Serendipity Next Door (SND Se...

By x_LavenderHoney_x

182K 6.2K 1K

The apartment next door to Brooke Walters' was empty for the last 4 years since she moved in. She would stand... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
New Series: Serendipity Next Door
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 10

7.4K 218 73
By x_LavenderHoney_x

I can't believe what I'm looking at right now. Kevin is walking around with a towel wrapped around his waist, shirtless, and dripping wet.

When I walked in he had just finished showering and didn't get a chance to put clothes on. It took all my willpower to not lick the water droplets that were dripping off of him.

I stare at his back as he moves around. I notice that he has a tattoo on his left shoulder blade. It is a picture of a lion staring menacingly. I didn't know he had a tattoo. It kind of turns me on. 

I start to blush, in embarrassment, at my thoughts. Why am I thinking like this? This isn't the first time I've thought of Kevin this way, but it still makes me feel awkward.

Kevin turns around and gives me a sexy smirk. He starts to make his way over to me. When he reaches me, he puts his hands on the back of the couch. I look up at his tall form as he towers over me. He looks even more sexy from this view. With the shadows casting over him and his damp hair sticking to his forehead. 

"I know you were looking at me not too long ago. You need to work on not being noticed because it's failing." He mumbles. 

I feel my face heat up. His voice sounds so deep and husky. My insides stir in desire at his masculinity. There's goes that weird feeling I feel when I'm around Kevin. This time, though, it's stronger. 

Kevin laughs at me as he leans down. Before I can ask him what he's doing, his lips are against mine. The familiar softness makes me whimper a little. Kevin puts his hand on my chin and pries my mouth open. This catches me by surprise.

I open my eyes and widen them. What is he doing? I don't know how I feel about this. This feels weird, but at the same time, pleasurable. 

Kevin must sense my surprise because I can feel him grinning against my lips. He then starts entering his tongue in my mouth. I gasp as it roams around my mouth. The pleasure that comes with it make me close my eyes again. 

Our passionate kiss turns into a heated one. Is just me or did it get hot in here all of a sudden? Kevin places his hands on my thighs. He gives them a squeeze before he travels them up to my stomach, pushing my shirt up a little. I whimper as he gently caress my stomach. 

Kevin pulls away before things start to escalate into something more. I watch breathlessly as he stands up straight. I can't help the whine that escapes my lips. Why did he stop? It was getting good. 

I look up at his face and see that he has lust in his eyes. It looks like he didn't want to pull away either. He trails his fingers down my cheek to the side of my neck. He gently presses down his fingers. A spark ignites inside of me. I can't help the moan that escapes me. 

"Someone's excited. A little too excited." Kevin grins.

I have no response to that. All I do is breathe breathlessly at him. Kevin laughs and walks towards his bedroom. I watch his back as he disappears.

I sit back on the couch and try to calm my racing heart. That kiss felt like too much. In a good way. Especially when he put his tongue in my mouth. That was something I've never experience before, nor did I expect it.

A few minutes later, Kevin comes back in the living room dressed in black jeans, white and black converse, and a dark blue t-shirt. He must have blow dried his hair because it looks puffy.

I try to get up, but Kevin stops me. I'm about to question him until he holds his hand out to me. I stare at it dumbly. He gives a frustrated sigh and shakes his hand. It takes me a while to get what he's doing.

Oh. He wants to help me up. I give him an apologetic smile, and put my hand in his. Kevin rolls his eyes, and pulls me up from the couch. When I'm standing up straight, Kevin lets go of my hand. I can't help but miss the warmth of it.

He must have realized how I was feeling because he holds my hand again. The returning warmth brings me pleasant chills. He gives it a reassuring squeeze. I start to feel giddy at him noticing, but it throws me off guard a little. How did he know I was missing the touch of him?

Before I can ask, he leads us out the door.


The place Kevin takes me to is the state fair. 

I stare at the bright lights of the rides in amazement. The sounds of people screaming, laughing, and chatting fills my ears. It's been awhile since I've been to one of these. I've heard my friends and co-workers talk about how cool it was, but I never bothered to come. They were right. This place looks way cooler than the one in California. It has more rides, and the lights give it a magical feel.

I avert my eyes away from this wonderland to Kevin, who's getting us wristbands. I can't believe the place he wanted to take me to was the fair. I thought he was going to take me to another expensive place. I was wrong, though. 

Kevin walks over to me and hands me a wristband. I thank him and start putting it on but I fail. Horribly. Ugh, I can't put this on by myself. I start to grow frustrated as I try a few more times.

Before I can give up and throw the wristband on the ground, Kevin stops me. He takes the band out of my hand, wraps it around my wrist, and tightens it. He does it within a blink of an eye. 

"How did you do it fast like that?" I ask. 

Kevin doesn't say anything. All he does is smirk at me and take my hand. I stare down at our hands. Our fingers are intertwined. Happiness spreads in my chest. Even though Kevin is a famous male model, he's holding my hand in front of all these people. Who knew that he would have such a romantic side.

"What ride do you want to go on first?" He asks after we walk through the park. 

I hum in thought. All of these rides look so cool. I don't know which one to pick. I stare at all the rides in the fair. The ride that goes all the way up and drops down seems like a good ride to go on. 

"How about the one that one." I suggest, pointing at the ride. 

Kevin looks in the direction that I'm pointing at, and nods in agreement. 

We walk over to the ride and wait about five minutes in the line. When it's our turn, my hearts to beat faster. Just seeing how fast the ride drops down makes me feel nervous.

Kevin must have noticed how nervous I was getting, because he gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. That, somehow, makes me calm down again. Just knowing that he's by my side makes me relax. 

We get on and sit by each other. I pull down the seat belt and wait in anticipation for the ride to start. I look over at Kevin and see that he looks just as chill as he did earlier. 

"Are you excited?" I ask him as the guy, who works at the ride, checks everyone's seat buckle. 

"Yeah, I've been on these a lot when I was younger." He answers in a nonchalant voice.

I nod, but I can't help but notice the nervousness in his eyes. He looks so cool about this but his eyes says the exact opposite. 

I'm about to tell him that everything's okay, but the ride starts to go up. I clutch at the belt as I wait excitedly.

The ride reaches to the top, and stays there for a few seconds. Then, out of nowhere, drops. Screams fills my ears as the ride makes its way down. I scream and laugh at the same time. My heart stopped for a second, but it gave me a strange thrill. 

I look over at Kevin and see that he's clutching on the seat belt. He's holding on so tight that his fingers are turning white. I look at his face and see that he's as pale as a ghost. 

"Kevin? Are you okay?" I ask worriedly. 

I take off my belt and hurry over to him. Hearing my voice, Kevin nods his head and throws the belt up. He hurriedly gets up and takes my hand. 

He leads us off the ride and over to a vacant spot. He looks around as if he's looking for someone. I look at him worriedly. What's wrong with him? This is the first time I've seen Kevin look shaken up. 

"Kevin, please tell me what's wrong. Was it the ride?" I ask. 

Kevin looks at me and shakes his head. He brings his hands up to my cheeks and gently cradles them. I look at his beautiful brown eyes. They don't have nervousness in them anymore. Instead fears fills them.

I bring my hands to where his hands are, and gently caress them in a comforting way. That seems to calm him down because he starts to look like his usual tan color. 

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. It's just that I don't do well with rides that drop that fast. I forgot how fast they drop." He admits. 

He still has a nervous look on his face. That doesn't seem like the only thing that's bothering him. I look at Kevin with an expectant look. When he realizes that I know there's more, he gives a sigh of frustration. Surprisingly it doesn't bother me. 

"I also saw my friends looking at me. " He mumbles. 

The laugh that escapes me can't be helped. I place my hands on my hips and continue laughing the hardest laugh that I have ever done. I can't believe he ran off like that because he saw his friends. That's the most funniest and cutest thing ever. 

Kevin starts turning red in embarrassment as I continue laughing. I try to stop, but I just laugh harder. I apologize to Kevin over and over again but I can't stop. 

After a minute of me crying because of laughing, I stop. I take deep breaths as I calm myself down. I look at Kevin and see that he has a frustrated look on his face. Uh oh. That can't be good. 

I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him. It takes him a minute until he wraps his arms around me. I smile and squeeze him.

"I'm sorry babe. It was really funny." I say sheepishly. 

"So we got pet names, huh?" He asks. Amusement is evident in his voice. 

I feel my face heat up. Did I really call him babe? It just came out, and I wasn't thinking. How embarrassing. 

"S-Sorry it came out. I-" 

Kevin cuts me off by kissing me. His lips move slowly against mine. Before I can respond to him, he pulls away. 

"Come on, let's go on more rides. Love." Kevin says teasingly. 

I hit his arm, but it makes him start laughing. I look at the ground in embarrassment. I wish it would just swallow me up. 

Kevin places his index finger under my chin, and lifts it up. I'm staring in his dark brown eyes. Instead of fear in them, he has adoration in them. 

That makes me feel better. I smile and place my hand in his. Kevin gives me a dazzling grin and leads me back into the crowd of people. 


I had a great time, Kevin. Thank you so much."

After getting on some more rides, and playing games, Kevin decided to take me to Ruby Tuesday's because I told him I hadn't ate all day. Then we got frozen yogurt and ate it at Central Park. After that Kevin and I walked back to my apartment.

Kevin smiles at me and places his hand on my arm. He is staring at the giant, purple stuffed bear that he had won for me. I was amazed at how he determined he was to win me a bear.

"Even if I kept getting stopped by crazy teenage girls?" He asks.

I laugh and nod my head. Kevin smiles at my response and pulls me in a hug. The smell of cigarettes and cologne is strangely comforting. I manage to hug him back with the bear still in my hand.

When we pull away, Kevin kisses me. I hum and kiss him back. I can feel him smiling against my lips as we continue.

I drop the bear and wrap my arms around his neck. Kevin puts his hands on the back of my legs and lifts me up. I gasp in the kiss and wrap my legs around him on instinct.

A wet sound comes from our lips as we pull away.

"This feels like déjà vu." I giggle as I remember when we went to the park.

"You're right, but instead of twirling you around, I want to lay you down and have fun with you."

Have fun with me? Does he mean...he wants to...have sex with me?! I gasp as I understand what he means. I squeeze my legs around as desire builds up in me. Without thinking I nod my head.

Kevin grins and turns the door knob on my apartment door. It opens right away without me having to take my key out and unlock it.

"I should've known you would leave your door unlocked. You should start locking it or someone could break in." Kevin scolds me playfully.

I roll my eyes and lay my head on his shoulder. I can't help but forget to lock it. Sometimes I'll be in a hurry or I just don't think about what I'm doing.

Kevin places me on the bed, and starts to kiss my neck. I moan as the gentle feel of his lips on my skin. The soft sucking he's doing on me makes me start getting needy.

He must sense my desperation, because he starts to take my clothes off, and then his. When he reaches his boxers, he stops. I stare up at him and see that he has a look that I can't name.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks.

His eyes don't look like the cold look he used to give me when we first met. They look soft and warm. I nod my head. That doesn't seem to convince him, so I place my hand on his cheek. I give him a reassuring look and that seems to convincing.

He pulls his boxers off and leans over me. Out of nowhere he has a condom in his hand. Where did he get that from?

I look at him questionally but he just grins. He leans down and pulls me in a heated kiss. It brings electric shocks through my body. I've never felt like this before. It feels weird, but a good kind of weird.

Kevin pulls me into a sensational feeling throughout the night as the stars and city lights light up the room.


A/N: After being distracted with my Sims 3 and Sims 4 games, I have finally updated! I promise I'll update more often. It's going to take some getting used to but I'll make it work. 

Also If u haven't gotten the news, I got a series called Serendipity Next Door. If u are thinking it's a series based off Kevin and Brooke, I'm sorry to break it to you, but it's not. Instead it's about four couples (Including Brook and Kevin) who live next door to each other. There's and obstacle though! That obstacle is them being different. 

In this series you will see these opposites:

Cold-hearted to Warm-hearted

Heart breaker to Heartbroken

Outgoing to Shy

Bad boy to Bad girl

Right now I have Kiss Under the Moonlight, but that will be coming after SND is updated! So your going to have to wait for that to come! But as a little gift I'll post the prologue up for it this weekend so look forward to that!

Also if you guys can't see chapter three, I will put that back up tomorrow. Right now I'm editing it. Sorry about that! 

Hope you enjoy this chap and I'll update this again soon! 

-Lisa ♥

(P.S. Enjoy this cute couple above ^^^)

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