Taemin...Stay With Me

By ambiijung

91.3K 2.7K 617

I fell in love with him when I shouldn't have. I tried to distract myself from him but never could. He has a... More

<1.How I Met Him>
<2.My new Guy>
<3.There's No Getting Over Him>
<5. Dirty Dreams>
<6. Kiss>
<7. Possible Breakup?>
<8. Taemin Visits>
<9. Masked Pianist>
<10. Permission To Date>
<11. I Dare You To Kiss Me>
12. Clues
13. Unmasked
14. Because You're You
15. 2nd Kiss
16. His Other Side
17. Christmas Plans
18. Meeting His Parents
19. Presents
20. Our Day Off
21. +
22. Happy
23. I'm Home!
24. Surprise Visit
25. Day To Relax
26. Surprise Party
27. Weird Tasting Present
28. Fire
29. What The Bottle Held
30. No Air
31. Weird Behavior
32. Guessing Game
33. I Like You
34. Seductive pt. 1
35. Seductive pt. 2
36. Seductive but Sweet
37. Halloween Disaster
38. Broken Frames
New Story!
39. Without You
40. His Butterfly
41. Unexpected Call
42. My Heart Can't Be Stopped
43. Make It Right
44. Can You Guess? ^-^
45. I Love You More
Sequel is here!!

<4. Date With Minho>

3.2K 103 11
By ambiijung

Friday rolled around before I knew it and I felt very happy that I finally had a chance to forget Taemin for good. Spending time with Minho and growing to like him will definately do it. And I don't mind it. Minho's an amazing guy. I definately wouldn't mind being in a relationship with him. I dressed myself in the best date clothes I had. This is a date right? Duh Ari of course it is. I heard my phone make a ring noise and went to check it. It was Minho.
"I'm outside. Come on out gorgeous!"
I smiled and tucked my phone in my back pocket and went out to meet him. As I walked outside Minho stood by his car smiling at me.
"Hey Minho!"
"Hey Ari. You look wonderful." He smiled.
"Thank you. So what are we doing?"
Minho gave me a mischievous smirk and didn't answer me.
"You can't stand there in silence! I demanded you tell me Choi Minho!" I pointed at him.
"Haha c'mon." He smiled and opened the door for me.
"You wanna tell me now?" I asked as he got in the car.
"Ani." He smiled.
"Yah! Minho! You can't tease me like this!" I whined.
He put his hand on my head and chuckled to himself.
"Look in the back seat." He told me.
This fool really bouta get smacked. I turned around and looked on the seats and saw what he was talking about.
"Nani!? That??" I pointed to the soccer ball.
"Mhmm. And you know you're not in Japan anymore right? Learn some Korean." He laughed
"You know this will just end in me falling and breaking my face right? Do you understand that sports hate me with the force of a thousand suns?" I said overdramatically.
"Well today will be the day you get along." He said starting to drive to the nearest soccer field. I was happy he wanted to do this with me. I may not know anything about soccer but I'll try my best to impress Minho.

We got to the park and he took the ball with him to the center of the field. He looked so manly standing in his element.
"Minho show me your tricks and stuff." I said eagerly.
"What do you mean?"
"Like...Idunno soccer tricks Idunno about this! You teach me!" I laughed.
"Okay sure."
He simply started by boucing the ball on his knees, then elbows, head and all but his hands. He was amazing!
"Wow! You're so cool!"
"Right?" He laughed.
"I wanna play against you." I said boldly.
"Haha hwaksilhaeyo? I'm pretty good." He tossed the ball up softy to catch it with his one hand.
"Ne. I'm sure." I smiled.
"Okay." He said as if I was getting myself into trouble. I probably was but whatever. Let me do me. He set the ball down infront of the both of us and stepped back.
I nodded.
"On three we go. Hana...dul...set!"
And quicker than I could see he easily stole the ball from me and headed towards his goal. Without thinking I ran to catch him but he has such long legs that he took two lunges and he was already there! Boy is literally 85% leg. I stopped when he kicked the ball into the goal. Seriously?
"Yah Minho! No fair!" I yelled to him.
"I told ya didn't I?" He laughed picking up the ball. He walked over to me with a stupid victorious smile. Don't you smile at me what the hell? You bum...
"Wanna go again?"
"Um no." I crossed my arms.
"You don't have to be jealous." He said getting closer.
Suddenly I had an idea. I smiled to myself and looked Minho in the eyes.
"Oppa." I said as sweetly as I could. This was the first time I called him Oppa. He looked at me and smiled obviously blushing looking at the ground.
"Can you please play fair Oppa?" I brought myself closer to him and placed my hands on his. He was speechless. I'm so fantastic with my awesome plan. I should be an actress. *flips hair and snaps* I quickly grabbed the ball from him and started running to my goal. I heard him scream behind me and I laughed as I ran. But then I looked back and he was right behind me! Like literally what the fuck? How? When? I felt his hands wrap around my waist as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"Minho! Put me down! You're too tall! I'm too high!" I yelled.
"I'll let you down if you make a goal."
I groaned and threw the ball with my hands almost making it to the goal. This won't be the first time I say this but I hate my life.
"Well sucks." He said.
"So you're just gonna carry me? Forever?"
"I guess so."
"Put me down or I'll bite your ear off I said putting my mouth to his ear.
"I don't mind." He said deeply. I blushed and struggled free from him.
"You disgust me." I laughed.

We played for about another hour or so and I had a lot of fun. Minho taught me basic stuff and I felt like the best athlete ever. I was pretty good I mean by my perspective. Insert queen emoji. I heard my stomach growl and clutched at it.
"You hungry Ari?
"Wanna come to my dorm? We can eat there?"
"Just me and you?" I asked nervously.
"I have a few roommates if that's okay."
"Oh sure! I don't mind."
"Ok c'mon." He grabbed my hand and walked me to the car.
"I hope this is okay. I wanted to hold your hand all day." He said.
"I-it's okay..." I smiled and looked down.
Minho really is a fun guy. I can't wait to meet his roommates.

Minho took out his keys and started to unlock the door. I started to get nervous about meeting his roommates. What will they think of me? What if I'm weird and freak them out? I'm just so disgusting like how do people even like me? I heard the door open and my heart began racing like crazy.
"C'mon now." Minho took my hand and walked in with me behind him.
"Guys! I'm back!" He yelled into the dorm.
"Minho hyung! Ari?"
"Hehe heeyy taemiiinnn..." I said akwardly.
"I heard you and Hyung went on a date right?"
"Don't crowd her Taemin."
"But I wanna know how it went." He smiled.
I can't even believe this right now. Taemin is his roommate? My entire life is crumbling. Why do I keep running into Taemin? Why? I can't get over him like this. Suddenly three other guys walked in the room.
"Oh Ari!"
"Kibum!" I smiled.
All his friends I met the other day adding on Jonghyun and Jinki were his roommates too. I was nervous for nothing. I felt more at ease but also tense since Taemin was here.
"Nice to see you again!" I hugged Kibum tightly.
"Hey Ari!" Onew greeted me.
"Hiya Jinki!" I hugged him as well.
"And Jonghyun!"
"Ah ah. Jonghyun Oppa." He corrected me.
"Yeah yeah whatever." I smiled and embraced him.
"Everyone gets a hug but me Noona?"
I blushed slightly and regretfully hugged him. His hug was so warm and inviting and-wait...
"Noona? I'm older than you?"
"Idunno it's just all the girls I meet are Noonas. Even Yweon."
"Well when's your birthday?" I asked him.
"July 18, 93." He said.
"I'm May 7, 94." I smiled.
"You're younger than me!? That's awesome! Hey Ari can you do me a favor?" He seemed excited about something.
"What is it?"
"Call me Oppa." He smiled.
"Nani? Why?" I asked blushing.
"Yewon can't me Oppa." He said saddly.
So I would be the only girl to call him that?
"He has a thing where he likes to be called Oppa." Jonghyun informed me. Then hell yeah I'll call him that!
"Okay, Oppa!" I said using aegyo.
Wait pause! Is he blushing!? I made Taemin blush!? This is a sign I swear!
"Oh Ki, Ari was hungry so could you make her something?"
"What do you wanna eat Ari?" He asked me headed to the kitchen.
"You really don't have to to Kibum." I assured him.
"No no I will cook for you." He said already taking things out.
"Oh wow! Go ma sseumnida!" I thanked him.
"You don't have to speak formally with me anymore Ari. We're friends okay? Speak comfortably." He told me.
"Awesome! I will." I smiled and took a seat next to Minho on the couch.

Kibum made dinner for everyone and we all ate together. I felt so happy being with them. It was a good atmosphere.
"Ari do you like it?" Taemin asked me.
"Yeah it's amazing! It's really good Kibum!" I told him.
"Thank you! See guys Ari thanks me for my meals."
"I thank you!" Taemin shouted.
"Not anymore!" Kibum retorted.
I suddenly laughed at loud at this. I couldn't hold it in anymore.
"What's so funny?" Minho asked me.
"Nothing." I said wiping my tears of laughter.
I looked up and saw Taemin staring at me.
"You look very pretty today Ari." He suddenly said.
I blushed and everyone was silent as Taemin just smiled at me.
"Yah Minho you're just gonna let him steal your girl like that?" Jinki spoke up.
I laughed at his comment out of embarrassment. What was he saying?!
"Taemin-ah Ari is mine. Did you forget Yewon?" Minho asked him.
Taemin didn't say anything. What was going on in his head?
Suddenly loud thunder boomed from outside. Let me just start by saying Ari and thunder do not connect on personal levels. I HATE thunder. Don't even get me started on-
"Yah!" Kibum yelled.
"Did you see that lightning!"
Ahh yeupp...lightning. I also hate lightning. Ari and lightning? No thanks. I'm so terrified of thunder storms. I hate them more than anything.
"I should probably drive you home now." Minho said.
"Ani ani ani! I can't go outside in this storm! I'm terrified! Plus I'll be alone!" I begged him to stay here without actually saying it.
"Do you wanna stay here Ari?" Jonghyun asked me.
"Yes please! Can I??"
"Of course! I'll protect you from the lightning Ari." Taemin smiled at me from across the table.
Huh? Did he really just say that? My heart is feeling so much right now. Why does he have to mess with my feelings!?
"You mean I'll protect her." Minho pulled me into his arms.
"Thank you guys!" I smiled to the both of them.
As night came I washed up and borrowed some of Minho's clothes. Just a shirt was all I needed. It was big and comfortable and it smelled like him. If I don't stop smelling it now I might get high on his sent. I walked into his room and he looked at me in awe.
"You look amazing." He said his voice deeper than normal.
"Thank you." I laughed
"So I'm sleeping in here? With you?" I asked nervously.
"Yeupp. C'mon." He held out his arms and I walked over to them. I sat next to him as he hugged me comfortably.
"You tired?" He whispered into my neck.
Not the neck oh not the neck! My ultimate weakness!
"Y-yeah." I managed to say.
We both lay down and his arms wrapped around me from behind. Even thought Minho and I are still just friends I feel like we've gotten closer. I really like Taemin....MINHO! I meant Minho I swear!! Oh my god...

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