By Connor4ever

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harry isn't an ordinary 18 year old he has a horrible back story which leads him to live by himself while his... More

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catching up
weekend at louis
love sick
Some ones in the house
Clear things up (not an update)
end of the weekend
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Big problem
Mum wasnt there
The dating game 1
Cuts heal hearts.....thats another story
Eat your too skinny
Best birthday ever?
The big plan 1
the big plan 2
Back again
Say your just a friend
The big uh oh
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Not update still
Whats going to happen
Our movie
Im here
How it feels
Its not my weekend...but its gonna be my year
Finally awake
Are you serious?
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Finally christmas
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i just wanna be happy
the after-aftermath
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Clear things up....again
one hell of a dinner pt.2
new story?
Make things right
its time
parenting & feelings
authors note
taken away
stressed the f*** out!
adventures of baby sitting
city of love?
happy endings?
baby dont cry

One hell of a dinner pt.1

38 0 0
By Connor4ever

Well I thought you guys should see some of the inside of Louis home, besides the main bedrooms because I have those planned for another chapter. And the carpet in the living room and stairs is dark gray

( zayns p.o.v)

I wake up in the morning and I look down at the boy in my arms and I smile and kiss his head and he moves a little and then flutters his eyes open and looks at me. " morning love" I say and peck his nose and it scrunches up and I smile and he pecks my lips " Good morning" He says getting up and heads into the bathroom and I follow and we brush our teeth.

"How you feeling" I ask him once I finish brushing my teeth, he finishes after and looks at me " okay, my back and feet hurt a little but not anything I can't deal with" he says and waddles away and I smile. "I feel you smile at my waddle" he says and I laugh and walk up and wrap my arms around him from behind "what are we Niall?" I ask and he places his hands over mine.

" I still don't know" he whispers and I kiss his cheek " well whatever you decide I'm still going to be here with you" I say and he turns around in my arms so now he's looking at me." Good" he says and kisses me and I kiss back and try not to put pressure on his tummy "I love you" I mumble against his lips "I love you too" he says and pecks my lips one last time before detaching himself from me completely.

" c'mon I'm hungry" Niall says and starts dragging me down stairs "you have to be careful love" I say and he drags me into the kitchen " I know zayn" he says. I see Harry and Luke talking while cooking "hey guys" I say and Luke turns around and smiles "hey zayn, Niall" he says.

I get Niall a stool so he can sit at the island and I help him on it " so Niall?" Harry says setting a plate of pancakes in front of him " you still never told us the gender of the babies" Harry says. " well you'll know once I do" Niall says and starts eating " wait you still don't know?" I ask and he nods " I wanted it to be a surprise at first, but I picked out 2 names for each gender just in case" Niall says with a mouth full.

"So I get no say in knowing the gender or picking names?" I ask and I notice Harry and Luke looking at each other and walking out of the kitchen. And Niall just stares at me and finishes the food in his mouth " well when I decided this you were no where to be found, sorry that when I made these decisions I thought you wanted nothing to do with me or our kids" Niall says and slowly gets off of the stool and waddles away into the living room.

I groan and walk into the living room "Niall I thought we we're over this" I say and he scoffs "over it!?, how could I ever be over you leaving me for a month and making me believe that you would be out of our life's forever!" Niall says holding his stomach. I look and see Luke, Harry and Michael look away from us and to the TV " Niall why didn't you tell me you still felt this way?" I say trying to stay calm.

" cause I was scared if I said anything you would get mad and leave us again" Niall says calmer and looks down at his tummy and frowns. " I told you I won't leave you again though" I say walking closer to him but his head snaps up and steps back " you also told me you were happy to have a baby with me" he says and I just stand there.

I just frown and walk closer to him, he tried leaving but I wrap my arms around him " I knew that you still didn't forgive me" I say and he sighs " it's not that I don't forgive you, it's just........" He says and I stare in his eyes "just what?" I ask and he sighs "I don't know if I can trust you anymore" he whispers and my heart breaks.

"Niall please don't say that" I say but he pulls away from me " but it's true zayn, every since you left us.......I just don't know if I can trust you anymore" he says." If you don't trust me then why am I even here!" I say with a harsh tone "cause these are you're kids too, and I thought you wanted to be here for me and our kids no matter what, what happened to that zayn?" He says teary eyed and I instantly regret saying anything.

"Niall I'm sorry I just....." I don't know what to say and he sighs "zayn maybe you were right, maybe you're just not ready to be a dad" he says sadly and he walks upstairs and I look to the three boys on the couch. Harry looks up with a sad expression "please stop breaking my little brothers heart" he says walking up stairs.

"Whoa what happened here?" Louis says walking down stairs and I swallow the lump in my throat " according to Harry I need to stope breaking his little brothers heart" I say sadly and Louis just wraps a arm around my shoulder and I look down trying not to cry." He told me that maybe I'm just not ready to be a dad" I say and Louis rubs my back " you need to sit down and really talk to him" I look over to Luke and Michael " you guys need to really talk, not just ask for forgiveness, but talk about your problems and the things you want and need to fix" Luke says "maybe even things that might help the two of you" Michael adds.

I nod and walk up the stairs and to nialls room, I stop in front of his door and hear Harry and Niall talking " Harry I just want to stop hurting" Niall cries." I know Niall, you know zayn though he's......zayn" Harry says and I just take a deep breath and knock on the door " who is it" niall says " it's me" I say and it's silent and I just stand there until the door opens.

I see Niall sitting in the bed and Harry walks out but stops and looks at me " don't hurt him" he says walking away and I walk into the room and close the door. I sit down next to him but he scoots away a bit and I sigh " Niall, I don't want you to think that I'm going to leave you again" I start and look up to him.

"I want you to trust me, I want to be a responsible dad, I want to be amazing boyfriend and I want to raise these kids with you" I say and scoot closer to him and this time he doesn't move away but he still is looking down. "There's a lot of things we need to fix between us, I will try to fix whatever I can, but I'm going to need you're help if we want this to work" I say and he slowly looks up to me.

" I know I messed up a lot, I hurt you and I don't want to hurt you again" I say taking his hand in mine "this morning I wasn't mad at you for having everything planned out, okay? I was mad that you had to plan this all out by yourself, that I couldn't help you cause I was being selfish" I say looking into his eyes. " I want to fix us, I want to go back to what we used to have Niall, I want us to be happy again and I'm willing to do everything and anything to fix us" I say and he has tears in his eyes.

" I'm not asking you to forgive me right away, but I am asking you to please help me fix us when you're ready" I say and I wipe the tears from his cheeks and he smiles a bit. He nods and I smile and kiss his fore head and he giggles " now why don't you tell me these names" I say and he sits all the way on the bed and so do I.

" okay for girls I had Anne and Grace, and boys Riley and Ethan" he says and I smile " I love them" I say " do you have any names in mind?" He asks. " when I thought of the names I only picked out one boy and girl cause it was before the whole twin thing" I say and he nods " I had Olivia and Wyatt" I say and his eyes widen " I love the name Wyatt! Why didn't I think of that" he says and I smile.

" okay forget Riley we're doing Wyatt and Ethan" he says and I smile " but I really like you're names for the girls" I say "well I'm keeping Anne no matter what, how about we switch out grace for Olivia" he says and I nod " sounds great" I say and he smiles "okay what about the sleeping situation?" I ask "well Louis says he would be more than happy to turn one of the rooms into a nursery" Niall says " and he said it could be the room next to mine" he says and I nod.

" that would be easy" I say and he nods " and I haven't thought of themes" he says blushing " I always wanted my boys to have a monkey type themed room" I say laying back and so does he " sounds perfect" he whispers. I turn on my side so I'm facing him " I'm happy you're having our babies" I say quietly and he faces me and smiles "so am I" he says and we just stare at eachother.

I lean closer and connect our lips kissing him and he kisses back and I prop up on my elbow and he cups my cheeks with his hands and I place my other hand on his waist. I rub my thumb on his exposed skin he pulls me down so our bodies are touching, but not to where I'm hurting the babies and I smile into the kiss.

I pull away for a minute to breath and smile at him "please be mine again" I say and he nods " of course" he says kissing me again and I kiss back with all I can give to him to show him that I love him.


(Harrys p.o.v)

I walk down the stairs and frown I really hope they can work it out cause I hate seeing my brother sad once I reach the stairs I see Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton all sitting down in that order on the couch. I go and sit next to Luke and Ashton looks at me "Harry I have a question for you" he says and I nod " when Louis and I did that....stuff, why did you freak out?" He asks and everyone attention is on me.

" I don't know what you're talking about" I say and they all look at me "hey I wasn't the only one who freaked out" I state "yeah but besides Calum you were more pissed than anyone" Luke says. I look around seeing if anyone else is around and I sigh " I might have been just a little.....jealous" I say whispering the last part and it's silent till the for boys burst out in laughter.

I groan and cover my face "shut up" I whine and the laughing does down " is that why you flipped on him later that night?" Calum asks and it immediately gets quiet. " no it's not" I say quietly and it just stays quiet " so dinner tonight is going to be crazy right?" Michael says and I look up to him and he gives me a wink and I mouth 'thank you' and he nods.

" damn I forgot about the dinner, hunters dad hates Louis" Luke says and I nod and Louis walks in looking at me with puppy dog eyes " what did you do?" I say and he gasps " why do you guys always think I did something?!" He says and we all give him a knowing look." Fine I burnt the chicken" he sighs looking down and I roll my eyes and walk to the kitchen seeing smoke clearing out and I look at Louis and he just scratches the back of his neck.

" will you help me cook?" He asks I roll my eyes and nod " go throw away the burnt chicken out side please" I say and he nods and takes it and disappears into the back yard and I get out the cutting board and some knifes and place them on the island along with another chicken, potatoes, and seasonings. Louis walks back in as I'm tying my apron on and I chuck a apron at him and he groans but puts it on.

" okay so I'm going to season the chicken and put it on the oven okay" I say and he nods and I hand him the cutting board and knife " you're going to cut the potatoes into thin slices" I say and he nods and we get to work. I put a lot of good seasonings on the chicken, I hope everyone will love it, suddenly I hear a loud slice and Louis cuss I turn and see him holding his bloody hand and I rush over to him.

" what happened?!" I say rushing him to the sink and turn the water on he hisses but answers "I missed the potato and sliced my finger" he says and i look in the sink and I see a lot of blood coming out. I pull his finger out and see how deep he cut it, it was deep, but not too deep to need stitches but we had to hurry and clean it.

" Harry no it's gonna hurt so bad" he says as I'm dragging him upstairs with a rag on his hand so he won't bleed on the dark gray carpet and I bring him to his bed room bathroom and I pull out what I need. The bleeding has stopped but we still need to clean the cut I start cleaning it and Louis whining " Louis suck it up it shouldn't hurt that bad" I say " yeah well you've had so much practice" he says and I freeze.

"Harry i...." I just fish cleaning it and wrap his finger up and leave with out saying a word I walk down stairs and start seasoning the chicken again after I wash my hands and try not to cry. " Harry I'm so sorry" I hear Louis but I don't look up " I know" I say quietly and he sighs " I mean I used to cut to so I know" he says " I know" I say again just trying not to cry.

I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind me and a chin rest on my shoulder " I know you're trying not to cry Harry" Louis whispers in my ear and I take a shaky breath and he hold me tighter." How could you say that Louis?" I say letting the tears roll down my cheeks " I'm just very stressed today Harry, I want this dinner to be perfect" he says and I smile a little " you like hunter a lot don't you" I say and he just nods.

I turn around in his arms and wrap my arms around his neck and hug him " I forgive you" I say and he hugs me tighter and I do the same. He pulls away smiling and I smile " now finish cutting the potatoes and this time don't try to slice your finger" I say and he playfully shoves me and I laugh going back to seasoning the chicken.


We put the chicken with the chicken and I tie the plastic bag they're in and set it in the fridge " okay those have to marinate for a while, for now we can just rest until we have to start making the other food" I say and Louis nods heading into the living room but I go to the back yard and sit on the swinging bench. I fix my light blue flower crown and sigh looking down at my covered wrist I pull the sleeve back and look at all the scars and new cuts and sigh letting my eyes build with tears.

I want to  get better, it's just so hard to stop once you've done it for so long I've tried, but I just can't stop I sigh pulling my sleeve back down and I look at the gray sky. " Harry" I turn and see Liam walking over to me and I scoot over a bit so he can sit once he does he pulls me onto his lap and holds me.

I rest my head on his chest and grip the front of his sweater as the tears roll down my cheeks, Liam has always been the big brother in the group out of the 4 of us. I say the 4 of us cause that's not counting Louis, Liam just was always there to hold me when I needed him to.

Liam rubs my back and rests his chin in my head as I quietly sob into his chest and grip his sweater tighter, the wind blows causing the bench to rock back and forth. After a while of this I look up at Liam and he kisses my forehead and brings a hand up and wipes my tears away and gives me a small smile " you haven't held me in a while" I say quietly "well I thought you didn't need me to anymore" he says and I lay my head on his chest " I'll always need you li" I say and he wraps his arms around me and rubs my back again.

" we should head inside now it's getting cold" he says and I nod slowly and get up off of his lap and stand up and he does too and he wraps a arm around my shoulders and I wrap both my arms around his torso. I cling onto him and lay my head on his chest as we walk inside and into the living room, we sit down on the end of couch and i sit my legs on the couch and I cuddle into Liam's side.

Everyone but zayn and Niall are looking at me like I'm crazy but I just ignore them " Harry?" Luke says "no" I simply say and cuddle more into Liam's side." Liam?" Joseph whispers who is on the left side of Liam "he just needs me to hold him right now" Liam says rubbing my arm and close my eyes and slowly go to sleep.

(Liam's p.o.v)

I feel Harry fall asleep against me and sigh "so why you?" Calum asks " it's always been Liam, Liam is like Harry's older brother" Niall says " But you're his brother, why don't you hold him?" Luke asks." Liam is just the person Harry went to, probably cause he's older, like you know how you feel better when a older sibling or parent holds you it just makes you feel better inside" zayn says.

"Okay if Liam is the older brother and Niall is the younger brother, what brothers do that make you and louis?" Joseph says " oh well I'm just the obnoxious brother who messes with him" zayn says and I laugh a little. "And I'm not one of his brothers, that would just make everything weird" Louis says and I nod " agreed" I say "wait so zayn and Liam are the only people who are blood?" Ashton says " and Louis and Niall" zayn says and we all look at him and he goes wide eyed "what?" Niall says looking up to zayn.

" uhhhh" zayn says and I look to Louis who looks a little scared "Louis what is zayn talking about?" Niall says and Louis nervously looks down "Louis I asked you a question" Niall says and Louis looks back up to him. " w-well Niall you are my little brother" he says and Niall just looks at him wide eyed "w-what, h-how could you just keep this from Me?, how did this even happen!?" Niall says freaking out then turns to zayn " how did you know and not tell me!?" Niall says and everyone scoots away from Niall a little.

"Look Niall don't be mad at him I told him not to tell you" Louis says "Louis what the hell is going on?" I ask and he sighs and runs up stairs. He rushes back down with a cardboard box that you would use to pack a room it's labeled 'niall' and Louis sighs " listen Niall before you go off you need to know that mum loves you" Louis starts and I feel Harry squirm a little and I rub his back and he calms down.

Louis pulls out a price of paper and hands it to Niall "this is you're birth certificate" Louis says and Niall takes it and holds it as his hands shake "Niall Tomlinson" Niall says With a shaky voice. " this says part Irish part British" Niall says and Louis nods " does that mean you're part Irish too?" I ask and Louis nods again.

"Yeah but Niall grew up in Ireland so he gained the accent" Louis says and digs through the box and pulls out a folded baby blue blanket and hands it to Niall as well. "This was the blanket they wrapped you up in at the hospital, now I wasn't there when you were born but I saw home videos" Louis says and Niall examines the blanket and sets it down next to him along with the birth certificate.

"What else is in the box?" Niall says quietly and I just really hope Harry doesn't wake up right now cause I could already see all the drama."pictures of when you were born, baby stuff you had just stuff like that" Louis says handing over the box and Niall takes it "Niall if you're not ready you don't have to" I say but he shakes his head and looks through the box and picks up a picture and tears up.

He turns it around and reads the back " Louis holding his baby brother, the first one to hold him" Niall says and the tears roll down his face and he sets it down in the box and looks through more of the stuff. Suddenly he sets the box down and gets up "Niall wait" Louis says "no I can't I-" Niall says till we see jay walk in.

We all just look wide eyed and I feel Harry move so I look down and see him waking up "harry go back to sleep" I say but he sits up "no what going on?" He asks confused." Niall what's wrong sweet heart?" Jay says walking over to him but Niall backs away from her " how could you?" Niall says broken.

"What are you talking about?" She asks "he knows everything mum" Louis says walking next to her and she goes wide eyed "how could you give me away I was your son" Niall says crying. Before jay could speak Niall continues " how could you just give me away after a year of having me!? And only to have another child and keep her!" Niall shouts.

" you gave me away to a horrible really religious lady who left me at a park that lead me to be apart of a family that was good at first then all went to crap! I went through so much just to finally have a family when I would've had one all along if you would've kept me but no! You gave me away!" Niall shouts with tears streaming down his face.

" why did you do it?, was I just not good enough for you?, did you not love me anymore? Did you ever love me?" Niall says calmly and looks down." Don't you ever say I didn't love you Niall, I loved you so much, but your father didn't. And I couldn't argue with him, he didn't want another boy and he made me give you away" jay says walking view to Niall but np he walks back again and shakes his head.

" no, I hate you, I hate the Tomlinson family. You guys weren't there for me when I was left or when my second family got killed, no Harry Liam and zayn were, they're my family not you, I hate you guys" Niall says and walks into the kitchen and Harry gets up and follows him. The room goes silent and jay just leaves the house and Louis stands there with a look of pain on his face "Louis you okay?" Zayn asks.

" how could I possibly be okay right now zayn!" Louis snaps "okay we get that you're mad but taking it out on us won't help at all, he was gonna find out eventually" I say. " I'm sorry okay, I'm just so........hurt that he hates me" Louis says and slumps down next to me " he was just mad, he probably doesn't hate you" Joseph says.

Just seconds later Harry comes rushing in and he literally pulls Louis up and slams him against the wall by the stairs "you fucking idiot!" Harry yells at him." Harry I'm the one that let it slip out I'm sorry" zayn says so Harry pushes Louis aside and grabs zayn and slams him against the wall.

"Whoa Harry calm down" zayn says " no how can I calm down when my little brother is out there crying his eyes out and hating himself cause of your fucking slip up zayn!" Harry yells at his face and zayn turns them so Harry's pressed against the wall. "Look I fucked up okay, but this isn't my fault" zayn says but Harry just pushes him off "he's fucking broken right now because of you zayn!" Harry says and pushes zayn and zayn pushes him back.

"Guys stop" I say but they don't listen and keep pushing each other until zayn just punches him in the face Harry looks at zayn and launches himself at zayn and they start throwing punches at each other. I rush over to them and grab zayn and Louis helps me while everyone else grabs Harry they try getting out of our grips but we just hold them tighter "guys stop it your family!" Luke says and Harry gets out of their grips.

" no he is not my family!, my only family is out side the rest are all dead" Harry says and zayn gets out of our grips "fine don't be my family I don't give a shit you problematic, depressed, anorexic, fucking freak! I could care less, I mean shit Niall isn't even your real little brother!" Zayn yells. Harry launches himself at zayn and they fight again and this time I grab zayn and Louis grabs Harry but Harry gets out of Louis grip " no don't touch me!" Harry yells and starts wiping his tears away.

Harry turns to Louis and sighs " look if you still want me to come to the dinner after this I'll be there just tell me before hand cause I'm going to comfort Niall and go home" Harry says and walks away and zayn looks to Louis. "Next time you want me to keep a secret don't" zayn says and pushes past Louis and into the kitchen and I follow after him and he grabs some napkins and wipes the blood off of his face.

" he got some punches in didn't he?" I say and he turns to me and I help him clean his face and see his eye slightly swelling up and bruising. "Yeah but I got some good ones in too" zayn says and I glare at him " that's not good zayn you guys are family you shouldn't be fighting like this" I say and he goes to talk " don't say he starts it cause you threw the first punch" I say and he just sighs.

We hear yelling outside and we go and see Niall yelling at Harry " I don't care Harry he's my boyfriend and the father of my children and you shouldn't be fighting!" Niall yells. "You're making it seem likes it's completely fine that he hit me you're brother!" Harry yells back "YOURE NOT EVEN MY REAL BROTHER!" Niall screams.

Niall covers his mouth after that and goes to speak but Harry stops him " no Niall just no" Harry says and walks away and pushes through zayn and I. I go after Harry and follow him to the music room " Harry calm down" I say and he snaps his head to me " I lost everything Liam, I'm the only fucking one who doesn't have blood family, I'm alone" he says and starts to cry.

" Niall is even treating me different now, I'm not his real brother, Louis is, i mean OF COURSE HE IS!" Harry says shouting the last part. " I WAS JUST ANGRY THAT THEY BROKE NIALL THEN I DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT AND NIALL GETS PISSED OFF AND SAYS THAT SHIT ABOUT ME! I WAS THERE FOR HIM WHEN HE NEEDED ME! NOT LOUIS NOT ZAYN NOT NO I WAS THERE EVERYTIME HE GOT HURT!" Harry shouts and falls to his knees.

I slowly walk over to him and sit down and pull him into my lap and he crys "it's like Louis took away the last thing I have" Harry says and I rub his back. I look up and see Louis and he just looks away and walks away and I sigh and rub Harry's back "this is going to be one hell of a dinner" I say and Harry just shoves his face more into my chest.

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