and squeezes Rachel's hand that's in hers, "Baby, please tell me where you're taking me."

Rachel chuckles and lifts their joined hands to her lips so she can place a quick kiss onto the back of Quinn's hand and shakes her head, "That's the whole point of a surprise Quinn. Now please allow me to enjoy the mystery and the look on your face when we get there."

Sighing slightly the blonde leans back, fixing herself so that she's turned facing the brunette slightly, "Okay Rach. But only because I want to stop asking, and not because you said so or anything. I have self control."

Giggling the brunette nods her head, "Oh I have no doubt about that."


Letting out a breath Santana smoothes down the front of her dress, she then nods to herself once before grabbing the flowers from the car and walking up the front steps of the Pierce residence, her heart beating a mad rhythm in her chest.

She clears her throat and takes a few calming breaths before knocking.

"Santana, oh sweetheart you look absolutely breathtaking! Brittany is going to be so happy to see you, she's been so excited."

She smiles widely at Mrs. Pierce and hugs her hello, "Thank you."

She has to clear her throat again however because it's suddenly gone dry, and the older blonde looks at her knowingly, kindly, and gets her a glass of water, "I don't understand why you're so nervous tonight. It's not like you've not done this before."

Santana grins at her as she drinks the water, "It's been a long time since I've made this big of a deal...I haven't seen her practically all day."

Then suddenly her voice cracks and she's staring up at the top of the stairs at Brittany's smiling face.

Less than two seconds later and the blonde is no longer at the top of the stairs but is instead right in front of the brunette, wrapping her arms around her neck and hugging her hello.

When she finally gets back her ability to speak she looks up at, "Wow."

Brittany giggles, her blue eyes twinkling, her lips curved into a beautiful smile, "Wow yourself. San, you look...preciosa."

Santana bites her lip, her empty hand lazily making its way up and down Brittany's back, "Cariño te ves más bella que todas las estrellas en el cielo esta noche." (Love you look more beautiful than all the stars in the sky tonight.)

She says each word slowly and purposefully so that Brittany can hear every word, and she also loves the way her eyes light up when she successfully translate the words.

Brittany pulls her closer and leans down and captures her lips, and then sighing as she pulls away, "Aren't I hurting your eyes?"

Santana furrows her brow slightly in confusion and then Brittany continues, "Because I'm so bright?"

The brunette laughs easily and kisses her lips once more, "No baby, my eyes aren't hurting."

She clears her throat and then steps back and pulls the flowers from behind Brittany's back, "Uh these are for you."

Brittany quickly reaches for them and lifts them to her nose and takes a deep breath, reveling in the scent of heliotrope and primrose.

"Thank you." The blonde says dreamily over the bouquet and then carefully asks, "Do you know what they mean?" because she doesn't want to sound ungrateful.

Santana grins and nods her head, "I do."

Blue eyes widen in excitement and she slightly hops in place waiting for the gem of knowledge to fall from Santana's lips.

Clearing her throat Santana's eyes lock with blue ones and she says, "The primrose means...I can't live without you. And uh the heliotrope means uhm eternal love."

Brittany can't seem to tear your eyes away from Santana's as she moves the bouquet away from her face and walks the one step distance between the both of them and kisses Santana with everything she is.

"I love you. I love you so much Santana, you mean everything to me."

"Mi novia, te amo. I love you too baby so very much."

The blonde then suddenly pulls back and quickly runs into the kitchen to put her flowers in water and to gush as she does so to her mother.

Santana stands there waiting with a sappy smile on her face, her eyes following the blonde as she rushes around.


It's been ten minutes and Rachel is starting to get worried.




She hasn't even blinked yet.


Quinn continues to stare out of the car with a look of awestruck wonder on her face, her eyes the size of platters, her mouth hanging slightly open.

Just as Rachel is about to reach out turn her face towards her, Quinn has unbuckled herself and has flung her body across the center console, wrapping her arms tightly around the brunette.

It takes Rachel a second to realize that the blonde in her arms in now crying.

"Oh God. Oh God I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry! Please don't hate me! We can leave! We'll leave, I promise, lemme call Dr."

She's cut off by Quinn firmly yet gently taking hold of her face and smashing their lips together in a fiercely loving kiss.

"I love you, and I love this. I love that you decided to take me here. I love that you're embracing this side of me. I love how you're trying. I love you so very much Rach, I don't know what to do with myself."

Quinn says this with her hazel eyes sparkling with unshed tears, a dazzling smile on her face and a blush painting her cheeks.

Rachel takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, smiling at her girlfriend she whispers, "I'm sorry I made you cry though."

The blonde shakes her head, "Mm happy tears Rach. It just...overwhelmed me I guess. All of a sudden I had all of these feelings and they just came spilling out and...God Rach..." She bites her lip and then smiles shyly, "Can we go in?"

Rachel sends her a beaming smile and nods her head excitedly, then she quickly unbuckles herself and ushers Quinn to stay seated as she quickly rounds the car and opens the door for her, "Come on, I cant wait to get you inside. I want you to enjoy this okay? Don't hold back."

Quinn is giddy with excitement and as they walk into the planetarium she highly doubts she'd ever be able to hold anything back even if she wanted to.

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