you [njh]

By horanjpg

67.4K 3.1K 801

[DISCONTINUED] everything starts when i was half naked and got locked out outside of my apartement, i decided... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three


1.7K 93 8
By horanjpg


Songs that remind me of you.

It said.

She left it on my car along with the vinyl of Fleetwood Mac. I knew for sure it was her gift. Nobody went to my car in the last 24 hours but me. Maybe she was about to give it to me back there when she picked me up at the airport but our little accident got in a way and she forgot it.

To be quite honest, if you asked me, Niall, are you mad at Kate? My answer would be no. Then why are you being weird and yelled at her? Bringing back that little gig accident? And my answer would be i don't know.

I've never thought that lovely woman who lived under my ground, whom i just met few months ago, who was in her underwear and were casually asking to use my fire-stairs exit- wouldn't leave my head for six days straight. Kate Parker, somehow, found a way to creep into my head, and i found it hard to get her off my mind.

After all this time thinking of how many boys Kate are seeing, now i know, at least maybe, just one tiny little spark of maybe... she cares. I smiled to myself. Never have i ever thought Kate would actually care for a simple guy like me. I'm a mortal and she's a real life angel. Now guys, i know you're probably thinking "How do you even know she likes you?!" Okay, but, songs that remind me of you?? She thinks about me.. maybe one time or twice, doesn't matter. She thinks of me. She thinks of some songs that remind her of me. That was a big sign. I mean, you heard a song on the radio and the song makes you thought of someone, immidiately you thought everything you could remember about them. Big deal, right?

Who wouldn't love Kate Parker? I know for sure that is a rhetorical question. Buuut... i don't want to rush things. You can't rush love. I don't want to be like it was just some kind of a fling, she was special, she's careful, she is beautiful. I don't want to make the same mistake as the last time i did with Alaska... I guess this time, i'll let the time tells me when is the right time to tell Kate how i really feel.

Talking about last night, i was praying that she would just come up to my birthday. I tried to shrug her off my head, even the alcohol wasn't helping. So, I came back, to see her, that was my only reason. I was sitting at the lobby, thinking what i was gonna to say to her, but i saw her.. stepping down, not by herself, but with a guy. Talking about... a wedding? Was it her brother? Her best friend? Or lover? My head suddenly seemed to spin, and i could feel the alcohol, making my tummy felt twisted. When i came back to the club, Alaska asked me where i have been for the past thirty minutes or so, and i said, nowhere, then i started drinking and drinking and drinking. That was the only thing i could remember. The morning, of course, it was rough. I ran out of advil so i had to go out to buy it, it was chaotic. I looked at her door while i was making my way down, wisihing she would came out from her door... she didn't.

Now i'm sitting here, in front of the studio, holding this tiny CD on my left hand, with a little note that previously plastered on the CD. Reading the sentence over and over again. Songs that reminds me of you.. songs that reminds me of you..

I legit had a debate with myself- play this now or play this later. I had a writing session in the studio with my boys, and i was already late. I was over curious with the mixtape, really, but in the other hand, our first EP was a pretty serious thing and i promised myself i would work my asses off for this EP. Sighing, I put the CD back in the box along with the note and put it on the passenger seat. Later... after studio, i thought.

Louis was the first to noticed me as i walked in the recording room.

"Mad party last night pal!" he cheered.

"Hey Niall!" Liam grinned but then he looked behind my back and said, "You're not bringing Kate?"

"No, she has work." i simply said. Maybe she did. Liam then nodded and i took a seat right next to Harry.

"Listen to this, Niall." he cleared his throat.

"I let you use me from the day that we first met, but I'm not done yet... falling for your fool's gold..." Harry sang. "And i knew that you turned it on for everyone you met, but I don't regret.. falling for your fool's gold."

"Wow. That's brilliant." i said. "Who wrote that?"

"Me.." Harry said. "Glad you like them." he smiled.

"Who is it for?" i played my eyebrows.

"None! I just.. write it.." Harry said.

"Sure do, pal." i said, while Harry was trying to hold his smile.

"Whatever. Alright. Stop." he said again. "I also wrote some lyrics for this but i just couldn't find a melody that would fit with the reff."

I'm like a boat on the water
You're the rays on the waves that calm my mind.

I'm like a crow on the wire
You're the shining distraction that makes me fly.

"These are so nice, Haz." Liam said.

Louis nodded and Harry smiled.

"Thanks guys. Now just help me finish this." he said.

Then, we all trying to find the right melody and did some harmonize to it. It was nice. Louis came up with another song. He said it reminds him of his first love when he was 18. He told us he just met her again about a week ago. My boys were so in love...

When Harry said it was already 3 PM, we all decided to end today's meeting. And i rushed back to the apartment, but i stopped at a near supermarket first to do some grocery cause last time i checked, i had almost nothing in my fridge.

Moving on, i parked my car once i got home. Climbing up the stairs, reaching the fifth floor i slowed down my pace, staring at a door that has "5A" stickers on it for a good five seconds... i stared at the ground, looking at the door one last time and went to my room.

I put the foods on the table and grabbed my laptop, putting the CD carefully... Checking the box, i saw lots of envelopes with numbers in front of it.. But there was a letter that has been opened so I took it.

1. Do not skip any songs, even if you hate it.
2. Text me after you listen it.
3. Alternative of rule number 2: bring me some coffee...
4. So yes, there are lots of envelopes here, you'll get to open them for sure but open it when i tell you to.

Follow these rules or you'll have a bad luck for the rest of your life.

I smiled at it. The music started to play. It was kind of like an upbeat song.. i've heard it somewhere..

"Now watch me whip... Watch me nae nae.."

What?! The mayonnaise song? I raised my eyebrows and laughed.. clearly confused.

The music suddenly stopped and it replaced with a laugh.. her laugh.

"I'm joking..." she giggled. I couldn't believe she also recorded this, wow, i chuckled. Couldn't contain my smile, she is something."Okay, now open envelope number 3." she said.

"And, um, oh! Happy birthday, by the way. You always bring happiness to people's lifes.. and now i hope your days are always filled with happiness... and love.. And..." she trailed. "Good luck with the EP.. its gon' be great i'm sure and if it leaked, then it's probably me, i'm the one who leaked it."

I chuckled, my mouth hurts from smiling too much.

A song started to play in the background, and i opened the envelope number 3, just like she told me.

In the morning when I wake, and the sun is coming through,
Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness, and you fill my head with you.

Greetings old man.

i know you're thinking "what the fuck is this shes so weird why am i friends with her" I couldn't think of a better present (youre too special)

but anyway dont even try to open other envelopes before i tell you to, i will guide you before another song starts.. so dont skip. alright?

now this is bloom by the paper kites, basically i love the song and it just reminds me of you because when we first met, you seem so cool and mysterious, and i wanna know you,
like i want to be friends with you, learn things about you, share secrets with you.. like i want it to be 'niall my friend' instead of 'niall my neighbor'...

so niall horan, can i be close to you?

Shall I write it in a letter? Shall I try to get it down?
Oh, you fill my head with pieces of a song I can't get out.

Can I be close to you? Ooh.. Can I be close to you?

I put down the letter and smiled. How many times i have smiled because of this girl today?

I folded the letter and put it back into the envelope. Then, i took a blank paper and wrote the song's title. It's gonna be a long day, really. I listened to every lyrics in the song carefully, smiling sometimes.

When the song ends, her voice boomed.

"Now! Envelope number 8." she said, and another song started to play. I knew this, its Hold Back The River by James Bay. My current favorite song and artist.

Tadaaa! your favorite song. im sorry if you have a new favorite song, but this is the one i know haha!

Thank you for telling me about his music and taking me to his show, i had a blast.. it was really fun :) eh.. but remember when you were trying to sneak backstage but we got yelled by the security! It wasn't fun! I was terrified, you asshole. But fun times, great day hahah! I ended up download his full album, and i don't regret a single thing. So, thank you once again.

Now whenever i go and when i listened to this song, it reminds me of you at the concert dancing like a happy crazy raccoon and you couldnt stop yelling and saying "yeeeeeaAh!!!!" it was so funny and memorable cause you seem so happy like you took a hundred drugs before the song started. ND it was so weird watching you dance cuz you have those prosthetic legs going on around... I still love you though. Even with all that prosthetic and bionic knees.

X. Your man, KP.

flick yes fam NIALL POV at laaastttt. :D

this chapter sucks idk but im excited for the next one!!!! :D

sooo, 10 votes and i'll do the next one! heheh

luv ya pals!!!!!

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