Is This My Teenage Dream??

By InzhelIka

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Is This My Teenage Dream??
Is this my teenage dream?? chp2
Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 3
Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 4
Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 5
Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 6
Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 7
Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 8
Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 9
Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 10
Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 12
Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 13
Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 14

Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 11

2K 27 10
By InzhelIka


Mia's P.O.V.

"I can't believe she just spit that out in her face!" I said particularly in no one zipping my bag close.

I can't believe Hailey, she's just trying to annoy me, isn't she? She knows that I like Mary Jane and now she's trying to steal her from me! She even told her she likes her! What the hell? Yeah, I heard them. Thank god Mary Jane didn't said anything 'cause of the school guard told them to get back at their class.. well if she said anything, I dont want her to say that she likes her too. It'll break me into pieces. But does she like her too? I mean Mary Jane likes Hailey? Eww.. Hailey, she's a bitch and she slept with alot of guys and I'm not even sure if she doesnt have an STD! Goddarn. Mary Jane if I found out that you like Hailey I will kill you! Oh wait, no. I will kill you Hailey! Huh, if only I could, I would!

"What the hell, dude!? Can you get your ass faster?? It's like a 4 hour drive at that resort WITH YOU." I looked at my doorway and saw Hailey impatienly waiting for me. "And If you dont know yet, I dont like people making me wait for them." She reminded. Like I care!

"Hey, dude." I said putting an air quote on the word 'dude' "I'm almost finished here and dont rub in my face that you dont want to ride with me because we're just in the same page."

"Oh yeah? What page is that?" She said sarcastically.

"Yeahhh..whatever." I said as I picked up my bag and got out of my room with Hailey crossed arm as she followed me in Ian's white hummer. "Ian you're going too?" I asked Ian in disbelief when Hailey closed the door.

"Well its my car, duh. And I only have to come because mom said so."

"Oh. I forgot where's aunt?" I asked when I noticed their mother not here.

"She's not coming, she had an important client so.. yeah." Hailey said beside me as she had her eyes on her phone, maybe texting someone I dont care to know.

Sighing I leaned my head against the car window as Ian started the engine and stepped at the gas.


We're driving for awhile now and I just can't stop thinking about Mary Jane, oh wait no, I can't stop thinking about her almost everyday of everytime. It's like I'm addicted to her, the way she smiled always made the butterflies in my stomach go wild. And how she looks at me, God those blue eyes of her makes my heart skip a beat and then it would beat faster and faster. I couldn't help but smile at myself, this girl has so much effect on me and I very much liked it.  She's so beautiful even though she doesn't know it or even gave care of it..  Ughhh, Mary Jane I know it's too early to say or think about this but I think, I'm really in love with you.

I looked to my side and saw Hailey with her ear buds in her ears and her eyes closed. I frowned when I remembered Mary Jane didn't answered her. What if the school guard didn't came, what is she going to say? What if she said she likes her too and wanted to be her girlfriend?? Ughh, all this unanswered questions running through my head is just making me frustrated. Maybe she does like her. I could almost feel my heart breaking into a thousand pieces just thinking about Mary Jane liking my cousin.

My Cousin.. phfftt. I hate her. Back then our family lives together and she just turned my childhood life a miserably hell, always putting me in trouble even though I didn't do it! And destroying my toys, come on we're just child then! But the top reason of all my hate for her is when my older sister committed suicide because of our parents separation, she never reassured me that everything is going to be okay instead she told me that the reason why they got separated and why my sister killed herself is because of me. She said that I'm just a big problem for them and they hated me. I never knew why she's like that to me.... but you see I just dont care anymore, I guess I got used to it, until now. I'm not gonna let her get my happiness again, my Mary Jane.

Wait, MY Mary Jane? Did I just said that? 'Cause that just sounds so... posessive.

I looked out the window and saw that we're here already in the 5-star beach resort that my mother said owned by a super rich old lady named Quincey and the founder of the Queensford book club. 'Woah, she is definitely rich' I said in my mind while I looked at this beautiful resort. My mom said it was the 45th anniversary of this book club, so I'm guessing there is alot of members and they are pretty much old, including my mom. Sorry mom, but its true!

"Oh hey its about time we get here." Hailey said as she took her earbuds off her ear.

Hailey's P.O.V.

"God, kill me now." I said. Wow, when is this celebrating thing going to end? What is it anyways in book clubs? They just talk about a bunch of books and something. I dont even read! God, If it weren't for MJ I wouldn't come here.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, let's give a round of applause for our founder Mrs. Quincey Ford." Said the host or whoever that is. Then the old lady said something like.. oh wait sorry, she lost me there.

"This is soo boring." I mumbled.

"Then why did you even come here?" Said Mia, irritated.

"'Cause I wanted to see MJ." I said truthfully and I know that will make her more annoyed.

"Stop playing with her Hailey." Mia said.

"Playing? Who said I'm playing??"

"You two, quiet." I heard aunt, her mother said to us.

Sigh, I looked around and still couldn't find her. Where is she? I took my phone out and looked for MJ's number, dialing it. Then I smirked when I heard 'sugar' a song I recognize by flo rida, which I know her ringtone.

Just then when I found her I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the three old lady scolding her for not silencing her phone. She then turned around and frowned at me. I grinned at her though. Right then I felt someone's stinging glare at me. I turned to look at my side and none to my surprise it was Ms. Jealous of the year, Mia. "What?" I said innocently raising a brow at her as she rolled her eyes at me.

Okay, if youre wondering why am I such a bitch to her is because.... I always think she was better than me, better looking, smarter, talented, yeah she plays guitar actually and oh she was good at it, she even plays at a bar where some other teens go to hang out.

I smiled when I felt my phone vibrate and saw a message from her.

- You so owe me for that. The old ladies sitting beside me keep giving glares! >:|

- Oh I'm sure you can handle them.

I replied. After a few seconds I felt my phone vibrate again.

- I thought you wouldn't come.

- Well my mother told me too, saying I have to and because I wished to see you. :)

Probably it passed a few minutes when I received a reply again from her.

- So, you look bored.

- Dont change the subject.

- What subject?

- Okay, you know why I look bored?

- huh, I don't really wanna know but okay tell me.

I smirked, she's being arrogant again. - It's because you're not here with me. Why won't you come here baby and keep me busy, Yeah!

- Haha. Very funny.

To that last message I didn't replied anymore as the celebrating thing was now finished, now all people are stood up talking to one another.

"Please enjoy the beautiful scenery of this resort and you could ask the front desk for your own respected rooms." Some dude said in a suite, oh and I might say he's cute but then I saw MJ walking towards me and that dude just became invisible.

"Hey babe." I said sliding my hands through her arms and kissing her in the cheeks, earning a red face I just couldn't help but to laugh at her expression.  

"I'm not your babe." She said pulling her hands off but I held it tighter. Oh I like this, playing hard to get.

"Aww.. why are you so red there?" I said kissing her red cheeks again.

"Ahh! Stop it. I look like your child."

"My child? Well.. I dont want you to be my child but I want to have your child."

"Oh my god!" She said as she pulled her hands off, shivering. "Never said that again. And that is a very very impossible thing."

"We'll never know unless we try, right? Maybe if we did it too much I could get pregnant." I joked.

"Ahh! Stop! Creepy!" She said as she shook her head, like trying to shook away what I just said.

"You're over reacting." I said taking her hands. "Let's go outside or else, let's go get a room."

"Are you for real??" She asked.

"Yes." I said laughing. Now playing, Hailey... the whore! Well, that is a very easy thing for me to do, you know?


When we got outside we walked a bit, me still holding her hands. I dont know but she feels so uncomfortable with it. Just then I saw Mia and my brother walking towards us. Now feeling happy that Mia frowned when she saw my hands on MJ.

"Hey guys." I said smiling at them.

"Eugh.." MJ said as she tried to take her hands away, but I didn't released it.

"Hailey, who's your friend right here?" Ian said smiling flirtily at MJ.

"She's Mary Jane." I said as Ian looked at me then back at MJ.

"Oh..." Ian nod in understanding. "I could see why Hail-" He didn't finish what he was going to say as I gave him a murderous look. "Anyways, I have to go. Nice to meet you, um, Mary Jane." He said then walked away leaving us three.

"So..." Mia said looking at our hands together

I heard MJ cleared her throat and quickly took her hands back, I frowned at that. Oh she's quick.

"What ya want cuz?" I asked.

"Mom said we're staying in one cottage. 'Saying that we youngsters should slept together', her words not mine."

"Oh really?" I said happily. "I'm so okay with that." I then looked at MJ and winked.

And with that Mia rolled her eyes at me and started walking away. Yes, that's right, keep walking you-

"Hey wait." MJ said suddenly. "Where you going?"

Mia stopped walking and looked back at her "Eugh, I'm going to leave you two alone. I dont want to be a bother..." She said walking away again. What a drama queen...

"Good!" I said "You're right, you're just disturbing the both of us. So, yeah, run along now."

"No she's not." MJ whispered to me.

Mia looked back at me and she seemed to be really pissed on what I just said. "You know what? Im-"

"What?" I cut her off smirking. Let see, what you're going to say little girl.

Mia took a deep breath, and I could see that her temper is rising. She looked at me then at MJ. "Do you even like her?" She asked MJ, irritated.

"She's my girlfriend." I said quickly.

"What!?" They both said in unison.

MJ's P.O.V

"N-no I'm not." I said as I stuttered.

"Well, dont you want to be?"  Hailey asked smirking at me.

I felt myself out of words. Uhh.. I looked at them both as they looked at me back. Hailey there standing smirking at me and Mia her impatiently waiting for my answer. I feel so small when they look at me like that. Don't you know staring is rude!?

I opened my mouth to say something but then I heard someone calling us. "Ladies, lunch is ready." Mrs. Clark said waving us to come up.

"Great, I'm so hungry..." I said then quickly walked away, feeling their eyes behind me I didn't dared to look back.


(Uhhh, sorry if my english are not good in this chapter, I guess I'm not in the mood...? Oh and sorry for the long update, school just started well, you know.. yeah, . -_-)

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