Chapter 43

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"Good morning Quinn!"

The blonde being spoken to turns to face the owner of the voice with a look that may have caused some sever damage were it coupled with a raised eyebrow and folded arms. As it were, her arms stayed at her side.

"It's stupid o'clock. I've yet to have coffee. I'm out here with the sprinklers going for endurance' sake. My hair is wet and I haven't seen my best friend yet. No. It is not a 'good morning Quinn'."

Sam does a double take, for a second actually thinking about the possibilities of Quinn having a twin, "Oh I uh...Football practice, I'm gonna go."

As he runs off he nearly runs into Rachel.

"Good morning Samuel."

He nods his head politely, still reeling from his encounter with Scary Quinn, "Morning Rachel."

As she heads to walk towards the cheerleaders he stops her quickly, "I'd seriously stay away. Quinn's like...she's scary right now. Their coach is mad wild having them out here this early while the sprinklers are going."

Rachel nods knowingly, "Oh I know."

Sam watches her confused and intrigued. He follows her as she slips on a yellow rain jacket she was holding and continues watching as she walks up to Quinn with an easy smile on her face and a cup of what is presumably coffee.

"Good morning Quinn."

Sam's wince turns into a look of utter surprise as he sees Quinn smile at Rachel, her hazel eyes sparkling as she accepts the cup and wraps Rachel in a hug, one that Rachel returns only after her squeal of surprise.

Santana smirks as she walks up to Sam, "The Cheerios owe Rachel so much for her ability to calm the wild Quinn. Serious up no joke, she's my best friend but before Berry figured out a way to calm her down, days like these sucked beyond measure." She turns to him and fixes him with a hard gaze, "Get the fuck away from here quick afores coach catches you...she's coming. My Snix Senses are tinglin."

Sam isn't entirely sure if he should take her seriously or not, but after a beat he decides he doesn't want to risk it and he turns to jog off the field, but not before shooting one last look towards the duo. Quinn is happily running drills, a proud smirk on her face, Rachel sitting a way slightly on a bench next to a water cooler, her jacket still on, and a smile on her face as she hears Quinn shouting out orders.

What makes him almost trip and fall is the fact that he sees coach Sylvester standing up on the risers watching the whole thing with what he can only make out to be a smile, a look of sheer pride on her face.

He runs a hand through his hair as he walks into the boys' locker room to change into his football gear. Curiouser and curiouser.



The brunette throws her hands up as he eyes widen exasperatedly, "What? Hobbit I swear if you don't stop randomly yelling at me for no good reason I'm gonna-"

She doesn't get to finish as Rachel is suddenly throwing her arms around her tightly.

"What the...Rachel? Are you-Shit are you crying?"

Santana wraps her arms around the tinier brunette and holds her close. She shoots a look towards the entrance to the classroom waiting for Quinn to come running in but soon it's apparent that she isn't coming.

"Hey pequeña, what happened?"

Rachel simply clutches at her Cheerios top tighter and buries herself deeper into her embrace.

Never let me go-Faberryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن