A Pittsburgh Penguins Love St...

By Mal8787

60.9K 396 159

Malana is a regular college student. She and her three best friends are having the time of there lives living... More

A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 2
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story Characters
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 3
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 4
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 5
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 6
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 7
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 8
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 9
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 10
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 11
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 12
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 14
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 15
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 16
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 17
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 18
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 19
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 20
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 21
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 23
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 24
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 25
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 26
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 27
Author's Note

A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 22

1.6K 10 8
By Mal8787

"Would you be in my wedding?" 

I slammed on the breaks as I almost crashed into a little blue car as I merged onto the center lane at the Fort Pitt tunnel. I momentarily took my mind off the 'situation' and got the car under control. Once entering the tunnel back in the line of travic I shook my head trying to clear my mind. 

"Hh.. wha- wha- ah- when..?" 

"Next Saturday."

"Do you really think now's the time for joking?!" Talbots getting married. Talbots having a baby... With my soon-to-be-fiances best friend. Married. Pregnant. How can I propose now without feeling like I'm trying to one up them?!

"Is there another way? We want to married before the little guys born," his kept his voice light and even. Talbot would make an amazing father and I know he'll step up and do this right, but... he acts like a kid himself, he didn't want this yet. 

"I'm happy for you man. I realize this is a lot faster than you wanted it, but hey we all know this would've happened sooner or later between you two.  She's great for you." 

"I'm just... I don't want to screw this up." 

"Talbo, I know you. You'll make his work. I know you don't see it now, but you'll be a great father. That baby will never stop laughing. You can do this- and do this well." 

"Thanks man. That really really does mean a lot."

"Anytime Talbo."

"So you never answered my question," he chuckled, " Will you be in my wedding."

"It would mean a lot to me to be a part of that Max."

"Thank you," it wasn't like Talbot to be so genuine. "Now Flower's the best man so you'll have your work cut out for you."

"He's gonna make me do it all and then take credit in the speech right."

"He's in the NHL and his name is Flower. Let him have something."


Pulling into the garage I saw Mal already standing there, phone to her ear bouncing on her legs in anticipation. I slowly got out of the car, making her roll her eyes and grab my hand pulling me into my parents downstairs apartment and up the stairs. She indicated with her pointer finger for me to sit on the couch. I watched her pace back and forth across the living room talking about flowers with a startled look. I've seen Mal in her slight obsessive mood where she had the weird habit of making lists for everything. Now she was in full-blown OCD mood going on and on about the arrangment of whatever flowers she was ordering. 

Finally hanging off the phone, she had the nerve to yell at me! "Where have you been?!?! Do you know how many calls I've made?!?! A lot of calls, Sidney! A LOT OF CALLS!"

"To who?!"

"A church, a precher, a DJ, a cateerer, a flower shop, a-"

"I get it a lot of calls!"

"My finger is broken from dialing," she pouted holding up her finger to me. 

I kissed it, "All better?"

"A little. I think it's tired though and wants to snuggle."

"Are we taliing about the finger or you."

"My finger is apart of me so..."

"Well can't let your poor broken finger get upset."  With that I picked her up bridal style and took off towards the stairs.

"You are aware my finger has nothing to do with my legs?"

"Yes I am aware." I felt her stare but continued towards the bedroom. When she finally realized I wasn't putting her down she sighed and ducked her head under my chin. I realized she must have been more tired than she let on when I felt her breathing even and her arms around my kneck loosen. It was times like these you realized how hugs this house really is, a ten minute walk from the living room to the bedroom. 

Finally making it to the bedroom I layed her down on the bed. Turning around I pulled off my shirt then pants and went looking for my pajama pants. I pulled some on quickly and grabbed a shirt for Mal. I loved her in my clothes. She looked amazing in her own cloths but something about her in one of my oversized tshirts just felt right.

"Mal wake up. C'mon it'll take two seconds to pull off your clothes."

She left off a muffled reponce but made no attempt to move. Realizing she was out and would not be getting back up, I sighed. Why does she do this to me? I first pulled off her shoes. I reached up and undid her belt and pants button. Grabbing the jeans at the ankles I slowly pulled them off of her unconcious body. I knew she never woke up to anything but and alarm clock, external or internal, so I liftted her body making it sit up leaning on the headboard. I slowly peeled off the shirt leaving her in only a pink bra. Ignoring the stab of lust unclipped the back, thinking of how uncomfortable it would be to sleep with wire stabbing you. Why do girls even wear those things I mean guys would be fine if they didn't... I'm a perv. Throwing her bra to the side I tried not to look at her. I felt like a perv plus I was to tired for a shower right now. As I grabbed the shirt I had layed on my side of the bed my arm rubbed against her and I moaned. We have to get married soon or I'm not sure what will happen. Quickly pulling on her shirt I pushed her back on the bed. 

I crawled to my side of the bed and pulled her over on top of my chest. I loved the feel of her hair and soft cheek layed against my stromach. Another smile was brought to my face as she subconciously wrapped her arms around me. I never realized a love like this was possible. I always saw myself as getting married and being content, never elated. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine life could be like this. I loved her. I loved her with everything I had. Every part of me was aware of her and quite literally ached when she wasn't around.

I knew I was to hard on myself. I felt it in every stride I took trying to get faster, in every shot I made into the dryer, everytime I fell when I was still learning. I felt it while I sat alone in a room as a teenager hundreds of miles away from my family watching game tapes instead of living it up with my friends. I felt it when I returned for the summer only to realize Taylor didn't know who I was and I didn't know who she was. I felt it in my bones when I stood up in the morning. I felt it in the beginning of my realtionship with Mal when I didn't think I was good enough. Over the past few months I felt that disappearing. I felt content for once. I feel... calm, thanks to her. 

"Sidney." I stiffened waiting for her to say more. She sometimes talked in her sleep. "Sid... I... I..." Mal?! You...?! Her hold tightened around my waist. "Thank you."

"For what Mal," I asked quietly. 

"You love me."

"I do love you Mal."

"Thank you."


It's to early to wake up. I am not getting up. Oh, damn I have to get up. I opened my eyes only to shut them again at the sunlight beating through the open blinds. Suprisingly Mal was still asleep on my chest. Normally, she would have been awake long before me and singining softly in my ear by this time. When I finally thought my eyes were ready for the blinding light I opened them. Staring down at her face the curiousity from yesterday was back. What was going through her mind? Of course I loved her. I told her I loved her months ago. Granted I love her now more than I did then. Was she just now believing it? Why does she have to be so damn stubborn? Ouch shit! That headboard was hard! Ouch!! I grabbed my head as it throbbed. Shit! I thought concussion headaches hurt!! When my head finally went back to normal I opened my eyes back up. 

"What exactly are you doing?" she asked with one eyebrow raised and a slight smirk. 

"Like you'v never hit your head on the headboard," I replied getting up as she flopped to the bed without my chest holding her up. She rolled over laughing histerically at my pain. I rolled my eyes and continued to the bathroom. 

"Hurry up!!" she said between giggles. 

"Piss off Mal," I laughed back at her. 


"I can't believe I planned a whole wedding in two days. There's no way. I have to be missing something."

"Mal, there is no way you're missing anything. You've literally called a thousand people in the past two hours!" I threw my head back. One more call and I swear I'm breaking the phone.

She ignored me, "Shit! Reception hall! Um, Mils what would she like?!" She turned to me, "Sidney," I don't like that face. "You know how your yard-"

"Our yard-" I instantly corrected. 

"-is like really really big and pretty..."

"You want to have the party here?" I asked, "Hey, no need for the puppydog eyes!"

"So is that a yes," she asked with her bottom lip sticking out.

"I will bite it," if it was possible she stuck it out even farther. I grabbed it with my teeth as she gasped. I chuckled into her mouth. She had to have seen this coming. I layed back on the couch dragging her with me. To think I could do this for the rest of my life was amazing. To feel her laying on top of me and sparks flying from her lips for the rest of my life- simply perfect. 

"So that's a yes right?" she asked against my lips. 

"Shut up Mal."


"BACHELOR PARTY!!!!" Flower jumped off the couch in the middle of the club. To say he was drunk was an understatement. "Sid... I just... I love you. And your ass looks great in those shorts, my man." Oh, dear Lord. 

I liked being designated driver. It gave me an excuse not to drink so I could watch the guys  make asses of themselves. Gervais, one of the few Islanders, ok the only Islander I have never wanted to punch in the face, another groomsman, was grinding up against Daoust, a close friend of Talbot since they were kids, whose in the AHL. Finishing off our wedding party were Talbot's two brothers Frank and Will. How I'm going to get a bunch of hungover guys to the wedding tomorrow was beyond me. Mental images of me dragging a 6'5 250 pound Will to the alter flashed through my brain.

"SID!!! Catch ME!!!" Talbot cried knocking me to the ground. He just layed there for a few seconds before I felt his breathing start to slow. He is not sleeping on me.

"Will! Get your brother off me." Will finally pulled Superstar off after a few bone crushing minutes. "I think that's the signal it's time to go back to the hotel." 

--Mal's POV--

"I can't believe I'm buying a wedding dress."

"I can't believe you're buying it the day before the wedding," Mols laughed at Mils as she made more pouty faces in the mirror while spinning in a 'joke' wedding dress. She refused to take this seriously. Sometimes she drove me insane.

"As the maid of honor and person who has to hold up the dress when you pee, I would love if we just tried on a 'serious' wedding dress," I joked trying to hurry her along. 

"Ok, ok go pick one out then."


"O my... this is the one," Mils, MILS started to cry. I hugged her with a broad grin.

"You're getting married."

"I'm getting married!" 

Mols, Flower's girlfriend Veronique, Mile's sister Sarah, Talbot's sister-in-laws, and I all agreed on a dress that matched the theme. We had also picked out a dress for the flower girl, Talbot's niece, and I made Sidney find something at the tux shop for the ringbearer, who was also a relative of Talbot's. All in all i was pretty shocked we had pulled this off in six days. Granted it wasn't cheap but Talbo made a year, so I didn't feel so bad. Plus he impregnated my friend, so he's gonna spend some cash. I actually really enjoyed planning the wedding. It was actually extremely fun. 

"I'm gonna go pass out because I'm getting married tomorrow!!" Oh, Mils.

We all said our goodnights and went to or seperate hotel rooms. I hung up my dress and layed facedown on the bed. After a few minutes I called Sidney to say goodnight, knowing he'd get all worried if I didn't.

"How was shopping?" Sid sounded as tired as I did, understandably considering the guys he was taking care of.

"Some people say hi," I chuckled, "It was shopping with Mils.."

"So she tried on 100 dresses just because they looked like cake and then decided on the first dress you picked?"

"Second but other than that you are completely correct."

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't be.. Tell me about your night."

"I'm very manly when I wear stripes and when Flower dies he wants his tombstone to say 'here lies Marc-Andre Fleury balls and all'." The seriousness of his voice had me laughing histerically. "Ya you wouldn't be laughing if you had to listen to a 30 minute banter about how much Talbot's gonna miss his balls once Mils takes them."

"I could make so many jokes about that."

"I'm sure you could."

"So our friends are getting married tomorrow."


"They're in love though.." I drifted off with a smile on my face envisioning our wedding for a second. Don't get ahead of yourself Mal, we're not even engaged. 

After a short pause he answered, "Love. It's a crazy amazing feeling isn't."

"More so than I could have ever imagined."

"And on that note it's time for us to get some beauty sleep. God knows you need it," he laughed as I rolled my eyes, "I love you more than anything, you know that right?"

I paused. For once I answered his question truthfully, "Ya, ya I do."

"Good. I need you to know that."

"I do... and Sid?"


"You're everthing to me... everything."

Another pause, "I love you Malana," his voice broke.

"I love you Sidney."

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