Killing You (Ziall)

By heyhazza

106K 3.9K 1K

Niall Horan has done the impossible. He's fallen for a killer. Zayn Malik has one mission: to get rid of Nia... More

Killing You
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Important Note Regarding Restricted Chapters!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 7

4.2K 174 40
By heyhazza

Chapter 7

**WARNING: this story is PG-13 for a reason. Probably your last warning, just saying**

Niall's heart was beating out of his chest. That kiss was like none he had ever experienced. Before now, he hadn't believed in all that romantic talk about "sparks flying" when a person kissed the right partner.

When his lips latched onto Zayn's, though, he felt like he had a sparkler held in his mouth, tiny flames tickling and licking gently at the soft flesh.

It was so wrong, kissing a man who had only minutes ago killed yet another of his friends, but with Zayn and himself melting into one, all those thoughts had disappeared from his mind. All that mattered at that moment was Zayn.

"...that's what I thought," Zayn mumbled under his breath. Niall was sure he wasn't meant to hear the words and he had no idea what they could mean.

After that amazing kiss, Zayn was truly conflicted. He wanted to prove to himself and to others that he was, in fact, capable of love. The butterflies fluttering like mad in his stomach only intensified that desire. He wanted someone to hold close to his chest as he dozed off to sleep each night. He wanted someone to kiss when he was feeling stressed. He wanted someone's hand to hold, someone he could whisper sweet nothings to, just to see him smile. Most of all, he wanted someone to take him away from all this. The killing, the violence, just everything about this life he had been forced to live for the past year and a half. Someone like Niall.

Unfortunately, he knew it wasn't that easy. He had been given a job by BB, and that job was to kill Niall, not fall in love with him. If he disobeyed the boss's orders, he probably wouldn't live long enough to experience what love felt like. The original threat to kill Zayn's family still loomed like a storm cloud over his head. He wouldn't mind so much if he died, but his family being murdered because of him-- that was something he didn't think he could live with.

Zayn ran his fingers through his already tousled hair, messing it further. A loud sigh escaped his slightly pouted lips, and when he turned to face Niall again, his eyes were hard as stone. Old Zayn was back.

"This changes nothing," he growled.

Niall nodded shakily. There was no point in disagreeing. What had he thought, that just like that, Zayn would have a change of heart? No, the older boy was a killer. He murdered mercilessly, and Niall doubted he had a heart at all. The kiss had been experimental, and Zayn had obviously felt nothing. He thought about attempting to run for it again, but with Zayn looking like he wanted to kill someone-- literally-- he decided against it.

"W-what are you going to do to me?" he stuttered out quietly, his voice barely audible even in the silent house.

"What am I going to do to you?" Zayn repeated, his voice hard, but not harsh. He sighed as if he was bored before answering. "I'm going to kill you, Blondie."

Niall gulped and his eyes widened. "Just get it over with," he pleaded in a whisper. "Please, just do it quick."

Zayn chuckled darkly. "Oh, not yet, Silly. Our fun together has just begun!"

"Well what are you doing to me right now?" Niall asked more confidently. He was slowly backing away from Zayn. His foot caught slightly on an antique-looking rug below his feet and he stumbled backwards before quickly regaining his balance and looking back up at Zayn expectantly.

"You see, Blondie, I'm still a young man and I have my-- needs," Zayn said as he stepped closer to Niall and reached his arms out to the younger boy. "And I don't get many visitors around here. Now that you're here, though, I can finally have some fun, like I told you before."

During his little speech, Zayn had managed to back Niall all the way up to the wall in front of the stairs. Niall refused to make eye contact, not liking where this conversation was going at all. He was attracted to the soft side of Zayn, not the vicious killer part he was showing just then.

The older boy's arms on either side of Niall's body were like a cage, trapping him in. His eyes were on the rug he had tripped over earlier, taking in all the swirling patterns dancing across it. Niall let out high-pitched gasp as he felt a warm pressure making its way up his still-bare chest, to his neck, and up his jawline. When Zayn attempted to kiss Niall's lips once again, the younger boy turned his head away, causing Zayn to land a sloppy kiss near Niall's ear.

"A little feisty, are we?" he asked amusedly. "That's good," he breathed in Niall's ear, biting and tugging at the lobe. "I like it rough."

Niall's head snapped up immediately.

"Wha-- n-no, I..." His mindless rambling was cut off by Zayn's hand slipping into his own, dragging him off toward the bedroom.

The sun was nearly set and the lights were off. The faint glow of the last few rays of light illuminated the whites of Zayn's eyes. They were dark as night, the pupils enlarged with pure lust filling them. "Make love to me, baby."

Zayn pulled Niall onto the large bed with him, lying flat on his back with the duvet crinkling around him. Niall caught himself before he could collapse onto Zayn's chest and hovered above him in horror and disbelief.

"No," he managed out, sitting back on his knees. "Y-you're just going to kill me soon anyway. I'm not going to be your sex toy. No!"

Zayn sat up and scowled at the boy. "You know I never let anyone else dominate me in sex before?" he snarled. "I always top, you wanna know why? Because I live off power. I crave it; I need it. But right now, I want you to make me feel good. Make love to me."

When Niall refused once again, Zayn grabbed him by the shoulders and flipped him so he was underneath. "Going to be stubborn, eh? You just want me to make love to you, then, you selfish, selfish boy," he chuckled darkly.

Niall found the strength to look into the killer's eyes. "This is NOT love," he spat. "You're a murderer and apparently a rapist, and I hate you!" Tears began welling up in his eyes and spilled onto his pale cheeks.

"Oh, okay. So you were kissing me in the corridor just now because you hate me? Makes sense," Zayn yelled. Anger was coursing through his veins.

Niall's silent tears turned into body-wracking sobs. It hurt his wound, but he couldn't stop. He was scared and disgusted with himself for getting into this situation. If he hadn't been so smashed the day he and his mates had been abducted, none of this would've happened. His friends would still be alive.

"You think Joey's right, don't you? You think I'm not capable of loving someone. You don't think anyone could ever love me! I'm just some fucking monster! Well, I'll show you how right you are," Zayn screamed.

He began harshly stripping off the remaining tattered clothes Niall wore. The younger boy thrashed around weakly for awhile before falling limply back against the duvet. It was no use. Zayn was too strong for him, especially in his enraged state.

When both boys were fully naked, Zayn lowered himself so he was chest-to-chest with Niall.

"You had the chance and you didn't take it," Zayn mumbled in a low voice. "Now it's gonna hurt and it's your fault. You think I'm a monster, I'll show you a monster."

Niall's eyes widened impossibly bigger and he let out a whimper. Not only was he a virgin when it came to guys, but he knew Zayn wouldn't take it easy on him one bit. The blackness of his eyes spoke for him. The Irish lad's breathing was as fast as his heart rate. This could not be happening.

When Niall felt Zayn's tip begin to push past his entrance, he panicked. "Wait! Please, I-I'll do it," he begged.

Zayn stopped his motions abruptly. A smile crept to his face. "Make me feel good, baby," he said, lying carefully on the duvet, forgetting all about his threat to show Niall how much of a monster he could be. It had been far too long since Zayn had been pleasured, and we wanted it so badly.

Niall nodded and sat up, wiping the tears from his eyes. "I've never done this before," he cautioned. Zayn didn't say anything. He just laid still, his head on the pillow and turned so that the sun's final rays hit his sculptured face perfectly. Niall found himself staring at the boy's flawlessly toned chest. He loved the way the light played off his immaculate abs, highlighting the raised muscle and shadowing the valleys. He must've been staring for a bit too long, because Zayn's quiet voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"Don't be scared. Just make lo-- erm... fuck me," he corrected himself. His voice was raspy and low, but not frightening as it had been minutes before.

Niall nodded and snuck a peak at Zayn's eyes. They had lost their bite and had returned to the caramel color he found himself so hopelessly attracted to. The younger boy's hands began trailing over the other's torso, feeling every ridge. They moved slowly up to Zayn's shoulders and back down again, creating a hot friction that caused Zayn to moan quietly.

Niall continued to caress Zayn's warm skin, eliciting more moans from the him.

"I'm a monster, I don't deserve to be loved..." he mumbled in between heavy, excited breaths.

Niall trailed soft kisses down Zayn's bare chest, stopping only to mumble: "Everyone deserves to be loved. And you're not a monster; you're just a bit battered. You need to stop lashing out at the people who are trying to help you. I want to fix you Zayn. If you'll let me..." he trailed off as he began his gentle touches again.

Zayn let the offer hang in the air and kept his lips pressed together in a tight line. He couldn't figure out why Niall of all people would want to help him when Zayn had killed his friends and had nearly raped him not even twenty minutes ago. He was a horrible human being and he knew it, so what did Niall see in him?

Zayn let out a sharp gasp as he felt his semi-hard member being enveloped in a warm, wet heat. His eyes fluttered closed and he let out a low moan of approval. Niall hollowed out his cheeks and began bobbing his blonde head up and down in order to take in more.

It had been so long since someone had made Zayn feel so good, and the sight and feel of Niall's lips stretching around him had him coming undone quickly. His blood-encrusted hands found their way to Niall's messy hair and began tugging, making Niall hum, sending vibrations reverberating through his hard length.

"Ugh, fuck!" he moaned, pushing Niall's face down even further so his nose touched Zayn's muscular stomach. The younger boy gagged slightly, but kept up his quick pace, connecting his blue eyes to Zayn's golden ones, making the moment more intimate.

Zayn could feel the bundle of heat in his lower abdomen begin to unravel. "So close..." he muttered. Right after the words left his mouth, Niall pulled off of him, leaving Zayn cold and painfully hard.

The older boy groaned and writhed around below a nervous-looking Niall. He reached for his own length, ready to finish himself off, when strong hands caught his own and set them on the Niall's hips.

"I'm not done yet," Niall whispered. He still looked frightened, but his face also showed determination. "You said make love to you, and that's what I plan on doing."

He leaned down and pressed a simple kiss to Zayn's lips. "I may not be experienced, but I've heard enough from Harry and Lou, so I think I can figure stuff out," he told Zayn.

Zayn stared blankly up at Niall, who had three of his fingers in his mouth, coating them in saliva. Why was Niall so ready to give everything over to him when he had done nothing to deserve it? Could Niall possibly be falling for him? These thoughts clouded up the tanned boy's mind, bringing him out of the bedroom and into the dark depths of his head.

Zayn was startled when he felt something poking and prodding its way into his entrance and gasped as Niall stuck the entirety of his middle finger into him. "No, no, no..." he muttered, squeezing his eyes shut. It wasn't that it was painful, although the slight stretch was still giving him that weird discomfort mixed with pleasure feeling. His outburst was more due to the fact that he felt guilty. He didn't want Niall to do anything he wasn't keen on. And forced sex with a killer was most likely not too high on his to-do list.

"I-I can't do this," he finally stuttered out before pushing Niall away, causing the contact to be lost.

"Did I do something wrong?" Niall asked, the tears glimmering in his eyes visible in the silvery moonlight. "God, I'm such a fucking idiot. I can't even prep someone properly for sex. I already told you I'm a virgin with guys. Right pathetic, I am. Nineteen and never been fucked. That's the amazingly glamorous life of Niall Horan, for you," he scoffed at himself.

When Zayn didn't respond, Niall clambered to his feet and held his hands out to the sides. "Hit me. I know what's coming. Hit me, punch me, get your knife. I don't care, just please...don't take this out on my friends. Kill me, if you want. I know you wanted to take your time with it, but just do it. Do it!" he shouted as hot tears slid down his cheeks.

Zayn sat up from his spot in bed and shook his head. "You didn't do anything wrong, alright? I just can't," he stated, his voice hard.

He got up from the bed and made his way over to the closet Niall had hidden in hours earlier. He pulled two pairs of boxers from a drawer and pulled a pair over his legs, tossing the other ones to Niall. "Put those on," he ordered.

After a bit of rummaging at the back of his closet, Zayn managed to find two pairs of sweatpants. He yanked on the gray ones so they hung loosely around his hips and handed the smaller navy pair to Niall. "I suppose you'll need a shirt," he mumbled and handed the boy a black t-shirt.

"Why are you being so nice? I just fucked up," Niall stated as he redressed himself in the borrowed clothes.

Zayn's temper began to flare once again. "I'm not being nice. Don't you get it? I'm a fucking killer! You shouldn't be so willing to do what I say. You almost just had sex with me because I threatened you for fucksake! I'm a monster, so stop trusting me!" he yelled, grabbing Niall by the wrist and dragging him from the room.

"I don't believe you," Niall said quietly. "You may not see it, but there's good in you, Zayn. You just need help to dig it up."

The killer nearly screamed in frustration, but bit it back, choosing instead to squeeze Niall's wrist tighter, effectively shutting him up as he winced in pain.

Zayn led Niall down a second pair of very familiar stairs. The temperature dropped a couple degrees as he dragged Niall back into the dungeon-like basement. "I'm holding you captive in my basement, torturing you before I kill you. I killed your friends and almost forced you to have sex with me. Still think I'm so nice? Didn't think so," he spat before pulling Niall's arms over his head and reattaching the shackles the blonde had hoped he was rid of forever.

"Why must you try so hard to make me hate you?" Niall asked. "I know you're not a bad guy, underneath it all. Just let me fucking help you!" he pleaded.

Zayn began to walk out of the room, but Niall's words stopped him in his tracks. "I try to make me hate you because you should! I'm a monster, you said so yourself, remember? I don't need your help, you're just another Task. I'm killing you too, Blondie. You just wait," he spat before stomping up the stairs, leaving Niall alone in the echoing silence.

He had nothing but his thoughts to keep him company.

And boy, did he have a lot to think about.

[A/N: awww is our little Nialler falling for a killer? What about Zayn, though? What's his problem? Why'd he freak out?

Welllll let's see what I have to talk about...ummm not much, really.

Dedication for this chapter goes to XxKatieAlicexX because she's awesome and left me messages EVERYWHERE so yay for that! Thank youuuu <3

I'm trying to get dedications to everyone who comments, so if you haven't gotten one and you want one, keep commenting and I'll get you one here soon :)

Thanks for everything, guys. I love you xox ]

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